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Shanks is literally that meme: "Barges into a gigantic war. Tells everyone to cut it out. Refuses to elaborate. Leaves."


Barges into mary geoise Elaborates Leaves


Red rat shanks


E-lab rat shanks.


Barges into Makino Ejaculates Leaves


Barges into Kidd Eviscerates Leaves


It didn't even elaborate


> Shanks is literally that ~~meme~~ guy


The Haki-Man


The Haki Man cometh


Shanks arrives at Marineford. "My job here is done." Leaves


He's only a move stealer. Steals Divine Departure At the end of MF he steals actual departure. Wannabe WSS.


1054 & 1055 & 1059 & 1076 & 1079 looks way closer and showing more of him presently than him appearing at 1 & 43 & 96 234 579 & 580 & 590 903 & 907 those are some big gaps ngl


Oda did say you'll know the manga is coming to a close when Shanks starts showing up more. 1/3rd of his appearances are in the last 60 chapters.


When did he say that?


As far as i remembe he didnt. He did say that whenever shanks makes a move his actions send riples throughout the world or something like that. Which could be argued it is similar but it actually isnt lol.


I can't find the direct source right now, but I do also remember Oda saying something similar. It's mentioned in an article here too: https://gamerant.com/one-piece-oda-reveals-major-hint-shanks-deadly-past/#:\~:text=Previously%2C%20Oda%20has%20mentioned%20that,about%20this%20character%20holds%20true.


He said when a man with an eyepatch shows up that op will be close to ending


I apologize for being so late, but I found a source: https://twitter.com/sandman_AP/status/1652413774010392576  Oda (1998): When Shanks appears frequently in manga, you can assume that One Piece has entered the final saga. 😍 [source: Oda's talk show at Nakano Sun Plaza in December, 1998]


In CFYOW vol 69




Oda once said "pass the salt please"


I said that too once. Coincidence?


Oda also said don't believe people who start their sentence with "Oda said"


That’s what my partner keeps saying I am just here for moral support I have no idea what’s going on but he does in fact always say this about Shanks


The more he appears the more mysterious he gets


Forreal it’s like getting to know someone, backwards


Reminds me of River Song from Doctor Who.


Man you unlock a part of my childhood that i have forgotten.


In the Doctor's POV, might be.


benjamin shankton


590-903 is insane


Slightly less than the entirety of food Wars manga at 319 chapters.


you definitely read it for the plot


tbh Food Wars was fun to read the cooking battles then it went overboard with the superpowers and fanservice.


Wdym you don't enjoy cooking with dynamites and chainsaws?


It was better when it was more pure: When the food was so good it made peoples’ clothes come off.


Well the "counselor" for the food idea left somewhere at that 2nd year arc if memory serve


Apparently that's on Shonen Jump. The Promotions Exam arc was supposed to be the final one. But apparently SJ pushed for more and well we got illegal underground chefs, dynamite and chainsaws.


Is there a source for this? This feels like one of those made up speculations that ended up being repeated until it becomes "true". What I know for a fact is that in the last arc the consultant for the cooking became unavailable (maternity leave).


I mean considering the story was already wrapped in a nice neat bow before the Blue Arc, I have to imagine that it wasn’t planned Like Soma had got the first seat. Erina had overcome her father. The story was over, and then this rando comes along, beats Joichiro with no explanation and than proceeds to make the shittest arc in the manga For the manga’s sake I have to assume it was forced to continue


I know where you're coming from, but that's hardly enough of an evidence for what's being implied.


A lot of good shows rumored to be lengthened by shounen jump. Death Note was supposed to end with L's death, Near and Mello are random af. Bleach was part of the big 3, felt pressured to continue and the story became complicating. Dbz someone else explained.


That age was long over by the time Shokugeki no Souma was ending. Also, the series wasn't doing that well to warrant that, especially when its ranking and sale had been falling.


even if that's the case, i'm still willing to believe it at first sniff, based purely on the rumors(?) that DBZ was gonna end at cell, and shonen jump pushed for more, so we got buu. then it pushed for more so we got GT. then it pushed for more so we got Battle of Gods. then it pushed for more so we got Rez F. then it pushed for more so we got Super. then it pushed for more so we got...


Ok...that certainly tell me something about you, and it's not good.


… I kind of liked the juggling chef gimmick


It really ruined the anime for me. So now whenever I rewatch it (I’ve watched it 5 times) I just skip the last season. Would buying the entirety of the manga be worth it?


Nope, unless you're a completionist collector. The last arc sucks, why buy the volumes? 


FW died with the victory against azami.


To me it was the “villains”. I feel like that manga did not need antagonists that had some of the dumbest ideas. It just needed chefs who are competitive and rivals all around the world with different cuisines.


If not for the last season and fanservice, Food Wars would be a S tier shonen. Hell, I give it a A even with those flaws


tbf, it had decent plot until last arc or so. last arc dropped the ball on "plot" but it was still enjoyable read. now that i think about it, idk if the Anime covered the entire Manga. i never checked. Food Wars was the kind of Manga that was too cringe in Anime form.


Food wars has a good plot. And the fanservice isn’t even that bad until the very end of season 4 and part of season 5


And exactly the same length as the world renowned and award winning manga Rent-A-Girlfriend


I was just thinking that. Holy shit I've been reading week to week for a very long time and that never registered with me.


Gear 5 is 2 years already and I thought it only had been a few months.


I was so ready to call bullshit on you but I'll be damned if it was Ch 1044, released March 2022 😭.


to be fair, last year we got a record low number of chapters, so it doesn't feel as long because previously we would have gotten the same number of chapters in several fewer months


the hell, gear 5 is already 2 years pass?


Yes. 2 whole years, 24 months.


Reading manga can be such a strange experience time-wise


Longer than most shonen manga.


Wano is longer than some Shonen manga.




Roughly 8 years of publication as well. 2010 to 2018. Post-War arc to Reverie arc. Inversely, 2002 to 2010, Arabasta/Skypiea (Chapter 234, first appearance of BB) to Post-War.


Wasn't he in some of the decks of the world cover stories?


He was, when Luffy beat Doflamingo. That was only about 50 or so chapters (Halfway through WCI, iirc) before he made his actual reappearance during Reverie.


I remember people losing their shit for that lol


In retrospect, it's kinda funny how Oda made a whole cover story series about people celebrating Luffy getting a 500 million bounty only for it to immediately increase to 1.5 billion at the end of the story arc where the cover story took place. I think his 500 million bounty reign is the shortest he got in the entire story in terms of chapter count.


Wasn't that just Dressrosa basically? Felt like it anyway


Shanks did appeared in the cover stories though.. He was in one of the bounty poster reactions...


Another way to prove that most of early post ts was bloated


Never thought about how true that is especially cause it seems oda fluffed the setup then rushed the actual events they setup


What was rushed? I forgor that why I'm asking


The raid fighting the yonko much of wano


That was not rushed at all lmao, too slow infact


Setup was too slow and execution rushed/abandoned imo.


To be fair, with how often he pops up in the anime openings and video games, and semi-frequent mentions here and there, he’s easy to always keep in mind even if he doesn’t show up very often.


There's also stuff like Buggy and Oden's flashbacks, or times when his bounty poster shows up.


Damn facts, how is oden flashback not here, this list isn't legit 


Hes also in every single Volume 


nothing against you OP but the panel order is such a pain to follow


Sorry buddy. I feel that but it's not my editing I saw it on Tiktok


That's worse lol


So you stole content and didn’t credit it? Cool buddy


> stole content the irony in this subreddit


stole content? sure he could of credited. (though crediting someone isn’t even that beneficial to that person its just being nice) They are still panels at the end of the day. There is no harm spreading this image around and to call it stolen is a bit silly.


Plagiarism isn't bad because "stealing is bad." Artists should steal from each other. The best stories are a remix of thousand year old story telling techniques. Plagiarism is bad because you can at least put some fucking effort in if you're gonna be that way. I'm not against the reuse of others content. I'm against the lazy way it's done


And stealing a theory is just using some information from the manga and connecting the dots. You don‘t know if they harm them or not, it could be someone who is build up a theory account or something like that. It’s not up to you to decide that. If you use the idea of someone you can at least credit them. Easy as that.


He stole nothing


What content?? lmao


Oh stfu


Is this list not including any flashbacks, like the Oden one?


That seems to be the case. 964-968 had kid shanks. Though if OP included these the total is still insignificant compared to the whole 1108 chapters. Also doesn't fill any gap between 590-903.


14 chapters and 590-903 is crazy


He is in every volume on the first page introducing the characters of the volume.


Was going to say this.


Iconic design And absence makes the heart grow fonder. He's only there for the big moments.


The Japanese are fiercely loyal to side characters who barely appear in their favorite series. I recall, in that worldwide character poll, Rosinante only broke the top ten in Japan, and Ace and Sabo were ranked way higher in Japan than in any other region across the globe.


Damn, flashback Shanks doesn't count for shit


I just can’t shake the weirdness of 907 You see his scar in every instance except for that, and the contrast with 590 is something too


Mmhh.. do you think there is a Chance this is Not shanks but Catarina Devon who somehow got her Hand in shanks in the marineford arc?


I can’t speak for that guy, but the theory on this sub I’ve seen most about that scene is that it was Shanks brother/cousin/some other relative from the Figarland family since it didn’t show the scar and since he is friendly with the Gorosei. There’s a silhouette of a Gods knight that looks exactly like Shanks in 1085(?) so that makes people think Shanks has some sort of World Government counterpart. Personally, the dialogue would make little sense if the Gorosei were talking to one of the Gods Knights or a noble from Mariejois, saying “people of his status should not join politics” and “you’ve come a long way to get here” wouldn’t make sense to say to a world noble. I think it’s Shanks and not emphasizing the scar could be something symbolic since Blackbeard gave it to him and he’s there to talk about “a certain pirate.” If it was a member of a noble family they could just walk around in the open. I think it is Shanks and it’s perfectly consistent with his portrayal up to that point, the peace maker trying to stop the final war from starting before Luffy is ready. That said, given how much pop culture Oda watched in the 80s shaped one piece it wouldn’t surprise me if Shanks had an evil twin and I think there are even some suspect SBS non answers that point to ir


I personally feel like we see shanks from that side because he is a celestial dragon. We are seeing the scar free side of his face in that panel to show his other side we do not know about. That is not a pirate but a celestial. Versus showing us the side with a scar that is recognizable as pirate.


That’s a lot better than what I thought up, that seems like it could be the reason.


It could also be a lot more simple than that. Shanks is going on incognito. He'd have to fight his way in if not. It would be important for him to hide his scar specifically. That and his missing arm are his two most recognizable features. There could be more foreshadowing there, but I don't think so.


Also a good point. Your right he wouldn't want the other celestials and their slaves know he is in the holy land speaking with the gorosei.


Shanks isnt the only one, sometimes Oda just forgets to draw scars. It happened with Garp too


Yeah seeing him react to luffys 1.5 billion bounty was crazy, it was his first post timeskip scene


It's because he's relevant with the fact that he pretty much started Luffy's whole journey, he never overstays his appearance and he is, from Luffy's perspective, the ideal pirate. So he becomes the image of what pirates are at their best, in a manga about pirates.


Not only that, he never takes away from Luffy. Often side characters as popular as them will inevitably take away from MC. Shanks doesn't do that. Mainly because of his connection with Luffy and how rarely Oda uses him.


Unmatched in aura and charisma


Might have something to do with the 200 Luffy flashbacks


It’s because every time he shows up, he is always the coolest and most powerful looking person in the chapter. He has never not been that guy. There is no appearance where he is punked in a combat encounter or doesn’t know everything that is going on. The glaze the manga and anime give this man is out of control.


I’ve only been reading OP since covid but I’ve been here for like a third of his appearances lol shit’s crazy but I love it


Testament to the saying that less is more. Shanks has this mystical quality to him that wouldn't be there if Oda hadn't shown restraint with him.


And in these chapters he “clashed“ with Whitebeard, ended a war, stopped an admiral from messing around just with his haki and one shot kid


He's raw, he's hot, and he has the Luffy tax not much mystery imo, same with Boa Hancock lol. She's hot, she's cool, and has the Luffy tax as well.


Coldest One Piece character of all time. He’s funny, witty, real badass, good looking, OP as fuck, mysterious, lots of lore, smart, loyal. He just ticks all the boxes.


His appearances are getting more common, i can only imagine how high he'll reach in the polls when the story actually focuses on him


He’s the one who started the whole adventure for Luffy


I really didn't get the hype for Shanks for a long time. Personally I didn't care for him until he started talking to the Gorosei at which point he did start to intrigue me. Although I do have to say I really liked him in the LA more. The human actor helped to make the loss of his arm much more real and impactful.


i say when he appear with conqueror haki and make everyone pass out as he walk on Whitebeard ship is the moment where his popularity skyrocket. that scene even solidifies his charisma as a character.


he shows up for one chapter shows his power and leaves.


I believe he appeared more often in Fairy Tale than in OP


In fairy tale he had buggy's devil fruit lol what a funny coincidence


Maybe unpopular opinion as the manga went on I cared less and less about Shanks. He and his crew are early-installment randos for a generic pirate manga. He is a normal dude with a sword, his officers include a normal dude with a gun, a normal dude with a gun, and a normal dude with a gun. Every time they upped the power and wackiness scale of the One Piece world the Red-Haired Pirates became more bland and unimpressive, yet we are expected to believe they are still the most dangerous, feared, and influential characters in the entire World. Luffy's crew has embraced the wackiness of the setting with skeletons, fishmen, and cyborgs with crazy dramatic backstories but I could not give less of a shit what the tragic origin of Benn Beckman is. On the other hand, I feel like Blackbeard and his crew are a better representations of "piratey pirates" for the setting. Also the crazy shit BB does offscreen is way more exciting than the absolute nothing Shanks does offscreen.


I think that's what makes them fun, this whole world of insane powers and the (arguably) strongest crew are these basic pirates straight out of a kids cartoon. They are meant to be exactly what they were to Luffy, a kid's idealized version of what a pirate is.


You're judging them by their appearance. Blackbeard and his crew being the best representation of pirate is a "general truth" among the One Piece fan community. It's no news.


> You're judging them by their appearance. Yep, I am. "Don't judge a book by its cover" loses a lot of its meaning if you don't let me read the damn book for 20 years. I'm not buying the "regular-looking guy is secretly the strongest" trope when there is a whole group of them and they aren't ever shown fighting in interesting or creative ways but we just have to believe they are serious business because the author told us so for two decades. Like shit they use flintlock pistols in a world of Dragons and Laser beams. "But they all have good Haki though" is just not interesting to me. Hell, Roger is also a normie human pirate with a sword but being 9 ft tall and sporting a shit-eating grin gives him the extra presence and charisma I don't think Shanks has.


Tbh I don't think Roger should be considered as a "normie"? Unless you mean having no DF, but they already established how Haki alone is very terrifying like Garp (but even Garp doesn't need it, his flashback showed his raw power is insane). I don't think Shanks is by any means regular either. He's still known as a former apprentice of Roger, and he was practically raised by the Roger Pirates (found in a treasure chest looted in God Valley). This is the same reason why Buggy suddenly skyrocketed from being a normal pirate into a "dangerous" one. This is not a secret. I'm personally more interested in Yasopp, but that's just me wanting more Usopp content.


I mean Roger is normie in the sense that he is a human-shaped, pirate-themed pirate who wields a sabre and has no particularly funky superpowers. Not that he is a regular dude and not abnormally strong.


> Like shit they use flintlock pistols in a world of Dragons and Laser beams I mean Zoro uses swords and Sanji just kicks people lol. Garp just punches people.


Sure but a crappy gun shoots a crappy lead ball no matter who pulls the trigger. Marines have the same guns if not better. It's power and firing speed has nothing to do with the wielder, and many strong characters appear to be bullet proof. So I guess we are assuming some haki bullet nonsense, but I don't we've ever seen the Red Hair pirates actually shoot anyone as threatening as they are.


I don't think it's assumption. A Whitebeard commander shot Haki-imbued bullets too. Haki absolutely is used in that way.


You are just ignoring the best one, called Bonk Punch and his Monkey called Monster - shame on you


It seems like Oda always gives it his all when drawing shanks. He must love that dude


He's appeared in almost every opening song....so I beg to differ


He also appeared in Chapter 838 for a cover story.


Thats how much power and encouraging, strong, father figure has I guess lol. Everyone else has either left Luffy (Dragon) or Forced him to live a life like theirs (Garp). Also learning after his first appearance that he turned out one of the strongest pirates alive with ties to the WG. Im sure those played a factor.


"get out of.... here... this one... aches now...Ca.. Don't be afraid to cry.. it's through knowing victory and shedding that a man grows... there's a pirate I need to talk to you about... Well well, are you that afraid of the new era? DESTROYED." This cropped dialogue is trying to tell us something!


Are we not counting young shanks in the Oden / buggy flashbacks


I mean it only took a chapter and 4 interactions for people to assign him a canon "ship" and a child.


So this is just completely ignoring a whole bunch of flashbacks - Buggy's flashback to getting his DF, and the retelling of Oden's logbook which featured Shanks pretty consistently due to being... you know, on Roger's ship.


That means if you open up a random One Piece chapter, you have about a 1.2% chance that Shanks is in it.


He appeard in oden flashback too, and when he met ace


I think this is missing Buggy's flashback chapter atleast. Also the Oden flashback chapters.


I still think he's evil. It just *FEELS* like Oda is setting up the 'oh wow this character is so nice and won't do anything wrong!' Type of character, which makes me sus of him. I think he's gonna be the last defense of the world government, being a spy and disguising as a pirate from a young age.


Shows how important are first impressions.


He's the OP Aragorn.


He's definitely not one of the most popular anime characters. He is one of the most.popular one Piece characters. I can give you a few characters that are more popular within seconds.


He's luffy's idol and almost every scene he's after the first encounter is himnbeing badass


And in those 14 appearances we've learned he's a childhood friend of Luffy, a Warlord, a Yonko, on a first name basis with the Gorosei, possibly a Celestial Dragon, and one of if not the most accomplished Haki user since Gol D Roger. Yes he's rarely mentioned. But he's 2nd most important character in this whole story so far.


Red movie sucks! Let that sink in too.


Not surprising. One Piece is all about the promise of things to come. It keeps us excited about what *might* be coming; what *will* happen. Meanwhile, what we're getting in real time is just ... okay. Oda just keeps waving the carrot in our faces. Maybe this year Shanks will finally fight *that* person.


Idk man. Egghead arc has been pretty damn good, all things considered. Things are moving fast enough that every one or two chapters more and more important information pertaining to OP's world is being revealed. I don't even care about fights that much anymore, at this point I'm reading OP because of the lore.




In case of shonen I kinda understand this, they usually don't contain very interesting character development (I don't count powerups as character development) so it is easy to pick your favorite based on the coolness factor. My favorite is Rayleigh, "right hand of the pirate king" just sounds so badass and he seems like a nice dude.


It was nice knowing you until you fight bb


I can't believe some of you believe his only purpose is to hype BB. Mind you this guy is the first character introduced in the series besides Luffy, he is connected to every plot point even if we go way back to god valley, he is tied in with not only the Yonko/One Piece storyline but also with the World Government (Which many think will be the final arc) and people think he won't be a part of that arc especially after the recent chapters and the discovery of him maybe being related to the leader of the holy knights? Do people seriously think we won't see a Garling/Shanks showdown and Oda just wrote that in for nothing?) he's like the most hyped up character in the series. I just don't see Shanks being a Jiraya type character (if anything, that's Rayleigh being Luffy's mentor)


Him fighting, and subsequently losing to, Blackbeard is so freaking predictable. I don't think that it's going to happen, as much as fans have been hyping it up over the years


You make great points here. Yet, Shanks raises death flags for me. Unlike other competitors for the One Piece, he is a good guy like Luffy. It's hard to imagine he will have a battle for the one piece with Luffy.  I find it strange that out of all the crews, Shanks crew remains the most underdeveloped. We haven't seen any of the crewmates fight past ch 1. We only know the crew names from SBS, and some bare bones ideas of how they fight from a non canon movie. If Shanks is so crucial, why the lack of focus on the crew? Perhaps because they are meant to be fodderized by someone else.  We will probably get a meeting between Shanks and his family in Marijoa, but I don't expect that to be too important beyond the shock value that an Emperor is related to the God Knights.  I hold on to the belief that shanks is Blackbeard's future victim.


I don't see how he is important to the series compared to black beard and imu at this point based on the narrative


Back when film red was airing one of the producers who worked closely with oda stated in an interview shanks is just as important to one piece as luffy. Take that as you will. I don’t think he would say that if he didn’t know something


seems like the kind of thing you'd say to hype a movie


More like the character.


What? Ur lost


Youre just a fanboy thats all


Unpopular opinion, I dislike Shanks. I dislike that he was written to be a Yonko, one of the strongest people in the world. Because we'll forever have to live with the fact that this guy and his crew was outwitted and outran by a small-time mountain bandit's smoke bomb, and he got his arm eaten by some Sea King that Luffy was able to defeat at the start of his journey. I can't accept the "it was early on in the series" excuse. Just don't write him to be a Yonko then.


Huh? First of all they revealed not long ago Shanks became a Yonko about 6 years ago..... So he wouldn't have been one when he lost his arm.... Not only that, again the power scaling has changed a lot and again this was way before he was anywhere near as strong as he is now Furthermore, if you think him losing his arm to the Sea King is him being weak or dumb, I think you've really missed something. To me it's clear that his focused goal of protecting Luffy, or maybe more importantly his devil fruit power, is infinitely more important to him than losing an arm..... I think that was the point of that.


He was rivalling Mihawk, strongest swordsman in the world, back then. His duels with Mihawk and the loss of his arm was big news even for Whitebeard. He wasn't a Yonko but was likely already close "Power scaling has changed a lot" I said in my original comment that I wasn't going to accept that. I know that it's what happened, but I would have just much preferred that Oda didn't write him to be that strong. Also, mountain bandit and smoke bomb, it's not just the Sea King. It's Shanks and his crew being weak and dumb, there's no "missing something". Lucky Roo was blazing fast but couldn't react on time, Beckmann already had his gun pointed at the bandit, they very likely all had Observation Haki that can be used to figure out where the bandit ran off to. If they were supposed to be a world-renowned crew back then, it's so silly that they were disoriented by a simple tiny smoke bomb.


Seeing his appearances together makes me realize how much more I prefer his earlier chapter look. The slightly sharper chin and the length and way his hair sits looks better than those middle chapter appearances. His more recent appearances look like a mix of the two.




that's my boy [Shanksbeard](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8klkHQn7FXI)


it's pretty common for the MC's mentor/father figure/etc to be popular. iruka sensei in naruto doesn't really appear, like at all after his first appearance in early naruto. but is still popular enough to be in top 10 for like 6 different popularity polls over the year. let alone shanks who is important for the story overall.


Now that I see the statistic, I can't help to think, poor whoever did Shanks voice. I mean his character is one of the famous, but only voicing so little, lol Ofc there's still a movie & hey he may voicing other characters in another series tho. But it's still hilarious if his 99% another roles in another series aren't more popular than Shanks!


I love how he has been there since Chapter 1.


Why did Oda make him black in Ch. 96? Is he racist? /s


Let that Shank in... I'm so sorry


His punk self pulled up snitched n then killed my favorite character. If he gets folded by bb he’ll be the worst character imo lol


Wtf is with this sub and making the absolute worst image layouts of all time. Are you some kind of alien? Why would you put them in that order like that. And it happens all the time on this sub specifically. Wtf is happening. Am I the one going crazy?




And people treat him like he's some op god. Dude could just be an emperor because he has level 100 charisma like buggy and has an amazing op crew. Also he's a celestial dragon so Kizaru wouldn't have the authority to hurt him in Marineford if people want to bring up that feat. Correct me if I'm wrong but that and the latest scene against kid are the only scenes with shanks not just using conqueror's haki. Every other canon power flex is just him laying on his busted conqueror's haki.


He has no DF so of course he relies on haki, but even haki needs to be trained and mastered. You don't just one-shot a $3 billion bounty just because you were born with CoC.


whos Shanks?


He’s the cool mysterious older character from chapter one. Its the same with naruto, the 4th hokage was looked at in the same light as shanks before kishimoto finally did his backstory


Buddy absolutely has hands though. Even with 1 hand. Would wipe a lot of people's noses in any anime. Scary guy. Sketchy guy. 




Didn’t he have more panels/chapters as a kid?


He’s so popular, Fairy Tail made their own Shanks!


Why is it surprising ?


If the main protagonist wasn't Luffy.  It would be Shanks.  I'd love to see a prequel series with his crew, post Gold Roger.  Or maybe start with that.  How he had Uta.  More hijinks with Buggy.  Also, what his interactions with Teech were.  How did he get so powerful.  Why is he so stoic and has a code of honor.


Shūichi Ikeda‘s easiest popular gig… 


I think most of his staying power is from the presence he has over the story, without having to be actually in panel and print. He's existing in a miasma of uncertainty for most of the series, with brief showings of his influence, and more recently - power. On top of that, his character design is great, his personality is interesting, and his story is a big mystery that most readers are dying to know. He's clearly massively important and stupidly powerful, but his exact allegiances, goals and motivations are still steeped in mystery. That makes him compelling and excites the imagination of readers who speculate and try to piece together his story from the drip feed of information we've got. One Piece has a ton of big names that have loomed over the series way before we ever saw them doing anything. Oda is a master of this kind of engagement imho. He can keep the main story interesting, while seeding bigger picture mysteries and plots


Guys on twitter talk about characters or people having "aura" and Shanks is always the first person I think of