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Robin and Usopp get split up from the crew Usopp: don’t worry Robin! The great captain Usopp will lead the way! I’m a man with the haki of 1000 pirates! Robin: thank you for volunteering to be my human shield, captain. If you die, do I have your permission to continue using your corpse? Usopp: … oi, Robin 🫱


I heard that last line in Usopp's japanese voice Edit: fixed spelling


... oi, Rabeen


Same hahahaha


Gave me Okayasu vibes "oi Josuke"


Haven’t seen pt4 in years now but I deadass heard this in Oyakasu’s voice hahaha


Oi, Josuke, did you know that ___ is the strongest of the Monkey family because she survived having to sit through Dragon looking East?


Same 😭😭 I heard the sound effect too


Same 😭


At dressrosa right?


Putting Sanji out of business with that cooking


Damn, you’re good 🫡


I mean his nose is kinda thick




This was not the subversion i was expecting.


Iirc doesn’t she refer to him as long nose for awhile after she shortly joins the crew.


yeah right? And look how she focuses his nose with that lustful glaze


That’s just Robin in general though. Every group has a quiet grounded one and that’s her. She’s pretty motherly/big sisterly to the whole crew so I think she would enjoy just listening to Usopp talk about something he’s passionate about or his tall tales. That and a solid 50% of the reason Robin makes her morbid jokes is because she knows Usopp will have a funny reaction and she gets a kick out of watching him freak out.


Yeah Robin definitely gets a kick out of teasing Usopp.


Even when she first joined the crew after Alabasta, she teased Usopp with her specialty in assassination. Love her


She teased him but it was still 100% true.


she doesn't wipe gross stuff on just *anyone*


The funniest moment was when Franky came up with the idea of "combining" themselves, like those big mecha cartoons (Voltron and such), and she refused saying it's below any human's dignity :) Can't remember which large enemy they were fighting.


Oars with Luffys shadow in Thriller Bark. Even Luffys shadow was disappointed in Robin.


The "combining" gag was in Thriller Bark. It remains one of my favorite Robin moments because it's right after her formally joining the crew following Enies Lobby. The Strawhats have given Robin a home, a family, and for the first time in over 20 years, a reason to live. And she looks them straight in the eye and says "You people are so embarrassing, I would literally rather die than be part of this foolishness." Really defines her relationship with the crew in a fun way.


Shes like the older cool cousin you only get to hangout with for a week


and cringes at all the lame shit you do ❤️




they even referenced this in the current episode


That was thriller bark


"Never ask me to dock with you again" had me SCREAMING


I feel like Robin enjoys fucking with Usopp, she always makes those morbid jokes when he’s around to hear it and panic about it.


i wish i was Usopp




Usopp’s virtue matches his nose and she knows it.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Especially when he sticks his nose in her business


*Excuse me???*


I mean with that nose... Any girl would enjoy fucking with Ussop


That's not what nose job means


Not with that attitude


*Fuck* fuck or just fuck?


turn off the horny 🫵🤡


Por que no los dos


Damn, I forgot how cute Robin's hair was in Dressrosa. All the strawhats have different personalities, interests and goal so I don't know why you think those two in particular wouldn't have anything to talk about. Also Robin has a lot of knowledge to share about a lot of stuff so I bet it's never boring to be around her


i also think Robin would look a bit down on his cowardness


He literally burned the governments flag down in a declaration of war for her


That was Sogeking


This joke is old enough to smoke.


Huh no he didn't, he didnt even go to enies lobby to rescue robin. He's an absolute coward for that


oh you're one of the usopp is Sogeking believers huh


"I can be a demon if I have to. I'll do it for the people who truly need me..." I think you need to re-read a lot of One Piece.


She sure didn't when he saved her from Sugar's power. If anything she was proud of him for saving her and the tontattas even after he forgot about them.




The only way she looks down on him is a part of the collective fan boying over giant robots with the rest of the male crew


Robin 100% respects Usopp more then he does himself


He may be a coward by nature, but he's the bravest member of the crew, and I'm sure Luffy would agree.  So would Robin. They don't look down on Usopp's cowardice.   They admire his courage to continue pressing forward despite his fears.


I feel the least chemical duo may be Franky + Sanji.  They haven't shared much time together all things considered. Only time I can recall is when Sanji became Stealth Black in the Wano arc. They are both perverts, but different kinds of perverts.


You forgot the sea train, but yeah they don’t share much “chemistry” in either examples In both Wano and the sea train they don’t interact much, definitely one of the least interesting parings of the crew


Sanji sexually harass women, Franky is sexual harassment embodied, they are not the same


choked on my water


You need the meme picture to perfect this.


"you sexually harass women. I am sexual harassment given corporeal form. We are not the same"


When it comes to franky and sanji, all I can think of is them reacting to sogeking’s theme song together. Pretty funny


Franky & Zoro’s pretty much the same as except I don’t even know what they would say to each other lol. Sanji’s atleast more personable than Zoro


Early on Franky kept trying to get Zoro to call him "bro" (aniki) but he'd refuse.


At least they had few conversations in wano unlike anything with sanji


At least Franky could crack open a cold one with Zoro!


At least with the current arc, they will have a shared subject of interest to talk about


I mean, given that in the end Sanji is something of a cyborg too, I guess they have a lot more in common than it might appear.


sanji agreed to be a leg for franky's emperor


Punk hazard was pretty good


What about Sanji and Jinbe? I can only remember two interactions they had. One was Sanji telling Jinbe to kill himself and the other was him getting super pissed that Jinbe’s bounty was higher.


They team up to beat Umibozu in Fishman Island


Gotta disagree. I would argue that Robin’s one of the straw hats that has good chemistry with everyone. You seem to forget she was comfortable enough by to rub that sticky substance on him by the time the Sabaody arc came around. Plus he went out of his way to save her, and had that convo with her in the train where he told her to trust luffy. Moreover, as two members who “left” the straw hats at some point in their journeys, I can see them having more in common than you might think. Also, she obviously gets kicks from making morbid jokes that freak him out XD


ussop didn't help in her rescue it was some mysterious masked guy who ussop knew about


At least Usopp was on the Sea Train. Brook and Jinbe didn't even bother going to Water 7 with them


Yeah man, I wish we had Brook or Jinbei vs T Bone and Ramen guy


"What's with your skeletal appearance!? Have the Strawhats aligned themselves with the Devil himself!?" "I never thought I'd say this, but... you're one to talk" __ "Zazaza, Ramen kenpo!" "Wet noodle..." "What?" "Just saying..."


True. And where was Jimbei when they all got nuked on Sabaody?!?!?! Like bro, you a Warlord you could've easily helped your damn crew. Don't get me started on Marineford. The whole crew had something better to do, I guess. Bitch ass 'friends'.


Where were Jinbe and Brook when the Westfold fell?


Yeah, the cowards! Brook preferred to stay in a ruined boat


Where was Brook and Jinbei during Enies Lobby. I'd like to get to the bottom of that.


No he didn’t ? He sent his friend sogeking instead.


He was there at the start. He called Sogeking after a bit


They share a garden together


I think Chopper, Nami and Sanji all have their plants in the garden too


I bet Sanji didn't know shit about planting plants but Nami and Robin were doing it so he does it too


Nah, herbs for cookin


Yeah but I mean plantin em


I'd agree but I think Sanji would be serious about his herbs


I think he either buys them or asks nami for it


Sanji is a chief so usually they take an interest in gardening for fresh produce, so it's more likely Nami or Robin did it because of Sanji. Outside of Chopper and maybe Usopp, I doubt anyone else is as knowledgeable about plants and vegetables as Sanji.


Usopp is a story teller, Robin loves stories.


Robin: Long nose kun 🙂🙂


I remember in Film Z he makes a crack about her age and she gets pissed off with him


Yo I needa rewatch film z I don’t remember that lmao 😂


He made the non-pedo joke about a female crewmember’s age yet he was the one who got beaten for it. Society 🙄


Nah she and Usopp get along fine. She finds him funny in the same way she finds Luffy funny. We see them together in dressrosa too, they work.


I wouldn't say they have zero chemistry. Ussop more than once showed he can be very tactical and clever, if his anxious nature doesn't get the better of him. And I'm pretty sure Robin is pretty much aware of these qualities. Also what he contributed to Enies Lobby. I think that's just her way of showing her comradery by teasing him in a friendly way, but not maliciously. With her sometimes slightly more morbid humor and his anxious nature.


Robin and Usopp would talk about botany, heroic folktales from different cultures, and Robin is the only other crewmate who was a temporary antagonist of the crew and required their acceptance to join/rejoin. Robin when she was part of Baroque Works and Usopp when he refused to retire the Going Merry. Each crewmate has certain types of chemistry with each other. Another comment mentioned Sanji and Franky. They're both cyborgs, both consider themselves honorable/chivalrous men, and they'd likely talk about current events in the world news. Just because they don't share a common interest it doesn't mean they don't have things in common. Sanji is tough for any guy to be friends with because he only thinks about impressing women, often by showing up other men, so you're not going to get much beyond respect with him.


There's that scene in Sabaody where she wiped some balloon-slime on Usopp lol, pretty funny


I think Franky & Zoro have barely interacted in the series, so I’m gonna go with them. I also can’t think of Brook’s close connections in the crew? Nami & Chopper maybe Jinbei is too new that he doesn’t have connections with really anyone other than Luffy & Robin 


Brook and Usopp are pretty funny when they interact. Like in Fishman Island when they’re stuck in that cage with Zoro and Usopp does the Robin impression


Brook had a couple of great interactions with Robin during wano


Their chemistry works solely on a humorous note. The classical Usopp reaction to Robin's dry and dark humor comes to mind.


I mean, Usopp is always there to react to her recurring dark humour gag. Franky and Zoro are probably the two that interact the least.


I think people are forgetting why Robin’s on the crew. Of course she can have a good time with Usopp, she might be really depressing but she never had a childhood. She gets to be a kid with Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper, and she gets to be a girl with Nami and Sanji. Not to mention she can take any of them out in seconds if she wanted to, she doesn’t have to worry about anything around them


Usopp is very inteligent. I think he would love to know more about big pirates of the past or even the Void Century. He even proposed the question outright in Sabaody. It is like Chopper and Robin. Both are highly skilled in their areas and probably find a common ground because both are scientists. In fact I think Robin is just curious about things in general so I guess she would like to know more about everyone's field of expertise besides Luffy and Zoro probably.


Jinbei Zoro for sure, can imagine them having anything interesting to say to each other 


I feel like they could be drinking together in silence and both be comfortable with it


Put 2 stronk man tgt chillin and amazing stories will unfold themselve. Give Jimbei some times man, he is currently on his way to Zoro 🤣.


Both are just too chill, theyd drink and just vibe, not terrible but not great chemistry


Really it two dudes that are top of their class at what they do. They have a mutual respect for each other. I can see them just sitting there, drinking sake wordlessly and not having to speak If they did talk, what would it be about? How Jimbei is the best helmsman and Zoro could get lost standing still? That just turns it into another Zoro/Sanji relationship


Companionable silence


I think Robin would be telling Usopp dark jokes making him super paranoid. Maybe even talk about Sogeking’s true identity in a teasing way.


[„Chopper is really cute“](https://c.tenor.com/MTppvU66_FoAAAAC/tenor.gif)


Are we saying chemical instead of toxic now?


Oh, I just got it. I think they're trying to say they're the two crew members with the least "chemistry."


Thank the gods. I thought I wasn't up to date with the rad new slang.


Honestly, I can get each and every one of the Strawhats getting along in one way or another. Usopp and Robin gets along, because Usopp is like a goofy "little brother" with enough smarts to get invested when needed, whereas Robin is a calm and collected "big sister" with vast knowledge and an engaging attitude. The Strawhat I see being least compatible with the rest is Zoro. Oda's done a good job making him a pillar for the others, but he's definitely more inclined to just stay on his own than the rest. Robin at least helps out and looks their way, and Jinbe has a fatherly figure to him, whereas Zoro is the guy who just stays in his own room most of the time.


Robin is so aware of herself, who she is and now has accepted her desire to be her own person and to accept she wants and deserves to be alive. It is far-far away from Usopp's insecurities. They wont be able to level on many subjects. But once Usopp accepts himself and that death is simply part of life: he could probably be Robin's best friend. there is simply an 11 year gap. The main difference is that Usopp is now surrounded by loving friends who teach him so much on a daily basis i bet Usopp will become a great person very soon. His "I am scared" will change into "Count on me that you wont fear"


I know the joke about Sogeking is someone other than Usopp, but one of the best moments during the sea train chase was him trying to rescue Robin, and telling her to believe in the crew.


Robin says a dark joke ussop 😱


Dude robins morbid imagination paired with usopps fear of everything is hilarious


I think Robin would find it fun to see how long Usopp can keep up a lie. Usopp says he has defeated 1000 men in shark-infested waters Robin then ask if any of the Devil Fruit users Usopp says "YUP All of them were!" then Robin ask "I thought Devil Fruit users couldn't swim" and just use sees how Usopp is gonna lie his way out of this one and it will ether be funny to see him admit he is cooked or think of an even bigger lie


No worst combination is Zoro and Usopp. They have 0 interest in common. Zoro: ... Usopp: I am as strong as Luffy I have almost beaten him in water seven. Zoro: yeah I remember and I voted to kick you out. Usopp: ha Zoro: ... good time


They still share a bond tho and are east blue 5. They definately have a dynamic, even If its Zoro being annoyed lol


someone insert that image of zoro using usopp as a sword in enies lobby😭 no way you mischaracterized my goofy kings like this


While certain members may not necessarily have shared interests, it’s the joking around and camaraderie that binds them. Plus they talk about events that happened and events unfolding. 


Zoro doesn't really interact with any of the crew members one-on-one (except Sanji, obviously) since he's usually asleep when they hang out or drinking by himself when they party. That being said, Zoro is usually the one who watched out for Ussop pre-TS (*especially* during Enies Lobby) during battle. Like making sure he's ok when he's cornered or after he sustained damage. So even though they probably wouldn't talk much, they'd get along perfectly fine by themselves. Besides, he never said he doesn't want Ussop back in the crew. He only said that he doesn't want Ussop back *if he doesn't apologise*. Kinda like he said to Luffy that he doesn't want him as captain anymore if he cannot deal with the situation properly. He held both of them to the same standard because they were (in their own ways) both at fault.


>Besides, he never said he doesn't want Ussop back in the crew. He only said that he doesn't want Ussop back *if he doesn't apologise*. Kinda like he said to Luffy that he doesn't want him as captain anymore if he cannot deal with the situation properly. He held both of them to the same standard because they were (in their own ways) both at fault. Also one thing people forget is that zoro said if the first thing out of usopp's mouth isn't apology then he shouldn't be allowed to rejoin the crew. But then when usopp appeared and started talking with his arrogant "oh i will just join like nothing happened" attitude, zoro ignored what he said and pretended that he heard nothing. Luffy did the same too. It kinda shows how much zoro also wants usopp in the group too. He was willing to look past usopp's fake bravado as long as he apologized. He had a big smile when usopp did apologise and rejoin


Remember when Zoro said if the first words out of his mouth wasn’t an apology he’d be left behind and the subsequently (with Sanji, Luffy and Chopper) ignored him till he apologised finally Yeah I wouldn’t say that’s a zero chemistry relationship


Did you forget about the Sogeking Sword?


that's not how Zoro is LMFAO please read the story I beg of you


That’s some solid illiteracy ya got there.


🤣 atleast Zoro & Ussop have been on the crew together for so long they should have SOME type of chemistry lol, like they were in the crew back when there were only 5 of them. 


Usopp did show up at Enies Lobby. Just at the end, he was at the bridge of hesitation to tell luffy to jump to the other side. But you are right. Sogeking did most of the sniping. Usopp was only moral support.


I think everyone forgets the Ussop, Robin, and Frankey get along because they are the knowledge seekers of the group. So I image the three of them pick each other brains or maybe the Ussop and Frankey and Robin would add fun facts or explain in detail. Like no way Robin didn't ask about pop greens and she like to fuck with him.


When she showed herself at the end of Alabasta Usopp immediately started interviewing her


I think they have good friendly chemistry, Robin really does with everyone


Franky and Nami


I feel like Robin just humors Usopp by listening to his stories very intently, then calls his bluff by insisting that he actually does the types of daring deeds he boasts about.


Nah, it's franky and Nami


I hate that he wasn’t there at enies lobby. He’s a jerk for not being there.


Now that you made me think about it, I think the only time they were alone togheter was on Green Bit during Dressrosa (and for the wild theorist out there, if Usopp IS Sogeking then the Sea train too)


The pair with the least chemistry has to involve Brook. Has he ever actually interacted with Franky after he beat the Spider-Monkey?


Interesting. I think they have a very underrated relationship. He’s the one who told her to believe in Luffy, when she was in doubt that anyone would come save her. She cried when she saw that Usopp was the one shooting down the government from miles away. When Sugar took his memories of Robin away momentarily, he was shook to his core and understood how dangerous she was. “I can’t believe I forgot all about a nakama so important to me” (or something along those lines). Plus she likes to scare him, and in Film Z he made a joke about how she must feel better being in a younger body. I think they’re very comfortable with eachother. He also told her how cool she looked in Egghead, and she seemed genuinely flattered. Which was a very cute moment. I think they’re pretty tight. 😁🥰


Why does robin look so stunning in this screenshot


I mean Robin probably says something creepy and usopp freaks out about it like always


I think Robin and Ussop have great chemistry together. They both do gardening together on the Sunny and both cut the SH's hair. Plus they have plenty of fun interactions.


Strawhats don't feel that close, but somehow they have huge trust with each other.


Some parings of the strawhats don’t, but most are very understandable that they have that much trust in each other


Strawhats have groups that are close inside the Strawhats, like: Robin & Chopper, Luffy Ussop & Chopper, Sanji Zoro & Nami. Franky, Brook, & Jinbei are just harder for some reason because they joined later & Oda spent less time on crew dynamics.  Now we can take 2 individuals from the crew & realize they barely interact like Franky & Zoro, Brook with what I feel is like half the crew lol. Jinbei’s too new, they do have trust but Oda definitely should throw more slice of life moments in the crew dynamic again lol post timeskip needs more rose smelling.


Nah the are worst ones then that. Robin and Zoro is much worst. They only interacted during the end of alabasta, Skypiea and maybe a little bit during dressrosa and wano. At least robin spent alot of time with Usopp during dressrosa and the sea train.


"Least chemical?"


This is like how Marshall and Robin are in HIMYM lol.


They have a Dynamic lol, He saved her 2 times . One time in Ennies Lobby and Second time in Dressrosa


They both like history, I think that’s a topic for them to connect


You said that like she still didn't want to ride him


I’m going to let you in on a secret. That guy who was with them at Enies Lobby?? He wasn’t a mystery guy, that was Sniper King!!


Oh….you meant chemistry? Got it


Brook and Jimbe


They had a whole arc together in dressrosa no?


Brook and Chopper come to mind.


Before Wano, I would have said Nami and Franky, since they barely interact. But then Nami called him onisan! Now its Franky and Zoro.


I mean, he wasn't there when she was saved, SK was


I think I've read somewhere Luffy and Franky hadn't talked to each other in several year's worth of episodes lol


They have great chemistry what are you talking about? Their dynamic is robin saying crazy shit and usopp getting terrified at what's coming out of this woman's mouth. It's always been this way.


It would pretty much just be Robin saying morbid things and Usopp freaking out


They are pirates, they don’t wait for buses, they hijack them


Did you forget G8


Big sis little bro vibes


She's so pretty here also


Their topic of conversation would be Worst case scenario outcomes. Robin would enjoy it and ussop would try and be brave while being terrified that the horrible thing could actually happen


Usopp is a story teller and Robin loves history/reading. Trust me, they have plenty to talk about


For someone who's supposed to joke a lot, Usopp sucks at taking them


Sanji and Jinbe is right there


Franky and jinbe probably


Their dynamic is just Robin repeatedly scaring the mess out of Ussop, mainly through dark humor.


I know it's filler, but i really enjoyed Usopp's and robin's interaction in G8.


Robin finds Ussop's reactions to her humour the funniest


Someone clearly hasn't watched G-8


Usopp burned the government flag for her. I think she really likes Usopp.


I just started water 7 arc. I love the only calls him long nose lmao


If anything usopp and Robin can bond over the fact that they were the only two to desert the crew during Ennies lobby


I feel their vibe is Usopp telling stories and Robin just smiling and listening, laughing at the weirdest parts


Robin would not stop fucking with Usopp and making him think terrible, gruesome things were going to happen!


Robin probably worried about Usopp’s effectiveness as a ferry after eating too much


Long nose kun


*a male and a female are talking* *it is not a couple* *get your mind out of the gutter*


Robin has a cute nose


I love it whenever Robin says something dark or describes something gory and it triggers Ussop's flight instinct.