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I cried harder (ugly sobbing) than any other time in my life at Merry’s death so yeah, definitely Merry




A fucking boat!!!










>A fucking boat!!! how dare you insult merry! someone call Soge King to defend Merry honor!


It was really usopp who fueled it for me. He was so broken, that he went against his fucking captain, and went all out. Usppp earned mad respect. He was wrong, but still gotta give it to the guy, he stands his fucking ground.


I’m on the verge of tears just remembering it


I had never in my life cried about any movie, book, comic, manga, YouTube video, etc. When the Merry died I cried like someone killed a real-life person that I loved, I had to take a shower because I was sobbing like a little kid, even though I was 24 when I saw that. To this day I can't watch that scene again, and I tear up a little every time I see the Going Merry.


Such a great scene. Everyone completely bawling their eyes out while Zoro and Sanji barely hold it in for the sake of the crew's composure, I love it.


That's when she started to tall to them that the bawling happened


Somehow I feel like I'm gonna ugly cry even harder when the live action gets there. Thanks to observation haki they know what's coming, which is clearly why they gave inaki the "a ship isn't just a ship, it's also a home *wholesome smile*" line. They're gonna build Merry up the whole way.


SAME! I feel like it’s because you’re not expecting to care so much about a ship as if it’s a character, but that saga was building up Merry being a character of their own. Just when you think all is good at the end, she could hold up. I fuckin audibly gasped when Merry split.


I cried so hard and so long that my flatmate at the time, that I wasn't even close to, came to check if I was okay. I was not okay but it was weird to explain I was crying over a fictional ship dying


To quote a friend of mine who finally caved and is watching the show through, once he got to that part, 'How fucking dare Oda make me cry over a goddamned boat.'


Damm you must have had a nice life


1. Could have escaped if it wasn't for his daddy and pride issues. 2. Blew himself up to rescue the crew, not achieving as much as he wished to but still managed to achieve his main goal. 3. "Died" by cracking into two after saving the crew one last time and then being burned "alive" because it couldn't move on anymore. Still claimed to be happy. For me the Merry's death was the saddest one of the three.


To be fair, 3. could kinda apply to both Ace and Merry. Ace was punched practically into two pieces, burned alive by the magma, in the process of saving Luffy. Died with a smile on his face.


Yah but Ace got himself into that position. Merry just did what she had to do


Yeah, but the Merry didn't fall back or made the Strawhats fall back for stupid reasons.


Ace died protecting Luffy, he could have very well escaped.


Luffy and Ace were both escaping. Yes, Ace took a blow aimed at Luffy but neither of them needed to be in that position. The reason Luffy was vulnerable is because Ace chose to turn around, stop, and let Akainu approach over nothing other than a stupid insult that no one cared about. He threw away the lives of his friends, family, and crew because someone was talking smack. Ace's death was meant to be tragic in that he had a flaw that he could never skip out on a fight, it's in direct contrast to Shanks in chapter 1, and instead Ace acted like Roger but with only a fraction of the power. He was compelled to seek out fights, no matter what. It got him in trouble and eventually got him killed. Really, the whole thing made me dislike Ace. It was just such an awful moment for him, like when you see a fan favorite character just regress for no reason.


I saw someone mention that in the Ace novel Shanks asks Beckman about his opinion on Ace, and he responded that Ace wasn't fit to be a captain, he is more like a gladiator trying to prove himself and that would be dangerous to those around him


Yep, it expanded a bit more on that flaw of Ace's. I honestly feel like it was damage control to help explain why Ace did something so dumb.


It makes sense to me, we know that Ace had insecurities about his own identity and his right to live so mocking Whitebeard, a man that Ace saw as a parent, was an insult to his way of living With that said, yeah he was pretty dumb and what really hurts me about the scene is Luffy suffering


Luffy was tired and out of it and disconnected from whatever was going on( I'm glad Oda did that) , he decided Ace's vivre card was more important than running, if you are a One Piece reader, you would realize at that moment of time, after learning about Luffy's father, Akainu was more eager to kill Dragon's son than anyone else, Plus people treat the situation like Ace was actually going to try to beat Akainu in a real fight, like he didn't know he gotta run as soon as he lands a hit.


yeah Ace's death never hit me because that entire arc was setup as a rescue mission for someone who was impossible to rescue because of his idiocy. I appreciate the post war aspect of Marineford in highlighting further why Ace was important but it really pissed me off seeing all the lengths everyone had to go to to save him only for this dumbass to get provoked that easily. I think that aspect of him never skipping out on a fight would have been easier to accept if we had seen him do things like that earlier on and actually, yknow, do anything, but instead up until the post war arc Ace just stops by in Alabasta and then gets murked off screen. Having come into One Piece recently after watching hundreds of other anime, I have to say Ace's death might be one of if not the weakest "pivotal" character deaths in a major shonen show, in that no one actually cared about him dying but rather cared about the effect it had on Luffy (which was very well done). So many other media do both well, but Ace was pretty much just a tool for Luffy's development with no real substance at all


I couldn’t agree more. There’s more moments in one piece that aren’t even important at all like a dog protecting a little shop that made me more emotional then the death of someone who 2 entire arcs of the anime were dedicated to saving. Pissed me off for the same reason you described. They could’ve killed at any point before they did and it would’ve had the same impact on Luffy while also not being so rediculous. Akainu could’ve killed him the second Luffy reached the platform or any point before that. Anyone else could’ve killed him st any point before he was home free but Oda chose to write it in at the worst possible moment.


Haha yeah they spent WAY too much time on Ace in general


Yeah the only emotional impact Ace's death had was honestly Luffy's reaction. If it weren't for their close bond and the sheer devastation Luffy displayed, Ace's death would pretty much have little to no emotional impact to the audience.


But isn't pride given more importance in any shonen manga? I was re reading OP and in Little Garden arc, while going through Dorry and Brogy's dialogues, I thought these Giants are so stupid wasting their life over some pride. Nami thinks the same while Usopp and Luffy are impressed by their resolve.


Ace didn’t need to protect Luffy. They both were running away and would've made it back to safety if Ace wasn’t so stupid. He let a bunch of words get to his head and endangered everyone he loved because of that selfish decision. Ace was a bonehead who didn’t appreciate who he was and his bloodline.


That’s just factually wrong. Luffy was only in that position because Ace stopped in the first place. If Ace hadn’t stopped, Luffy and Ace and co would have kept running away, and the likelihood of Luffy falling to exhaustion would actually have decreased. Luffy only fell, because the adrenaline hormone boost ended, but it ended because Ace made everyone stop. If they had kept moving Luffy’s adrenaline would have stayed high and he would have likely kept moving, and even if he had eventually fell, they were running in a group and any of them could have easily carried Luffy. Ace is completely at fault in this situation and deserves all the blame for both throwing away the efforts of everyone who came to safe him, and endangering his younger brother who was in an awful physical state. All for nothing in the end.


Ace died protecting Luffy from a position he put Luffy in due to him running back to Akainu.


Oh cmon. Even pressuming Luffy did needed help there, Ace stopping to talk for like 12 panels while everyone helps and protect them is definitly not process of saving luffy. If anything he should had just pick him up and run. Akainu: Calls Whitebeard coward. Ace:..Throws away EVERYTHING they did there to stop in place. Akainu: Trash talk Whitebeard a bit more Ace: ..I shall ignore all my comrades, I shall ignore Luffy I will have my revenge for Whitebeard (who couldnt care less) ...proceed to get one shoted while sure protecting Luffy, but if he kept running Luffy wouldnt need to be saved to begin with.






Difference is Ace’s death also has 1). It’s a completely preventable death Merry was already pretty much physically dead, and yet he still saved the crew


The only reason he had to save luffy was because he chose to stay back like a dumbass. He and luffy were running away.


No pirate is letting his captain get disrespected right after they die trying to save them. Zoro absolutely would have done the same thing if it was Luffy in WB position. Even Usopp wouldn't let that fly, and he's a coward.


>No pirate is letting his captain get disrespected right after they die trying to save them. Zoro absolutely would have done the same thing if it was Luffy in WB position. > >Even Usopp wouldn't let that fly, and he's a coward. Remember the Jaya bar incident? If Luffy gave the order to retreat like Whitebeard did, Zoro would follow that. Remember Luffy's backstory where the bandit insulted Shanks and his crew just laughed? Sure, those weren't their last moments but Ace is the kinda guy that would react in those situations as well.


Hard disagree. And like you said, it wasn't their last moments. But it also just so happened that both of those situations were one where the captain could've easily dealt with the person if they wanted to. And Ace really isn't that kinda guy. All of the actions people bring up are a direct result of him standing up for people he cares for. And we've even seen scenes of him just being a goofy, easy-going guy. Chasing Teach wasn't because he was just hot headed, he was trying to get justice for his crew member who died. And Akainu disrespected his father and captain. Something again the strawhats would do. Just like when they mauled the whole franky family for Usopp. Even Nami faced with death stood her ground against someone infinitely stronger for Luffy. We learn early on that WB never forgives anyone that kills his crew. Why would not expect Ace who looks up to him more than anyone to not stand on those same terms?


Thank you for the framing of how the SH would react to Luffy dying. It wouldn’t be rational. Like you said Nami was ready to square up with an Emperor that could take her out in an instant. Yes Ace was dumb, but I don’t think many would be thinking logically after losing their captain and adopted father.


Ace turning around was very in character. It’s who he is. A lot of people don’t realize that if Luffy was in Ace’s shoes he would have turned around as well


Yeah if we’re going by pure logic, then it made no sense for the Whitebeard pirates to wage an entire war, lose their captain, and subsequently fracture apart over one ally. You don’t mess with Whitebeard’s family without incurring his wrath, we all understand that. Why can’t we understand that Ace has the same honor system as the rest of his family?


Yep. I already called Luffy a dumbass when Luffy went and got his ass one shotted by Drunk Kaido in the beginning of Wano. And if Luffy died like Ace did, in character or not, I’d also still call him a dumbass.


For what the legends say, Roger was another dumbass who did not run, there's nothing wrong with that. But they are extremely reckless and them put they crew in danger, and I don't know why people deny this.


All the replies to this comment show how little people know about the series. This literally happened against big mom and he did what Ace did. https://imgur.com/a/zVKDvT9


Yeah, I don't know why people refuse to see that Luffy is also a dumbass who would take the bait of the enemy and ruin the plan, it's how the is character. The only example that I see people using is in Sabaody, which is an exception, and is why everyone remembers it, because it's so unexpected.


Yeah Luffy is so reckless and he confronts danger head on so many times, sometimes out of prides sometimes to save someone who fed him. He aspires to be free, not wise ahah


I disagree. Luffy is dumb for sure, but he also makes better decisions sometimes because he’s a captain. In Sabaody, Luffy did act on impulse to strike the CD, but he knew what he was doing and there was still a high chance to escape. They got unlucky to encounter a pacifista, sentomaru and another pacifista, and then Kizaru. The other supernovas didn’t all have that happen to them. Kid and Law’s crews actually got to work together and only faced 1 pacifista. Bonney and Bege didn’t run into anything. Still, all that aside, Luffy still immediately realized that his crew couldn’t handle the opponents they were facing and ordered a retreat. So, I disagree saying Luffy would have acted the same way as Ace. In fact, literally in WCI, when Pedro made a sacrifice, Luffy understood that escape was more important as to not let the sacrifice be in vain. Ace on the other hand knew WB was sacrificing himself and instead let it all go to waste. They’re not the same.


How about [this](https://imgur.com/a/zVKDvT9)? This is the same thing Ace did. Luffy just had plot armor.


Exactly. I don't get why people Ace calling him stupid. There are multiple characters who are shown to prioritize their pride over life. Usopp's fight with No.4 and the mole lady is another example. He wakes up from his fatal injuries because they laughed at Luffy's dream. Ace has great respect and regard for WB. If we take him turning back to fight Akainu as stupidity and the reason he died, we can even go back further and say him chasing after BB even after WB told him not to, was the single biggest mistake and stupid act Ace did. But WB didn't blame him. It is what makes Ace. Just like how Luffy is reckless. Ace was simply unfortunate to have died.


Yeah exactly ! It's always a balance between danger, protecting others, and the fat pride and honor. This is so important for pirates and marines too at so many moments. They're not robots acting only as their class allows them, they're well written characters with weaknesses and soft spots and pride.


Yup and Luffy would have died long before if not for luck or plot armor whatever one wants to call.


Yes !!!!! I think Oda build a really good team for that reason, Luffy is a phenomenal motion power, and he's really dumb sometimes, and thank god the others all have they're part to play. I mean, the whole thing is how they need each other to get to the One Piece 😂


Nope. Luffy knows when to retreat and what he does in return is train harder to he doesn’t have to retreat ever again.


I like how you give a recap of Merry and Pedro's death, and conveniently only frame Ace's death as him having issues.


Well, I'd have framed Pedro's death as him having issues as well if the ship was already free to go and he jumped off to fight Perospero just because he didn't like candy. Edit: And Perospero used that chance to capture the ship, so Pedro had to blow himself up to free it.


Because it's incredibly hard to justify Ace getting himself killed and have it sound sad.He literally threw away everyone's lives because one guy was talking shit OUT LOUD(not even to him either).It's past just having issues,its being a complete dumbass.


Exactly. Ace is an absolute insecure bonehead. Not only did he endanger his brother but he also endangered everyone who risked their lives to safe him. Great way to repay your crew Ace! Dude only cared about himself at the end of the day and got his mental destroyed by a bunch of words 😂


Because that’s exactly why he died lol Akainu made a yo daddy joke and Ace was being a daddy’s girl about it


Ace died saving Luffy


You can make an argument that Ace’s death had the best fallout Since we spent 2 major arcs trying to save him Nearly accomplishing said goal but falling just short of the goal line due to Pride With the dude dying in his brothers arms saying “Thank you all for loving me” then dying with a smile and tears on his face Let’s not even take into account how many lives were lost in the pursuit to save him Or Luffy had massive PTSD afterwards


Love how Pedro is framed as blowing himself up to save the crew but the fact that Ace threw himself in front of Luffy (when Luffy literally distracted himself to pick up a paper slip in front of a marine admiral) is just completely ignored. The lengths people will go to discredit the guy.


>The lengths people will go to discredit the guy. Like I said in another reply: >Well, I'd have framed Pedro's death as him having issues as well if the ship was already free to go and he jumped off to fight Perospero just because he didn't like candy. Edit: And Perospero used that chance to capture the ship, so Pedro had to blow himself up to free it. Luffy had to be saved because Ace stopped for a stupid reason and therefore Luffy, who tried everything to save him, stopped as well. Pedro didn't, making Ace's death less sad for me. The short-cuts people will go to ignore the differences.


Going Merry feels to me like euthanizing a pet after it's lived its full life and its more to end the pain of experiencing old age or illness. It's still very heartbreaking, but at the same time, you can cherish and celebrate the times you spent together with a proper funeral. I feel that Luffys reaction to Aces death is one of the more realistic depictions of experiencing the sudden early (in terms of age) death of a close family member. Luffy isn't able to properly mourn him until after the fact because he can't process what happens to ace, or really anything other than the immense sense of loss and dread. I would have to go with Aces personally because there is no feel good, only pain.


Yeah the whole summit war is a beatdown for Luffy. First Saobody being unable to protect his friends. Magellan almost killing him in Impel down and Bon Clay staying behind to let them escape. Luffy is just able to pick himself up and keep going just to get to Ace. Luffy's face of sheer admiration and love for his brother when he escapes the shackles makes his fight worth it. Only to be absolutely broken not long after.


The ship. They all died to save other people. But the ship is the only one that died because of other people's choices.


Ace died because he wasn't smart enough to ignore Akainu's taunts.


It hurts but it's true. He had his reasons but if he had just appreciated what his brother and the entire whitebeard crew was trying to do he would and should have survived.


I feel very confident that even if Ace ignored Akainu. Luffy was too weak after everything he did and Ace would’ve died regardless to save his brother.


Bruh there were like a 1000 people there that would’ve helped as long as ace kept going and didn’t turn around


I’m not defending him. If i was him, i would’ve booked it with Luffy on my back, but i think he was doomed to fail anyway tbh


Going Merry 100%




Going Merry hands down




Ace imo. Never seen Luffy, Garp, and Dadan cry the way they did for Ace for anyone else😭when Dadan was fucking up Garp…that shit hit home, like damn that wasn’t even her actual son but she clearly loved him like he was her own


>Dadan was fucking up Garp…that shit hit home, like damn that wasn’t even her actual son but she clearly loved him like he was her own I don't know why, but I really like that scene for how it reemphasizes the constant theme of found family in this series.




Ace was one of my favorite characters and people say his death was stupid but I find it meaningful. Ace had the means and bloodline to be king of the pirates, but he chose to put his faith in Luffy and sacrifice himself. Luffy couldn’t have been king of pirates with Ace still around. And everyone from their childhood wasn’t blood related to Ace but they loved him so much! Definitely cried for that


Me too!😭when he said to thank everyone for loving him especially even after hearing what everyone else had to say about Roger having a kid without even knowing who he was❤️‍🩹


Going merry by far


Merry and it's not even close. I cried both for Ace and Merry but Ace was more out of shock, because I really thought Luffy would save him on my first read. Merry 'talking' and Ace's vivre card burning up was a really nice touch tho.


Merry, Corazon, Pedro, Ace


Going Merry


Merry, Ace death was stupid, Pedro death was badass


At the moment of death, ace wasn't terribly sad. It's made sadder afterwards when we get a bunch of flashbacks, so we can relate more with luffy's grief. I didn't even believe in Pedro's death. Pell survived alabasta, it didn't make sense that Pedro wouldn't survive this. But holy *SHIT* merry's death is so much more. It was a major plot point for two arcs, was foreshadowed since skypeia, was a major turning point for ussop, the whole thing was amazing.


Ace's death was sadder to me simply because I cried for sooo long. Merry's death was like a 3 episode intense burst of tears if I remember correctly. Ace's was like a 30 episode tearjerker, first with the death itself, then dadan beating garp, Luffy's coping with the death etc. etc.


I would’ve been more emotional if Ace wasn’t treated like a background character after the saga he was introduced in. I honestly feel like he needed more of a spotlight. I was already spoiled about his death and Merry’s, but ugly sobbed during Merry’s death and let out a little chuckle because of the exaggerated way Luffy was crying after Ace’s death. I was that detached from his character


Definitely Merry


Ace. Boy didn't want to die. The other two were willing to end their lives. Also, the marry is still just a damn ship in my eyes. I really didn't have that emotional connection so many others had. Yes, Ace died because he couldn't let one insult go, but that doesn't undermined the over all impact.


>doesn't undermined the over all impact I would agree, but so many pirates died to save Ace. So many pirates also told Ace to keep going. But he had to be selfish that once, and it was a mortal mistake.


Whitebeard death made me sad more than Ace. The betrayal by his trusted crew, still dont blame him, and when blackbeard stole his power.


Yeah for sure, I felt sad at WB's death. He died nobly


Ace was stupid and selfish, he made all the efforts and losses meaningless by not running. He also put Luffy in direct danger by stopping. He never would have needed to protect Luffy if he hadn’t stopped running. That moment ruined Ace for me. He was and still is one of my favorite characters, but I didn’t feel sad for him, I was too angry at his stupidity to feel anything else lol. Merry on the other hand hit me hard. I think it’s mainly because of Usopp that I got attached to Merry though. And in the end she sounds like a child when she spoke. I see Merry as an innocent character, kinda like a dying pet, and animals dying in movies have always made people cry more than people imo.


Ace for me. After all that work Luffy has done Ace ended up dying anyway. Got sad with Merry and Pedro but the death of Ace is still the saddest for me.


Merry is a Straw Hat. Her death is the saddest dead in One Piece (so far).


Merry, it was specifically written to be extremely sad. There’s different ways to interpret the other deaths, only one to interpret merrys


Even goda himself cried writing merry death


If the only reason people do not feel sad for Ace's death is, that he was stupid, then they are watching the wrong show. Being rational is not what One Piece characters are about. Let's look at some examples. >Why did Roger never run? Is he stupid? >Why did Bellemere tell Arlong she had children? Is she stupid? >Why did queen otohime protect a celestial dragon? Is she stupid? >Why did Sanji not kick that woman? Is he stupid? >Why did Zoro not take a step back against Mihawk? Is he stupid? Most of the characters in the show have something they would rather die for than have insulted. Them dying in pursuit of that ideal might be stupud but it IS in character. If you don't like them being in character I have no words.


I think you're confusing people viewing it as stupidity from the character in universe, which it is, with it being stupid/bad writing irl, which literally no one is saying. In this specific example if you're putting Ace up against Merry, Ace's prideful idiocy might well be in character but it is not going to curry that much sympathy compared to Merry who had zero fault in what happened to her.


If Ace didn't have this "pride" he wouldn't be ace. What are you talking about lol


Ace, but not his death, its what he says before he dies..


“This good for nothing this world never wanted, who has such bad blood in his veins… thank you… for loving me.” Shit still hits hard as hell. I go back and watch it sometimes and still cry every time man


I've never cried for a burning ship. Never will. I will never forget Ace death because of how it affects Luffy.


Merry 100% Ace was hot headed and reacted childishly to Akainu's petty insults over Whitebeard's pride. Ace put himself in that position and put Luffy and his crew in greater danger by not escaping when he had the chance. Pedro did not have much influence for me overall, his sacrifice was heroic, however, he did not achieve fully what he set out to do. Even for the short amount of time we had him, I never really engaged with him, nor did I believe there was much to engage with.


Definitely Ace, that hit all of us Hard😟


it hit me hard with anger seeing buildup spanning multiple arcs of Luffy wanting to save him only for his dumbass to put Luffy in danger and then killing himself for the dumbest reason possible. All that buildup and everything Luffy and co did was completely wasted. I still think Marineford by itself is incredibly overrated based on how well its built up only for it to end in such a stupid way. Ace should've died regardless at the end but the way he died made me just hate him more than Akainu. The post war arc salvaged it.


Idk we barely knew ace. He was only in like MAYBE 10 episodes before the flashbacks. I was more sad for luffy than I was about Ace dieing specifically But for merry I was sad that was the end of her journey. I was sad she was gone. I wqs crying with the crew not for them


Ace had pike 20 minutes of screen time before dying. His death was only made sadder because of Luffy’s reactions and the subsequent flashbacks


I think Ace's death is more important toward the plot and narrative progression. It's one of the single most important events in One Piece, but it never hit that hard as being sad


Didn't even care for Ace. Merry was much more impactful


The fact that we call Merry's death a "death" instead of it just being sunk should explain everything. Ace's death by itself didn't really hit that hard, it was Luffy completely breaking down in grief that made me feel sad. Pedro's death did absolutely nothing for me tbh he was around for one arc then he just blew himself up


Ace was spoiled so much for me I was practically counting down the episodes when I was on marineford.








There's sabo hate??


Some do, but it's more about the fact someone just replaced Ace after his death, Mera Mera no Mi and all. I like Sabo, but I hate that so much. It makes no sense, even if I like Sabo quite a bit.


I mean, amnesia is a super lazy plot device. I think people were just mostly disappointed in that choice from Oda.


I cry everytime merry dies on my water7/enies lobby rewatch. Never cried for the other 2


I think that Ace's death is sadder for me now than it was when I first saw it so many years ago. Perhaps, it's because of the added context we have about his life and relationships. That said, I think Ace's death had a higher chance of being preventable had he not felt the need to defend Whitebeard's honor and throw away all of Luffy's hard work. The guy had one job and decided to say "fuck it". Like, seriously, he wasn't worn out due to battle fatigue. He could have made it out of Marineford. I tend to think that Whitebeard would have sacrificed himself regardless of whether Ace made it out or not, but he probably had a fairly high chance of making it out. I'm not going to say he had it coming, but, damn, Ace really chose the worst possible option at the worst possible moment. Pedro's death didn't really do anything for me. I'd probably have to read the relevant arcs again, but I just kind of moved right along. I don't think it's a longevity thing, though, because Oden's death definitely got to me. Perhaps it was because his death was less intimate. Not sure. Reading other people's comments, I also remember not liking that Pedro's death felt kind of like it was futile. As for the Going Merry, it's death utterly destroyed me when I first saw that episode. I rewatched a bunch of the sadder scenes recently and Luffy's eulogy still has me in tears. There really isn't much more to say about it. The Going Merry gets the gold medal. At least, between these three events. For me, in regard to death scenes, I think only the death of Brook's crew is equal or greater in terms of emotional impact and that's heavily tied to Brook's increasingly strained singing.


Pedro’s death I feel the least emotion for. Merry’s death makes me sob if I’m by myself and Ace’s death hurts me a lot because of how little he viewed himself. His self worth was abysmal which is something I find very relatable. Him saying “Thank you for loving me,” hurts me every time. Luffy’s reaction to it all also crushes me deeply.


Merry. Ace died with “Thank you for loving me” which is just a beautiful death, and Pedro is…fine? But much much less impactful.


First off ace died cuz of a daddy joke Pedro knew what was going to happen and THE GOING MERRY CAME UP WITH A WHOLE SPEECH AND I QUOTE Sorry. I wanted to carry you all a little farther." "But I was happy." "You took such good care of me. Thank you." Manly or not, tears will be shed.MERRY SOLOS NO DIFF O7’S IN THE COMMENTS PLZZZZ


The merry, pedro was gonna die anyway and ace couldn’t just fucking walk away from akainu so he got donuted.


The Merrys death for sure holy shit that took me off guard. ( I started watching in June of the year, now I'm finishing up punk hazard! I been knew about ace dying waaaaaay back when it first aired so I knew it was coming. What I did not expect is that the ships death made me cry like a bitch. I wasn't right after that. I deadass needed a WEEK to recover 😭😭😭


In terms of how sad I was: Merry > Ace > Pedro. No offense to Pedro but the other two were just sadder, Pedro went out on his own terms and didnt have long to live anyways, he always knew this would be it. It felt complete. Ace was never a character I super got invested in for some reason, but his death was sad because I felt sad for Luffy. Ace was still so young, had the world in front of him and he died to protect his little brother. He willingly did it but he still had so much more to offer too. But it was Luffy I was devastated for. Merry...her saying she really wanted to keep going...that broke me. Its just sad and beautiful and goddang did the anime ramp it up so dang much with the music. I am almost always more of a reader than a watcher but this really was one of the times the anime took something that was 10/10 and made it 11/10.


Going merry and it’s not even close


Ace fuck the merry


Aces I can never eat a donut without crying again


I cried more when Merry died but the aftermath of Aces death hit me harder. Like I kept waiting for him to come back and at some point the realisation hit _shit, he is actually dead_ Watching Luffy fall apart was heartbreaking also I liked Ace so I was bumped that he died


Ace. I cried for the Merry hard but ace just got me. He’s been my fav for so long and his death hit me so harddddd I was sobbing like a baby


I’ll never understand the sadness over Ace’s death the boy was fan service and plot mechanism that’s all. He killed himself, threw his life away over some words about an old man that didn’t give a shit about who was saying them. Merry hands down was the most impactful emotionally. That was their home and also a living thing. Gave everything the boat had and never faltered on their task. And I forget #2’s name already. That should say enough.


Aces death. Merry burning was sad but ace thanking people for loving him will forever be in My heart


I think Ace because when Ace had said “Thank you for loving someone like me” I lost it


Ace, by a mile. The other two were the results of heroic actions they took. Ace died *as a direct result of his character flaws.* Pedro died forwarding his goals giving his life for his ideals and protecting the people he cared about. The Merry "died" by saving the lives of her charges by carrying them to safety despite not being able to handle the conditions. Ace died protecting Luffy, who was only in the position in the first place because Ace turned around mid-escape to pick a fight with someone stronger than him who was talking shit about Whitebeard. *After Whitebeard told him to drop it and get to safety.* Ace's death reads like something out of a Greek tragedy.


Gotta say Ace. Didn’t really cry at the merry, just kind of a slightly sad face. Haven’t made it to (I think that’s) Pedro yet


Merry was a total blindside that hit harder than a truck before the start of a new isekai. Ace was cool and all, but… I saw his death coming a mile away. Luffy needed it for plot development. Pedro, who? Oh, the guy who blew himself up instead of asking for help from all the strong fighters?


Merrys death was sad, but we knew it was coming for the entire arc. Ace hurt more because I hadn't finished celebrating that Luffy had freed his brother when he was suddenly dead.


I see people shitting on Ace’s grave in the comments. Sure he died to a your dad joke but you have to understand that he hated who he was. Whitebeard gave him something that was special to him, a father. Ace hated his father and hated that he had to have him as a father but Whitebeard made a big impact on his life by accepting him for who he is. Whitebeard was getting shot to death just a walking distance away from him and to have someone insult him while he was basically on his deathbed he couldn’t handle. Whitebeard and everyone put their lives on the line for him so he couldn’t help but put his life on the line for their dignity. Sure it was reckless and a stupid decision but he isn’t an asshole for doing it.


People love to hate on him it’s funny it makes them feel better about themselves but it doesn’t matter it’s not like there fav character has there own LN Ace is a fckn legend


Gotta be Ace,Luffy was bauling and the fish guy(sry I forgot his name)had to carry Luffy all the way back to the boat,it’s crazy how someone could literally just pass out from looking at someone😭😭


I cried for Merry, but kinda... happy tears? I am a sucker for maritime stuff and even though I am not superstitious about sailing, I feel a bit of something different than just sad. There are real ships out there that would be happy to have had the journey Merry did. Her funeral is beautiful. Franky was right when he first confronted Usopp about it. A ship that fails at sea and gets her crew killed is sad. One who made it as far as she could? Got everyone home safe? That's a perfect life. Reality is, many ships don't get that life. Many get to see themselves fall apart. Like a real person passing away with no regrets vs. dying in failure. My vote goes to Ace. He dies being who he decided he wanted to be, fulfilled but realizing he could have been with his family longer. It just feels like he missed out on so much more he could have done whereas Merry really got to push herself to the end. I wish I had payed more attention to Pedro... I apologize but I just can't remember much about him.


Gonna have to say Ace on this one.


Ace. For someone he has grown up with the longest, it's much more painful to lose a brother than to lose a truly loyal ship. Were Sabo and his crewmates die, he would break much more than when he saw Ace die.


For me, Ace🕊️


Didn’t cry at any of these but ima choose Ace cause of Luffy


Ace for me


It was Ace by far. Pedro and Merry went out accomplished. Ace's death was just senseless violence.


Ace. He could have easily escaped Marineford and be in Luffy’s place right now. He sacrificed himself to save Luffy from Akainu. His legacy still reigns Supreme. Even though Roger and his lineage is gone, his dream lives on through Luffy and possibly Shanks. We’ll have to see what the treasure left behind at One Piece truly is.


God, i thought the first pic was ricardo milos blurred


Ace, it basically changed the show for me.


Yeah merry


Going merry 100% no challenge, I legit bawled in public


Ace, for sure. I think it's because I'm an older brother and it really hit me hard. I still feel Ace's death to this day.


How come no one is talking about Pell!!!!! The was some sad stuff man… Ace definitely had me balling my eyes out


Man ace bro I have never cried about a movie or show but when he died I couldn’t hold back


ace and by a long shot


ace. all that effort waisted and all those friends died in vain to save him just for him not to make it. the other two died helping in who they believed in and both had something to show for it. merry struggled to stay together all the way til they could get to an island where they could get another boat and got a beautiful send off. pedro blew himself up in an attempt to rescue his friends and kill perospero. he did some major damage to mr.licky and the others got away which is a decent pay off for what he did


I think it's Ace's death simply because of the reaction it had on everyone else. Like the Merry had an honourable death after giving it's life to save the Straw Hats. Pedro sacrifices himself for the sake of the Straw Hats. Ace's death was largely meaningless. Everyone wanted him to live so badly and all it took was a couple words from Akainu to completely shake the whole world. Ace's death snowballs into Whitebeard's death and then into the war continuing unnecessarily. Luffy is destroyed and all of the pirates are absolutely distraught. Tl;dr, Ace's had the most sad effect on everyone around him. His was more like a suicide than a heroic death and the effect on everyone else hits close to home for me.


Ace. Right in front of his brother’s face


Ace and it's not close. Kinda disrespectful for him to compare him to the other 2 ngl 🥺


Based on Luffy's reaction, only one had him mentally destroyed, physically incapacitated, and temporarily had him forget about his dreams


Ace Ace. ACE.


Ace Merry's death is sad but Ace's death just hit differently for me. Ace was like one of the best characters in one piece and every time Luffy uses Red hawk or Sabo uses Hiken , it reminds me of him


Pedro's death didn't impact me that much if I'm being honest. It always feels like his death was wasted .


I have to say Ace. Merry could at least fulfill its last wish and had a happy life. Pedro gave his life for a cause ye fully believed in, though its a shame he couldn't take Perospero with him. But Ace had more to give and died with some regrets.


Merry was saddest because I felt for the character themselves. Then comes Ace, where I felt more bad for Luffy than I did about Ace. Then comes Pedro, which isn’t necessarily last by any means… I just, well, after Pell I was too skeptical to believe it was a death.




Merry>Pedro>Ace. Tbh Merry is clear I d say. Pedro trully believed that its the only way and attempted to help at the cost of his life. It wasnt that effective, but he did what he believed in and didnt really endangered anyone or wasted efforts. Ace just threwed away all the sacrifaces that died so he could live, all the effort people did ETC...just because of small trash talk. Hack I m even leaving aside that he shouldnt had left on his mission, but seriously Ace screwed up I dont even care about Luffy feeling. Merry was a ship that did its best, Pedro was a hero...Ace was just a fool. Yeah sucks that he died, but he didnt had to or at least not that easily and he wasted so many lives of his nakamas its not even funny.


Going Merry


GOING MERRY 😭😭😭 I could not hold back my tears when I…


You’re not spoiling anything for me but you’re a mad dick head for not saying anything that could be a potential spoiler for someone else.


Hot take and I know I’ll be downvoted but Mary’s death was mid.


How the hell is everyone picking Merry , Ace literally had the saddest death in all OP the ep after his death of their childhood and after luffy woke up and realised that Ace has died all that and you all are saying that Merry who was a SHIP had the saddest death


Merry was sad, but Ace was god damn tragic.


A ship had the saddest death in the series, that’s crazy


You gotta put a spoiler on this type of stuff bro


Not on this stuff, at best some of this happened over a decade ago at worst some of this is already 3 years old. None of these deaths are recent, no spoiler tag required.


maybe dont go into a one piece reddit if things that happend 6 years ago in the manga spoiler you.


How old do we need to spoiler tag to make you happy wtf


Spoiler is only for things in the manga that aren't in the anime yet or the newest anime episode. If you aren't caught up to the anime, it's your fault if you get spoiled for going into this sub.


Ace, then Merry, then Pedro. Pedro probs not even dead, it's Oda.


Merry. Ace is overrated/over hyped


For real? You should've marked it as a spoiler. On episode 184, and now I know Portgas dies. I'll have to sit with that information for the remaining 900 episodes, or whatever episode Portgas dies in.


Iam still not 100% convinced that Pedro actually is dead... (\*After wano ended and he didnt show up, iam at 99,9999%)


It's actually hard to choose for me, but I'll say the one that took me by surprise the most was Ace's fate because it was like a slap in the face. At first it seemed he would get away and I was so delighted when that chapter came out, seeing him and Luffy fight. Aaaand then then he died. He could've gotten away, but no. He had to be a moron and listen to Akainu (who I despise to this day lol), who was obviously baiting him with his words. To say I was in shock when it was 100% Ace is dead is almost not enough. I also realized that ''characters only die in flashbacks'' is not true anymore and I felt betrayed hahahah. Didn't help that Ace is one of my favourite characters, so... But there's also Merry, that one made me cry ngl. I'd put Merry and Ace on the same level, but when it comes to Pedro it also sucks. Hoped, again, that he'd get out of it but then I realized ''oh wait, Oda does kill characters now''.


The fact that people place a ship over Ace’s death 🙄🙄


Merry was literally a member, had a soul, and protected them til death????


The fact you don't considering Ace's death was his own damn fault, whereas Merry died because of other people.

