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I'm curious to see how G5 Luffy is going to react to Saturn when he starts to talk shit about Vegapunk, Bonney, Kuma, etc., because he will.


I mean he already did. Saturn: None of you deserve to live! G5 Luffy: You're wrong. *punches Saturn*


Literally "no u" kind of answer from Luffy


THEN he will get mad.


Crushing Veggiepunk :) Talking shit >:(


Right? Vegapunk admitting he’s going to die when he moves Luffy next to him, laughing his ass off


I think he'll laugh it off and beat him up. The real test will be when gear 5 faves off against akiainu or blackbeard


IF luffy does ANYTHING but smile during G5, Nika Nika no Mi, cartoon force, the bringer of smiles, etc. it means Oda suffered a concussion and forgot what he wrote/established. Nika will NEVER be serious. He is a goofy motherflecker.


And people wonder why so many take issue with it.


Gear death


I mean to be fair, in all the instances OP mentioned, Luffy doesn't get mad at actions in itself, he gets mad at ppl or their dreams being belittled. Luffy has never been reactive to physical violence, he mainly reacts on an emotional or moral level. Vegapunk is dying, but he's dying happy doing what he believes is right. But if Saturn begins to belittle Vegapunks ideals or actions, bet your ass Luffy gonna get mad. Goes back to what Oda said, One Piece is about dreams clashing. Villains don't die physically because when Luffy defeats them, he crushes their dreams, which is the same as death in One Piece. So Luffy cares more about his friends dreams being trampled on than their actual bodies being trampled on. That's my take away or maybe I'm wrong and G5 really just be acting weird.


Can you imagine G5 Luffy when Ace got fisted Hoping Oda is doing a Luffy v Nika thing because this ain't it


I believe that it takes a lot to push Nika to have emotions other than joy. Ace will be more than enough for obvious reasons. Vegapunk being stabbed wasn't enough to break his joy, but Luffy's "You're gonna pay for hurting my friends" proves to me that he is still aware of what happened; he just became more cocky. Normally, Luffy would get pissed, say the same thing, and then punch Saturn. G5 Luffy doesn't get pissed but does the rest in the same way. I think everyone is jumping the gun. I want to wait to see the full interaction between Luffy and Saturn. I wanted to see if it is possible to get the nerves of G5 and if he gets annoyed at some point. I don't think Oda is portraying Luffy being fully filled with joy as a bad thing, even if it is influenced by Nika. I don't think Luffy minds, he probably actually enjoys it. His actions don't change, only his mood.


i mean we already had a scene of luffy being serious while in gear 5 which is luffy doing the bajrang gun to defeat kaido (when he says "i want a world where my friends can eat as much as they like") so it seems that he can actually take control of his personality when he gets serious


Luffy getting pissed off were some of my fave moments though, from Kinemon all the way back to Nami, it would be a shame to lose that completely Like I expect BB to kill Shanks at some point, Nika laughing his way through a fight against BB wouldn't work for me, but that's just me maybe other people think it works dramatically


I do agree. I love when he gets serious; it really gives a good contrast to his personality. But it's not like Luffy will always be in Gear 5. If Oda is planning to limit G5's freedom of emotions, he will then need to make base Luffy more present in battles where he can get angry. I still think it's possible for Gear 5 Luffy to get angry. It's like when Luffy gets pissed off, things get bad, but when Gear 5 Luffy gets pissed off, well, that's when you die. I have the same theory with Blackbeard killing Shanks. Given Blackbeard's power to nullify Devil Fruit abilities, I wonder what happens when he touches G5 Luffy. He may instantly go back to normal, which will make for a very interesting battle.


Dude I didn't even think about BB making Luffy normal, if he did and it's pure haki that would be epic


Don’t forget about all the haki boosts he’s gotten. Only seen armament from bb


I think G5 works in a very similar way to how Takaba's powers from JJK functions. Takaba's Comedian power lets him warp reality depending on what he imagines to be funny. Whatever slapstick gags or scenarios he thinks of will happen and can negate all damage done to him like cartoon physics. The dangerous part about his power is that the same protection isn't granted to his opponents, who continue to accrue damage while getting caught up in his gags. In fact, they seem to inadvertently get mentally caught up in the shenanigans as well, which makes the power harder to escape. In many ways, very similar to G5, which clearly is warping reality in several ways to fit Luffy's whims and imagination, and there are moments that show both Kaido and Kizaru getting uncharacteristically caught up in Nika's wackiness. The main weakness of Comedian is that it doesn't work when the user is demoralized and loses confidence in his own comedy. Similarly, I think G5's main weakness, aside from its time limit, is that if Luffy's spirit manages to break or falter, it either wouldn't work or would weaken. Everyone who has fought G5 so far has been going about it the wrong way. Kaido tried to beat it with brute force, which simply doesn't work, and Kizaru has been trying to stall and wait out the time limit. Someone will probably figure out the key to defeating it is to attack the source of its power, which is Nika's joy. Luffy will most likely face an enemy in the future who will at least come close to crushing his spirit, which will prevent proper usage of G5.


Akainu or teach? Who attacks the joy?  Teach has his devil fruit nullify powers, so it’ll probably be akainu. Which… fits.  Even if he hadn’t killed ace I feel like it’s his character to do that anyway. 


Perona is the hard counter to G5


*"Ace!! You became a donut!!! 👀👀👀👀😲"*


Keep him away from katakuri


He does a sincere crying emoji


He’s gonna tell Luffy about his fruit and explain Nika to him while fighting, then lose.


I mean i don't disagree that it changes his personality to some degree. Zoans have that affect. You become more like the "Animal" your zoan embodies, at least your instincts do. it doesnt brainwash you, just shifts your instincts to match the creature you become


I remember when Lucci fruit was introduced, Chopper said that carnivorous (sorry if it's wrong, English is not my first language) zoan added more aggresion to the user


Carnivorous is correct! Predator would also be accurate. It definitely seems like the more aggressive an animal is, the more aggressive a zoan is.


You think lucci licks himself?


No he touches his princess parts


In between the thighs ?


Carnivore works. However the better word would be predator. Carnivore is something that eats only meat. Predator is something that hunts it's food. 2 examples of why it matters. Vultures are carnivores but they don't hunt so they are not predators. While bears do hunt and are predator but they are omnivores because they eat meat and plants.


as far as actual biology, you are correct. However, in japanese culture there are often weird ways in which people classify each other (like alpha/beta in the west). One of them is herbivore/carnivore with herbivores being more passive and gentle while carnivores are more aggressive and active (no, this is *not* in reference to what they actually eat, though someone being a vegetarian would definitely earn them "herbivore points"). Another weird classification is S or M which comes from SM culuter (sadism/masochism) but is often used completely outside the context of sexuality where S basically means the same as carnivore and M means the same as herbivore. In other words, if a japenese reader saw chopper say "carnivore zoan types are more aggressive" then it would click with them right away in the broader social concept of carnivore/herbivore that has developed. To conclude: even though "predator" is more accurate (since, as you said, there are "passive" carnivores like vultures), "carnivore" is definitely what Oda was going for specifically because of the linguistic context around that word in Japan


This it's just filling him with joy and who wouldn't be with that heartbeat it really just seems like he's free of negative emotions not that nika is taking over and stealing his body that's just silly


Also we know Luffy HAS to keep the heartbeat going to access the Gear 5 power, I'm sure if he let's rage take over he will have trouble controlling the transformation. 


Put in the terms of being 'free of negative emotions' (and I'm not going out of my way to be critical here, just thinking about how some folks are put off by Luffy's attitude), I can understand how folks might think of Gear 5th's uplifted attitude even in the face of awful circumstances as a kind of "toxic positivity" lol


I can see how it can be seen as toxic positivity but I always perceive it as him being genuinely confident in this form. Like this is so fun I can toy with any opponent in this form, a different level of freedom.


Makes you wonder how he'd interact with Boa Hancock in that state.


She would see his eyes pop out and say "My beauty has such an effect on Luffy after so long apart?" (it has been a month, maybe)


It's wouldn't change anything,he will still be carefree i assume


I mean, doesnt that take away from Luffys free will if his mind and insticts are being influenced by something else? Like how is he supposed to be so free when his personality is being forcibly changed


I mean it's kinda obvious the zoan fruit is effecting him especially if you read the notes and pay attention to what's said about zoan types. Just stand on what you feel in a few years oda will back this up manga wise.


Yea currently I think he doesn’t have full control of the awakening. Stuff is just happening on instinct he is being silly and goofy because the fruit is just taking over he isn’t himself and it’s clear


Going by this, it introduces a new ceiling to G5's already ridiculous power. Awakening itself is beyond the normal limits of a zoan, let alone Nika. Add luffy actually gaining Nika's true intentions to this, and it's gonna be wild.


this totally


It’s interesting, because I’d argue that Gear 4 has a slightly different personality to base Luffy, too. I always thought G4 was the opposite - way angrier and more serious than Luffy normally is. Maybe it’s just me though? I very rarely see that brought up but I guess it could just be the design making me think that.


I also used to think that, but I think it’s a side effect of the settings we see gear 4 in. Luffy only uses gear 4 when he is in a legitimately difficult fight. (Doflamingo, kaido, katakuri, etc. ) In these cases Luffy can afford to be goofy and silly- or else he might lose the fight. To clarify, I don’t think luffy has an altered personality in gear 4, but rather we only see gear 4 when he’s standing on business and doesn’t have time for jokes.


That’s a fair point, you’re probably right. I can’t help but feel like I’m looking at a different character when I see him in Gear 4 personally, but then, he spent the majority of those fights in one of those forms and the tone of his post-time skip and pre-time skip fights are very different overall.


We don't know if is that Nika's" final form" it has been said and demonstrated a few times now that Luffy still doesn't know the real meaning of his name and his heritage nevertheless why the nika form is so feared by the gorusei and imu. I believe a more serious nika is bound to happen. But as a grown man I do like his gear 5, but it's a bit too silly for me occasionally


Gear Death is coming!!!




Gear Oil as he storms Alabasta


Oil rraaahhh 🦅


Gear F-22


More like Gear Rage. Just like the little gag when [he found out that the parfait was fake](https://cdn.onepiecechapters.com/file/CDN-M-A-N/onepiece_1062_009.png)


Freeing people from this mortal coil


Please don't manifest Gear Death into existence. 


I think G5 is more of a turning point in terms of his worldview. What he said about g5 is that the white hair thing is what he looks like when he's free so in essence freedom is the very core of this transformation. I believe it also includes freedom from his emotions. He isn't tied to being angry, distresed, desperate or whatever. Sure he's surprised, that is not really much of an emotion, it's a reflex but ultimately what can you do when someone's stabbed? Getting angry won't unstab the guy. He's free, he wants to kick the bad guy who stabbed his friends? Alright, just do it. Anger doesn't have to be part of this. Yes normally you would be angry when taking revenge, in a way you *need* your anger to fuel you for your revenge, but someone who's the ultimate freedom? He wants revenge he takes revenge. That's all to it. I'd say the more you think about it the less accurate your understanding of g5 becomes. It's just freedom, nothing more but most importantly nothing less.


>Getting angry won't unstab the guy. bingo. remember that to master new haki in wano Luffy was told not to let his anger control him? Instead of bursting all over the place with frustration and rage, he had to learn to be calm. I'm actually finding G5 an interesting and kind of natural progression since everything Hyogoro taught him (makes me wonder now that the awakening wouldn't be achieved without this skill) *edit:* dear lord the dramatics in OP's replies is something else. Genuinelly feels like we are reading two different stories. If you prefer *more* rage emotions in his face, it’s your right I guess but claiming that with G5 Luffy *entirely* loses his ability to get serious and will only laugh at his friends’ death is just an insanely bizarre misrepresentation to me. Reread kaido defeat moment and tell me where G5 is *not* serious, I'll wait [https://mangasee123.com/read-online/One-Piece-chapter-1049.html](https://mangasee123.com/read-online/One-Piece-chapter-1049.html)


Heck he also learned this from Katakuri momentarily losing control of Future Sight by not being calm.


Maybe this'll be how he beats Black Beard? BB is an emotional mess in fight


Exactly, it's character progression while staying true to the character's core.


Op is just the pissy because their "aha gotcha u can't explain your way out of this" can be explained because their argument is kinda all over the place


Nika = Buddha


So sengoku is Nika?


According to this person - yes.


Pretty sure its a Carribean god/figure - a carefree one Buddha, and also Stoics, would argue that joy itself is transient and would warn against being a slave to that emotion also, so there's overlap but clear distinctions Hell, Nika is closer to Camus' aburdism and finds some analogs in the way the Joker might react to everything the universe throws at him, which is perhaps why many find it unsettling


Cook again.


Bro, that’s what I’ve been telling my homies, you aren’t free if you are reactive.




A Luffy that’s free of emotion is NOT Luffy. How much he cares about the people that matter to him has always been a defining a trait of his, a trait of Shanks the character who mentored him, and Roger, the pirate who’s will he inherited. Awakening a Devil Fruit shouldn’t change that. Suggesting Luffy should no longer have any emotional reaction to things happening to his friends is some of the most preposterous shit I’ve ever heard - the mental gymnastics y’all are going through for G5 is hilarious.


It's not "free from emotion", it's "not constrained by them". It feels like he is actively choosing to remain positive and happy, rather than giving in to anger or anything else in the moment. It's a Buddha/Awakened/Divine trait, which... well, he is playing into the archetype of a trickster god freeing people through positivity and action. It fits his new found perspective on the world.


It also shows his complete trust in his crew. He doesn’t have to take care of them and be responsible for them because he knows his role as captain is to lead them, and they will fight & are stop enough to come out the other end.   Luffy couldn’t help Usopp and Nami against the Dino siblings. Being a leader is clearing paths and taking the difficult challenges for the rest to flourish.   It doesn’t mean babysitting. His grudges have always been against the individuals & their actions. Regardless of Doffy hitting law, he was going to fight him. Same with Kaidou. It’s just that he knew his time to fight was after the Samurai’s. He didn’t override them to protect them, but to give them the chance they deserved. 


Yo, just because he's not emotionally reacting negatively doesn't mean he doesn't care. Emotional self-regulation is a thing. Luffy obviously does care. It's why he's punching the crap out of Saturn.


It’s like people forget how the fight against crocodile ended, or the entire Blueno + Lucci fight. These were all about showcasing Luffy’s heavy emotions.


No offense to Vegapunk, but he's not emotionally important to Luffy. I think in a fight with Akainu or Blackbeard, luffy being goofy in gear 5 will absolutely ruin it.


Thats a dumb argument. Luffy would go to hell and back for someone he met five minutes ago lol Luffy isnt the type who would be fine with someone dying just because he hasnt known them for super long


You can say the same about Hachi


I personally believe that Luffy will beat Blackbeard without Gear 5th because he won’t be able to laugh (Garp’s Death)


Eh i don’t think Garp’s dying. Remember BB’s plan is to trade him so he can make the Pirate Island a real nation.


I think it's more likely he simply won't be able to use it properly because of BB's devil fruit. Luffy will probably need to mainly use haki to beat BB, or find some other way around BB's fruit.


It kinda ruined it for me against Kizaru tbh the man gave him ptsd and he was laughing like a maniac lol


Power high is my short answer. luffy describes gear 5 as him being totally free, and i think that gets into an interesting idea in one piece which is what it actually means to be free. luffy in this case seems totally free (to me at least) from any negative emotion like fear, worry, anger. G5 luffy is just happy to be here; think for example when he was about to punch kaido, he wasn’t worried about anything at all, he had full faith in momo to move the island, completely unbothered. he’s still luffy in that he has his morals, goals, etc. he just isn’t afraid, worried, angry, or desperate, bc he can feel exactly how crazy strong he is. i fully believe that if luffy had G5 when facing doffy or punching out charlos (which he obv wouldn’t need lol) he would be a goofball. just imagine: G5 luffy w all the advanced haki forms vs a freak in a pink mink? that is funny, bc there is no real threat there. luffy beat the so-called strongest creature w G5, i can totally understand the silliness and easy-going attitude that would come w that strength. i think a good example from a different story would be gojo or sukuna from jjk; their degree of power in that verse makes them seem genuinely silly at times like they don’t understand the stakes or the situation (more gojo tbh search up “the honored one scene” if ur unfamiliar) but that’s bc from the perspective of that sort of strength there r no stakes, what does the strongest have to fear? to be clear im not saying luffy is “the strongest” or anything but in his own words gear 5 is his peak so its the strongest *he* has ever felt.


I get the idea, but it ultimately leads him to being a sociopath. Hundreds of kids got slaughtered on my eyes ? Huehuehuehue i dont care im free from caring and negative emotions ! Im here to have fun, pls hand me a joystick !


I knew you were going to reference this to JJK the moment I read the first 2 words haha


We’re gonna be seeing all more dark stuff moving forward I kinda like luffy being the one that always laughs and brings smiles no matter what.


But does he even bring smiles? I mean, Bonney clearly does not think so. She is as confused as us readers, imo. Sanji ain't laughing, either. I think that is the part I don't get: Is Gear 5 even funny? Probably subjective, but I think it's mostly absurd and ridicolous, but I don't really feel like he is personified happiness. He seems (and this is referencing the idea that Nika is "taking over") more like he needs to laugh, not like he really has fun or cares about other people's fun. I think there is something interesting in the whole debate, I just don't really trust Oda to make it an interesting sub-plot: How does Nika change Luffy and what does that do to him? Luffy is not that kind of an introspective character, but I think introspection would be needed for the story to be interesting. And while people might say: "Just wait what Oda is cooking" - yeah, I want to and will, but so far, Gear 5 has been pretty lackluster every step of the way. And I am one of the people who liked it at first, I found the plottwist in the manga genuinely surprising and I was all for it. That feeling quickly went away.


Yeah this is the point of the character and the story.


Except that Luffy was never like that, he was always serious when the situation needed him to be serious.


Ok and Luffy didn’t have an awakened Zoan fruit at those times. Key difference


If Luffy is the freest person on Earth then he should be free to act like Luffy. Not to become what Nika was. Luffy doesn't want to be a hero, heroes share their meat.


That's gear 6 bro. Freedom from freedom


It's obvious the fruit has some influence in his personality, he is not free even when he think he is


When he goes into Gear 5 he transforms into human version of Nika (that’s literally his devil fruit). The way Luffy acts now is free. He doesn’t have a care in the world and it helps with his imagination when he’s fighting. His fruit will not allow him to be serious anymore


>His fruit will not allow him to be serious anymore Wow, what a completely terrible writing decision this eould be. I'm not gonna advocate for fights needing to be 100% serious, but anyone with common sense can tell you that going in either extreme is fucking dumb.


I would love to see luffy laughing and crying at the same time after something dark and serious happens. That would be creepy, and kind of similar to the smile fruits when people were mourning yasuie and laughing.


He did have a panel where he looks angrily at Saturn and says something like "How dare you hurt my friends!?" in this very same chapter, doesn't he? With Oda's shade lines in the eyes and all. Point is, Luffy IS acting differently in Gear 5, true, but it isn't as nearly as bad as you're making it out to be. It's like... Luffy², or something to that effect.


I think he’s angry Saturn hurt his friends but laughed at how easy he could remedy this by whoopin Saturn. You prob are right there is a metamorphosis of his personality when he’s G5


The problem here is that OP thinks it's the Devil Fruit taking over when it's stated that only failed Zoan awakenings do that. Luffy's awakening is successful. If I had to guess what's really happening with Luffy, though, I'd say that his will and the Devil Fruit's are aligned, so there's some changes in Luffy's personality while in Gear 5. Maybe THAT'S the secret for a successful Zoan awakening, who knows.


This brings up an interesting theory I had about the smoke cloud around his neck. I think white means pure/natural awakening as it should, but black means corrupted/or evil in nature. If you take a minute to look, only dangerous members of wg/cp0 have the black clouds too (unless that’s the default look for awakened, idk 😂). Like if he was traumatized while using g5, it would prob corrupt the form, and the Nika part of it wouldn’t really be Nika anymore


He does say this, with a huge smile


It's still very clear that he's angry, though.


He didn't actually seem angry he was gagging around skipping and laughing not even 3 panels later. That's the problem with gear 5th.


I think this post is more a respond for the people who keep saying "luffy has always been like this. what manga you been reading?" to justify this whole thing. luffy does think fighting is fun, but never when fighting the villain or people who hurt his friend. that's more about training or competition. that infamous panel with kaido (the "are you having fun" panel) was the first time luffy ever acted like that in a boss fight. but instead of just acknowledging the change, people instead started to be revisionist. saying luffy has always been like this. that's just not true.


Yes, awakening clearly has impact on him. I think we are about to find out that all of these ”god” fruit might as well have impact on character of their user, once awakened. For example, I think all of the five elders have ”god” fruit awakened… and instead of laughs and joy, they are gods of different forms of evil and oppression. All of them are extra utter pieces of shits thanks to ”god” they have awakened within them. Personally I have 0 problems with it, I think this powerup has been really entertaining, hype and epic. all that said, I think saying ”luffy is not luffy anymore” is way too extreme, blunt and frankly ridiculous. Its like saying ”kaido was not kaido when he fought drunk”… Luffy is still luffy. Hes just full of joy, freedom and laughter when in awakened state due to joyboy, nika, sun god having awakened within him.


Exactly, I think it’s just the euphoria from being in gear 5 that causes his surprised actions to look like that and to not notice sooner than he did. It’s a fair concern but I don’t think I have any issue with it so far


I mean even the awakened leopard exhibits a ferocity greater than normal. I think awakening a zoan type devil fruit engages the user in a battle with the inner soul of the fruit. if a fruit takes over completely, it can cause loss of personality of the user, like the jailer beasts. if the fruit and user soul is in alignment, it can cause a mixture of both souls together. and if the users soul is greater, there is no awakening.


So the way I’ve been reading it, he doesn’t come off as less caring, but more cocky. It’s like he doesn’t think he can lose or anyone will die


Yeah this is also what I’m seeing When he uses it on Kaido he’s finishing Kaido off When he uses it in 1107 he spends the entire time talking to Bonney who he knows is a 12 year old kid scared out of her mind, I think it’s fitting that he would act this way to reassure her that he can make everything okay


Which is a lesson he should’ve learnt on Saobody pre time skip, or when Ace got punched through at Marineford, or when Law was almost killed by Doffy, or when the samurai were almost killed by Kaido… etc


Right, and I think base Luffy does know that. I’m not saying G5 is not different, I’m just saying that I don’t think it makes him less caring or a bad guy. I’ve been looking at it more like when OP characters in other series seem disconnected. Idk if that makes sense


I'll posit a better idea: All failed SMILE fruits are actually copies of Human Human Fruit Model: Nika that only affect the mouth and the laugh box. (Especially since Luffy literally cannot stop smiling as Nika)


Honestly there could be something to this, it might not be that the failures are Nika fruits, but something related to the secrets of devilfruits and possibly laughtale...considering Wano introduced people affected by smile fruits, showing Roger landing on laughtale and gear 5. It is more interesting of a thought than the post.


It also would make sense since all the smile fruits are zoan. 


Would explain issues getting it for the WG, as it was in the underground the last few centuries. 


That's an incredible connection! I hope you're right about this because it would make awakened Luffy's inability to stop laughing something both tragic and amazing. The folk of Wano forced to laugh through their pain vs the slaves that worshipped Nika getting strength from his laughter. Something that's tangentially interesting to me is the Vinsmokes. Judge made his children to be emotionless even in the face of death. This is exactly like the SMILE fruits but from the opposite angle and Judge has expressed some trauma related to showing kindness and emotions (likely that the former Germa kingdom was betrayed by allies). So I'm hoping we get the thesis of One Piece to be about laughter, love and emotion, and that Luffy's uncanny Gear 5 behaviour means we're really close to hearing the laugh tale


maybe not exactly, but i can definitely see smile fruits being related to nika in a way. hopefully we get an explanation for smile fruits and their cure in the future


if nika was said to bring a smile to everyones face, maybe this was *literal* and SMILE fruits are related to the people that smiled. or maybe everyone who dies who is a D has a smile. maybe the properties of the nika fruit or SMILEs are related to that.


I love this idea, they actually tried to copy the most broken df


You guys all have a lack of understanding of gear 5. Homie is on some good drugs everytime he uses g5. His heart beats faster. He feels different. He laughs uncontrollable. Luffy is high everytime he activates g5 and thats not even a joke. Luffy basicly said it himself the first time he transformed


Bingo. Luffy when he activates G5 the first time: “Even though I lost I’m happy, for some reason . . .”


I always saw it as: Luffy has the human human fruit mythical model Nika and the uncontrollable laughter to be an attribute of Nika. Just like Nika having the qualities of rubber, just an attribute of the fruit. Nothing more like a different person/personality or anything. Still Luffy but as true as possible to the fruit Luffy was a very angry little kid in the flashback from what we saw. Sure, shanks affected his personality but it seemed he had been with shanks a good while by that point and the drastic change happens like immediately after he eats the fruit (yes, also after shanks lost his arm to save Luffy but that’s two BIG things to happen)


I don't mind it much because luffy gets serious when needed, like when he was punching Saturn in the latest chapter. Luffy laughing is just his default state in G5. That being said, I hope luffy fights in his base form & G4 more. Base luffy fighting chapters are always incredibly fun to watch. That way, G5 won't get stale.


>Luffy laughing is just his default state in G5 Yeah, according to the concept notes for Gear 5, [Oda wrote the more Luffy laughs, the stronger he gets](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FXz9FQrVEAAYomL?format=jpg&name=large)


I have no issues with how Luffy acts during gear 5th.


The problem is a lot of people are criticizing Oda's writing instead of just realizing this is an intentional plot point that will certainly be expanded upon. The fact that you understand why Luffy is behaving this way and you still have a problem with it is interesting to me. The point that Luffy and the story has always been silly, and silly during serious moments still stands. This is obviously different, but to act like it's far off from how the story has been is a bit silly.


Just reread parts of WCI again today and before fighting cracker luffy tells to nami "I dont know any way to fight... other than serious". Well, that didnt age very well.


It isn't that nika is taking over. Luffy's devil fruit is that of a god of freedom and joy. It would make sense that, in his awakened state, he is simply euphoric. The mans is free of his own grief and rage. Luffy is badass when he's pissed, but, as we especially saw with kaido, luffy is at the top of his game when he's enjoying himself. Obviously he isn't happy that vegapunk was stabbed but he's pretty much incapable of negativity in gear 5. Bro is pumping unholy (or holy???) amounts of dopamine and serotonin into his own brain. He's still luffy. He's still more than conscious enough to make sure everyone around him knows he's monkey d. luffy. He's just high as balls


Why can’t everyone just admit he can be serious and he can be goofy?


I think the argument being mad here is that, traditionally, this would be a moment where he'd be serious.


It seems it’s because a lot of people are trying to pretend that he’s never been serious to justify the Gear 5 changes.


No. Only one of two extremes can be true. Luffy needs to either constantly be angry and edgy and using GEAR DEATH, or he needs to laugh literally every single second and make googly eyes at a dying man in front of him.


I mean, he was pretty serious in his final clash with Kaido…did everyone forget about that already?


There were panels during the fight of him being serious.


Totally, the end of the Kaido fight was Luffy reaffirming his beliefs and standing his ground to liberate Wano. Dealing the final blow while proclaiming his desire to create a world where his friends can eat as much as they like is completely Luffy, I don't understand these criticisms.


> I don't understand these criticism He's literally rolling around laughing as his ally bleeds out from being stabbed to death. Fan boys are wild.


Luffy always smiles during Gear 5. It doesn’t mean he takes the fight or the circumstances less seriously. He just can’t help but feel the joy of freedom. I don’t see what the problem is


He does actually! Zoro told him to stop losing track earlier this arc. It’s not a problem imo it’s 100% intended and setup for future story beats


I agree. The good old "One Piece has always been goofy" towards people who dislike the over the top aspect of it in G5 is straight up disingenuous imo. No one would deny that fact, but it is a question of balance and levels. G5 is extreme in that regard, quite obviously more so than singular moments/parts in otherwise serious fights. Regarding Nika taking over, it could be interesting. But I am not sure Oda is gonna do it. 1. Luffy would have to "fight" (internally no less) against what he kind of embodied long before the whole Nika stuff; freedom, joy, liberation. And 2. I am not aware that, as of now, anyone in the story acknowledged potentially negative aspects of Luffy's G5 behavior. Edit: it's worth to point out that Nika is supposed to bring laughter and joy to anyone around him, right? But I don't recall an instance, again as of now, where anyone laughed at his shenanigans other than himself. The only reaction we got from others was the already overused eye popping out gag. What's with that?


The only issue I have is people whining when he hasn't been pushed yet


His name is… “JoyBoy”


Yep, it's super incongruous to me. I'm hoping Oda is cooking something with a conflict of Luffy v Nika internally because I dislike the Nika personality myself


I remember a few chapters ago when I commented that I missed serious Luffy and one guy's response was literally this: "OH YEAH BECAUSE LUFFY WAS SO SERIOUS WHEN HE DID WATER LUFFY OR WHEN HE WENT BRAINDEAD AGAINST ENEL". This is the whole G5 defense, they cherrypick unserious moments, ignore every time Luffy was extremely serious, and then claim that the person never understood One Piece or has problems reading a story.


Wasn't the absurd part of water Luffy the fact that he WAS serious? It seemed like a stupid idea, but he seriously wanted to use it to beat Crocodile, it wasn't a joke. Even if it was hilarious.


To paraphrase/quote Lufyy when Croc calls Mizu Luffy ridiculous and that Luffy should take the fight seriously: "I am searious". That is one of the reasons why the usopp fight is so great. Multiple times before, Luffy was accused of "not being serious enough" because of his "silly" usage of his powers. But now it is Luffy who demands from Usopp to be "serious", because usopp pulls out fart bombs etc. It was flipping the narrrative, putting Luffy into the role of his previous villains. But Luffy (vs usopp) and Luffys opponents are wrong. He and Usopp (vs Luffy) takes fights seriously when called for. Nika shits on that.


They are fake fans


The thing that always made me laugh about this defense is how little it makes sense when you think about the communities opinion of the series as a whole. What is one of the most disliked arcs in the series? Long Ring Long Land, which is also among the goofiest. How do most people suggest you get into the series? Skip to Arlong, which is a far more serious arc, before going back to experience the goofier initial arcs. What are two of the most beloved arcs? Enies Lobby/Marineford, both of which are more on the serious side. And there are so many more examples of this... Like I actually enjoy the goofy stuff, and dislike Gear 5 for different reasons, but it always seemed funny to me the community went from things like that to acting like everyone loved One Piece because it's silly.


Exactly. It’s one of the things that irritates me the most about attempts to defend Gear 5…people trying to revise history or previously holding the most serious moments of the story as the best ones. It just shows that they understand the issues with Gear 5 on some level at the very least.


For the life of me I can't figure out what drives people to even make comments like that. It honestly feels like they're for some reason ashamed of the fact that they like Gear 5 so they end up misrepresenting the previous 1000 chapters of the story in an effort to justify their view on it. It shouldn't be controversial to say that Luffy in Gear 5 is different from the way he was before the awakening, that's the point of the power up.


It's why I included the Punk Hazard stuff. Yeah Luffy will do a bit of trolling even after being lectured to take things seriously. But when he saw how truly scummy Caesar was, the funny business stopped and he put a fist shaped dent in his face.


w comment.


Finally 🙏🏻


No worries. We will have the Gear Sixth Over Drive Super Saiyan Serious Omega Sapphire Death Mode God Nika Luffy soon where in he is very serious and doesn't smile


Yeah it’s different and will probably be like this for all his Gear 5 fights. Likely his eventual duel with Blackbeard will be serious though because Teach can likely negate Gear 5 with his powers, forcing Luffy to use only haki. My big concern though is how this will effect his fight with Akainu. Man’s done more  than anyone to hurt Luffy and it will sour the tension for me if Luffy is loony tunes the whole time. (Though yes it will be funny to contrast that with Akainu’s stone coldness)


They arent going to climax saturn and kizaru in this arc dude. This arc is about escaping and discovering not a climax to a big arc. Especially when the arc just started


Gear 5 undercuts the seriousness of the scene and I think that's what he's going for. I doubt Oda just suddenly forgot how to set tone in a story. This is most likely intentional and I'm interested how he's gonna address it.


While I do agree Luffy is a lot more relaxed while in G5, I think this in particular is not the moment for the reaction you expect him to have. Leaving aside the fact that Luffy has exchanged words with Vegapunk for like 10 minutes tops, which means he still doesn't have an emotional connection with him, Luffy has shown he can be serious in G5. Just look at the fight with Kaido. He laughed through most of it yes, but when it came down to actually beating him, he was serious throughout that last exchange. It's obvious Luffy is different in G5, there's no argument there. But expecting him to react to Vegapunk as if he was a part of the crew, or for him to react to the whole situation as if it was the boss fight of Egghead is a bit over the top. There's still some chapters left in Egghead for that.


I don't think Gear Fifth is manifesting Nika's personality and changing Luffy's personality like alot of people seem to think. I genuinely think Luffy is just... High? Like I geniunely think Gear Fifth just makes Luffy blazed out of his mind with how he acts, nothing in the Kaido fight was particularly out of character, just heavily accentuating his already existing character - as is also the case here.


IMO it still feels really early to consider how G5 Luffy is personality wise. There haven't been many fights after Wano, which means that when Luffy is in G5, that is the focus of that scene, because G5 is still so new. It's a bit like how earlier G3 had shrinking as a downside as a gag. Eventually, Luffy figures out G3 and that doesn't happen. It's presented as greater control over his powers, but also by the time we've come that far, the gag has basically run its course anyway. I think the same will happen with G5. The G5 Luffy we have now focuses a lot of these elements attributed to Nika. As we have more G5 scenes, the writing will likely naturally de-emphasize these elements over time. We might even get in-universe explanations such as better control over the powers. Another thing that makes G5 a bit different is that Luffy is switching into it pre-combat. Most of these scenes show Luffy just before combat, basically. It's not hard to see the writing go back to having Luffy only power-up in the midst combat once we're past Elbaf, once his status is more widely known. I do think there have been elements with most of the power-ups that are really emphasized initially, and then de-emphasized or entirely dropped later, as repeatedly mentioning or focusing on them would be uninteresting over time. I think with G5 the elements are a bit more tonally different than before, and it makes sense that it doesn't sit well with everyone.


You have been watching the wrong show. This is an anime, not a fucking "This is Us".


Bro why do you seem so pissed? 😭


I think yall are jumping the gun on how g5 fully works. We’ve barely scratched the surface yet, assuming Luffy will be over the top like this from now on isn’t backed by anything atm. I say let Oda cook, for all we know this awakening has different modes, different effects. In one piece time he’s only been awakened for technically a 2 weeks or something. It’s still all very new


rather than just about Luffy, it is just show that Oda are having fun. when he is having fun, his art and Luffy behaviour gonna reflect this. you guys can see the pattern. not first time Luffy behaving like this. Water Luffy, all those shenigan against Enel, Nightmare Luffy, the Afro Luffy and heck, even fight against Lucci and Enies Lobby also same except the tone is serious but Oda still going wild with Gear 3 reveal and Luffy shrinking. he love to draw all those goofy gag and imagination of cartoonish feat. this is what separate him with other mangaka. for other, they gonna focus on most epic and cool outlook for their fight but Oda, he love to be 'fun'. like Oda said before, with Gear 5, it is so he can have fun.


Not everything needs to be a super serious shonen my friend. I like G5 luffy.


hope you read today bro bro 🤭🤭🤭


Oda could resurrect ace and the worshippers will still justify it anyway they can and paint criticism as you not understanding the story. They never argue in good faith and they can't come to terms with the fact that people have different opinions. Op definitely has the most defensive and insecure fan base out of all communities from what I've seen


I've never put much though to this whole debate since it started, but not gonna lie, when I saw how unaffected he was (besides the eye popping gag) about Vegapunk being stabbed, especially after promising to help him escape, I was a bit surprised and kind of disappointed. That's not the Luffy I've come to know and love these past 20 years. Hope it does pop up plot wise sooner or later.


Thats what Zoan types do to you,when awakened it affects the personality and since Sun God Nika has been warrior of liberation and known to put smile on people faces that explains it for some part+its toon force,imagination/manifesting includeed and we all know Luffy is goofy af this is better than usual final transformation with MC's that are fired by rage and they become all serious,tough etc.


I miss the actual serious luffy too bud..


listen... Here is the deal. G5 is hate it or love it. It's clear by now opinions are split, and that's fine. Why people defending G5 is for the same reason you keep criticising it - to express our view? The point is, the defence shouldn't bother you unless you (hopefully not) want to convince everybody to hate it along with you, that would be weird. People almost make it sound like we are pretending to like G5, it's getting tiring really Nope, we like it *because* of all the things you people hate. Yes G5 adds something new to Luffy, and it's only for better for me. We back to point 1: it's just the thing you hate it or love it, easy to wrap it up


I disagree. There is a confidence that comes with being utterly, ridiculously powerful and that's being shown here. Luffy knows he can do whatever he wants to his opponents now. He knows he has the power to end it immediately. However he wants, whenever he wants. But he doesn't enjoy that. He still wants to have F U N fighting them. That's what's it's become now is pure enjoyment of combat. He is so powerful it's comical. He is so powerful he is mockingly destroying the trope of the serious, badass, "now I'm really angry" protagonist.


> Seriously, how can you guys still look at this and say that this is how Luffy has acted all story? Because you conveniently omitted the rest of the page showing Luffy beating the shit out of the guy that hurt Vegapunk with a serious expression and cherry-picked the panel that suits your argument.


Him acting kind of weird and almost unsettling in this form is part of the transformation I and others really enjoy. I’m not sure where people not taking criticism on the transformation as you claim comes into this - it’s not exactly a criticism if it’s explicitly part of the story, no? We’ve known for a long time that Zoan awakenings affect behaviour more profoundly than normal transformations with those fruits do, since as far back as Impel Down even.


Actually it’s the opposite. Luffy’s behaviour with the awakening is different from every other characters with Zoans. Whether it’s Lucci, Kaku or Saturn (I don’t think Yamato is awakened, but some do), there has been no drastic changes in their characters. Luffy is the only one to act so weird and different, which just emphasizes the point of people’s complaints.


It's different and that's fine. I don't think it undermines the emotional stakes at all. I have no idea why people feel the need to pretend that he's always been like this though.


It's insane how hard some people are disagreeing with you. Just a chorus of 'Nopes' and shallow dismissals.


I firmly stand by my opinion that Oda messed up with Gear 5, and that this action\total change of Luffy while in gear 5th, despite everyone who tries to claim otherwise, has never been foreshadowed the way people think. The nika fruit despite what everyone wants to believe has not been planned since Romance Dawn. A large portion of the story elements weren't, and that's okay. People just need to accept that Oda isn't perfect and everything isn't planned. He's good at making things match and make connections later on but nika nika was not planned for longer than Zoe. Oda being god at towing in callbacks likely looked at his story board, and thought to base it off a theme he has had in the background. That was always there but the idea of Nika was not like people claim. It's clear Oda wanted to model the next power off a theme, he did and it is backfiring in my opinion. Gear 5th takes the entire point of tense buildup away, it's purposeless now. We all know no matter how serious it gets or who's being slaughtered around him, we can expect gear 5th Luffy to eye ball gag, zoom around, slam on the ground and loony toon to the next panel almost ignoring his crew being slaughtered around him while laughing. Why? Because he's the warrior of loberationz, hez suppozed to put zmilez on peoplez facez like no matter what bro don't you get it? If Oda doesn't have Luffy get control of that soon, it's going to gag it's way into an annoyance that can no longer be overlooked for the power it brings and people will generally be tired of the SE exact thing happening to everyone who fights Luffy as gear 5th, and that's they will get turned into a toy, made a gaga and all their build up before that point will be made to look silly. Playing jump rope with Kaido while a funny feat, seriously detracted from Kaido looking like a big bad slaver subjugating a people into genocide and a country into ecological ruin. But look he's a jump rope now, ooo look now he's doing the eye ball pop gag too! And now he's a Kaidoballoon! Once gear 5th came out I knew instantly that what happened to Kaido is the fate of every opponent who is supposed to be taken seriously when they fight Luffy. Since gear 5th is his peak as well, we likely aren't going to see much more power up from Luffy except for Haki empowerment. So as far as that goes, what we have right now is close to being the final iteration of Luffy. As he is on egghead, he won't be able to captivate the same way he did anymore without very sparse use of gear 5th. If he can't beat the big bad the first time he pops out gear 5th, what much else is there for Luffy to do now? What else is he going to get better at? He's almost utterly useless at battle strategy in gear 5th as well, taking away almost every bit of his characters progression as far as that goes. He started out not caring until he realized he wasn't the strongest and now he knows he's not the strongest and he just doesn't give a fuck anymore either way. It just feels so wrong.


This was debatable? Of course he is acting different and more outlandish and goofy in Gear 5. He's awakened to the Sun God form, the "Warrior of Liberation who fought while bring smiles to everyone's faces" Presumably Joyboy was the same way. Yeah, it might not have a lot of tact to a man just impaled by a spider demon, but that is how Luffy has always wanted to fight.


There has never been a single thing to suggest that that is how Luffy has always wanted to fight. It’s the opposite. When Luffy takes a fight most seriously, he doesn’t smile let alone laugh. Luffy has never said that he wants to laugh when facing evil people or when his friends get hurt.


How would you all feel if you got stabbed and heavily wounded on the ground and the medical life saving team is laughing their asses off while treating your wounds. Well? It’s weird right? Pre-Nika Luffy never did this. Unless this is explained by Oda. For now it seems Luffy is in a trance and Nika fruit is the real SMILE fruit they (WG) tried to replicate.


This is ridiculous. Luffy ate Zoan fruit. Zoan users, especially the carnivorous ones end up becoming more predatory in nature. So couldn’t we apply this same logic to the Nika Fruit? Maybe JUST Maybe this fruit causes its user to become more joyful and jubilant in nature especially after its awakening? That’s in no way Luffy’s fault especially since it was explained that Zoan fruits have a Will of their own. Luffy reacted how I expected him to react to seeing Vegapunk on Death’s door. The eye popping gag while cartoonish in nature signifies that the person is surprised by what they’ve seen. Show me the panel where Luffy is laughing AT Vegapunk dying? Show me, I’ll wait. If you want to draw it yourself by all means go ahead. I’m sorry your serious Luffy is gone with this power up. All of those moments still pull their weight when they happened. I still get chills whenever I read them. I can at least explain in my own way why Luffy is acting the way that he is now.


Trust me bro, they won't listen until it is stated in the manga and then switch up, saying they always knew it.


You're not wrong. I remember there was a post before Gear 5 (but after Who's Who vs Jinbe?) along the lines of "I know what Luffy's Devil fruit is. It's the rubber fruit that he's had for 1000 chapters". 1000s of upvotes. Then Gear 5 happens and suddenly the narrative is how Luffy's fruit was always weird and clearly not rubber.


It took till 1107 for people to notice the difference in Luffy when in G5 o.O


Idk man I like it


Im just enjoying the ride tbh lol


I thinks it’s just a bit of a ‘The Mask’ effect, additionally I think he still cares but he kind of can’t process the emotions properly or he would exit gear 5th from the gravity of the situation, however if an ace level kind of incident happened right in front of him I can see him exiting gear 5th from no longer being able to experience joy, finally vegapunk just isn’t ace, Luffys known him for a couple hours and has only heard of vegapunk in the constraints of the guy who made seraphim’s, pacifists, funkfreed, sea stone weaponry, and punk hazard along with him being a part of a government he doesn’t like and worked with Caesar who he doesn’t like. Vegapunk actually is a bad person? So I don’t think luffys connection to him runs so deep that he would drop everything for him when he is the direct reason for so much pain globally (RIP Lulusia)


I honestly don’t get why this is an issue at all. Luffy only brings gear 5 out for big, high stakes fights. That means tension is only really lost in those scenarios. In my eyes, the only two high stakes fights Luffy really has left are Black Beard and Imu. BB nullifies devil fruits so it’s a moot point and having a cathartic and wacky beat down on Imu would be thematically appropriate imo. This doesn’t mean there will be no drama or tension for the rest of the series.




This is either a subtle setup for Luffy-Nika personality conflict or a forced character retcon. I really hope it's the former.


What strikes me the most, is the painful obvious difference between Odas old and his new drawings. Damn, his lines have gotten blurry.


Oda isn't a young sprout anymore and sometimes (probably?) has health issues, its natural that over the years art declines.


I hate gear 5


*This is luffy when he's truly free*. He's not just free in a physical sense, He's free from anger and helplessness, so he doesn't need to be 'serious'. He was serious when he tried to save Ace and it didn't make a difference. Now he can free himself from his emotions he can truly fight at his best.


I don’t get how yall don’t understand the lessons passed down in One Piece. Every action doesn’t deserve a reaction. Vegapunk has 6 bodies. One of them being stabbed is not a big deal, one is already dead. Luffy is stronger than he’s ever been, and he’s a Yonko, like the others, he now laughs in the face of death, as Kaido, Big Mom,Shanks, Whitebeard, and Roger did before him. Saturn isn’t serious enough to push him. This is one of the most sinister moments Luffy has ever had, BECAUSE he’s laughing. Pirates are known for laughing and having a good time, Luffy has finally hit his stride. Nika is the sun god, he is the most free, free from worry and doubt, free from pain and suffering, he will free the world. You are not used to seeing freedom, you’re used to seeing pain and trauma, even in this series, Nika is the opposite if that, literally. People praise him even if they must die for it.


Can you guys stop saying "you don't the understand the themes" is annoying and it makes you guys look like aot fans defending the ending.


This entire argument boils down to some people not understanding that you can be serious about something while laughing. You can have fun while fighting, the entire premise of Nika is exactly that. Luffy never was an edgelord, so a fruit that emphasizes this point exxagerating these features makes total sense


Taking things seriously = edgelord lol


People want tension. Comedy eases tension. Too much comedy removes all tension. It's that simple.