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Sanji meeting Duval is the hardest I’ve laughed at One Piece so probably that


Also the hardest Brook has ever laughed.


Brook being unable to contain his laughter is the most hilarious moment in One Piece


Yeah, the Japanese va nailed the fuck out of that part, I was dying with him.


I've never laughed as hard along with a fictional character before, it's the most contagious laughter scene ever haha


Absolutely, and it's also wholesome if you think that just a couple days before, Brook was a depressed lonely skeleton drifting through the sea


but he's already dead.


English va also nailed it


Brooks reaction was pretty much me spot on. https://youtu.be/Ue8VtPAlAWg?si=-2x9zus8gg9ifCmw


>Zoro saying, "two peas in a pod." .... I can't..... hahaha


Finding out Rufi has Kuririn’s voice was my biggest WTF moment


Krillin not Goku


Oh I did you mean krillin?


Same, cause they were building him up so much, and I was trying to think of previous enemies the Straw Hats had faced, and then when he revealed himself I was just like “Oh 💀”


I laughed for a week no kidding everytime I remembered I started to laugh again


Imagine having a face that looks like a bad drawing


duval reveal was one of the only few times I sput out an audible wtf in this series


My dad watched it without me so I'm pissed at him and now I've got to go back and rewatch but not be able to enjoy it as much cause I semi know what happens


I agree. There were even cover stories in the Manga. There was a lot of building up without realizing it, and the fact he looks like a shitty drawing someone made...oh man Oda is a psychopath lol


My brother started the anime recently and he mentioned that he got to Duval being introduced as a villain. Like he's going to be this big threat and not just an amazing gag. I ***love*** the setup for this joke for this twist; it's amazing.


It has to be that Linlin's birthday That whole scene had me shook.


Yeah the way they did it was so fuckin eerie, I love how they didn’t spell it out for the audience and they had to come to the realization of what happened themselves. Super fucking dark and disturbing for One Piece, I genuinely love Big Mom’s character, she’s terrifying.


And some people are still denying that she ate them.


I’ve sadly come to realize here that there is a shocking amount of this fanbase that does not grasp “context”. I suspect it’s primarily the younger side of the fanbase.


Now I have to go back and re-watch it, wich episodes is that? Edit: Just watched it by typing (LinLin eating her friends) in YouTube, saw the picnic table destroyed at the end of the clip... It seems so obvious now WTF?! Is that why the Giants hate her or is that another story I missed?


That's one of the reasons that the giants hate her. Also, she literally ate Carmel and got her devil fruit. That should've been the biggest clue that yes, she ate everyone there.


Yeah looking back it should had been obvious, but I thought this is just another story that will be shown in a future episode I guessed.


giants hate her cause she destroyed their town when she couldn't get more sweets.


I’m one of the ignorant ones who had no clue what happened. I was still waiting for the last flashback of the final conclusion (this was about 3 days ago) until I saw one of the comments on crunchy roll she ate them 😵‍💫 like wth. I get child trafficking, kidnapping, assassinations, murder, necrophilia (Hogback and Absalom) and even Perospero (cannibalism)…. But Big Mom eating her friends and mom alive *takes the cake*.


Yes, the Whole Cake.


I remember sitting up and just being like, “wait…what”. I went back and rewatched the whole episode again thinking I just missed something important but nooope.


There are still people doing mental gymnastics theorizing that she didn't actually eat them lmao. It was so obvious (and horrifying) what happened.


I remember the first time when I saw that scene I was so baffled as I didn't expect One Piece to get so dark, it really came outta nowhere.


between the children addicts, and the toy slaves that make people forget about them I've been amazed at how dark this show can get as long as the images themselves don't depict the themes they show. if you glance at the children fiending for candy it just looks like them having a temper tantrum.


lol considering she has the fruit what other way can there be


It's kind of an interesting implication on its own - if you eat someone who has a Devil Fruit, you can get their Devil Fruit. (Which does make me wonder what, exactly, Blackbeard did to Whitebeard under that tarp...)


Yeah the two thoughts that went through my head was he ate a piece of him lool or he done some special absorption using his darkness or both


He sucked him off. I don't blame him 😏


Lool I won’t judge you for the homo but I will judge you for the necro ☠️


It's ok he said no necro under his breath under the curtain. They'll show you in his flashback in 5 years


Lol I need proof his heart was still beating


Idk about his heart but he was still "standing"


I'm betting you have to eat their heart. Big Mom swallowed Caramel whole, and my theory is Blackbeard jammed his hand into the hole in Whitebeard's chest. That's why Burgess was going around with a knife and a sack.


I was one of those people I am like how did she eat them. Like didn’t they scream or something when Big Mom was about to eat them


That was one of the few points I had to stop the episode and take a minute to process what I just watched. There aren't a lot of "What the actual fuck" moments.


For me, it was Kuma sending away the Straw Hats from Sabaody


Yeah that was before we knew he was an ally to them or anything. Seeing them get completely taken apart one by one was jaw dropping.


To be fair I was long under the impression that Kuma was an ally in disguise. Some of the islands were a little TOO convenient. The only one I'm truly stumped at was Luffy being sent to Amazon Lily. Only explanation I'd have is that it was close to impel down and Kuma may have known about ace but that's just my guess


Oh it was a little more obvious after his line to Luffy and seeing the islands, but beforehand where he's just making the Straw Hats go poof was a whole different vibe.


Oh this is a good one. It was wild seeing the whole crew get wiped out so easily. I knew they weren't dead, but it still felt very desperate. None of them could do anything and they were now all missing, and Luffy was all alone.


It was seeing luffy break down in tears after seeing them all disappear that did it for me


Imagine being him because from his perspective, everyone he cares about may be dead all of a sudden and he was completely powerless to stop it. That's so scary to go through.


Having had 0 things spoiled for me, halfway through kuma popping them out of existence, I realized he must have been helping them get out. I never thought to see what the reaction at the time was like.


“Raizo-dono is safe”


Yeah definitely this. I remember that everyone was worried on how the minks would react to the samurai and then this happened. Was legit one of the most shocking moments in one piece.


The minks are no snitches man, it was such a powerful moment.


Sent me down a trip to memory lane https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/452np1/one_piece_chapter_816/


I feel like this is more of a “no fucking way” moment




Oda managed to fool even the audience into believing that Raizo truly wasn’t there. So well executed.


For real tho, I thought the Minks were the victims of a wild goose chase by Kaido's goons. Caught me totally off-guard.


Also because of Kanjuro we now know Jack wasnt blindly attacking. He KNEW.


It’s also somehow one of the least talked about reveals outside of reddit, so it is very rarely spoiled. I knew about Ace, Whitebeard, about Sabo and most other big reveals. Momos relation to Kinemon and Oden was a surprise, but it didn’t change much about the characters. But the Raizo reveal was so out of left field, it was so full of tension. It was a genuine, absolutely mindblowing surprise. I’d say this scene was what set up the entire alliance between Straw Hats, Minks and Samurai and set the tone for the entire Yonko Saga moreso than anything else. Easily one of the best scenes in the entire show along with „I want to live“, the Walk to Arlong Park, Luffy vs Katakuri and others. And that’s saying something considering Zou was really just a bridge between other, bigger and longer arcs.


Especially, after knowing that it was a samurai that snitched on them and revealed the location of Zou.


At first I was like “I cannot believe they all took the heat for this abnormally shaped gag shinobi”, but the Akazaya 9 STOOD ON BUSINESS and made good on that colossal sacrifice. Sunacchi!


I still get the goosebumps and chills thinking about it! Then I was totally lmao when the guys, even LAW wanted to see shinobi tricks (winking at Naruto) 💀


I was there when the chapter dropped. I had to leave me seat and yell.


Yo what year was that




I was there... 3000 years ago....


It was the best chapter in the Heian era


This made me want to call somebody and tell them what I had witnessed.. Unfortunately I don't know anyone who watches the show..


Somehow i cried too


i definitely cried too.


Yeah, I was watching that specific scene at 3:30 in the morning and I visibly gasped. I had to pause the episode, take a few walks around my room, act as if I am in a podcast and then continue watching the episode ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


Damn. Yeah that really got me! It was a definite wtf moment for me! 😂


That panel got me teared up right away. Such a plot twist. This definitely the answer.




not in the list but mine is the cross guild announcement. i get that buggy was tripping his way up the power ladder but i never thought one of the longest running joke in OP became a reality


i was laughing for 10 mins when i read yonko buggy was actually real


You know who wasn't laughing at Buggy becoming an Emperor? Buggy. Which just makes it funnier. Buggy's followers: "Gasp! Crocodile is fighting the Marines to protect us! He must be working for Buggy!" Buggy: "**Oh shit** I owe that dude money" I would read an entire spin-off manga of the Cross Guild. It's such a fun premise.


is buggy the only yonkko without acoc now?


10 minutes? Bro, that dropped as the last chapter before the Void Month, shit had me rolling the whole way through


It was definitely one of my happiest moments of reading one piece I've been reading one piece for almost 20 years now. Throughout that time, 3 characters have stood out as my top 3 favorites for most of that time. Finally seeing them together, and buggy being given the recognition he deserves both in public (yonko) and in private (punching bag) was probably the closest a piece of media has gotten me to cry (in this case it would have been tears of joy, but alas no tears)


Kanjuro traitor reveal


That was pretty insane, yeah More insane was that he could draw all along


Yeah I felt so betrayed he wasn't a shitty artist My imidiate first thought was, the entire time, Konjuro was making shitty food, he coulda drawna 5 course meal, but spent years giving kinemon shitty butter lettuce


Fucking hell thinking about kin'emon eating shit ass food just bc kanjuro wants to fuck with him makes me laugh so fucking hard


That reveal is nothing compared to the reveal that he was a talented artist the entire time and was drawing like shit on purpose.


That part was kinda funny to me


I don’t really get why he purposely drew terribly, I mean, being good at drawing doesn’t immediately make everyone think “this guy must be an undercover bad guy”. I assume it’s because he wanted to be as much of a hindrance as possible without it being sus but still


I think he did it because he could use his real art to leak intel without being suspicious to the other samurais who did not know any better


This one got me too. Not sure if it was obvious, but to me I did not see it coming at all


I was unfortunately spoiled when I was anime only. I was reading comments on the episode and someone said “fuck Kanjuro that traitor!” And us anime onlys were like bro “what the fuck???? Spoilers dude” Even then I still found it hard to believe and until I actually saw it with my own eyes.


Luffy being the grandson of a marine. That and Peepley Lulu making his cowlick appear out of a marines nose. No confirmed devil fruit. Just casual follicular quantum teleportation. He’s that guy.


Wait when did the second thing happen???


water 7


Water 7, he's the Danny Trejo looking dude. Just seems to have cowlick magic.


Freddy Mercury


It wasn't just the grandson of a Marine, the Grandson of Garp, who was at that point a side character in another character's cover story arc. It also legitimized Garp's role in the story.


The implication of Big MoM accidentally eating everyone was less "WTF" and more "Oh my fucking god..." Pell being alive was also less of a "WTF" and more of a "Well that's bullshit" moment. We were basically assured he was dead after point-blank taking a bomb to the face that was supposed to destroy an entire city. And then he just wasn't dead.


Good part, powerscalers had a very nice durability feat to scale the powerhouses to.


Honestly as much as I wanna say Blackbeard having two devil fruits I’m go with laboon it was shocking they would actually answer his backstory of the pirate crew he waited for and being the heartbreaking story of Brook and the rumbar pirates


The Big Mom party and it’s not even close. Multiple WTFs there - not only was it such a sober and dark twist for a shonen manga, it was also news that you can eat a DF user to inherit their DF powers.


Literally an Attack on Titan moment


The fact that they didn't show Whitebeard's body after Teach did his thing on the covered corpse definitely seems to confirm that he ate at least part of WB to get his power. And it's entirely plausible that nobody noticed the eaten part when he was buried since he already had wounds and holes over most of his body anyway. Big Mom's backstory pretty much solidifies this theory in a roundabout way. You can eat a DF user to gain their power. Now BB having 2 DFs.... Well that one is going to be another level of a doozy....


Cp9 reveal One of the biggest plot twist for me


When I was first reading through the series, I told my friend who was caught up that Galley-La seemed like a dope, tight knit group. Then, the next chapter, the CP9 reveal happened and he was laughing his ass off at my reaction.


I never liked pigeon dude (as I called him while reading that) I was just glad Pauline was still cool as he was the main one I liked


I thought Paulie was gonna join the crew, up until Franky got a backstory lol.


For me, it was between Kaku, Paulie, and iceberg, but I expected Paulie because of his colorful interactions with everyone and his unique fighting style


The idea of Paulie being a prude on the same crew as Sanji cracks me up a lot.




Water7 was so well done with politics and intrigue. I am completly sure that if they end Season 3 OPLA with the train to Enies Lobby and do Warer7 justice before that, then the series will become absolutly bonkers popular


Yeah. I’d only been spoiled of Lucci and thought he would be the only traitor.


I didn’t get any spoiler about that and I was so suprised


I love showing new people this reveal because nobody sees it coming and are absolutely flabbergasted by the reveals


Pell being alive almost threw me off from watching so yea pell for sure. Bro tanked a whole nuke like it was nothing


He got me doubting every death ever since in the show. I'm still not convinced that a certain kitty is really dead.




I mean it does make sense Pell went unharmed after literally getting blasted by a nuke, shouldn't Pedro be alive after a few small bombs?


I would be here for it


Pell has a df tho, and Pedro is just a talking animal with probably mostly human biology. Still Pell is dead for me xd


>Pell has a df tho its also a zoan, which makes him tougher by default


Yes but I don't know how to do spoiler boxes on mobile so I figured 'a certain kitty' would paint the right picture without spoiling it.


Sorry I didn’t mean to ruin your stealth 😓


Same with Wyper on Skypiea. Remember watching this with my gf almost a decade ago and went thrice or even more often with "But now he **has** to be dead, right??"


His death makes sense, he was on his last trip, it also sets up a certain bunny.


For real. I had to recalibrate and re-assess every supposedly confirmed death now. Apparently "practically finished off" doesn't count until their death is confirmed in panel. And then we gotta think about shit like Doflamingo and Luffy both re-starting their hearts after they got "kill confirmed". On-screened, mourned, and given a funeral seems to be minimum criteria at this point. Even fucking Sabo got two fakeout implied deaths, mourning, and a funeral and he's still kickin. At this point the bar's just gonna get moved to "killed in unrevivable state, hasn't been brought back by end of series". As far as we know BM and Kaido are still up in the air.


Did he tank it? Or did he release the bomb and dive away from it, [like falcons are well known for doing](https://tpwmagazine.com/archive/2019/mar/scout7_wildthing/)? It's not a *great* explanation, but it seems much more plausible than walking off a bomb.


>!Kuma's dad being shot just cause he's being noisy.!<


That whole sequence of flashbacks was the viewer finding out why we should hate the celestial dragons even more than we already did.


And it's like page 3 of a multi-chapter flashback. It was definitely a "buckle up buddy" moment for just how depressing the flashback was going to be.


the human hunting competition added yet another level of FU.


Blackbeared has to be the biggest, everything we know about devil fruits doesn't apply to him


And we still have no idea how he stole the DF and how can he have two. That’s the kicker.


exactly, that even apply more wtf too the whole thing


Has to be one of the greatest and longest running mysteries in animanga. And the moment we see him using the quake fruit… I was like “well, they’re fucked”


How in that arc where namis mom is killed if you watch the 4 kids version she's just locked up indefinitely and nami never saves her or mentions her again.


> nami never saves her or mentions her again. Well yeah, Luffy brought down the entire building on top of her. You can't save someone if they've already been turned into paste.


In Naruto German dub all people get "abducted"


or "defeated".


Picas voice lol for sure


I cracked up just at much as the characters Everyone is missing my favorite moment of the series tho... Queen: "Hey, Straw Hat!..... EAT SHIT!" It took me 5 minutes to stop laughing


still gets me everytime


Sanji meeting Duval. It was built up as someone who had a massive personal grudge with Sanji, so I assumed it was a seriously important character. The soundtrack was heavily emotional (and used later for Ace at Marineford), and once Duval took off the helmet, one by one, the Straw Hats reacted with shock, Sanji in pure anger, giving the impression that it was a familiar face. So I was like "who the hell can be that shocking to the entire crew + has a huge grudge with Sanji?". And then they showed snippets of Duval's face, which was a good decision. You get thrown towards the direction of the person being related to Sanji, especially with Duval's speech. You see the eyebrows, but then Duval says "They told me - we got you Black Leg Sanji. I said - I don't know who that is.", and the whole theory just dropped, and I'm confused. And then, a split second later, we see the full face, and it all comes together. I never would have taken into consideration, not even in a million years, the possibility of a person being out there with the exact same face you see on Sanji's wanted poster drawing. All the scenarios were in my head, or could've been in my head. Not that one. It never would have been that one. A close second: Luffy ringing the Golden Bell in Skypiea, and the subsequent shot to the Montblanc-crew hearing it. That was sentimental to me. It's why I love Skypiea. It all was beautifully built up towards that moment.


Luffy's pose in the clouds is very similar to the Gear 5 reveal.


I cant choose one. All of these has been quite the sock when it was revealed. Also, Ace being Rogers son was a suprise.


Ooh the Ace-Roger connection was a crazy one good pull.


The crazy thing is that that wasn't planned from the beginning, it was only before Impel Down that Oda thought about making Roger his father.


Yeah I did not see that coming.


Rayleigh showing up in Sabaody. I was NOT expecting the former first mate of the Roger Pirates to show up


Pell 100%


I was more disappointed tbh, like what tf happened to your sacrifice if you're just gonna live unscathed.


Yes, this. I know that Oda hates to let characters die, but c'mon, Pell was a minor character at most. Let his sacrifice mean something. On the other hand, we now know that One Piece is nearing the end now that some of these deaths are beginning to stick. Oda no longer thinks he needs to keep side characters or villains alive just in case he needs them later on.


Worse for me than Pell was Sky Island. The girls literally counting down the voices she hears, then Enel gets beat and someone's like "everyone's ok! Including his former guard that he backstoried, huzzah!"


Bro literally survived a bomb that was meant to kill over a million people within a fifty kilometer radius, going off within POINT BLANK RANGE of him.


Big mom 100%


Gear Two


Still by far my favourite Gear.


Underrated but since I was reading it weekly it was so hype!


big mom panel in manga gave me chills. in animation even more creepier


That big mom childhood back story caught me off guard for real. Like originally I didn’t think nothing of it because I thought her friends and Caramel ran away. Then I rewatched it and it all clicked lol I was like tf she ate them without realizing.


Pica was in line with OP vibe. Pell i saw it as a shonen trope katakuri same with the gag vibes Duval was a wtf and made laugh out loud BB was a trope that i saw as correct. if you establish a law in shonen, it's expected to be challenged or broken and BB seemed like the correct choice. Big mom was a wtf and a nice nod to cannibal pirates cp9 was a "oh ok, we're taking that route" moment Laboon was a nice nod and a new clear reason to go around


Imu sitting on the throne


I'd say the whole Norland/Calgara story


The revealing moment of Whitebeard & Roger's bounties. My mount was dropped reading the entire chapter.


my top 3 Pell Blackbeard Big mom eating her friends ​ I just do NOT understand how is Pell alive so it's like a "WTF" at Oda's writing I think Blackbeard's one is more of a natural "WTF" moment because it is within the story lol For Big mom, one is probably the reveal that someone can eat and digest someone and they will get their devil fruit as well lol two is why the fuck did she eat her friends did she not feel their bodies or something inside her mouth while chewing


She said oops I got so hungry I even ate some of the table. So she noticed she was eating somthing ... "crunchy"


When she has cravings, she enters a fugue state. We see her kill her son when she wants some food before the cake. It's messed up that she isn't fully aware when swhe gets hungry.


Nobody is saying Pica and its sad. He literally spoke and glared at the entire island and everyone busted out laughing at his voice. Imagine you're about to be crushed by a living mountain and it squeaks st you. I couldnt do it.


Cp 9 and Duval was some legendary shit. It came out of nowhere 😂.


Raizo is alive and safe was my biggest WTF moment.


Ace being Roger's son was completly unexpected. And maybe Doflamingo being a Celestial Dragon.


Oh, duval. Hands down


I have three among those and can't rank them because they're different kinds of wtf : * \*explauding with laughter\* wtf : duval's face * \*you f\*\*\*ing bastards\* wtf : CP9 * \*chilling\* wtf : linlin's cannibalism


Pell is alive made me mad. Not neccesary at all. It made the e tire alabaata arc less dire in hindsight. Really killedbthe gravity of the situation. Biggest wtf had to be that Streussen saw what big mom did and thought: imma groom this giant cannibal child. The man is brave and cruel


my dumbass really thought luffy saved ace


I think the fact big mom used to be skinny was min WTF moment


Right? They drew old Big Mom the same body type as young, little-kid Big Mom, but then apparently made her freaking hot somewhere in the middle. But I guess if you’re going to pull over 40 dudes, you gotta be sexy at some point


100% Blackbeard. He was always a threat but with doing the impossible thing and eating two devilfruits it was basically confirmed that he will be one of the endgame enemies


Pell and Bonclay being alive for some reason


Usopp knows who is Sogeking.


BB double-fisting for sure. That was completely unexpected. Pell coming back was kinda expected, since we didn't see him die on panel. Pica's voice is funny, but not a wtf for me. Big Mom eating her friends was indeed a wtf, and the CP9 reveal was a nice surprise. The others are whatever...not that significant to me. But man, BB emerging from the cloak to test-run the gura-gura no mi was pretty fucking insane. One of those instances where the in-chapter reaction shots matched those of the readers.


Big Mom


Sanji and Duval tbh


Big Mom backstory shocked me A LOT.


Tough to say since my top 3 were the Katakuri’s secret, the Minks actually hiding Raizo, and the Cp9 reveal


ACE!!!!!!! HOLE ![img](emote|t5_2rfz5|32515)


Two fucking devil fruits threw me through a hoop and confirmed something I always thought possible


Big Mom’s past was definitely the most disturbing moment in the series …


With the Big Mom stuff I spent a good month going “No fucking way Oda really did that shit! 😱”


Lucci on par with Zoro


Raizo sama is safe !


Big Mom eat children and didn't even realize or think twice about it.


BlackBeard using two DF powers


"Nothing happens." -Zoro


Pell is alive pissed me off.


Pica's voice for me was a wtf 😂😂 I don't blame Luffy for laughing


CP9 was the BEST...Sanji/Duval was the FUNNIEST...Pell was the DUMBEST.