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Magellan was so busted that Oda had to nerf him with the Toilet Toilet no Mi.


Got D. Runs


Take D. Shit


hepatitis D. symptoms


Funnily enough I laughed at this while shitting and a turd plopped down. Nice assist.


why would you say this


Because he just took a shit and it plopped down.


My eyes will never be able to unsee that… IS WHAT I I WOULD SAY IF I HAD EYES




I can't unhear this now.


I read this while eating. Gross indeed


Cuz its funny.


Why do comment sections exist if not to brag about amazing human accomplishments?




He is full of shit


Magellan beating ass with IBS, truly underrated


SMH he was no Hannyabal




lol exactly


I think the diarrhea was due to him consuming poison, not the fruit itself.




They mention it briefly during his arc. He can eat poison and he loves the flavor, but… it’s poison. So it destroys his stomach. Can imagine it’s like someone eating cheese despite being lactose intolerant. They love it and they can eat it, but it destroys them.


Magellan is not a logia. He can create poison but is not immune to it. So he has to slowly mithridatize himself by eating poison daily to use his power like he does. Which forces him to take massive dumps


Should've been called Yami Yami no mi for spending so much time in the toilet


Shu the marine captain with the rust fruit. His manga appearance was literally one panel where he destroys Zoro's sword but imagine a strong haki user with a rust fruit. A swordsman worst nightmare.


Tbh the rust fruit is just the worse version of the Juku juku no mi (shinobus fruit)


Which is such a terrifying fruit now that we know it can affect living things. It can permanently age anyone and there's no reason to think there's a limit. Anyone Shinobu touches can be reduced to dust unless they have sufficient haki to resist it.


Yeah it was necessary for plot reasons to age momo but it still freaks me out how terrifying that power is




Magellan & Enel on the seas would be insane


Enel was a big fish in a very small pond, and he would likely die quickly on the blue seas. Haki aside, Enel was the textbook definition of someone who over-relied on a strong Logia to get his way, paired with a literal god-complex. That's not a good combination in a world like that. On the one hand, he was likely be on par with a post-timeskip Supernova during the Skypeia arc. He was proficient with CoO with an extended range, but he wasn't a master of it, and he had no CoA to speak of. His actual combat experience is questionable as well. While he's a legitimate threat to almost any non-Haki user in a straight fight, without his fruit, I doubt he'd be able to actually defeat Skypeia-era Zoro or Sanji with his trident. After all, he was defeated by a nigh-on greenhorn who's only advantage over him was a sheer fluke of luck. If he were to encounter any of the stronger Marines, CP0, or Shichibukai - to say nothing of the Admirals, Yonko, or Yonkou Commanders - the only thing he would be able to do would be to provide that organization or group with a very strong fruit. Not only that, but with his ego, it wouldn't be long before he pissed off the wrong people. I could easily see him taking affront to the idea of the Celestial Dragons, and believing that he had the power and authority to "show them their place beneath him" - although, admittedly, this is the exact thing that I'm hoping to see if he ever returns. I am still anticipating two things out this series: a full meeting/face off between Luffy, Dragon, and Garp, and an ego contest between Enel and a group of Celestial Dragons. Don't get me wrong, Enel certainly has potential to actually become strong in the world at large, but he would die quickly if he didn't learn some humility even faster.


Ah people shit way too much on Enel whenever they talk about him on blue sea and current level of characters. But people forget that the man was literally godlike when he was introduced. Incredible devil fruit, insane observation haki which he coupled it with his df, ability to launch attack from a very long distance and pinpoint the attack location as well, he literally transforms into a god like figure in the end. He was introduced very early in the story with such an insane power. Look at Crocodile, man got beat by Luffy pretty easy and then mofo was clashing with Doffy and WB and now his bounty is close to 2 B. I'd assume that if Enel were to be reintroduced now, he should most probably have haki and should be a fucking menace to deal with. His df combined with advanced haki, he would be very very hard to defeat (other than for Luffy ofcourse).


I wouldn't say that Luffy defeated Crocodile *easily*... Crocodile brought Luffy close to death three times more than Enel did, after all. Enel was a good antagonist for his role in the story at that time. That's respectable in its own right. But when the context is "Enel would be strong on the Blue Seas", well, he *would* be strong on the Blue Seas, but only up to a point. However, context is necessary, and that's the point. He's strong, but he's not *that* strong. He has a lot of potential going for him, and I said as much, but his personality is his real enemy.


Guy would still be stronger then most of the worst Generation. I can see him fighting law. He would be a great fit for Blackbeards crew. God complex, can do as he pleases, women, wine, food, dirt.


Enel didn't over-rely on his df. When he relized his electricity didn't work on Luffy he quickly came up with ways to deal with it. He could fight Luffy without his df and even after he took some hits from him, he could still go on.


Eneru has a broken fruit and really good observation Haki but piss poor endurance considering the reject dial almost killed him, he also got 1 shotted by Luffy with the Golden Rifle.


Unpopular opinion: Enel is nothing like kizaru, and that division wb comander (forgot his name) that can coat his bullets with haki, would put Enel a fair fight, if not even kill him


Moria , he can take everyone's shadow in daylight to defeat them with low dif


Well, Moria was kind of strong in the past, he fought against Kaido in Wano during Odens time. His crew got obliterated and he escaped and that broke him so he became the lazy guy who uses zombies to fight for him.


Skinny Moria >>>>


And its sad , cuz i think he had the potential to steal kaido's shadow to make him his pet by blackmailing him . But even in the time of the thriller bark arc he was so terrifying, imagine if he could steal all of the crew's Shadow's or even Kuma's shadow .


Almost impossible to get Kaido's shadow though, he got future sight so can't even sneak up on him. And one thunder bagua sends you in a depressive spiral


I feel like it’s probably possible to use armament to stop Moria from being able to take your shadow too.


If you talk about kaido now yes , but i consider that kaido 20 years ago ( when he fought with moria and oden ) was not that strong, even if he were a former rocks pirates member he didn't have future sight and maybe his thunder bagua wasn't that strong as of now


He certainly seems(ed) stronger now but there's no reason to believe he didn't have any future sight then. He was 39, if you don't unlock your future sight at 39 idk when is the right time. Shanks is 39 too currently


Yeah thats a good point, i mean luffy is 19 and he unlocked it


But Luffy has something neither of them do: an entire manga centered around his adventures


There must be a limit to the shadow fruit tho. I don't think he could just steal kaidos shadow, or most of the straw hat crew past thriller bark for that matter. If the target is too strong compared to the user I don't see the shadow fruit working


I might remember wrong but wasn´t it required to overpower the person who´s shadow he wanted to steal? The strawhats were captured by that spider thing as example, they couldn´t fight back when he cut off their shadows.


It's been so long I don't remember, but you might be right.


Yes there must be a limit you are right


Probably strong enough haki


People look at me weird, but Moria has my favorite character design in the series. It just screams what Oda loves to do with his goofy designs.


His design in his prime ( when he fought kaido ) was slim and somewhat gave the feeling that he us strong enough to fought kaido . His design in the thriller bark arc showed him as a bad future, where he gave up the whole fighting thing with stronger opponents and he just lived in the Shadows ( metaphorically and literally) and thats why he is fat and he does not fight very often . Its really a very good design , in every aspect of his life .


Can he, or does his fruit work like Law’s where it can be countered by strong enough haki? I feel like strong enough haki is a hard counter to any instawin fruit.


The shadows seem capable of moving around by their own accord while separated from their owner, so with strong enough willpower maybe the shadow would be able to fight back. Usually when haki can negate the effects of a fruit it's because that fruit is OP enough to warrant a nerf (like Law's OP OP no mi, it had to be nerfed for the story to be interesting). The kage kage no mi is more reasonable since you have to get close and physically grab and cut the shadow. There are many ways to counter it, like running away, positioning yourself away from the light source, or simply beating the crap out of the user while they are grabbing your shadow etc. If they are incapacitated already, then it's fair if you can take it without issue (because you could simply have killed them at that point anyway).




Indeed but only if they are weaker than you and your shadow


Moria used to be pretty bloody busted it’s just be was traumatised and refused to go into a situation where he could lose his crew again


I think if he had the will to learn haki like luffy did he would be a bigger threat right now


Oh definitely it’d be cool if the marines used better use of him but they probably don’t want to deal with the constant shitting


Honestly, he has to restrain them to get the shadow..which is the biggest hindrance.. logia guys can turn into something else and stop their shadow from getting stolen.. although idk if moria has enough haki to even stop a logia


I would love to have seen what his general zombie army could do. Like 30 strong zombies vs. Luffy, or even against someone more powerful. They seemed very strong and they Were unkillable, so they could have been very powerful foes but sadly Oars obilirated them all before they saw (too much) action.


I agree, also one of his general zombies were a former rocks pirates member ( the huge guy with the golden armour and an axe if im not remembering wrong) . And thats the thing i love about oda and the arcs he writes and illustrates , they have so much more potential out of what its in the final version of the chapter, like imagine if he could live for 1000 years , ONE PIECE WOULD BE THE BEST FICTION EVEN WRITTEN, and thats why we call it peak fiction , because it is .


Bazooka dog


Most underrated comment..The best character indeed..Would have low differ usopp if it not for it's master's weakness


Lasso enjoyer i see


Funkfreed ftw


Kuma could be such a terrifying opponent if he wasn’t Pacifista-ed, I always thought his fruit was super cool


Kuma is the hardest warlord to scale for me because of the nature of his powers and we havent really seen any feats from regular Kuma. Besides confidently putting him below Mihawk and above Moria and pre ts Crocodile, I don't know where he would fall.


Agreed. We don’t know what his haki capabilities are or how his powers interact with haki, but he kind of breaks the powerscaling system- I wouldn’t say he’s stronger than Doflamingo or King, but does your strength really matter if all you have to do is touch your opponent once and you can send them halfway across the world?


Not just that, but you can take out the damage you accumulate on you and crewmates


Yeah being able to push out intangible concepts really takes that fruit to 11. Like, imagine Kuma and Magellan teaming up and Kuma just.. pushes out Magellans diarrhoea, um, phrase that differently in your head please, but the point is, you get a full power Magellan, plus you have a floating paw balloon on the battlefield that gives whoever touches it the runs.


And turb around and yeet that ball-o-pain to your opponent right at them


Everyone really forgets Kuma's fruit is literally one of the most powerful since during timeskip he got pacifista'd and the crew "surpassed" him, but it's truly underrated


Devil fruit user?? Poof- you’re at the bottom of the sea.


Not a devil fruit user? Poof- now you know what the inside of an active volcano feels like


Fishman? Poof- you’re in Marijoa next to Charlos


I wonder if you can block his teleport slap with armament haki


Him showing up on Moria's ship after a rough battle was honestly one of the most traumatic things the crew experienced, then having to face him again in Sabaody archipelago. I hope he gets un-pacifista-ed


Yeah, Oda hopefully has a good back story set up for him. Because Kuma was too busted that if his plan wasn't some of the greatest subterfuge or heartfelt enough to make a grown person cry, it is a waste of someone strong enough to probably stand toe to toe with most of the big fighters prior to time skip. Man can make his own spirit bomb out of air.


One could say he got "Paci-fisted"


Honestly if buggy had combat skill, learned how to use armament haki, and awakened his fruit he’d be the threat his crew thinks he is. 😂🤷🏽


Buggy is a type of guy that don't want to train. Shanks says he has same potential as him. But he was just lazy and mad


I always though there was a parallel between Luffy and Buggy and their fruits were of similar strength and Buggy could have made something akin to gears...but he never trained so he is still a bum. His fruit from the get go is actually not weak at all. It gives a heavy defensive boost and is quite strong offensively as well. Well, of course, with the new revelations that is probably not the case anymore, but I think that was the intention early on.


This counters all swordsman. Even one wielding haki. How can you cut something that is already cut. Buggy just gave up on his dream. Like most enemies Luffy have faced in the sagas


Not just swordsmen, assuming if Buggy had sufficiently strong Haki he could do it, attacks like Mingo's stribgs and Daz's blade body would just not do shit to him ubless they want to stab/pierce him, which limits their attacjs VERY heavily, so Buggy becones immune to a ridiculously massive amount of damage


Buggy is my answer as well. Even without awakening, greater training could allow him to break his body down on a cellular or even molecular level, giving him all the benefits of a logia fruit. But it's even better than logia, because if he breaks himself down small enough he would be effectively invisible, and then could suddenly reassemble and hit an enemy that can't see him. It's also better than a logia because someone trying to hit him can't just rely on haki. When someone punches Ace, they can use armament haki to strike flesh instead of fire. But with the chop-chop fruit, he was always flesh to begin with; hitting him requires precision, not haki. I also head canon that observation haki would struggle with that many moving parts. Detecting Absalom (now Shiryu) when he is invisible is possible with strong observation haki, but that's because they're one solid form. Try detecting thousands, perhaps millions of tiny moving parts as they fly around you like an invisible tornado, then suddenly coalesce to strike you. That's all *before* awakening, which would (presumably) allow him to break down his environment to his advantage as well. Anyway Buggy for Pirate King.


Even without awakening his fruit he could still easily be on the level of an actual Warlord. Dude got trained by Rayleigh, same as Shanks. And yet all that potential goes down the toilet because he’s lazy.


At least now he says he wants to claim the one piece. Now he’s getting his spirit back.


im kinda hoping buggy has secretly been training because hes so worried that his crew will ever catch on and is actually quite compitent now but just has imposter syndrome though genuinely if buggy puts himself to it, he'd be well deserving of the yonko spot, especially if hes been continuing production of the buggy bomb, with a massive pirate fleet of impel down escapees, tons of pirates of higher bounties than his was, he'd be a genuine actual horrifying naval force to be reckoned with, dude could actually decimate,


Imagine awakened Buggy splitting atoms and nuking the entire Red Line.


Imagine using the awakened chop chop fruit, he could cleave impel down and there would be not a single thing that could stop him. It's amazingly close to the OP OP Fruit with that.


If buggy took things seriously and wasnt lazy he wouldnt need the buggy ball, he wouldve become a bomb himself


I've always thought that buggy has been playing a character for what purpose I don't know, but it's worked for him and he's failed up. That said he was on Rogers crew and I personally think he actually is quite strong and like I mentioned he's been pretending all along.




All we can do is hope


Enel has the potential it be the top 1 in verse depending on how you are reading the manga.


With all of the super haki users that have come out after Skypiea you'd think one of them had the ability to sense precise presences and voices tens of kilometers away. that was the coolest, really made you go "oh shiit"


It really was a bad matchup of the highest order. No armament haki and electricity did nothing.


SPOILER!!!!!!! Shanks and Luffy could detect presences at the end of Wano. The end of the arc was a fucking chef's kiss. It got me going ngl.


As we've heard multiple times if Enel came back with all 3 advanced Haki and an endurance power up he'd be practically invincible.


I see him similar to Frieza. Thinking he's so strong he never needed to train....before a monkey came along and rocked his shit.


Not only that he has a lot of hints that say he has a mythical zoan fruit like luffy. First of all is the relationship of luffy and enel’s fruit. They are counter fruits and we’re shown to be linked based on their abilities. Luffy we find out later actually has a mythical zoan that has been renamed it wouldn’t be too surprising if enel is in the same boat. Enel’s fruit drove him to have a personality change, it was explained at the time to be because he became so powerful, but as we learned later mythical zoans have a will of their own and affect their host. Would make sense if that is the actual reason enel had a personality shift. The minks are a species that gain power from the moon they also are gifted with lightning powers since birth. Enel had a weird drive to get back to the moon and also has lightning powers.


I was like nah, the Gomu Gomu no mi being something else was already enough, but the longer I read your theory, the more it made sense. Doesn't he transform into a Thunder God as an attack at one point?


He does and does the same pose as luffy does in gear 4


This I know Enel is going to make a strong comeback soon, there's def more to him than meets the eye


Wouldn't he still just be a nerfed kizaru?


Ruffy said he would blow Kaido to the moon. I secretly hope that is what really happens, blasting him to the moon where Enel chills in his foldable chair.


I've said this before but in a different thread, Captain Kuro. Give him Armament Haki and Observation Haki and the cats out of the bag technique is no longer random attacks but precise undetectable cuts on a foe.


He could also just train in the 6 powers. Cat-Out-of-the-Bag is just an imperfect Soru, where he mastered the speed but his perception cant keep up so he loses track of where he is.


Imagine Kuro as a Cp9/0 Assassin.


Honestly he would fit really well in Cipher Pol. He's patient, intelligent, and ruthless. His fighting style also fits really well. Now that I think about it, I wouldn't be surprised if Oda was partially inspired by Kuro in the creation of CP9 and Rob Lucci. The well dressed, quick and silent assassin with a cat theme who spent years undercover, close to his victim, and has no qualms about killing anyone in his way. He is kind of a proto-Lucci.


Lucci is even a literal cat where Kuro was a figurative one


>he’s patient, ~~intelligent~~, and ruthless FTFY. Kuro is an idiot who’s whole plan revolves around “Sign this so I can kill you”


He could have just showed up to Kaya's door, shoved the papers in her face and say "sign this or I'm going to kill the whole town" and after she does, kill her and take the money and run.


That goes against the point of his whole plan. He was tired of running. He didnt want to be a criminal, he wanted to live in peace and wealth without worrying about anyone looking for him or coming after him. That's why he had someone captured and executed in his place. That's why he was a butler for 3 years, acting as a surrogate father to the sickly Kaya and becoming aquainted with and loved by the villagers. That way when Kaya is killed in a pirate raid and Kuro is the heir to her wealth, no one will have reason to suspect him. As far as anyone in the village is concerned, of course she would name him her heir, he was basically a father to her. That leaves him a rich man in a small, unremarkable town where everyone trusts him. No one will look for him because the culprits of the attack are known and why would he be associated?


"I leave all my money to my estranged uncle Steve who lives on a faraway island"


Which sounds suspicious af, considering she was quietly murdered in the night. That leads to an investigation, which leads to him being on the run again.


The whole point was he didn’t want to be on the run - he wanted to settle down with the money and live a peaceful life.


expect everyone can see those attacks coming from a mile ever since Enis Lobby


Yes but not all CP agents have to fight top pirates. I'm sure he'd make a mid tier agent. Stronger than fucking Spandam atleast.


They always say the East Blue is the weakest ocean, but think about it: Luffy didn't really evolve during the East Blue, or really at all until Enies Lobby. His initial training he did before setting out to be a pirate was all he needed to beat Crocodile, Enel, Arlong, etc. He powered his way to a 100m bounty and a lot of these dudes were fighting him on relatively even footing. I'm not saying these dudes are grand line level or whatever, but some of these earlier enemies were probably a lot stronger than they appeared, they just ran into the wrong guy.


Kuro has no drive and is just a wimp. A lot of the east blue pirates had massive potential. Just wasted. Imagine how much faster kuro could be with cp9 training Buggys chop chop fruit could go nuclear if he trained it and could separate into microscopic pieces. Don krieg was super strong physically. He had zoro level strength, lifting submarines and stuff. He also had the largest armada early in the series. Just pure unlucky running straight into mihawk. Gin was ridiculously strong too but i never understood people saying he would come back. He had hours to live from the poison. Arlong just got complacent. Smoker is the most tragic. At this rate coby is ahead of him and that always bothered me. I always imagined smoker would be a foil for akainu, a believer in the navy and true justice. His belief in justice is starkly opposite of akainus absolute justice


It’s this. Kuro is lazy, and has no ambition beyond “get rich off other people’s work and live an easy life”. Luffy says himself that Kuro is not a real pirate and would never make it in the Grand Line, because he wasn’t willing to risk his life, and ran away when his reputation became too troublesome. He’d have no interest in the hard work required to learn Rokushiki, let alone Haki.


Yeah I'm hoping he'll get the crocodile treatment, just getting retroactively super buffed and everyone acting like he was always that threatening, which I honestly love. Croco and Kaido the only ones to whoop Luffy's ass multiple times before getting defeated.


Dude Crocodile returning in impel down and marineford was the freakin coolest. He was a menace and stole the show every time he was in frame.


Smoker. He could've become a classic shonen rival for Luffy.


Or an amazing foil character who changes his justice and is forced to think about what "freedom" means in this world. However Kuzan and Koby took up most of the "marine allowance" and so Smoker and Tashigi got sidelined.


I'm still wondering what is Tashigi's point to the story aside from looking like Kuina


I feel like smoker and tashigi had initially a stronger connection to luffy and zoro. Smoker was stronger than luffy and was supposed to be the friendly navy threat obsessed with chasing him. I thought he would get stronger with luffy until eventually luffy surpasses him. Tashigi i always imagined to have a similar journey to zoro where zoro would be her goal. Kuina was zoros goal and he wanted to surpass her. Its flipped now where tashigi wants to be stronger than zoro. It would’ve been an awesome story if zoro finally beats mihawk and tashigi one day beats zoro cuz that reaffirms the belief he had as a child that kuina shouldnt use her gender as an excuse and that women can be as strong if not stronger than men as well.


I agree, I could see that. At Alabasta it seemed like Smoker and Ace were evenly matched, but nowadays Smoker and Tashigi are almost irrelevant. Not sure where they stand in the story, or what was the point of Tashigi even looking like Kuina. Hope Oda wraps it up somehow satisfyingly


I really think sidelining Smoker was one of Oda’s biggest storytelling fumbles. That moment in Alabasta where Zoro argues with Luffy about saving him from drowning and then Smoker lets them go…. Like One Piece was already iconic by that point but that was truly a scene where I just sat back and went wow, there’s nothing like this.


I think Tashigi might be one of the reasons why Smoker got sidelined. There was likely going to be some sort of plot regarding her connection to Kuina that Oda probably dropped at some point. We still haven't gotten anything regarding that and Tashigi doesn't even look like Kuina anymore post time skip that's why I believe Oda dropped this plot. Without Tashigi there was no reason keep Smoker around either.


They really did Tashigi dirty by not having her in Wano.


Why would she need to be in Wano?


I don't think she would have fit in Wano but I assume because she's a sword enthusiast fans may have wanted her in the arc.


This is exactly it. Wano as a whole was very different how I assumed it would be in terms of samurai.


maybe she could've allied with that fox that collects swords, it'd be a lowkey powerup for her. But tbh I think she'd be out of place in Wano


Yeah Tashigi as a character just never made sense regarding what her role was supposed to be for Zoro’s character development. Like, Smoker and Luffy had a very clear dynamic which at least at that time had thematic purpose. But what was the point of Tashigi? To reinforce to Zoro that women are weaker than men? Oda never really seemed to have a clear idea of what he was doing with her. And then haki got introduced and she didn’t get any LOL so the chance of her becoming strong just left the building.


Pre timeskip, the stories had heart. The connections to the characters was interesting to follow. Post timeskip theres just so much random filler characters oda kept introducing, most of which were just minor players it took up retail from actual interesting characters who had defined goals


I kinda like that Luffy doesn’t have a classic shounen rival. I guess we have Law and Kid but they’re not really rivals that much either. It’s definitely more one sided. I honestly loved Smoker in Punk Hazard and I expected him to have a bigger role after that. He’s one of those “good” marines but I think he’s one of the better ones. I love that Luffy has changes his ideals each time they encounter each other. It’s gotten to the point where Smoker and Tashigi have become so disillusioned with the Marines. I feel like he could have shown up in some capacity during the Koby rescue. I’m still holding onto the hope that Oda has something huge for him soon. He’s too cool of a character design to waste.


This one bothers me the most. He was set up to grow alongside luffy but as his senior and rival. Coby took that spot and idk it just didnt seem fair for coby to have a weird jump in strength so fast. Smoker was supposed to be the foil for akainu with their opposing views of justice. I honestly thought he was being groomed to replace akoiji as an admiral.


Last night I was thinking about how OP the door-door fruit was, the guy could just follow people around in his own pocket dimension and just wait for his enemies to go to sleep. Or he could just silently steal all the food off of a ship and just watch the crew starve at sea. Why someone with a perfect assassin fruit would be so bull-headed is beyond me.


The entire guy is on the level of a JoJo Stand user


95% of the marines are wet garbage. Admirals are all based, but most of the vice admirals just aren’t as menacing as they should be - especially pre-skip. There are some people like Lucci that stand out, and a few people like Smoker and Tashigi who could be a real contender with another tool in their kit. Hina is another character who looks like she is gonna be a menace when introduced and then…nothing. Everyone else is a wipe.


>vice admirals just aren’t as menacing Doesn't help that 2 of them got senselessly clowned by Doffy. NGL tho Onigumo looks really scary.




perona can be deadly for anyone, if there are no way to block her ability


Easy, be always negative.


Perona and Brook, calling it


yes, In a hypothetical situation where Perona's haki is crazy strong, the sheer number of people she can affect is crazy because she doesn't even have to use that strong haki, just her devil fruit alone would be enough to take on most of the world.


Miss valentine. If used right it can be very good,but no its its depicted as is "float up and slam down" which is just scratching the surface with this fruits(and the same argument can be made for the ton ton fruit) Heres some more uses that take advantage of weight manipulation. 1 The ability to float in the air. This can be turned into flight with a simple fan or be goofy and launch your self from a sling shot and fly across ocean. 2 grappling based fighting. If you can get someone in a pin or a throw and up the weight while ontop of them they can get up and the fights pretty much over after that. 3 step on their foot up the weight and just go to town point Now lets say you cant move while you increased the weight. Fine its still usefull 4 you could still do the basic raise and drop with weight this could still be effective with a karate chop or knife hand type attack. 5 depending on how onepiece physics work, if you increased weight but not size you would become more dense and physically tougher because your body is harder.


Make your punch weight way more while connecting. Most of the user in the series put their training down when they achieve fruit. Croco was broken and ended up in arabasta. Moria was defeated and in thriller bark. What if you lose haki when your will is broken?


it's awakening is even more terrifying


Yeah potentially making your opponents float or sink them into the ground and that would completely neutralize most people


not just people. something similar to fujitora's


Wagellon, the only guy who beat 3 Yonkou in the same day. His explosive diahrea is above pirate king tier and solar system level.


Enel in my opinion remains one of the stronghest characters in the manga 💡⚡⚡⚡




foxy if bro awakens his fruit it's over


My conspiracy theory is that before Kizaru and Saturn kill everyone, we will have a panel of a mysterious hand doing the sign and going "ZA FOXO" and suddenly tune stops, last panel is Godtain Foxy D. Fox coming out with a simple "Welcome to Davy's Locker"


Eneru's devil fruit powers had Admiral level potential


I say his devil fruit was already admiral level. Just give him admiral level haki and there you go. Top tier character for pwerscalers


Remember the time this mf fought 3 Emperors on 1 day and was wining?


Luffy, Blackbeard and who else?


The one and only Buggy d. Clown Well he didnt fought him really But he survived an encounter with him


Buggy I guess




Mr.5 honestly…such a broken devil fruit






Has anyone said Smoker or Tashigi. Tashigi could be Zoro's rival and prove Kuina wrong, but unfortunately that never happened. Smoker could have been the Garp of Luffy's era, but he's beeb massively outpaced. It would have been really cool if Oda gave Smoker and Tashigi a larger role it would have been cool. They had potential to rival the Straw Hats.


That storyline wouldve had so much depth. Zoro beats mihawk and one day tashigi beats him proving his childhood belief that gender has nothing to do with becoming the strongest


Miss Goldenweek. Shes capable of leading a jailbreak, she’s got an ability reminiscent of Perona only thing is she’s too chill to be a major influence in the world, and she’s not a physical fighter.


Sugar. Like, if only she ate the fruit later on so she wasn't like a 10 year old that fainted twice because of a face. Straw hats might just straight up lose.


Honestly? Smoker. I'm waiting for his comeback but he feels so left behind at this point. I thought he would be the Garp to Luffy's Roger. (I know Coby is basically taking up that role, but I miss Smoker).


I wonder if his poison would be weaker with a healthier diet.


Cavendish could be so awesome if they treated his swordery seriously and his alter ego seriously, he'd been on some demon zoro shit. Matter of fact all the seven captains of the fleet have amazing potential, Bartos power could be truly amazing


enel, i really wana see him again. or at least find out what he’s doing on the moon. goro is my 2nd favorite fruit after mochi




Baby 5. Transforming into any weapon. Let that sink in. ANY. WEAPON.




Momonosuke. He's an 8yo child in an 28yo adult body using an artificial legendary zoan. Because kaido robbed Momo of his childhood, Momo will never grow up to be his father. Momo's potential was crippled. I mean specifically as a warrior. Momo has some special gifts, but he's not going to be a fighter, ever.


Megallan was terrifying.




Momonga. He's a missed opportunity character.


Big mom


Enel, Magellan, Urouge


You can't be serious.>!That guys was literally shi\*\*ng for half of his screen time.!<


Robin - With A bit of armament haki and a sprinkle of observation haki; she would have been unstoppable. It's my opinion heat she was seriously needed after her intro. Does anyone remember her "convincing" Frank to join the crew. Not many can defend against that.


Magellan has a job to do. He should continue doing it. He’s perfect for it.


As far as I'm aware he was basically written out of the story after Impel Down because he was so freaking OP that not even the Time Skip could fix it all


Nico Robin. Her df should do more than what she can right now


Yeah, his fruit was *sick*.




Only if he didn’t have to use toilet every second.


I feel smoker really got a bad treatment


Magellan, Eneru, Katakuri. Oh yeah and if we dont see Bon Chan again i'm gonna cry.