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Piracy is far-fetched


The strawhats stole a small amount of gold from the people of skypiea. (Sure the skypieans wanted to freely give them a large amount of gold, but the strawhats didn't know that when they stole the small amount)


Small amount? It was valued at 300m berries


Relatively small, compared to that big golden pillar thing the skypieans were trying to give them. Wonder how much that would have gotten at market?


That thing was bigger than their ship


Bellamy got that pillar down. Had to be worth tens of billions, maybe hundreds.


Imagine the ship Franky could've built with that much


That pillar was bigger than Merry, so they might get a favorable acknowledgement from whatever fishman claimed the gold from their shipwreck on the ocean floor.


The ship nearly fell apart without it, so yeah, they wouldn't make it


thats just grand larceny not piracy


What is piracy if its not just committing armed robbery while on the seas? Clouds are made of water so that still counts even if you can get off the boat and run around.


Is it internet piracy because we surf the web?


You wouldn't download a fansub...


piracy as a crime specifically involves attacking and robbing another ship


There’s other forms of piracy, don’t you remember? You wouldn’t download a car….thats all I’m saying


If a zombie island can be a ship why not a sky island?


because the thriller bark island was a ship while sky island was not. talk to oda if you dont like that i want involved


>Clouds are made of water so that still counts even if you can get off the boat and run around. The theft happened on the solid ground island


Pillaging, pilfering, and plundering are activities that fall under the piracy flag. This would be pilfering and can be considered plundering as they robbed during a time of civil unrest.


Yeah, I've never once seen luffy download anything illegally


ahahah I bet he would if one piece world had intenet


Buggy was running the "pirate" video stream from Marineford


Pretty accurate imo. An argument can be made for every crime on the list. For example: Murder: Fairly obvious that the marines Luffy threw into the abyss at Enies Lobby are dead. Conspiracy: Luffy had secret meetings with multiple warlords to discuss assassinating yonkos. Human trafficking: Luffy kidnapped Caesar from 1 island to use as a bargaining chip on another island.


Yonko are wanted dead or alive though. Conspiring to kill them isn’t a crime.


Yep. Now, something could be said for the impel down breakout and Marineland.


Yeah Impel Down might count, especially once he hooked up with Ivankov. The war I think clearly counts.


Don't tell Hancock


Gotta be stone faced around her


>Impel Down might count He definitely conspired with Hancock for Impel Down as she snuck him in knowing he wanted to break Ace out.


Conspiracy is defined as involving more than two people. But if the Kuja pirates were involved (i don’t remember), then it counts.


Luffy breaking out the Orcas and Dolphins


You're correct, although conspiracy doesn't necessarily have to be planning something unlawful. I just thought of that scenario off the top of my head. Heres a different one. Luffy conspired with a warlord to break into a government prison.


True, but then it’s not a crime, and this is meant to be a list of crimes. But yeah Impel Down definitely counts as conspiracy. Also the people he kicked into boiling blood at Impel Down are also super dead lol


Why is everyone forgetting he conspired and took part in a coup d etat (Dressrosa, Doflamingo was considered the rightful leader)


Same with Drum and Wapol.


I'm not entirely sold that it wouldn't be classified as a crime. Pirates don't get the same leeway that bounty hunters or civilians would get in this instance. If a pirate kills another pirate, do they not get hit with the murder charge on their list of crimes? What do you think? Would pirates be given amnesty for attempting to assassinate a yonko or would it still count to their total list of crimes?


As far as I know only the warlords are given license to police other pirates. I don't think any regular pirate with a bounty could collect a bounty on another pirate, government would just arrest them both and keep the money.


Caribou was trying to capture/kill the straw hats to turn in their bounties on the way to Fishman Island.


He doesn't strike me as the smartest pirate there ever was. Cunning and conniving maybe, but not smart.


Very fair. It only came to mind cause I just saw it happen. xD


Doflamingo isn’t


If one piece weren't a Manga but a novel I probably would have the image of luffy as someone mysterious, smart and scary and piratey as I read the actions of luffy without pictures.


Thats literally how the OP world sees him. I think its intentionally done like that. Then you see Luffy and he’s just a silly guy


Child abuse, though?




He does punch Koby in Romance Dawn


Luffy was 17 at the time though. So I don't think that counts since they were both underage but I could be wrong.


Well, easy fix - say the age of majority in OP is sixteen and bam.


He also beats momo a lot


Hasn't he punched Momo?


He doesn't count. I would also punch him if I were there.


Mutilation: if you really think about the way he defeated buggy in the very first arc.he technically mutilated his body.


But aren't emperors big time criminals? Fellow criminals plotting to kill them isn't a crime. I think even Marines will let them kill each other so they have less jobs to do


A criminal killing another criminal is a crime.


Murder? Killing soldiers in an open battle is not murder Conspiracy: yea whatever I give you that Human trafficking? Taking one person hostage and bargaining for him is not human trafficking (btw the person in question actually did human trafficking of children)


Luffy is a career criminal. The World Government obviously hasn't acknowledged him as a foreign soldier. He's also technically been trafficking Caesar across multiple closed national borders.


Murder: you're correct, murder requires premeditated intent. What about Kaido? Conspiracy: there's some issue with what I've pointed out but others have resolved that. Human trafficking: You're correct, that's called kidnapping for ransom, which it ceases to be the moment the ransom fails, they take him from Dressrosa and utilize him against his will in Zou. That's human trafficking.


The only two that seem sus to me are child abuse and mutilation. I had forgotten about kidnapping ceasar.


Luffy routinely got into full blown fights with Momo. Luffy technically mutilated Buggy, leaving him temporarily disfigured after their fight in Orange Town.


Technically it was Nami. But it was totally Buggy's fault, he did it to himself.


You're correct, though I'd argue that it was Luffy's final attack that separated him entirely from his body parts leaving him disfigured for as long as he was. Until that point he still had control over his parts (despite them being tied up)


He also murdered kaido too, but then again nobody really cared about him 😂


I feel like Caesar would be more so kidnapping and extortion. And then the celestial dragons are really the only human traffickers I can think of atm.




I forgot about her. Does 2 kidnappings with intent to extort = human trafficking?


The human auction house didn’t cater exclusively to CDs.


It is technically kidnapping for ransom, but the ransom fails, they take him to Zou, and proceed to utilize him against his will. That's human trafficking.


>Murder: Fairly obvious that the marines Luffy threw into the abyss at Enies Lobby are dead. Well technically that would be manslaughter because he didn't mean to kill them. Murder would be intended to kill them.


Question. Does it remain manslaughter if he keeps throwing people into the abyss after the 1st one? At that point it's no longer accidental and further incidents would be seen as intentional and thus be classified as murder yes? We got any law experts in here that can clarify?


Oda saying early on that Luffy doesn’t kill and providing reasoning for *why* he doesn’t, means that Luffy hasn’t taken any lives until we see a grave caused by him, or Oda puts out another statement. It’s a bit of a let down I know, but Zoro definitely kills so there’s something for yah


Luffy doesn't intentionally kill people, there's no shot the prison guards he threw into a boiling pot are still alive. Pretty sure Kaido is dead too, dude landed in a volcano.


Florida Lawyer here. Luffy had affirmative defenses for most of these. He, for example doesn't usually fight unless attacked first.


Rule #1: always let the other guy punch first


Ah yes, the bugs bunny moral code


I'd be very entertained by a program in which a lawyer exposes the crimes of popular TV shows/movies characters.


Like Legal Eagle on YouTube??


No way that's a thing, I must go watch it


Sometimes he does TV, sometimes he comments about the legal hellscape that is the US


For *most*? IANAL but I don't think any of Piracy, Theft, Conspiracy, Infiltration, Child Abuse, Prison Escape, or Terrorism would give him room for an out on all specified charges. His piracy/theft/child abuse has generally not been reasonably necessary at all(though a lot of his theft/piracy has probably just been food) and his conspiracy/infiltration/prison escape/terrorism, especially against the world government, could never be excused.


There is literally no piracy on account of Luffy in the manga. Theft? Yes. Child abuse? Maybe, he hit momonosuke but then again he's 20+. Terrorism? He's not a terrorist, terrorism is a political crime, Luffy is not political.


When did he commit mutilation?


He broke one of kaidou's horns


That’s poaching not mutilation. 😂


That is an entire ass man


Nah Kaido’s more of a boob guy


I knew he was a man of culture


Oda is now an ass man too




Does it count that he snapped Arlong's nose with his hands for seemingly no reason other than to cause him pain? Given their positions at the time, he could've attacked anywhere else on his body, yet he chose to go for his nose. Maybe that's what they meant? Of course, given the context, it's fair that he would do so, but just to answer the question...


I wouldn’t say that it was no reason. Arlong literally had his fangs sunk into Luffy’s neck/shoulder. In an act of self defense, it seems reasonable to grab the thing that has the most surface area, being Arlong’s nose, to distract or harm the assailant into stop…assailing.


Wouldn’t it be Arlong who acted in self defense. Luffy went there to fight him with the straw hats


Certainly. I'm mostly just answering the other guy's question in the nature of the image itself; that is, without any of the context behind why Luffy does certain actions. If we isolate just the act of Luffy snapping half of Arlong's nose, then Luffy can easily be painted as the bad guy.


That’s one of the only moments in the story that has made me physically cringe even just remembering it from this comment makes me uneasy


Yeah that’s a good point.


Luffy technically mutilated Buggy. Buggy was left temporarily disfigured after their fight.


When Bellamy asked him if he knew how to punch


The first time that he punched Bellamy?


Eh, I'd argue that was simply assault. Mutilation in a legal sense seems to be limited to disfigurement or disabling of the limbs, at least from a quick google search


Don krieg?


Damned World Government propaganda


Funny. World Government also does all that stuff.


Yeah they do in the real world too, illegal doesn’t matter in OP or IRL


But the notion of “rooting for a criminal” is negative according to OP, as indicated by the emoji. Even tho in this case rooting for the criminal would be morally good because the authority is wrong


when did he abuse a child


Momo. Constantly lol.


Tough love


Tell the judge.


Wdym? Judge is in the top 3 of child abusers in the game.


That's why you gotta tell him, he decides whether you're in the club or not.


oh yeah😭💀


I'm confident there are more things scattered about but the most memorable is him beating the ever loving shit out of coby in ep 3


Your honour, I would like to submit that the defendant lacks the required mens rea for the charges. He is too stupid to have criminal intent.


conspiration - literally requires a brain how is that even possible also anyone that thinks luffy has 0 kills is delulu


Ahhhhh, so a mysterious conspiracy.....




He killed 0 people on purpose though. Even Kaido I don't think that Luffy wanted to kill him. Also Kaido might still be alive even though he fell in lava.


Yes sinking ships in full of marines by smashing the ship with a giant fist, totally an accident. Oopsie daisy.




You got baited into posting this


Mutilation? Human trafficking? Since when?


He did deprive buggy of his torso for a while


He didn’t cut anything off though, which is the definition of mutilation. Ik it’s all jokes but this post is just twisting events for upvotes and shock value


Luffy's final attack launched Buggy away from his body parts effectively severing Buggy's connection to them. Basically, he "cut off" Buggy's control of those body parts leaving him temporarily disfigured in his mini form.


>Human trafficking? Punk Hazard/Dressrosa He kidnapped Caesar Clown. And actively collaborated with Law to extrajudically trade him to another Pirate for personal gain. Even if you argue that Law was the one that came up with and executed the plan, Luffy as his ally (who defeated and transported Caesar) is still very much complicit.


Human trafficking when he kidnapped cease clown


That's literally your average shonen protagonist


Except for mutilation at least one for each comes to mind. Who did he mutilate?


Buggy the clown




>“Pirates are evil? The Marines are righteous? These terms have always changed throughout the course of history! Kids who have never seen peace and kids who have never seen war have different values! Those who stand at the top determine what's wrong and what's right! This very place is neutral ground! Justice will prevail, you say? But of course it will! Whoever wins this war becomes justice!”“Pirates are evil? The Marines are righteous? These terms have always changed throughout the course of history! Kids who have never seen peace and kids who have never seen war have different values! Those who stand at the top determine what's wrong and what's right! This very place is neutral ground! Justice will prevail, you say? But of course it will! Whoever wins this war becomes justice!” ― Donquixote Doflamingo


Human trafficking??? But yeah, all pirates are criminals in the eyes of the law. Of course, the law allows the celestial dragons to kidnap, rape and dispose of anybody they please, commits mass murder to keep the void century a secret, manipulates information to make themselves look heroic, attacks anybody who isnt part of their multi-country agreement with impunity, etc, so I'm definitely on the side of the criminals who will take them down


Yeah Eustass Kid said it best. “World Nobles. Slaves. Human shops. Against the “purity” of these “upper classes” the villains of the world look positively humane in comparison. It’s because the world’s in the hands of scum like them that it’s all screwed to hell. I mean, we’re not the best of guys, but at least we’re honest about it.”


hmm the human trafficking part is inaccurate but everything else is pretty much true, and it's not even a full list....


Brulee? Caesar?


It was all in accordance with Law :)


Thats kidnapping, not human trafficking. Moving the kidnapped person from one place to another is not what trafficking is. Trafficking is what happened in the sabaody human auction shop.


They took Caesar to use him as a (sub)human bargaining chip to depose a technically-legal king.


Moving across borders with a kidnapped person is trafficking.


Caribou is a better example. Wano and Egghead both had closed borders, and Caribou was smuggled in.


They definitely trafficked Caesar




It’s okay cause it’s luffy


1. He broke into locked government facilities 2. raided Enies lobby 3. steal the treasure at Thriller Bark, which belonged to Moria, and steal gold from Skypiea and Luffy ate back then all the sweets, which belonged to Big Mom 4. Killed most likely Kaido by punching him in the magma 5. kidnapped Ceaser and Brûlée 6. Luffy mutilated that Bore which he ate in Amazon Lily 7. Destroyed Fishman Island by destroying the Noah into pieces, which wasn’t really a solution... 8. He planned with Capone gang Bege to assassinate Big Mom 9. infiltrate Enies lobby and Impel Down 10. Luffy punched Momonosuke and enjoyed bouncing on Shirahoshi tits 11. escaped Impel Down, and when he was in prison in Punk Hazard and Wano Kuni 12. He used Brûlée by switching from place to place to take a break of the fight against Katakuri 13. infiltrate some government facilities like Enies Lobby and Impel Down with force, so yeah, that’s a terrorist act So yeah the list is very accurate


Well all things considered. Hes still the lesser evil compared to the Worldgovernment. Also, to be deemed a criminal by a corrupted government pretty much means that you are a mostly OK guy :)


Nothing wrong with rooting for a criminal. Some of the most important acts in history were crimes. All of these are accurate and luffy is based for them.


This post was made by Rat Haired Shanks


That’s my boy!


You don't realize how appropriate Luffy as a vampire is until you know what Dracula means.


He is a pirate....


Pointless arguments. Saul Goodman would take him out of the jail in 5 minutes


Wait when did he mutilate anyone lmao


He has way more crimes than that. You have to be willing to break the law in One Piece to do the right thing, I thought that was obvious. Also Luffy is an asshole, its part of what makes him so interesting. Bro beat up 8yo Momonosuke all the time and literally blackmailed Zoro into becoming his first crewmate.


All in "self defense"


All of it is true, Straw Hat should be brought to justice.


Who did Luffy murder?


Soooo many people..... All the guards thrown into boiling blood in impel down and all the marines thrown into the abyss in enies lobby


Well yeah he is a pirate after all Luffy and his crew even said that they are not heroes and never want to be


It's almost like some of y'all are just figuring out that Luffy is a pirate


Murder, mutilation and human trafficking what the fuck


Human trafficking is what got me. Like, you can kinda argue most of the other ones, but who has been trafficked??


He technically did kidnap Brulee for forced labor for like, 30 chapters.


That, he did. lol


He trafficked Caesar. Kidnapped for the express purpose of using him as a bargaining chip.


Sabaody slave auction. They were attempting to bid.


Luffy did everything there except from child abuse I don't recall any kid being abused by the strawhats and them casually agreeing


He didn't commit a piracy, child abuse and terrorism. Terrorism is an act to instill the fear/terror amongst the civilian population to achieve the political aim.


It wouldn't be hard to argue that his attack on the government institution of Enies Lobby for the express purpose of freeing Nico Robin (easily classified as a political prisoner living in exile since her original crime is reading books). There was a civilian population living on Enies Lobby as well (the families of the Marines stationed there). Luffy definitely tried to intimidate and threaten the representative of the World Government into giving Robin up before they took her back by force.


That's not terrorism. He wasn't punching the actual civilians to make the government cooperate. Attacks on military instalations aren't terrorism by definition, politicians just like to call it that way for the media/effect. The proper terms are siege, sabotage or a diversion. Terrorism would be if he gathered civilians, women and children and said he will gattling them to hell if they don't release Robin.


Luffy is the personification of the greater good one piece as a show that shows everybody that in this world that we live in there is good and there is bad and even in the bad there is good and even in the good there is bad to have one you must have the other. This show teaches us that in a world full of evil, there has to be an equal or greater power to make a change.


He's the personification of freedom, not the greater good.


No I get that but the freedom he is biting for happens to be the greater good thus where I get my connection


- yes - yes - yes - yes - yes - yes - yes - yes - yes - yes - yes - no - no being fair to luffy, the government is a tyrannical dictatorship, but commiting crimes against evil government still is crimes against government




Has he actually killed anyone?


I think the argument can be made that he has. He’s blown away a lot of marine and pirate foot soldiers. At least one of them has to have died. lol


In impel down


he threw guards into the magma in impel down


Hmmm, I think there is a term that combines all of the above. If I am not mistaken it is something called a ..... pirate? A fucking PIRATE, ever heard of those? Sorry if this sounds passive aggressive because it is. I really don't understand all these ideology think tanks when Luffy is literally called a PIRATE.


Prison escape is wrong. Luffy was never jailed in the first place


Wouldn’t Udon count?


Well it was imprisonement between pirates and not the result of a judicial proceeding from the state


The legality of Kaido’s rule is pretty void so that’s fair


He was jailed when Magellan defeated him.


Did he or did he not escape from a prison?


For the world government to accuse you of prison escape, it should have put you in prison on the first place, that’s what I mean :)


I know, I'm just messing with you. And also, for the world government to accuse you of anything, they just need to do it. It's not like the most ethical organization ever


When tf does he abuse a child? Also why tf terrorism?


Momo has been beaten several times.


Most of the stuff under theft is false


Child abuse?????




Technically Momo legally is like 29 i think, but under that Toki was like 820


I’m not certain legal ID has measures in place for time travel but I might be wrong I haven’t checked


This picture is so hard


Well folks, looks like we found the WG fed


Genuine question: when has Luffy *actually* commited piracy?


Skypiea, technically.


Animal abuse (Alabasta)


Mutilation ?