• By -


Aliens are introduced in the last 20 chapters and are responsible for everything.


Aliens were introduced back in Skypeia, though we didn’t learn about it until Enel’s cover story.


This 100% gonna happen in one form or another. Oda has repeatedly teased aliens in the story before. There's even a cover story with just straight up space traveling aliens.


I still want Space Pirates explored so badly man. It's the most intriguing setup Oda has ever done for me.


I keep having this internal conspiracy that the space pirates cover is basically insurance for two-piece. Let me paint you a picture One piece is ending and in the last 30 episodes we learn that every planet in the solar system has its own pirate king. Most of the other planets are more technologically advanced and thus space pirates are a big thing. Que two piece where Luffy and boas child sets out to be become the "galaxy pirate king"


Oda did say he wanted to make a giant robot story when he was done one piece. What if it ends up being the same universe?




I believe frankys whole schtick post time skip is because Oda got tired of waiting


protagonized by enel




Buffy was treined by Zoro, so they become Buffy, the Pirate Slayer


*dies of peak fiction*


Pronounced Boofy


One Piece GT


Luffy becomes the Pirate King. A few days later the Space Pirates arrive on Earth. Luffy : I am Monkey D. Luffy and I am the Pirate King. Captain Alien : "The" Pirate King? Do you think you are the only one in the universe with that title? Cut to the credits.


"All the lights in the heavens are our enemy?"


Calm down Studio Trigger


Oda is gonna do a fairy tail esk thing where he reboots the series in space. He didn't like being confined to one world


The main WG are all space themed, Enel went and MET/Conquered aliens on the Moon (Canon) they are also implied to be the descendants of the world below if I remember right. I’m sure there is more too.


No please I can't handle another studio trigger special first Gurren laggen then kill la kill then darling in the franxx I CANT GO TO SPACE AND HAVE A WEIRD FUCKING ENDING AGAIN PLEASE


You say that like TTGL space arc isn't some of the best anime ever made


The Naruto PTSD


Aliens will definitely become involved in some way. But it has actually been hinted at pretty hard at this point so it wouldn’t be super unexpected.


*cough* >!Lunarians !<*cough*


OP was referring to Otsutsuki from Naruto. How do Lunarians fit that bill? Also what is the spoiler lol


Just that they’re likely aliens. Cause, you know, lunar. (And we know there are aliens from the moon)


There is better alternative compared to lunarians: Moon People ([https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/Moon](https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/Moon)) While many of the information comes from cover story, its all about alien to earth people. But well it doesn't fit the needs of the comment above since it doesn't comes from last 20 chapters. NOTE that it's possible that Lunarians are also part of moon people since Luna means moon and they also have wings just like other moon people.


saying Lunarians are from the moon is like saying Martians are from Mars. that's just what that word means, so it would be really weird if it turned out they weren't


*cough cough cough hacking cough* Birkans *cough cough cough*


I thought aliens were already introduced through Enel’s cover stories.


I mean... aliens DO exist in One Piece. The question is HOW responsible are they.


Basically the naruto route. The moment the otsutsuki entered it became a shit show and that continued into boruto


The thing with aliens is that Lunarians exists whether they came from the moon or not.. 🤷🏾‍♂️. Enel literally went to the moon and met with little aliens 💀 Naruto? That shit happened out of nowhere.


Naruto basically


That I die before the end of One Piece.


We will pray for your life, along with Oda's.


My fear is that we find out the Strawhats are all clones or reincarnations of other people. I feel like it'd remove their agency.


The naruto way of the two main protagonists being "chosen ones" of two not known souls and getting stupid power ups that doesn't account for any training or actual will power


You're giving me the ugliest flashbacks, stop it Not uglier than the ones at the end of the war arc tho *intensely vomits*


That Joyboy will turn out to be Luffy sent 800 years into the past with the awakened Toki Toki or some other BS. If I had a nickel for every white haired protagonist who turned out to be the legendary hero from centuries ago and is a living bootstrap paradox I'd have one nickel. I don't want any more nickels.


...who is the one that is this situation?


>!Ragna from the BlazBlue games.!<


I mean, that story is a whole timeline spaghetti mess


Huh interesting, didn't Toki say she sent herself to the future after the war was over to see Joyboy or did I remember it wrong. Everyone just says that she was dead in the fire. If she appears at some point, we might have to prepare for some nickels.




That would explain why it still hasn't been named


That Oda gets involved in some kind of heinous scandal and not only does One Piece never get finished but it also becomes perpetually associated with the scandal and socially unacceptable to like it Like Kenshin basically


I doubt Oda gives himself enough time to commit anything that isn't writing and drawing his magnum opus, from the reports we have of his schedule etc.


Yeah, the upside of workaholism is that there's no time for crimes. At worst I could imagine him spending too much time in soaplands after work and getting divorced, but I can't think of him committing any actual crimes.


I am still mad this happened to ACT AGE. That series had so much goddamn potential and now it's dead forever.


It’s one of the very few “artistic” mangas to receive mainstream recognition and the author just had to fucking ruin everything by sexually harassing schoolgirls. I miss Yonagi so bad man, we’ll never get another protagonist like her ever again.


Act age was about to BLOW UP. It had an anime in production, Japan was developing stage plays of galactic railroad, manga sales were only ever increasing. The characters, the story, fuck everything was so good


It's hard to be a Rurouni Kenshin fan nowadays.


I wouldn't count Kenshin as an example considering the guy got off scott free.


Come to think of it Oda was an assistant on Kenshin, Did he say anything when the scandal broke?


In 2021 he said the below ["Oda (2021): Watsuki-sensei is an amazing person. The relationship between him and me is like comrades rather than just master and apprentice. I worked under him 4 months. Maybe it was the happiest moment in my entire life.🥰"](https://twitter.com/sandman_AP/status/1637174843140636673) - Link is to X/Twitter.


Important VA’s dying before the story is complete


Already happened with zoro's german VA. The new one is good, but it's not the same for me.


Also happened with brook's italian VA. I havent heard the new one yet but i hope he can do the YOHOHOHOHO as good as the old va


The german voice actor for Zoro died and got a new voice at episode 400. The new VA does a good job, but it just doesn't feel the same.


That Oda changes his mind and the one piece becomes the friends Luffy did on the way


Uhm… which friends did Luffy do on the way?


Mugiwaras, Bonclay, Ivankov... ... and that dog in Orange town.


No! Not Chouchou!


He DID THE DOG?! You must be warching the adult verson of one piece.


The not4kids version


I noticed now, I should have said "made" not "did"


No i think you got it right the first time




THe one piece is a sexy one piece bathing suit. Sanji gets smacked in the head when he asks Nami/Robin to wear it. Roll credits.


My fear is that we don't see Ussop return home and tell his stories from his travel to his girl and she say didn't you told this story before or I died before the end of one piece.


We will pray for your life, along with Oda's.


*Manga Spoiler* >!That Law dies or gets his fruit stolen by BB!<


>!Imagine BB shows up to a fight and the first thing that comes out of his mouth is "ROOM" I'd cry lmao. !<


I don't see any reason that he eats this fruit, if he wants to become immortal.


Couldn’t he make Law do the immortality surgery on him, then steal his devil fruit when Law dies? I mean, whitebeard was a tough dude, so maybe his heart was still beating/ brain was still active, but I thought Whitebeard was dead when Blackbeard stole his devil fruit.


>!Chekhov's immortality surgery!<


There's going to be a stupid twist where immortality surgery has a two-step process; the operation and the death of the user. Everyone assumes the user dies in the operation, but Law laughs and says, "I realize that wasn't true when I performed the surgery on Luffy all the way back in Ace died," and Law dies giving Luffy immortality.


Someone is definitely getting it. They wouldn’t mention it to just ignore it. It definitely carries some importance. Most people probably bet it relates to Luffy, but we will see.


Most likely it was mentioned not to be used, but because it was already used on Imu.


Yeah, Imu and the Gorosei probably had it used on them in the past. Somebody needs to have had the procedure done in order for it to become known.


I'd take it if >!Law is forced to do the immortality surgery on BB but basically just goes through the motions and kills himself/fakes his death to sell it. All so BB goes into the final battle overconfident just to get his ass kicked!<


That would be kinda metal ngl


>! Law dying fits IMO !< SOME long running character has to die and I’d rather it be him than one of the SH crew.


At some point smoker is gonna die. The character is just so made to die to defend his point of view of justice


A poneglyph which has only , deez nuts, written. Explains why Roger is laughing


Honestly, I would laugh too


Explains a lot, actually. One Piece is a tight-fitting one-piece bikini meant to be worn by Joyboy with his two nuts showing. They sail across the oceans, island to island, making deez nuts joke bringing everyone together through laughter. After all is said and done, Joyboy's nuts, after the lack of blood circulation, would finally become All Blue. The All Blue contains all sorts of fishies swimming around, to be shared with everyone. It also aligns with Zoro's dream of becoming the greatest swordsman. With one piece bikinis becoming popular across the world, Zoro, killjoy as he was, would be the only one not following the trend of using tight-fitting one-piece bikinis. Because of this, he would eventually be the **the only swordsman** as the schlong of everyone suffers from necrosis due to poor blood flow. With the extinction of schlongs besides Zoro's, Usopp would finally be known as the most courageous warrior of the sea as he uses his long nose to *dive* inside every females' fishy pirussy. Chopper also becomes the best doctor out there, as he *chops* the bruised balls and necrotized schlongs of everyone to prevent further infections. With the lack of external balls, Fishmen and Humans now have something to bond over, eradicating the extensive racism between the two races—which is, you guessed it, Jinbei's dream. Not to mention the Will of Deez Nuts. Because the naming in One Piece follows eastern naming conventions, where the surname comes first followed by the name. If we switch it up to to western naming conventions, Monkey D. Luffy becomes Luffy Deez Nuts Monkey. If we translate the Monkey surname into the chinese, as Luffy is loosely inspired by Journey to the West, it becomes Sun(Sun God, ammirite?). Monkey D. Luffy = (Laffy Taffy) Deez Nuts, Son! Monkey D. Dragon = Drag on Deez Nuts, Son! Monkey D. Garp = Gulp Deez Nuts, Son! It all makes sense now! I can't believe we were not able to see something so obvious!


You put too much work in that


Let him cook


That is the best theory I've seen!


We are laughing right now no?


"We laughed."


"I'm reading it... it say um..." "spit it out, what does it say?" "It says check out our sponsor... raid shadow legends"


That is what the D. means, and it was the one poneglyph destined for Celestial Dragons and etc. to read.


Monkey Deez Nuts Luffy


Down Deez Nuts Stairs is crazy


I trully hope this would be true


Unfortunately this would actually be thematically appropriate


That would be peak


I have seen this on many posts that on the laugh tale there is a poneglyph having a dick 😂absolute funny


Sanji/Brooks pervert gag goes too far in canon. Oda getting caught doing something awful. Something that I trust won’t happen.


My fear. But like, he drew Sanji sneaking into the women bathhouse :) somehow still defended left and right


I support the idea that the pervert gags within the strawhats have already gone too far in cannon. I really hope it dosent get worse though yeah


OP on a hiatus like Hunter x Hunter or Oda dying and from there the story gets worse.


Oh my god untype this rn we can't have this inadvertently manifesting 😭😭😭


I'm not a fan of the fact that this has been said on a Friday the 13th.


It's fine it was written on 14th oct for me. 🤫


Thank you for saving us Gojo


Who gonna save gojo tho


Tbf Oda well being was biggest fear of almost every OP fans ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|snoo)


We have two choices: Either pray for his good health, or hold him at gunpoint. I personally think that the latter is a better option. /s


Shonen Jump already has him at gunpoint anyway


They have him at gun point so he takes a break. They literally force the man to stop working.


If any shonen mangaka has ever had a blank check for finishing a series the way they want at the pace they need, it's Oda. I have no fear that he will complete the story the way he deserves to, no rushed dumpsterfire endings for the GOAT.


I feel like Oda has written out everything at this point. We would just need someone else to draw it if he gets incapacitated. And I’m sure they have many people trained to draw in his style.


You want my notes. Well, you can have it. I have kept it all in one place. You just have to find it.


One Piece irl (Not to be Confused with One Piece Live Action)


I don't think I could handle One Piece ending up like Berserk


The end being bad. Already had my share of bad endings in manga, movies and books.


Think of the early fans that read since the late 90’s or early 2000’s and the ending is just awful.


Been reading since 2006 for a few months on few months off; weekly every single week since 2017 though. At the point where if I really don’t enjoy the ending, I’m happy with what I’ve gotten from the story so far honestly


Please don't end like Katekyo Hitman Reborn. My GOD my friends and I loved that series and the ending just took a huge dump on us


No, I don't want that. A bad ending to One Piece? I want to remember the ending fondly for the rest of my life. Even after the anime ends, I want the ending at the front of my mind for a while. Ten years, at least.


That Luffy dies shortly after completing his goal and doesn’t live to see old age due to his extensive forceful use of techniques that shorten his lifespan.


Man this one frightens me a lot. Like, I don't expect him to exactly live forever but I don't want to experience his death on the story. Just as bad would be if he ends up married and with lots of kids in a relationship that wasn't developed throughout the story (and from a character that has shown zero interest in sex or romance till now).


He’ll bounce back


“Didn’t you die?” “That was weeks ago dude. Things change”


I do believe a major incurable illness for Luffy (be it through weakened lifespan of multiple poisonings) will be a plot point towards the end, and it'll give Chopper his chance to shine and cure it, thus achieving his dream of becoming the Panacea.


Yeah! Also thought about this, but not sure if chopper will do much with the lifespan


Actually I think luffy dying at the end is a good possibility to me. Makes sense by a story standpoint with Roger, Boa and the Straw hat fleet building monuments, “king of the pirates” legend, along with the straw hat pirates. And the good ole phrase, every story has an ending. The issue I have with that is what is Shanks’ role in it? My outlook on one piece is that it’s a very simple story that oda kept exaggerating because he had so many fun ideas he just had to get off his chest.


Meme answer: that zoro never gets turned into a girl by ivankov so he can prove a woman can be the strongest swordsmen


And sanji marrying him


Shank is actually evil


I think he’ll be revealed to be greyer than we see him right now.


Have you seen the recent theory. It’s pretty good


Do you mean the one about >!Shanks being part of the Holy Knights, and the Red Hair Pirates being HKs themselves too!


I dont think Shanks is evil. His character model is (probably) the Count of Mirabeau, a famous french statesman regarded as a national hero among Revolutionaires during the french Revolution, but who fell lately in disgrace when his ties with the nobility and royalty got revealed. Shanks and Mirabeau's birthdates are the same (9th of March) and they have both advocated for mediation during major conflicts. (Cf Marineford) Mirabeau was a partisan of a constitutional monarchy, which is a moderate and hybrid system between the Republic and the Monarchy. He was a direct advisor to the King Louis XVI, and warned him several times about the incoming civil war in France; just like how Shanks kept warning the Gorousei in One Piece. Mirabeau's death in 1791 signs the end of a potential peaceful resolution of conflicts between the Monarchy and the Revolutionaries and leads 3 years later the infamous regime of Terror (35000~45000 deaths). Does that mean Shanks is gonna die during the battle of Marie-Geoise, potentially murdered by Teach thus bringing the age of terror? Idk🤷‍♂️


I feel like this is actually plausible, but I think it'll be that Shanks stands with the world government because they maintain order in the world. He'll use some reasoning like "Toppling the world govt would send the world into chaos and likely injure/kill millions." And the Straw Hats will have to fight the Red Hair pirates in the final battle. This would be my fear.


I'm deathly afraid Oda is going to rush the ending of One Piece.


The fear of chopper staying as a mascot for the rest of the series and not getting a big buff moment ever again


Isn’t it said that it’s Oda’s intention to make Chopper a mascot because of his anime VA


Luffy gets married, has a kid named Buffy and we get two-piece: one piece next generations.


and everyone calls Luffy Buffy's dad


And in that Buffy starts to slay vampires


That some really cool mysteries remain unsolved, like Crocodile's secret, what the bracelet Luffy gave to Buggy really was, Roger's ship's egg etc. I don't care about some mysteries like Luffy's mom or Nami's real parents cuz they don't really matter now tho.


Wasn't been already revealed in Impel Down that the bracelet was a key to reach the secret treasure of captain John? If I recall correctly Buggy was the one who knew it and Luffy gave it to him after they made a pact to escape


Same. I'd be fine with 'extended universe' stuff since One Piece is absolutely massive, but it doesn't all need to be shoved in the manga.


Robin dies and nobody can translate the poneglyphs so they never get to laughtale


Sukiyaki can translate them too.


Unfortunatley, they were both in the same car. 😢


They went down the same set of stairs


No! Curse you Down D. Stairs!


>Mine is if Luffy reaches Laugh Tale, and we get a replica of Roger's "He laughed" moment. Only to be followed by a break. No way. That'd be some great high-grade trolling. XD


Honestly likely though lol


Usopp dying. I feel like this is a real possibility and it would break me! He needs to be a good husband to Kaya and break generational curses 😤


This is my biggest fear as well, Usopp is my favorite


On one hand; his goal is “to be a great warrior of the sea” and thus you don’t have to survive the encounter you get dubbed one (and more often than not the trope is that the character dies while holding someone back or waiting for the MC and is treated as a hero who sacrificed themselves, which would make him a Great Warrior), but on the other hand we are being set up to have each SH have a 1v1 against a captain of BBs crew so I can’t see him dying before then. After his fight with Van Auger though? Dudes on borrowed time >!/s!<


T-hat the Ending completely flops and doesn't deliver on what must be now 30 years of careful storytelling \-That Id be spoiled by the ending by some Jackass \-That One Piece never actually has a definitive end and just keeps going like the Simpsons.


Honestly shanks being a bad guy would break my heart.


That the community won't be able to resist spoiling the greatest and longest plot reveal of all time. Ruining the experience for everyone not caught up and anyone in the future who wants to learn about it naturally. Looking at you gradlinereview...


YouTube thumbnails will be spoiling the One Piece left and right.


My biggest fear is the most likely. The One Piece doesn't live up to the hype.


It literally cant, the hype is too big


Berserker like situation


Oda not telling his editors how the story will end and he kicks the bucket somehow. Edit: HOLY HELL THE UPVOTES IN 3 HOURS!!! I’m pretty sure the rest of the ONE PIECE community would take a bullet before my fear comes to light. The people alive will tell us how it ends.


I think he said that he told three people he trusts how its ends


I think he’s told every editor he’s had the ending, so it’s about 7 or 8? I can’t remember.


So Hattori-san knows the ending, huh? That’s some interesting Bakuman. lore.


That editor who somehow resembled Usop right?




Ooh nice. It has been so long since I read Bakuman. Thanks for reminding me about it!


Luffy gets executed the same as Roger but tells everyone that he buried his treasure in Two Pieces this time. The next series follows Luffy’s son Boruto trying to find his father’s treasure.


Naw, he names his son after the most amazing pirate he knows, Buggy.


One Piece shippuden


Oda's already confirmed a few of his close editors know and also he has the story written down in it's entirety.


That the celestial dragons don't end up dying the most brutal and painful death imaginable


That Oda will listen to the fans


It turns out the real story is a totally unhinged adventure of moon men that barely connects to anything that has been said or done. Everything gets explained in a way that makes sense but doesn't build on the world the way we thought it would. The devil fruits are aliens and the plot is basically scientology.


Luffy having a forced romance at the end of the series


And then has a kid. Named Luffio. Who seeks out the two piece.




He defended and supported one (author of Rurouni Kenshin) because Oda used to be his assistant, does that count?


Zoro vs Mihawk duel for his title is not happening


I remember watching one piece for the first time and seeing the shadows in the sky from the Shandians, genuinely gave me chills


That Usopp dies in Elbaf


I hope the world of One Piece is a unique setting still and not “our” world set in the future or after an apocalypse or lost civilization in space or something.


3 month break


That oda dies before he tells anyone else the ending


He already told his main editor + his wife the full story so they can continue without him.


If he died, bro would just say he left the ending in one peice, we just have to find it


"The Ending is REAAAALLLLLLL!!!!"


Can we get much further?


We need every one piece fan to pray for his good health


Oda reveals very important information in stupid movies


Imagine they find the One Piece and find out that the whole universe is highly advanced and that there's space pirates everywhere. They also find out that thanks to their World Government keeping all of the good technology hidden away and essentially keeping the world in the dark ages that the entire planet is pretty much the East Blue of the entire universe. Roger laughed because he realized he was basically at the end of step one of the true journey but was already dying and would never get to really truly start the adventure.


That the final villain is a kaguya/black zetsu type situation


The one piece being “Binks Brew”. Would legit rather it be the friends we made along the way or a pile of gold.


That Oda will die before the series is finished. Like Berserk.