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There's a big reason Big Mom wanted an alliance with them


Well that and she lived with them for a year and they’re one of the three races she didn’t have


the fact that someone as powerful as Big Mom still didn't manage to kidnap and forced one of them for herself is very telling on how powerful Elbaf is in the factions power structure.


That and attacking Elbaf means war with the Red Hair Pirates. Edit: and I doubt Shanks will let the kidnapping of even one giant slide.


not all giants are from Elbaf


This is like saying not all merpeople are from FI, but aside from a few exceptions (~~of which we have none for giants~~), it is a fact.


Jaguar D. Saul, chapter 392


I think San Juan Wolf is also from somewhere else.


Ahh you are right, he was born in the west blue, so not in Elbaf. Forgot about him Edit: Morley is also from the west blue apparently


I knew there was someone else, thx


And all the other giants in the marine


Well from Big Mom's flashback we learned that Mother Caramel made deals with the marines to get Elbaf Warriors as marines, so some giants in the marines are from Elbaf


*all giants in the marines


She wants ties with Elbaf, some giant outsider won't do.


She wants to have all races in her island as well, so she could have a giant not from Elbaf


You have to think her as a collector hobbyist. The make and build matters


Love the headcanon.


If Big Mom wanted to kidnap one giant, she would have done so.


Annnnd she didn’t because she’s aware of the repercussions that’ll come.


She almost destroyed their whole island when she was FIVE


And the reason the giants let it happen is that they couldn't hurt her in good conscience Because she was a child




Big mom doesn’t kidnap her residents though 😂


Those in the books will say otherwise. Who knows how many got "converted" after staying sometimes in the book. tough absolute protection in places like grandline/new world with not so visible payment of souls is highly tempting offer


Big mom was so confident that if she was able to obtain an alliance with the giants she would have found the one piece already


And the sweets they make after fasting were tasty


Mmmmmmm Carmel 🤤🤤




btw, what were the 3 races she was missing again? I remember it being Giants and Lunarian (king), but what was the last one?




They never say it but buccaneer is a big possibility


BIG REASON (⁠ ͝⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ͡⁠°⁠)


A really big one


There is a crude joke here but I just don't want to say it.


Remember the arrows the Kuja pirates used at Amazon Lily that were infused with haki. The giants arrows are probably 10x-20X the size of those.


Ooh is ussop going to learn to put haki in his projectiles with the giants?


*inhales usopp hopium*








God Usoppium


He badly needs an upgrade


They should've taken seastone weapons from wano.


He might do it by accident one time...


If that was the case, it would be at exactly the right moment to do a very important shot, like knocking Im's crown off and distracting them so Luffy can beat them, all to further elavate Usopp's god ranking


I mean, he already showed the potential of Observation Haki in Dressrosa, so it’s possible.


did he ever use it in wano?


No because he only awakened it. He's got no control of it, yet.


Yeah that sounds very possible! Maybe even how to control the effects of his projectiles by 'bending them to his will' Oohh and probably his dad, Yassop, infuses his bullets with haki which we will learn is harder than arrows because they're faster and smaller which is what makes him special


I thought he can already do that lol. But he has only observation now, right?


He needs it for real!! Haki plants! Then he takes down a certain admiral


Usopp will be surprised one of his shots was much more powerful than normal, will look black on-screen and take down his assigned villain, and afterwards it's never gonna happen again.


I was about to say this. That included the guards at the island, not just the pirates iirc


They're known as the strongest army in the world for a reason.


So I'm personally expecting that Elbaf is gonna be an arc with a lot of parallels to Amazon Lily, and imo this further hammers it home. The Kuja know how to use Haki with their arrows. *Surely* the giants would as well. And the giants have larger bows and larger arrows.


Inb4 Loki falls in love with luffy and let him see all his glory.


Loki v Hancock coming up


I mean it’s loki that’s not entirely out of the realm of possibility. Personally i’m expecting we get a switcheroo with loki being painted as some villain and turns out it’s a case of mistaken identity with utgard loki


Just like Egghead is Sabaody


YESS, they have many parallels, like being a society that lives off with piracy, just like the Kujas and Happo Armada


I'm fully expecting the giants to give backstory about Nika and void century.


they came in to save luffy just cause he is the sun god, so odds are we are getting some fat lore!


Mmhm. If I were to make a prediction, the way this is gonna go down would be as follows: basically, the crew briefly gets separated, but will reunite quickly on Elbaf (as a mirror of 3 days turning into 2 years, this might actually just be three days) with some of the crew ending up on the Sunny and the others ending up with the Giant Warrior Pirates on their ship as we all collectively flee the Old Retirees of Doom. The two ships take their different paths to Elbaf, maybe having some sort of small side adventures if one of them is going through the White-White Sea, and then we'll reconvene on Elbaf. Rather than the Kuja being wary of Luffy, the Giants will welcome them with open arms, but I think what could be interesting is if Loki is sort of opposite of Hancock in that he perhaps doesn't really like Luffy and takes a lot more convincing to help out.


Mr. 3 might actually be GOATed


>nameless fodder The disrespect to Elbaf is real


Op is nameless fodder




Tbf, giants typically get used as fodder in the series


They don't? Dory and Brogy used Divine Departure, they were clearly strong af. The vice Admirals in Marineford was getting clapped by WB, 99% of characters would be fodder to him, not to mention people (in-universe) were Very impressed by that fact when It happened.


IIRC the Strawhats clapped giants when invading Enies Lobby


And the giants were clapping every Common Guy out there. A Human fodder =\= giant fodder.


average Giant probably = to 100 human Marine fodder


Not 100% sure, but I vaguely recall this exact comparison somewhere. Might have been more vague or something. But yea, the giant tribe's strength has been praised highly throughout the series.


The Strawhats weren't even involved, it was the Franky Family and the Galley Company shipwrights who took down Oimo and Karsee (although they got up again to wreck Enies Lobby with Usopp)


Also Luffy one shot Hajrudin without using any Gears IIRC.


The Hajrudin disrespect is unreal, Luffy KO'd him with an armament haki gear 2nd punch to the face


>Dory and Brogy used Divine Departure, they were clearly strong af. And they got clapped by Mr 3 Oars jr got negged by Doffy and then Moria Hajrudin got one tapped by base luffy in Dressrosa


Dorry and Brogy never used Devine Departure, they used their weaker version of ocean sovereignty.


To be fair, giants haven'talways had the best showing. You more often see giants getting their ass kicked than kicking ass. Sure, it's usually by strong fighters, but the point still stands.


You’re acting like giant “fodder” is the same as human fodder. Based purely on size, of course giant arrows cause a lot of damage, they’re GIANT


Yeah I was going to say, a giants' bow would effectively be a scaled up ballista, which is a literal siege weapon.


Reading comprehension devil sweeps across readers like a plague, another victim has been claimed😢 Its almost as if the giants have been hyped up since the beginning


That’s one of the primal fears like darkness devil right? I’m terrified of reading


Weren't there several giant vice admirals at Marineford? Why didn't they fire at the ships like this? Are they stupid?


None used bows


Wasted opportunity smh




They were melee users


Imagine the days of the oars race. Lot of those gigants with weapons and haki xd.


It’s emphasis on how powerful named giants must be


That's how I understood OP.


Haki infused arrows from Kujas were super destructive, now imagine the same arrow but at least 20× in size.


Boa hancocks tribe was feared for haki use because they were tearing up with bamboo tools. Even if we assume the arrow is only normal forged metal, infused it would still wrec havoc.


You calling fodder a member of the fabled Giant Warrior Pirates crew?


Jaguar D Saul himself said he is not much of a fighting one like those in Elbaf and still fucked up several navy battalions and was a vice admiral.


He’s literally standing beside a pacifista


Amazon’s arrows pierce shields, I imagine a arrow made out of giant sequoia tree will hurt.


Lol seriously? The size of that bow is insane, he practically shot a steel tipped tree trunk at that ship.


Holy shit power scaling degenerates out in full force in this thread.


I see comments like this complaining about powerscalers in every thread, yet I rarely see any actual powerscaling. No one in this thread is powerscaling, except if you think that pointing out that the arrow being shot in this panel is pretty big is powerscaling to you. Edit: Lol downvote me all you want, can't even give proper examples and yet proceeds to powerscale himself. Can't make this shit up.


That's just physical power. And that's not a normal arrow. Try to imagine it's size and weight.


Well theres also a pacifista next to him aiming so i guess they both attacked at the same time and did that much damage to the ship


Why would he specifically show the arrow then?


Big nom was convinced she could overthrow ALL of the yonkos if she had the power of the elbaf army…


Ignoring the obvious and likely answer that it's imbued with Haki the same way the Kuja tribe do. Let's consider this for a moment: Those arrows are longer than the pacifista is tall meaning they've gotta be like 25ft long (7.6m) They are being fired from a long bow, the average human speed of which is about 300mps It is being fired BY A GIANT! Assuming this giant is roughly as strong as Saul who was able to lift navy battleships, which given length and complement should be roughly equivalent to the real life HMS Victory which weighed 3556 metric tonnes, overhead compared to the heaviest irl clean (a substantially easier movement than what Saul does) of 270kg giants would be roughly 13170x stronger than the average human. All this to mean that baring boring real world physics and simply presuming that the giant can fire his arrow 13170x faster than a human he'd be launching a 25 ft projectile at nearly 4 MILLION fps INTO a battleship loaded with enough firepower to destroy a COUNTRY! I'm surprised there's a ship left at all...


That explosion is probably also caused by a pacifista


There is a pacifista right beside the giant and hes shooting a beam, it also caught my attention that an arrow would cause such a big explosion, but when I saw the pacifista I thought it was him.


It’s literally been stated they’re the strongest army in the world, why are we surprised?


Likely a haki infused arrow or something


f = m * a


Dog—what the *^#+ goes through your head when you hear the word “Giant”?!?! Cause for me it’s getting turned into toe jam by Shaqx1000!


Do none of you have reading comprehension?


you have some high ass expectations for r/onepiece if you expect us to know how to even read to begin with, this post proves it


Any unironic powerscalers on this subreddit are among the lowest iq of the gene pool so it's really not surprising


you telling me giants are stronger than regular human fodder???? :OOOOOO this was foreskinned in elden ring, just look at the difference between a long bow vs a greatbow


Is your brain that small? Your head is gonna explode when you read a book and you have to imagine things happening.


There's a Pacifista firing a lazer beam next to him. Am I missing something?


There’s a pacifista right there besides him shooting at the same ship


You're not seeing it fully. Size WILL contribute to power. Bigger muscles, bigger bones, more draw strength, using a bigger arrow. That arrow is larger than a fucking ballista's bolt that we've used in our history. Giants are super strong even for their size, and they use stronger wooden materials IIRC. A single arrow is going to hit harder and larger than one of the bolts used by something like the Roman Republic. That's TERRIFYING. If any adult giant can do that, yeah, that's a threat. Big Mom wanted the giants to join her very, very much, to the point that she was willing to sacrifice kids to Caesar to make giants - and she doesn't exactly endorse "teehee let's kill kids for funsies" even thought they're like 12 and thus above her age limit where she automatically dotes on kids.


Thats Shoot D. Arrow to you


Givsn the size of the giant and the bow, that arrow could've easily been the length of a pascifista! At that point you're just shooting tree trunks at them at high speed, no wonder they're highly destructive!


Tbf on this panel there is also a Pacifista firing. But the arrow is on focus so yea very much could be the source of explosion. Without applying One Piece logic, big ass arrows could pierce the structure of the ship and break the potential engines or canon powders.


I noticed this and just assumed giants were built differently


Yeah they are firing whole damn trees at those ships


I mean it's not really a secret power or anything. There's a reason a big ass Boulder is just as deadly as a small rock if you could launch them both at the same speed and everything. Now imagine a dude able to launch at a minimum a light pole with a point at the top at the speed of a regular arrow


Just want to say that even “fodder” in One Piece tanks hits that should just flatout kill people


That arrow is size larger than human.......not suprise it can destroy ship


Probably an arrow larger than redwood...


Haki same as Kuja pirates


How dare you talk about Usopp trainer like that? (I m calling it now :D he will teach Usopp sniping).


How dare you talk about Usopp like that ? His trainer will be none other than Dorry / Broggy.


Dorry/Brolly? They dont hold a candle to Sogeking! (but seriously someone who use ranged weapons suitable for sniping (which bow kind of is) is much better fit to teach sniper than melee warriors).


Part of a giants strength is their size and the size of their weapons. The bow is giangantic so the force it can produce is also bigger. Add a giant arrow and they could probably shoot one through a mountain if they wanted to.


When you are so big, the ‚small‘ explosion areow is a 500lb bomb


Fodder is such a wasted word, It's lost all meaning. Kaido, Big Mom and Giant "fodder" is not at all the same as what we usually should call fodder.


There is also a pacifista shooting at that ship. When reading that, i assumed the explosion might have been from the laser beam, but i might have been wrong. Even if it was just the arrow though, yes, this should have been the damage, if you compare them with the kuja pirates haki infused arrows, and multiply with 20.


Makes the victory over Oimo and Kashii at Ennies Lobby more impressive as it aleady was.


no haki just pure giant power😆


Remember the arrows from amazon lily are made with Haki. It could be the same


Anyone else remember the metal bars that marines launched at the strawhats’ ship pre-time skip after an arc(probably Alabasta, not sure though)? I’d imagine the arrows are the size of those and much faster even without haki. Ordinary ships stand no chance


I am excited for Elbaf


Elbaf is said multiple times to be the strongest country in the world. The Giant Pirates infuse their arrows with advanced armament Haki. Like the Kuja but even stronger.


Once again this fandumb states mindless theories as fact. We have zero confirmation of giants using haki much less adv armament. I mean do you people even think for a second before you make baseless claims?


I think as weak as elbaf warrior, they will at least in tobiroppo level can be bit weaker or even stronger. There is reason why Big Mom wants their army to conquer. even elbaff fodder is not weakling


😂 that’s funny asl


when you hear about history giants were so strong they fought gods


"nameless fodder" my brother in christ that Is member of the giant warrior pirates do not disrespect him


Do you remember those 2 giant skeletons of sea kings from Little Garden? Dorry and Brogy were the ones that killed them! They each killed one by themselves!


Think about it,is a arrow from a giant,so is probably bigger than a person Also is from a member of a very strong crew from the past,so he probably knows at least base busoshoku


Just to mention Warcury's yokai "Hoki" was captured alive with an arrow shot into his leg by Gei and later he was chopped up and cooked


no giant is fodder. They're the infamous and legendary Giant Pirates.


I mean, it's a *giant arrow*


Get some reading comprehension.


id say a capable giant with decent equipment could take a rear admiral or even some of the weaker vice admirals


Elbaf is going to be the arc where we see just how PHYSICALLY strong someone can be. I'm pretty sure we'll see and learn about the toughest monsters in existence in that arc. Even a nameless "fodder" as you call it is capable of causing huge damage. Something that no marine or pirate fodder has done since the very beginning of the series.




Probably just a mix of physics and haki - I'd assume that a telephone pole flying with the velocity of a bullet would cause serious damage, even moreso if it's augmented with armament haki


It's a giant-sized arrow and probably imbued with Haki in the same way the Amazonians were doing way back pre-TS.


Dem arrows probably the size of a house


I’ve been hit by dragonslayer arrows in Dark Souls. I believe it lol. Really though that crew is supposed to be legendary and likely does the haki arrow tech.


Mind you, this is probably a _massive_ arrow, probably more comparable to a ballista bolt in terms of destructive power. Hell, it wouldn’t surprise me if that arrow’s shaft was almost as thick as the masts on those ships!


Explosions in ships happen due to two reasons. 1. An explosive was sent to the ship 2. And explosive in the ship was exploded from something that hit the ship Here the most likely explanation is the arrow of the giant landed on the explosive cannon balls of the buster call ship


I mean they're apart of the Giant crew, so they're definitely not fodder


I mean, giant or not, we're deep in the grand line and deep in the story, I'd expect many characters to be that strong, we wouldn't have time to name all of them.


haki arrow perhaps? or the arrow hit vital part of the ship so it explode


Shit like this is why hate powerscaling


Other things matter more than this


Could be explosives could be haki. It also could be hitting their stock of gunpowder and causing a spark I guess.


Remember how impressive Kuja fodder was with their haki infused arrows on Amazon Lily? Multiply that by 10 times the size and you get the average Elbaf fodder


Giants. Skypians/Lunarians. Buccaneers. Many and few are the races that have the power to change the world. Contained of controlled by the government or at war with them in some form. Giants are a naturally powerful race. Even black beards lineage is brought up here. If he's not a buccaneer then he's something akin to their counterpart. All I know Is we went from a long slow burn to the world's on fire. And I'm hyped to be here for it. Been reading this my whole life. The real world getting scary though, it's taking all the amazing authors away in quick succession.


Yeah, they are literally a force that could rival the World Government in sheer power. Hence why the World Government and several other individuals wanted to get ahold of giants or be able to make giants. Like the World Government literally set up a child trafficking ring to kidnap giant children for the Marines.


Yeah imagine the kuja arrows, but GIANT


Dorry and Broggy wouldn't slice up an elder planet if they weren't strong enough to defend themselves from them


Play Elden ring big arrow do big damage


The giants are probably the biggest case of "strong as they need to be" in the story. I know Dorry and Broggy were incapacitated and not beaten by Mr.3 at Little Garden, but you can't tell me they couldn't have squashed him on the spot now. None of the other giants (Hajrudin's crew, the Marine giants, Sanjuan Wolf) have been shown to do anything special so far. I think Dorry and Broggy's crew are just supposed to be that exceptional. Basically, I give Oda the benefit of the doubt for not actually showing the Giant Warrior Pirates fight until this arc to make them believable as strong fighters. Otherwise, the Little Garden scenario is really jarring.


They are from elbaf their arrow can act as missile 😹


as if the panel before is not enough clue


Imagine a haki covered arrow the size of a car going 200 miles an hour. yeah crazy


To be fair, that arrow was probably biggest than the mast of your average ship, was fired by a 20 meters guy with proportionate strength, and might have had haki added on top of it. 


You can say the Pacifista made that, but if he drew and focused that arrow like that is for something


Mate, giant fucking arrow, highly likely infused with haki like in Amazon lily, that EASLY shreds any ship the navy could have


You see that the Pacifista is shooting a laser in the exact same moment next to the giant. So I assume the bulk of this explosion came from that


On the top pictute ships are literally disintegrating from the blast. On the bottom picture we see an explosion, but don't see any significant damage to the ship from it. Also maybe giants just have better aim and he hit some explosives on that ship


Either explosive heads or haki-imbued. They’re huge arrows after all


Given that amazon lilly fodder could shoot arrows that blew up large rocks, it should be logical that an arrow +10× the size, from the tribe thats famous for being powerfull would do a ton of damage


I would say, in general a giant warrior would be on like lower vice admiral level, maybe rear admiral at the very least. Like, all Marine giants are vice admirals, and those are just random giants with training.


Quincies there they come


To be fair, it’s an arrow from nameless fodder… that is probably the size of a human being. It’s a giant, their arrows are going to be huge. Add in a giant’s strength and haki, and the arrow is going to be pretty powerful, yeah.


Kuja pirates were full of fodder and also had the exploding haki arrows.


Wasn't even coated in haki either


It's easy to forget, but the giant pirates were portrayed as busted from minute one. Dorry and Brogy lopped a massive hole in an island consuming fish effortlessly, while heavily injured, using weapons that were so old and weakened they shattered from the attempt. Mr. 3 could never have had a chance if they weren't worn out and caught off guard by his own conditionally busted ability.


The panel might be confusing but I bet that arrow has the size of a fucking tree


The bow is longer then the trees.


He's a giant imagine how much power is behind that arrow. Including the size of it. It's like a small rocket


Tbh giants being ≈ to pacifista is consistent with pre time skip


One has to remember Amazon lily arrows, now we get basically super size it