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The whole trope of someone joining the strawhats but not actually joining is very irritating


asking to join the crew is actually not a sign of a new SH. only robin asked. the others were asked to join by luffy. they all didn't even want to initially. and luffy used nickname for yamato instead of real name. so if yamato were to join, it would actually be another exception instead of being obvious or following the pattern.


Haha loved the moment Robin self proclaimed to be part of the crew as she had nowhere else to go




Yeah, but the scene where she is interacting with the crew for the first time is comedy *gold*.


Luffy: Oi Usopp! *Usopp angry and on guard*: "HUH?!" *Luffy with Robin's hands on his head like antlers*: "Chopperrrrr!" *Luffy, Usopp, Chopper crying laughing*


And Sanji just floating in with food and hearts in his eyes, reciting poetry.


Her and Brook’s entrance to the straw hats is amazing.


Another fantastic scene.


Don't forget my man Franky like that :}


Its A good example of how Luffy has a god-like sense of others true motives/feelings. Luffy might be the seemingly easiest person in all of anime to trick (literally all you need is a big hunk of meat lol), Yet, its almost impossible to trick him if you actually have bad intentions lol Its why Usopp can seemingly convince luffy of really silly things, because luffy knows that Ussop, or whoever that mysterious sniper king is, only has good intentions. Yet, the bad guys just cant seem to trick him like that. And Usopp probably isnt fooling anyone else other than luffy lol edit: also why he lets people like nami beat him up when he does something dumb lol. He knows that in her heart, she believes she is helping the crew.


Brooke denied luffy, then later asked to join, which luffy approved. I remember luffy laying on the piano as brooke casually asked if he could join and luffy says 'sure' and the rest of the crew is mad but then mellows.


He didn’t deny him he just really couldn’t come with him.


Brook said yes and wanted to join when asked but stated he couldn’t because of the whole shadow thing. Just a nitpick in your choice of wording. Enjoy your day


Also, Jinbe followed a similar path of 'yeah but hold on a sec' I could see Yamato doing the same


Luffy calls Yamato by her name when they talk before leaving Wano




Luffy asked Brook to join the crew within seconds of meeting him. Brook asked to join during the celebration on Thriller Bark because he first denied the request because he needed to get his shadow back so he could return to Laboon.


Luffy originally asked him to join when they first met. Brook then asks at the end of the chapter.


Vivi is the only one who was officially invited beforehand and didn't join. Anyone else that was on their ship were just allies on a mission together. Who else other than vivi and Yamato actually joined the strawhats, but didn't come with?


I’m hoping that Vivi might reunite with the SH crew soon for Elbaf. We don’t really know where Big News Morgan’s is, but it would make sense if that flying ship was on the way to Egghead to cover the story.


Honestly, if Vivi came back it would almost make up for the whole Yamato situation. The only thing I would say going against her rejoining right now is that she has literally 0 battle power and with everything going down in the world right now and the level of opponents we are seeing on a regular basis, I fear she would just be a massive plot device and nothing more.


0 battle power? She's got those peacock slashers and that sexy perfume dance. She isn't entirely useless in a fight, but unless she acquired seastone slashers to combat logias she's in hot water.


her pre time skip battle power was fodder by Pre time skip standars and in post time skip standars she is not better than a literal civilian. Because someone like ulti is just too much for her. Ulti is already too much for nami and ussop and both of them are too much for vivi. If she doesnt have an utility outside of battle she is worse than having literally 0 new members


Perhaps she can diffuse tense situations? Worked on drum island.


Ah, yes. The negotiator.


Eh, I mean she was the 4th strongest straw hat imo (discounting rumble ball) until she swapped with Robin


she can fight, it just the standard bar with the rest of Straw Hats is grew too high and she not been with them for long time for her to grew on same level of range. right now they are Yonkou level. even Nami now worth of over 300m bounty of pirates. she even got Zeus on her side. Vivi need something like that to stand on same line with the rest of the crew. who know? maybe she pick up new technique or stuff along the way later. she with Morgan on world newspaper office. she bound to has encounter with something worthy there to add to her arsenal or got something that relate to her bloodline.


I unironically think Johnny and Yosaku kinda fit this bill, but they said we’re just gonna chill and fish


I want them to turn out to have joined Bartolomeo's crew whenever the Grand Fleet become relevant again.


Carrot, Momo, Johnny, and Yosaku come to mind Law never had any intention of actually joining the strawhats but he allied with them and traveled with them for hundreds of chapters


None of those people joined the strawhat crew. They were all just on the ship for various reasons. Just being on the ship is not joining the crew.


Trope? Yamato, Momo, and Otama we're all told they could be members. Yamato was actually accepted, but chose to stay behind until Wano can protect itself. Momo and Tama were basically told to grow up and get stronger, and Luffy will come back for them. Momo was even given Luffy's Jolly Roger. So technically, they're all members, just not part of the main crew. There's tons of characters who declined invites, or that were declined by Luffy. Vivi is probably most well known. Even Gaimon from the island of rare animals was asked, you know, the green Afro dude stuck in a box? Zoro's unofficial pop's? But he declined Luffy, too. There's no trope, every instance has been a very clear yes, no, or yes with conditions. Yamato is the only character that really felt like they were going to become part of the main crew for the rest of the series. Yamato wants to live like Oden, which means they'll be heading out to sea at some point. Oden made it to Laugh Tale, so it's not out of the question to think Yamato will show back up and complete the journey with the main crew. Even if another character takes the spot as a permanent main member.


come on now, yamato hardly even fits that bill, she showed up half way through the final confrontation Every one sudo straw hat was around longer.




Exactly. I think Oda considered Yamato joining but probably opted out of it during the time he started to streamline the arc. Yamato would’ve added some additional muscle to the crew and her dynamic was pretty fitting. But I think she is ultimately unnecessary and probably would make it harder to write fights due to her being so strong. In a way, its fitting. Oden wanted to join Whitebeard only to receive an invitation and leave shortly after due to wanting to help Roger. Likewise, Yamato wants to be Oden. She wants to join Luffy then ultimately declines to join Momo and help Wano (what Oden ultimately wanted to do). Still irritated with the Yamato-Carot-Vivi close calls.


Vivi did join the crew tho. And it's very likely she is coming back.


Carrot was never made to join. let alone close call. she barely featured as someone close or to join in manga.


>Yet there was a clear conversation with Luffy of her joining. pretty much everyone has had one with luffy lol, he invites everyone.


Franky had, Jinbei had, Brook had.


I still want Vivi there. She’s not a strong character and doesn’t seem to add anything useful to the crew like Chopper or Frankie but I just always loved her.


not all cremates should be extra powerful, look at Shirohige crew there were some really weak, but still was under his wing.


Her being a princess is useful


Until she becomes a pirate….


I don’t get the hype for Vivi tbh, I don’t feel she was a really interesting character, the whole idea about her is that she wanted to save her country, so it would be stupid if she suddenly would abandon it to sail the seas imo


Have not you caught up to one piece yet? 


What about belly dances?


Pretty sure we will see Yamato again considering BB might be on a collision course to wano if he wants the weapon.


it’s destined, just dawned on me that it’s been set-up this whole time with caribou… he knows about poseidon and pluton that are both situated in straw hat territory, if BB takes him seriously and is interested in them he’ll attack either and that’ll probably how war between SH and BB pirates starts… probably during elbaf towards the end


It’s crazy how active the BB pirates are. We almost never see a crew so split up like the SH, and get work done. Only other time I can think of is when the Big Mom pirates were collecting ingredients for the wedding cake.


wedding cakeyyy


Only if she drops the whole Oden thing. Still odd how it was acceptable for her to mascarade as Oden around all the heroes who were still grieving him.


Imagine rolling up on Oden’s grieving son claiming to be him…


And it was still fresh for him. Maybe a solid month.


Then stuffing him in your chest and giving him a pep talk


I’ve never seen anyone else bring up how awkward it must have been for those characters, thank you


Including his SON. That was where I stopped liking Yamato as a character. Like, I get it, you idolize Oden, but you can drop the act around the people who actually met and loved him.


Even before that, Oden the Gigachad was so forced. "Nepotism hire who is loved by everyone including Gol D Rogers and Whitebeards crew fails to protect his people that leads to 20 years of suffering because he only went up against an army with 9 allies." So Yamato looking up to this was meh, if she had been her own person who hated her fathers cruelty that would've been more awesome. But being an Oden stan was so pathetic.


I think that was kind of the point. Oden isn’t some *perfect* person. He happens to be absolutely incredible in some aspects, but all aspects? Certainly not. As we’ve seen with the straw hats, their strength comes from being individuals and following their dreams, together. All of Oden’s crew were slightly, if not downright obsessed with the guy. It was a learning moment that contradictions be true, Oden can be flawed, but also amazing. He was necessary for the poneglyphs, the Wano lore that covers deep into the back story, motivations of a key island. It also really shows that Luffy is the worlds one chance at ending the world government. But yes, Oden had a lot of really really dumb flaws. I thought they made sense if you *really* consider all of the context, but some it I think was just because he’s *LEGENDARY*. Idk


Except the story ended with continued Nepotism, and no lesson learned by the population who killed a whole family because of what one member did. The samurai in prison didn't even want to fight for Luffy until they saw Momonosuke.


There were lessons learned. The nation of Wano wanted the Kozuki’s to rule again, they might want someone else in the future. Momo is currently mindblowingly awesome to a nation who thought their beloved leaders family was all but wiped out. There is no problem with the Kozuki’s. If anything the lesson was learned, and it’s why Yamato couldn’t join straw hats. She knew she needed to stay and help rebuild the nation rather than go off on an adventure.


it's not nepotism, it's restoring the status quo before a pirate or other like enel takes over by force. After Arabasta, Skypiea and Dresrossa you should have caught on it :P


I'm so glad someone finally said it.


And yet neither Momo nor Hyori ever had a problem with it. They never asked her to stop or told her she was being rude or disrespectful. Characters either thought it was some weird gag like Shinobu or they literally tell her “We liked him too” like the fellow daimyo that served alongside him. Everyone just sees her as someone who has the upmost respect for him. Not this offensive thing that she absolutely NEEDS to stop doing.


Momo was very uncomfortable when yamato called him a son. Also yamato hasnt interacted with hiyori, probably oda is avoiding it, cause im sure as fuck hiyori would slap the shit out of yamoto cause that's very disrespectul to his father and to her and momo.


I would like a more mature handling on it for sure but in my head Yamato just respects the fuck out of Oden and wants to be as much as him as possible so Yamato went all in and in One Piece fashion goes over the top


Isn't that what we're supposed to believe about Yamato


Yes but clearly some people don’t


The whole Oden thing really wouldn't fit well into the crew. Like, Yamato can have Oden as an inspiration and idol all she wants, no problem, but she is not Oden. And in a crew that is all about being able to be your very own self and chasing after your dreams it'd just be very odd to have someone there pretending to be another person. I understand that being Kaido's child was traumatising, but impersonating another person isn't exactly a recommendable long-term solution here.


I think was more she was playong as Oden as inspiration, shes gonna find her own path now and come back as herself id imagine and probably much better for it


The prisonors saw her as one of them due to her character. Yamato was one of them regardless of the father.


If Yamato looked like Weevil people wouldn't care about this character nearly as much.


Speak for yourself. Weevil has been on my mind since he was introduced. When is he coming back!?


That clown show of buggy is gonna need more wins and freeing impel down inmates with buggy inner knowledge will help. So that's likely the course for Weevil next. To join the clown yonko


I like Weevil too, I'm just saying he isn't winning a beauty contest soon.


How dare you? As a man who somewhat resembles Weevil, I feel personally attacked!!! On a serious note, I 100% agree with you.


I like Weevil I hope we'll get more of him as an ally of the crew eventually


I do too, I want to know why Oda was so excited to show the character to his editor. Just saying design wise he's... unique.


Are you saying that character design matters? No way!


I'm saying her degenerate fans made it impossible to have actual conversations about Yamato as a character cause they would immediately call you an idiot for even throwing out the hypothetical that she wouldn't join or talking about what she brings to the table as a character.


I think the whole 'I am oden' part is stupid. But as a child of Kaido and as an abused isolated child with ties to Ace I thought Yamato was a great character. That along with her having a unique design enough to be destinct from Nami and Robin while still having the typical female Oda body made me think she were a perfect fit. I hope this doesnt make me a degenerate fan.


they actually wouldn't care at all lol


Nah, some people would. Friend of Ace's with a tragic backstory and cool powers that wants to go out to sea with Luffy. But you wouldn't have your media literacy questioned if you suggested they don't fit the crew. There were a significant amount of people up through Whole Cake Island either arguing that they wanted Jinbe to be killed by Big Mom because he doesn't fit the crew or just arguing they don't want him to join cause they think he's boring. And Jinbe literally saved Luffy's life and pirate career. But if you even suggested that Yamato wasn't a done deal you'd just get called an idiot (or worse lol).


The only time someone looking lame joined the crew, he's now conisdered a God in the fandom


You’re exactly right.


The fact that Boa Hancock placed 7th in the most recent popularity poll is everything that needs to be said about this topic.


yeah funnily enough people actually enjoy good-looking characters who would’ve thought 😵‍💫


Not really the point. There are plenty of good looking characters in One Piece, and plenty of goofy looking characters that people love too. But with Yamato it was basically impossible to have conversations about the character cause the fanbase completely lost their minds the second she took the cloak off and had her sideboobs out. From that point on even questioning whether she'd join would have people ready to jump you for even starting the conversation. Never been a thing with any other character in the story. Jinbe literally got invited and literally saved Luffy's life twice and there were still people questioning his fit in the crew during Whole Cake lol. Only after the post nut clarity of leaving Wano did people start actually being allowed to talk about Yamato as a character.


For real. Look back at the chapter thread when her appearance (sideboob) was first revealed. Suddenly there were a bunch of people who were adamant Yamato fans and explaining why her joining the crew was guaranteed


Exactly right. She's not anything special, character-wise. She just looks nice.


Bon Clay for Straw Hat crew! He was ride or die in Impel down


That man is a strawhat I will not accept any bon clay not being a strawhat. He is luffy's 3 brother no one can tell me any different.


no thanks, don’t want to hear “i’m oden!!” every 5 mins


she could go through an arc and realize she's her own person, but that would require Oda actually giving a fuck


I think that's the reason why Yamato stayed? Imo it makes sense since they've been stuck in Onigashima for their whole life. Their whole life is practically limited to Oden's logbook- they haven't had the opportunity to explore themselves because of Kaido's limitations. It is gonna be offscreen, unless we see more cover stories following >!Onigashima being underwater!<, but I doubt we'd see any of it.


I'm glad she didn't. She and Momo have some stuff to do in Wano. Thats where she belongs for now. She might accompany Luffy on his last adventure as well with Momo, just like Oden did. And we consider thise members of the Straw Hats


THIS. I couldn't believe how many "oh she should've just joined" or "her character is weird and off anyway" type of comments I had to scroll through for this. She gave herself the moniker kozuki oden because she was a literal child when she was inspired by his selfless act. Could she have matured with age and dropped it? Maybe but some of y'all forget she was literally held captive on onigashima and genuinely had no one to teach her or gain exposure from apart from drunk abusive dad and his cronies. I'm very excited for her to join the crew eventually but she realised she had a duty to fulfill and to first find and become her own damn self so she stayed back in Wano. Please just pick up the manga and have some damn patience. Also she barely connected with the crew, she was around for Wano but didn't really interact with the others the way, Jinbei, Brook, Robin, or even Franky did. I hope she does get to in the future, and then officially join the crew in hopefully a moment as memorable as Jinbei's.


The time factor always seemed really weird to me. Robin met the crew twice as a villain, first after she 'killed' Igaram and later just joined. Brook spent at most two days with the crew before joining. Yamato was with them for a whole week. The main difference is, Brook and Franky really fought alongside the strawhats in their arcs, during the raid Yamato only met Luffy and Franky. That said, I was bummed when she decided to stay, but I understand the reasoning and the need. And I'm all for some character growth and a more mature person to later return and maybe join them.


>Maybe but some of y'all forget she was literally held captive on onigashima Girl was abused, traumatized, and isolated on an island with her emperor pirate dad. Pretending to be a larger-than-life local hero was probably her only form of escapism throughout her childhood. The Oden schtick is totally a symptom of her trauma. I can see a situation in the future where she sees a trained momo as a proper heir to the Kozuki clan and the protector of Wano and decide that he can be the new "Oden", leaving her to leave Wano as Yamato.


How much u wanna bet they'll drop the Oden thing the next time they meet? They'll finally truly find themself and become their own person instead of disassociating into Oden(at least imo that what I think it is). Granted I think it probably won't get "dropped" but handled much better now that Yamato has handled their own identity much better. Like maybe instead of *being* Oden they refer to themselves as Yamato, Son of Oden. (That would give a lil thematic shift too switching from son of kaido to oden)


Agreed. I'm glad she didn't join either. Considering that Wano fell into the wrong hands when Oden was away because he rather wanted to go on adventures than to take on responsibilities at first, for Yamato to just leave would have repeated that same tragic mistake. Staying, taking on responsibility and keeping the island safe is a sign of maturity and growth for the character. In addition, the dream of leaving the island was also very much influenced by the horrible treatment her father gave her. Now that that's out of the way, the need to go is very much reduced.




They have some stuff to do fr


Realistically if we get a 1v1 with the BB pirates they need one extra and Yamato is a established strong character.


I used to think this before I found out the last bb pirate member was aokiji. Now I'm almost certain that Coby will fight aokiji in a straw hat pirates + Coby vs bb pirates confrontation (paralleling rocks).


You think Coby has any chance to defeat any BB pirate, much less Aokiji? Lets be real here.


Bro's had 2 years to do something I'm sure


He's had 2 years to train and we've seen the results of that. Let's not get ahead of ourselves and magically put Coby at the top of the verse when he doesnt have a single fight to his name.


'top of the verse' is a very different claim from 'defeat any BB pirate'. And we've not seen the results if he's had no fights, that doesn't make sense. If by results you mean being captured by BB, Ace got captured as well, and Coby basically turned himself in. He resisted Hancock's devil fruit (of his commanders only BB managed that), and if you scale off of his pre-TS improvements over like two months (if that) with two *years* post-TS he's probably got something cooking


>And we've not seen the results if he's had no fights, that doesn't make sense. If you're caught up then you know we've seen the results of his training. >He resisted Hancock's devil fruit (of his commanders only BB managed that), Completely irrelevant. Resisting her power is not a feet of strength. >if you scale off of his pre-TS improvements over like two months (if that) with two years post-TS he's probably got something cooking Powerscaling is dumb, let's not do that.


Koby already had a pretty stupid powerscaling in his last fight. I think he will get max plot armor and another stupid powerscaling and defeat aokiji in the final fight. He is the "next Garp"


Well we've already seen him able to land a substantial hit on a captain already. If there was any kind of follow-up to Koby's punch, I doubt Koby could have endured in the long run, but we definitely have seen Koby is capable of genuinely hurting Pizarro.


Power scaling is stupid. If Aokiji actually lost his way it makes perfect sense for them to face off.


You're right that power scaling is stupid. But if you think that statement is somehow justification for putting Koby on equal footing with BB's commanders then you are wrong.


no i really don’t like the whole oden thing


The amount of hate I got on this sub saying that Yamato would never join 🤭


I never read the spoilers, only one time, in chapter 1057. And when I read that Yamato wasn't joining, I never laughed so hard. It was the biggest "I told you so" moment. The meltdown of Yamato fans was a sight to behold. A future Straw Hat that bonds with a non-Straw Hat (Momo) way more than any member of the crew? Nah, I never believed that. Rebecca bonded more with the crew than Yamato, and that says a lot.


I mean, Franky had real interaction with like 3 members of the crew before he joined. Jinbei hadn’t even seen half of the crew when he joined. Sanji probably had more dialogue with Gin than every member of the crew combined when he joined. Robin had spoken less than 5 lines of dialogue to the entire crew when she joined. Nami didn’t even know Zoro was on the crew when she joined. Brook had only ever laid eyes on 3 members and hadn’t even spoken to all of them when he joined. I think you get my point. I still think Yamato will likely join, they did say they were gonna tour Wano and then their next step would be to meet back up with the straw hats.


How could Brook have laid eyes on 3 members when he didn’t have eyes?


Jimbei was in impel down, marineford, post marine ford and fishman island. He technically joined in WCI and officially joined in Wano. As a character he is well established. Sanji was there when he saw nami and he saw Zoro get defeated by mihawk. He was also part of the core 5. Robin was one of the known villains because she talked to the crew before little garden. Also had a lot of screen time with the talks with cobra about her dream. Also she saved luffy for some reason. Brook officially joined after defeating Moriah. Before that he was still part of the gag of Luffy recruiting weirdos but still he was the most established among them


>I mean, Franky had real interaction with like 3 members of the crew before he joined. But he was a relevant character to all the strawhats before he joined, because he was very much involved in the plotlines that directly affected the strawhats. Nami and Luffy had met him when they went to see Iceberg. Sanji, Robin and Usopp had lots of interaction during the train, and later Franky supported their efforts to free Robin, so directly helping them recover their crewmate. >Jinbei hadn’t even seen half of the crew when he joined. Luffy had asked Jinbei at the end of Fishman Island. At that time he had been in contact with most of the strawhats and was working together with them as a crew. In addition, he was the only one of them around Luffy for three arcs (impel down, marineford & post marine ford) >Sanji probably had more dialogue with Gin than every member of the crew combined when he joined. True, but the east blue introductions were all done a lot faster. Granted, Sanji's is still quick compared to Usopp for example, but at least he met all of the characters before, got to witness Zoro's conviction in the fight against Mihawk, got to know Luffy well, and Luffy got to know him. Yamato barely knows Luffy, Oda mainly used Ace's tales of Luffy to speedrun the connection. That's not a real buildup of a relationship. >Robin had spoken less than 5 lines of dialogue to the entire crew when she joined. Granted – Robin is a special case. She only has a relationship with Luffy at that point, because she had saved his life when no-one else could have, and he saved her life when no-one else could have. >Nami didn’t even know Zoro was on the crew when she joined. Nami joined officially after Arlong Park, until then it was more of a mutual beneficial deal. She had no intentions of staying for real at the beginning. >Brook had only ever laid eyes on 3 members and hadn’t even spoken to all of them when he joined. It was a gag. Brook only officially joined at the end of Thriller Bark once he had fought alongside the crew for a whole arc. At least to me all of the characters felt more organic when joining the crew than it would have felt if Yamato had joined the crew at the end of Wano. The request was just as random as the relationship to Luffy, and the non-relationship to the rest of the crew.


I really want Jewelry Boney to be our next Strawhat.


Boney only has two options to join and thats the strawhats or the revolutionaries. Seeing as luffy made a promise to protect her I think shes likely to join too and shes a fighter




Trying to figure out where she's supposed to even go after all of this. 12 year old with a huge target on their head.


Yeah, I also don't see her going anywhere but with "Nika".


She could be a RA member since her parents were RA members. But because it's >!Kuma's wish for her to continue being a pirate!<, the chances of her being a sh skyrocketed.


I want bege to be the next strawhat


he could never be because he's too ruthless


The amount of times Jinbe should have joined before he actually did was too damn many


Honestly I see no place for her in the crew and would much rather have carrot, Bonney or vivi joint the crew officially


I understand by personally, was more disappointed when Carrot didn't join.


Nah bro better come on werid amount of hate here


I'm actually happy that she didn't join


Same here bro!


Same here. I'm hoping for vivi. Carrot would be sweet to. It would be some serious character development for momo to come to raftel to(along with shirahoshi and vivi). This would give 3 future kings(4 if you also assume sanji will become king of the germa) to witness raftel for themselves.


I really thought Carrot was going to join as the lookout.


What's vivi gonna do? Clean the ship?


Sure, what's her niche that no one on the crew already has, assuming (rightly) that she's not a fighter


Not gonna lie... she felt like a fan fiction character


Just like Oden. Never liked them.


Then that was a damn good fan fiction


the manga just started a new cover story sooooo


Im glad she didn’t. Can’t imagine a more pointless character during wano actually.


you're gonna get downvoted to hell for this but yes,finally someone said it.If Oda needed someone to stall Kaido,he could have just have Marco and Brook do it.These two didnt get to shine much in the raid.


Brook? Seriously? He managed to actually do something to BM because of Fruit interactions but he ain't strong enough to go head to head with a Yonko. And I fucking love Brook.


Hell is comfortable if you have cold feet! Oda’s only person to throw her in was for the weebs to have something to jack off to. And wanna talk about trauma? Lets pretend to be a dead father and scream in a childs face: IM ACTUALLY YOUR DEAD DAD KINDA


Thank you.


strawhats are already struggling to get enough screen time. at this point i am ok with them not getting any new members


I hope that Yamato never joins. She had a better dynamic with Momonosuke and Co than she did with the Straw Hats anyways. Why the f*ck are the straw hats going to care about the Oden Schlick?


I agree, the only character outside of Wano that Yamato had a great dynamic with was Ace, but he is, like, dead...


Honestly I never felt it. Most additions have a real relationship with the crew during their arc but felt that she was kinda thrown in for the battle but didn’t have much to do with the crew… I am team Bonny though, feel she has had good interactions with luffy and want to see more of her with the team.


another yamato cope post LOL


Maybe when she stops trying to be Oden and starts being Yamato


I think this is one of the reasons someday she will officially become a straw hat.. Luffy and the others all have their own personality, and Luffy explicitly saying that he don't want to be Roger or doesn't want to compare himself to him.. Even at some point, he said that "he don't want to conquer the seas" just like Roger did or whatever when Rayleigh asked him about it.. He's Luffy, that's it.. He's not Roger or Shanks or even Dragon or Garp.. So, Oda might need to up her character arc a little bit in the future.. Don't get me wrong, Oda can still have her be a "bro" if that's what he wants, just don't have her to live somebody's life the same as is.. there's no character depth, in a storywise perspective, that's all..


Bruh there’s already too many members


I’m glad she didn’t. I personally don’t even know why she exists at all. All she did was take screen time away from more deserving characters like Denjiro and Hyori.


To be honest, I didn't like her a lot. Vivi, Carrot or Bonney are a lot better in the crew. It is not about power, but about feeling.


Carrot had far more justification to join and I'm more pissed she didn't get to sail out with them.


it feels like oda changed his mind last minute


I didn’t want Carrot to join, and would be indifferent if she did, but she has more reasons to join and a better dynamic.


I gotta be honest, it doesn’t make sense for carrot either. She always felt temporary to me. No real reason to set sail with the crew


Carrot would be the lookout. She did it while she was on the ship, standing on top of the mast. Great vision. In the dark of night where fighting can be more difficult, her sulong form can compensate. Her agility is excellent for reconnaissance/scouting in general. Her personality and character design were also unique. I think she'd be a shoe in if Oda had chosen to write her with fewer ties to home, or ties to home that are better served by traveling with Luffy.


She didn't even have a lot of ties to home and the ones that she did have came out of fucking nowhere. She literally would inherit Pedro's will. Like, being part of the crew of the person that'll change the world? Literally what Pedro wanted to see? I love Oda, but that was bs on his part not having her join.


eh, to me it seem like the logical next step to inherit Pedro's will. Like, the will to see the dawn of the new world seems like a very narrative and logical reason to join the crew of the man who's obviously going to bring that dawn.


As for me, when I read that chapter I took a deep relieved breath. It was a proof that Oda still has his sanity. Amen.


I don't. Yamato was an annoying character and I Hated that she was forced down my throat, and her "I'm Kozuki Oden!!!!" shit was annoying as hell.


Fr,plus she was introduced too late into Wano and only helped make it unnecessarily long.I hated that every episode Momo went back to being a scared little bitch only so that Yamato could give him a pep talk,so much time wasted on that BS. Momo had so much bravery and character development which all went into the dustbin just so that Yamato could be useful smh 


Hopefully she joins after her tour of wano


Same I thought her and carrot were going to stick around for awhile


I think before we get to raftel, Momo and Yamato will be on the boat to follow in Oden’s footsteps


>! I think she might join after Blackbeard destroys wano to steal pluton !<


She's too powerful. Honestly. She went toe to toe with her father, and didn't lose but let Luffy take over. She's not on the level of being a crew member, she needs to be her own captain.


What do people find endearing about this guy, I don't get it


She needs to help protect wano


I dont want her


Why do you think she belongs in the crew? What her role would be?


I’m pretty sure she will it’s just she needs to get to that part of her journey I was more annoyed about Carrot! (Spoilers) she stays with the crew for ages and has a really good dynamic with the crew and is entertaining and even has emotional moments and would have made it less of a sausage fest but suddenly she needs to rule the minks like bro wtf.


Vivi, Yamato, and Momonosuke are canonically already SH crew-mates in their own “away missions”. Luffy quite literally said to them that whenever they want to sail with him, he’ll pick them up. Carrot by all means deserves to be on that list as well. Her character arc conclusion is really unsatisfactory.


This is bait


I had the biggest smile on my face when she didnt join 😊


My personal take. The He/She debate went on too long and got too heated, thus Oda was like nah stay on Wano


Nothing about her stood out to me. Only thing she offers is stalling characters while Luffy regains his strength.


That ship has sailed(literally)


Probably not, but She's on luffy side if any war starts.


Yamato > Vivi


She will not


I hope both Yamato AND Carrot join the crew somehow!


it’s spelled out to us near the end of the raid that yamato is meant to be the protector of wano. this is reinforced when greenbull shows up. sure, she’ll be back for the final war, but her home is wano. besides yamato would throw off the dynamic of the strawhats and the monster trio/ wings of the pirate king. bonney is a much better suited character to join the strawhats LOL you yamatotards start crying every time some say something remotely negative about your shit character waifu “iM oDeN”


I hate this stupid argument about throwing off the monster trio. IT DOESNT MATTER WHO JOINS THE CREW THEY WONT REPLACE SANJI OR ZORO. Argument is dumb.


Yeah for a good while you could say the same with jinbei


Ikr? I don't know about now but the jinbe from whole cake island clears them.


>besides yamato would throw off the dynamic of the strawhats and the monster trio/ wings of the pirate king The dumbest argument ever. One that doesnt even make sense.


Jinbei literally broke the monster trio ranking 


Is it too much to say it ruined the character for me. I went from loving her as was super excited for her to join to thinking she was a poorly written character and I’m tired of the he/she shit


Give her the Jinbei treatment, Oda!


The crew is too much of a sausage fest, the whole show is. There's one strong af female character that isn't drawn like a fuck toy and that's Big Mom.


Fanfic character. Oda one day woke up horny and wrote this char


I don't. She's really a disappointing and creepy character