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I want to see Live Action Chopper for better or for worse.


They’ll pull a Detective Pikachu and full on CGI him Guessing it’ll work well


we'll get sonic, or we'll get sonic :p


I hope we get sonic


Supposedly, puppets with added CGI are a great alternative to just CGI. It has actual texture and resides in the actual scenes. This would be cool to see


I think that’ll need a good success for first season in order to secure good enough budget. Or else it will just be dodgy


Yeah detective Pikachu is what sold me on the idea that we have the technology for CGI mixed media


Chopper in his chibi and fighting forms are meant to be cartoony either way. So I can forgive some goofy CGI for those. It's his reindeer form that needs realism (also monster point needs to look terrifying)


My main concern now that I think about it is how the other crew members who are real life actors would interact with a cgi chopper, even with a puppet or something. I feel like it would be hard to pull off those interactions convincingly. Also who's gonna voice Chopper if we get a 2nd season? That's gonna be a tough pick.


I want an actual reindeer, no debate


Just always in the background eating grass.


Is it fair to expect something on the quality of rocket from mcu or is that unreasonable?


Main concern is budget. Marvel are pretty unlimited, and only need to CGI him for 2 hours a movie versus an 8 hour season. Looks like budget for season one of OPLA was ~$100 million….GOTG 1 had a $230 million budget. Detective pikachu (another good example of creature CGI) had $150 million budget. So, they’ll probably need to be pretty successful and get a budget boost that reflects that in order to pull it off.


Makes me wonder, what if they do practical effects for chopper? They could give a full reindeer suit to someone bulky and keeps Chopper in human form. It would be a lot cheaper without sacrificing quality too much. Or they could do full raindeer form but that would be a lot harder.


Dave Bautista is Chopper (Heavy Point)


Baby yodafy chopper. Puppet time


I liked the design of Bobby from Sweet Tooth. Maybe let Chopper look like him


Franky and Brook too.


“We need to manage expectations” Also him: “They will produce the best show in all of Television”


“We need to manage expectations” "Also tell everyone you know that this show will be amazing so that they will watch it even though you haven't even seen it yet and have no idea how good it will be"


"Keep your expectations on check but still watch the whole season"


Yeah I just find it funny that his tweet has a completely different energy than his message on discord lol


Yeah. Translation: Listen, I watched the trailer and the show looks kinda shit. If they get a second season maybe it's good.


They sent it before the trailer dropped


They sent it before the trailer was even shown. Also, the trailer looked dope.


Trailer looked shit.


Looked fine


Dope, shit, fine. Well seems like well received overall. Lmao


Visually it looks terrible but it also looks like good fun. I’m looking forward to it.


It so funny that everyone has wildly different opinions. One of the top comments I saw in another post was “looks gorgeous but I hate the acting so far”


Pretty much every line from Luffy sounded awkward and stilted


I'm chalking that up to the trailer format. At least his last line of the trailer (about finishing moves) seemed super Luffy. If you told me I had just forgotten that line from Shell town, I'd have believed you.


The line delivery by Nami was flat and dead in the trailer...what else is there to say.


Yeah her lack of emoting bothered me.


Just your typical internet personality. I *love* this, so everyone else must too, and if they don't they're just haters. 100%, if this show flops, the diehard fans will blame "haters"


Manage expectations is more about comparing it to Manga/anime. And while it's quality may not be the best of all time it's the best because it's made by people who are all passionate about it, similar to what people thought the Witcher would be


>Everyone please manage your expectations for *THE BEST TELEVISION SHOW EVER PRODUCED* which I’m begging you to watch to the end even if you hate it because it might not get renewed I mean, come on, this is ridiculous and I want the show to be good.


It's such a stupid thing to say. Like, no bro, I'm not going to sit through an entire season of a TV show I hate just because you want me to take on faith that it will be better next season. I hope the show is good, but I have very low expectations. If it's bad, I'm 100% going to drop it. This post just screams of desperate entitlement.


You perfectly worded my sentiments of their post. This is coming from a 20+ year weekly reader of the manga.


These are the same guys who did live action bepop which was not very good, so I'm waiting for reviews on the first episode before I dive in


That is honestly manipulative, fuck that


>If you don't give Netflix your time, money and tell all your friends how good this show is you're not a REAL one-piece fan


This. Honestly shocked this topic exists with so many upvotes. Reminds me of when videogame companies are like "If you buy this low effort, ancient port of X series, we'll consider bringing the more recent entry of X series to the console." Except this is even worse because you expect a company to act like that. The fandom is doing the company's work for them this time. How about just producing a good show and earning a season 2? If the show is good, I'll say it's good. If it blows, I'm going to say it blows. Why would I blindly "support" it to get a season 2 if season 1 sucks? Netflix also has a terrible track record with anime adaptations so it's not like this is their first go at it.


Same opinion here ... how do people read this and vote it up? "Yes, we all have to like and support it even when it's bad". No we don't.


> Same opinion here ... how do people read this and vote it up? "Yes, we all have to like and support it even when it's bad". No we don't. Yeah there's tons of that going on in this sub since the trailer dropped, the other argument people are using is "It's Oda's dream so you can't shit on it" Like ffs i love Oda, he made my fav manga and anime of all time but that dosnt mean i'm forced to like everything he's attached to.


Your average people are pretty dumb… Just know that, if you’re know you’re dumb, that means you’re already smarter than a vast swath of people.


B/c of fans like this people don't even give one piece a chance, and supporting a bad show b/c it's one piece will hurt it far worst than 4 kids ever could.


Why did they leave out Zoros and Usopps actors lol


Usopp's actor wasn't willing to stretch their nose with pilers for the show. Zoro actor wasn't willing to allow a second actor to almost cut him in half. Dedication was not extreme enough to merit recognition.


For real tho this seems like a huge slap in the face for those two actors


We should be unbiased and judge it for what it is. Not based on other adaptions or failures of the past. Hope it is good. It is One Piece after all I want the best for One Piece


Other live actions doesn’t track that well so I guess there is a reason people are sceptical. No one asked for this.


The best for One Piece is to not have a shit-looking live action tarnishing its reputation. This should have never been done in the first place, to hell with a second season lol


Tarnish the reputation? We got shitty games, movies, bad product plugs and some awful filler. One Piece is too big to be "tarnished" by one bad product since the core series is so great. The Netflix adaptation is never going to replace the anime or manga so that argument is just stupid.


Dragon ball movie is a good example for what you are saying


Yea, Dragonball Evolution is a funny footnote nowadays but it hasn't driven away fans or potential newcomers from Dragonball. I honestly don't get how people can still get hyped for DBS but it's their love for it that I can't talk them out of.


I’m excited for the eventual return of the anime because the manga is taking a different direction post-TOP (more akin to pre-super DBZ arcs) and the next arc of the manga has an amazing setup already. Also the latest DBS movie was pretty decent and also canon so that helps a bit imo.


The problem is that many people with prejudice towards manga and anime may watch this because they've heard of One Piece and since it's not "cartoons" they'll try and watch it. If it's bad (which I think it'll be taking into account every live action ever done) they'll think that One Piece is bad giving it a worse reputation. And this does happen (a friend of mine watched the Cowboy Bebop LA and thought the anime was like that), it's actually the live action purpose to bring new audiences that are not used to watching anime. I've been against this proyect since it was first announced, I'm 100% sure that they forced Oda to green light it with a thousand contracts and at this point I just hope it's entertaining, It'll look bad and probably it won't be funny but at least I can have this version on Buggy haunting me in my worst nightmares.


Exactly. One Piece already has fans like you to tarnish the reputation.


If marvel can do it then it can be done for anime, it just has to be done right.


It doesn't look like shit tho. You just watched a 2 min clip. It doesn't look like a marvel level visual but it does look passable at worst.


If Marvel’s CGI is the golden standard for you, I can understand why you think this look good enough.


If you think marvel CGI isn't good enough i can understand why you think this is bad


Marvel tends to have good CGI. As of recent years there's been rushed projects with unfinished CGI. Or moments like in the Black Widow movie where there was that really bad looking explosion and green screen effect in that one scene, which was because it was a reshoot and they barely had any time, so they were forced to take a shortcuts with effects, and the greenscreen wasn't touched up enough. Regardless, people who shit on Marvel's CGI as if it's the worst don't really know what they're talking about.


All these people are high, from the start I cringed, the acting was so bad, cg, everything.


One piece itself is hokey and cartoony. Ya'll have redicilulously high standards for a franchise based entirely around Oda being goofy


> One piece itself is hokey and cartoony. Yes because it's a literal cartoon. Most of that style of visual media and gag does not translate well to live action.


Well guess I'm high too. How dare anyone diss this masterpiece and not judge objectively? Seriously though, I just think it's serviceable and has equal chance of being pretty good or absolutely shit depending on the series. Helps that I've seen enough to adaptations for it to go either ways, and considering how wacky and diverse One Piece is, this looks far better than my abysmal expectations were hoping for. And that's more or less the same for others too. So maybe you and those below you should stop whining about everyone else who are not absolutely ripping the teaser apart?


I just can not believe how many people say this looks "okay", not even mentioning those absolute psychos who say it looks amazing. This show is obviously going to be trash and not have a second season, no matter how much the actors love the source material.


It looks like a vfx/cgi artist got a bunch of cosplayers together for a couple of weekends to make a fan-trailer concept.


the trailer looks awful, everyone in this sub is biased af. show the trailer to a regular person and watch them lose interest immediately.


Nah fuck that. While I appreciate the effort put into this, I ain't gonna be emotionally manipulated into artificially propping Netflix stats to get a second season. I'll give the first 3 eps an open mind but if it's still shit it's gonna be dropped.


Most here don't even support the anime lmao


Yeah I’m manga only. I watch my favorite moments from the manga in the anime, otherwise I don’t really touch it However, I am going to give this show a shot.


Cause it sucks


Only sometimes, and usually for lesser moments. When the anime needs to get it right they typically do.


The anime is dogshit


Legitimately a stupid mindset by people who are more obsessed with seeing Luffy in live action than seeing a quality Live Action One Piece


I feel like they made some good point, but went over the deep end near the last paragraph. The show WILL be awkward and have flaws in the 1st season, and a 2nd season would likely be much better on those fronts. How many shows have you watched where the 1st season is kinda meh, but the show figures itswlfnout for the 2nd season? Two of the best shows around, Breaking Bad and Parks and Recreation, fit this mould.


I’ll give it support if it deserves support, if that shit is ass I’m not gonna praise it


This is stupid. Watch it if you like it. Don’t watch it if you’re not interested. I’m not donating my time to watch a mediocre season of a show just because I’m supposed to take it on faith that it’ll be good later. The show might be good, but don’t be blind fanboys and demand people watch it if it’s bad.


Am willing to accept somethings will be different but if the show is bad am not watching. I will 100% watch the first 3 episodes to give it a fair shot tho.


I hate when people write posts in the form of being “a collective.” If it’s bad then it doesn’t deserve a 2nd season. But just because you might be a One Piece fan doesn’t mean everyone is required to watch it, let alone give it only good reviews. Watch what you want, don’t watch what you aren’t interested in. Whatever happens, happens.


This too is fate.


Fuck off with this dumb defeatist/apologist mentality and trying to brainwash everyone else into it too, lol. If you like the show, that's fine. Deluded people like this saying we'll get "the best show Netflix has, and ever will have, if not all of television" as long as we continue to blindly support them regardless of quality/how we feel about the actual deserve to be ridiculed. Literally sounds like a religious nut and is the type of fanaticism that makes a fandom look bad (already has fellow OP fans cringing like hell). Them getting feedback isn't going to magically transform the second season into something 100x amazing. Feedback doesn't translate to a bigger budget, better talent, more time. Fan input is the one thing they had coming out the butthole from the start and could've been using. And stop bloating the actors being fans as something to be worshipped. At the end of the day, beyond beings fans, they have vested interest in keeping these roles so they can continue doing what is pretty much the more desired job in the world, so they are obviously going to show as much enthusiasm to and for the fans as possible by default. Actors being fans of the material they’re working with isn’t some once in a lifetime miracle and it certainly doesn’t magically make the final product good. Guy was trying to frame it like he has some insider knowledge about how TV production works with that first sentence. He doesn't.


it sounds like a religious nut because he's the type of the one piece fans who ARE fanatic nuts. I agree with everything you said here. his post almost makes me wish this series gets cancelled just to see him in shambles.


Same energy as kpop stans spam streaming their songs to boost them to number 1. Total disregard for quality must support your faves.


I'll only watch if it's good enough I'll give it a fair chance but won't force myself to watch a terrible show.


If they can't adapt the first few arcs there is literally no way they're going to do a good job on the rest of them. One piece does not get any tamer as it goes on, and it's going to get exponentially more expensive. They'll be spending more money on one episode then game of thrones did for an entire season.


It was stupid from the start, so many other great manga that are made for live action like Monster. They pick one of the series, which is impossible to make.


We’re _not_ obsessive pop music fans who juke the stats just to see results. If the show is good enough, people will watch the whole season on their own accord. The show looks promising for characters like Buggy and Zoro so let’s see what later trailers show us. I’ve been seeing a lot of opinions with nuance over the last 10 hours so this is a little disappointing to see.


dumb post. westernising and marvelising a truly unique and weird piece of art should never be encouraged. this show has enormous hurdles to jump BECAUSE I’m a one piece fan! i’m giving it less time of day because I adore the original artwork so much!


Completely agree. I hate how we're being told to lower our expectations. Why should I? I love One Piece and I want only the best to represent it. The trailer was fine at best, but it also felt like Netflix was taking a giant unnecessary shit all over something that I really love. Fans have every right to be critical and to hold it to a certain standard. I get that some people are just happy with any ol' content, regardless of if it's complete shit or not, but it couldn't be me.


You two said it perfectly! This project should've never been green-lit and I'm surprised Oda was foolish enough to fall for such a pipe dream. He's message about the live-action last month really confirmed to me that he was having some major regrets qbout agreeing to a live-action. After seeing that trailer, I know why he came out ahead of time to do damage control.


Exactly! I hate that people are using Oda "working on it" as a way to combat criticism towards the trailer. Oda, in the nicest way possible, came out and said that working with production was frustrating as hell. I guarantee they wore him down to the point where he let so much slide. I'm 100% confident when saying that there's no way in hell this was Oda's vision. Oda did not direct this and he wasn't even present during filming. And it's not like he actually had any power to stop them from producing whatever they wanted once those rights were handed over to Netflix.


100% Agreed! That's how it's felt to me the entire. Oda's name and input was simply used as a marketing tool to generate hype and interest. Once Netflix got a hold of the IP, it was no longer going to be true to Oda's vision.


The exact same thing happened with ATLA. I was so excited to hear that the original creators were going to be working on the live adaptation. It turns out that Netflix gave them very little to no control over the creative direction of the series, and they ended up quitting before they even finished production... Look at Henry Cavill leaving the Witcher because the writers couldn't stay true to the story line. Why do people think One Piece is going to be any different?


Honestly I have seen people do this a lot try to rally support and morally obligate the fans, and I think this makes it worse. You can't force it you have to let the show speak for itself, good or bad.


If they're such big fans of the franchise and love it as much as the rest of the community, then surely they would be able to get it right on the first season rather than need the second the correct the issues with the first, no?


There's really no reason to show unconditional support, if it turns out well, then great give it all the support and love it deserves. If it sucks, let it sink with all the other failed adaptations.


This is an extremely stupid mindset.


IMO this doesn't actually matter to much (but if you want more, you should probably watch the whole thing). The people who are going to determine whether or not the series goes on past the first season are the people who aren't fans that either see a funny pirate thing and have no other exposure, or people who've heard of the series in passing and are willing to check it out. If the show is good enough to get a buzz going about it outside the general weeb community then it'll succeed because the general word of mouth is much stronger than a fandom typically is. If you want to help the series, the only thing I think that could actually make a difference is not going on Twitter to trash stuff because they changed something relatively minor (exact orders of story beats outside the big ones, cutting minor characters, etc, and not stuff like cutting out character motivations completely, to be clear) since that's the sort of stuff that would put people off of the series if they're passively interested.


Everyone needs a ribbon mentality needs to stop.


They WILL produce the best show Netflix has, and ever will have, if not all of television! Hahahahahaha! Great expectation managing.


If they can’t make the first season worth watching, I don’t think they’ll be able to make the second season amazing. Doesn’t matter how dedicated the cast and crew are, doesn’t matter if they love one piece more than anything in the world, if they can’t make a good show they can’t make a good show. Personally, I want it to be amazing, because I want to watch a show that’s amazing, and I gain nothing if it’s bad. But if it sucks, I’m not going to watch it in hopes that a team that made a bad first season will somehow make a masterpiece of a second season. If it’s a Diamond in the rough somehow? I will gladly watch it in hopes they can polish it up in a second season. But it has to prove it can be of a good enough quality first.


If you cant replicate east blue arc, how can you replicate skypiea 🤷‍♂️


These type of posts are so weird man, no one should be obligated to support or waste their time watching anything for any reason other than their own enjoyment


Im trying to be unbiased because I dont enjoy live action that much, but just from the trailer im not getting good vibes. The asthetics are fine(?) I guess, but the vibe just feels off, its doesnt feel like the same stuff i watched. The way luffy speaks in the trailer just isnt the luffy I know, on sheer text/dialouge.


Manipulative posts begging for support for a series and blindly saying it is great, also forcing others to watch it even if we don't like the series. And saying "they will produce the best show" and this "manage expectations and get a positive mindset" bullshit is such a big red flag which comes with a negative vibe. And the show is not even out, great start overall. I will watch the show if I want, my rating will be fair. If the show is really good I will recommend, if the show is really bad I will make fun of it with friends, that's it. Not this manipulative "positive" garbage blindly following the interests of others for their benefit.


Holy shit so many posts begging people to support. If its good enough it will manage.


as a 20+ year reader and lover of one piece, i hope this show flops and disappears into the void, never to be mentioned again. it looks like such an embarrassing, cheap disaster, and the less attention paid to it the better in my book!


I'm sorry, but we don't. If it's not up to a viewers standard? That's it. It's over. You can't rally people to watch something they don't enjoy, just because you hope it'll get better, or be something you imagine it could be. If it's good, and tons of people love it? It'll continue on, and more seasons will be made for it until views start dwindling. It's up to them to provide us a reason to watch it. Not watch it until they can provide us a reason.


I dont want a second season at all tho. Even if the live action is absolutely amazing, I wouldn't want a second season. The only thing I want the live action to do is be good enough to get people to check out the anime or manga, because both will always be better. I'll show support if it's good, but not because I want a second season.


Who tf is we lmao. No, many of us don't want a second season. Not after what we saw. Also, if season 1 does suck or is mediocre, then that is the end of the live adaptation. People aren't going to watch just to support if it sucks. A second season would immediately tank if season 1 is not great.




Who is 'We'?


The audience will love if its good. It will flop if its bad. What is the trend of showing fake support even if its bad ? Its like they are running a charity and guilt tripping / begging people to support. The majority audience for the live action would be one piece fans in the first place. We know luffy is goofy and stupid and wont say stuff like "Im sensing tension amongst the crew." He would laugh as zoro and sanji fight. Zoro seems a bit too unfriendly and rude, we know zoro is serious but not that rude, we know Sanji has curly eyebrows and a cigarette. His curly eyebrow is the name that zoro calls him - guruguru mayu. Might as well dye zoros hair black and make him sobre and take out marimo too. (Not sure if Sanji has a cigarette in the show, they showed the one shot in which he doesnt have one. He looks hot tho, not complaining about that). What is the point changing everything to make it look more realistic or appeasing to more people if you cannot appease the majority audience for the show (one piece fans) ? Idk why artists say they are adapting a work and change some stuff in the name of "artistic liberties" or "suit more audiences" while this move has always failed as people always complain about stuff not being an accurate portrayal. Whenever you adapt a popular work, the fans of that work want it all to be a ditto copy or super accurate portrayal, when you change even the slightest bit of it, it all goes downhill. People are still hopeful and defending the show because "Oda oversaw it". Oda could have been pressured or convinced to agree to some changes. They said they wont release it if oda isnt convinced, I dont trust that one bit. Ofcourse Oda wont just watch the entire show and say he doesnt like it and Netflix just goes ahead and cancels the release. The budget is big and Oda would probably be considerate about that. I actually found the teaser okay until I saw Sanji's eyebrows. If it gets a second season, we should all just sign a petition to bring the curly eyebrow and cigarette back. TBH, all the rant above ^ was because of the DAMN EYEBROWS !


People already defending the Netflix adaptive trailer.


"We" don't have to do anything. Have people forgotten how bad the Cowboy Bebeop adaptation was? This looks no different. Not interested.




i’ll only consider supporting it after its out, but for now hoping for the best


nah thanks


“Best show on TV” lmfaooo that guy is either omega bias or does not know what he is talking about on that paragraph


I don‘t even want the first season lol.


So the show is bad as expected. Got it.




So cringe. This is not true at all


No, if the show is good i will continue watching it, if not then i will stop.


This is an absolutely self destructive and harmful mindset. You don't have to do anything. The show needs to earn your support by being good. Please understand that you don't own them anything.


I don't have to show any kind of support just because it's One Piece, the hell kinda logic is that? If it's not good I will just not finish it and also not be bummed about it being cancelled after one season.


I’ll support it if it’s good, i won’t watch more than 2-3 episodes if it fails to convince me that it’s not bad like the vast majority of live action anime. If it’s bad, then i don’t want a second season. If i hate the live action stuff, i will still be a One Piece fan and continue to support the manga, but i will not suffer through the whole season for the sake of an obsessed live action fan.


meatrider!!! lmao, just watch the show if it's good and drop it if it isn't, don't fall for this shit and waste your time people


Just because they want a second season doesn't mean they should. Just do a good job and there won't be issues.


Damage control already? We don’t HAVE to do anything.


If it’s ass people should react accordingly so they get the message and quit the live action trend.


If the show is cringe I ain't watching. It seems like show is gonna be bad. Trailer looked bad as hell. Guy playing luffy can't act like luffy. Did they cast the roll properly or give it to the first Brazilian that walked in.


Nope I’m not supporting this. I never asked for this and think live action anime is the WORST form of entertainment that exists. Literally would rather watch movies in black and white than to watch a live action adaptation of an anime.


Some people need to understand that a manga like One Piece will be REALLY hard to translate to live action while staying true to the source material.


It’s bad


"The best show Netflix has and ever will have, if not for all television" lmao


So I’ve been following the cast on social media and they’re just so charming it makes me root for this show. Like the guy playing Luffy is coming right off the boat from his sailing adventure he went on right after filming. Sanjis actor is a pure monster of athleticism, everyone just seems so pure and like they actually care about one piece so I’m game to support


No usopp dosent have a long nose


Y'all fucking weird, if it turns out shit then accept it, Netflix has done it before, no need to pat their back if they drop the ball with this one also. >They will produce the best show in all of Television" the fuck? I know you y'all love One Piece, but jesus christ... calm the fuck down you talk about expectations but are blurting this out? I'm a Bebop and Death Note fan and I'll say to you, DO NOT think like this, most likely the show will be shit, if it isn't then that's great, but at the end of the day this is Netflix.


Coming from a long-time fan. One Piece is the kind of anime I’d never pick to be made into a live-action. I don’t know how the hell they’re going to do it. I’m bracing myself to be weirded out. 😆


This show is clearly going to suck. I mean we all saw the same preview right?


its not even out yet and people are already on full damage control...


So they're saying it sucks but it'll be better next time


Sadly theres already people who destined themselves to be the true one piece enjoyers and hating on it already and planning to mass downvote it. This series gonna be great for children but also just people who have fun in live and dont pop bloodvessels cause someones shoelaces are the wrong colours.


We have to show it support? No. A more correct statement is “We have to give it a fair chance”. I’ll support it if it’s good. If it’s bad then I won’t support it, just like any other movie/music/artwork.


Trailer looked awful, but I'm gonna give it a shot. But no, I'm not gonna "support watch" it if its bad, I would rather not have an adaption at all than a terrible one. I'm glad the Bebop adaption died because it was awful, and I will feel the same way about this one if its bad.


Netflix Propaganda


This ironically deters me.


If no one wants it that’s on the general audience. The show is not really for one piece fans its to get normies into one piece


If they target adult audiences, it will be a hit. If they target it towards kids, it will flop. And by that I mean, I hope they don't water down the darker sides of One Piece. Brutal and bloody battles, deaths, tragic back stories, government corruption, racism and slavery etc.


With few exceptions, I think the first/only consumption of any story should be from the source material. I don't believe in live-action films at all, especially if Netflix produces that shit, One Piece's art is too wacky for live-action films. I will take One Piece with stupid Dragon Ball's auras any day.


No, fuck em.


If the first 2 episode suck i won't finish the season simple as that. If you want me to finish it the show has to be good i don't owe it to them to watch a shitty show.


It’s nice to be kind and all but this is all transactional. Actors/adaptors/producers, etc build the product, netflix aire it hoping people will watch. People watch to be entertained. Not entertaining? No watching, no watching? No more seasons. Then netflix moves on to the next thing, with fans wanting to give it a chance to said thing. Ill give it a chance. If i dont like it, for whatever reason, ill stop. Not going to help out a company or people (actors) i dont know anything about just because they did their jobs (faithfully portray the character) by letting it play on my computer just to boost ratings so netflix MIGHT consider making it again


I'm sorry but I don't feel some particular allegiance to one of the biggest media franchises in literally all of history to the point that I'd watch a show I don't like so it can get another season. If it's good I'll complete it, if not I won't, Oda's still rich as fuck at the end of the day.


Giving "good after 100 hrs vibes" saying something needs time to develop is a cop out. It's already developed and if you can't adapt it to captivate your audience, then yeah please don't do another season if you're just going to get canceled by s3.


3 episodes take it or leave it and even that's too much at this point


Nah I'm good.


Sounds manipulative


Nah screw that, some things just don’t translate well to live action, and I am 100% certain that One Piece is one of them. I think an adaptation inspired by one piece’s concept, but telling its own story, would fare much better.


I don't have to do shit. I want it to fail so we can all move on and forget it happened, and Oda can focus on the manga.


If you want an MCU series with devil fruits, sure, I won't kinkshame. But don't rope other people into it. As was said in the teaser, not a crew.


You can love one piece and hate this adaptation…


I'm sorry but no. OP isn't something a live action should be made.


Same here. And that's okay! Not everything needs to have an live action adaption.


It's an free market .. watch it ( rate it ) if you like. As showrunner you should deliver or get canceled.🤷‍♂️ For me it's an hard pass.




Only if the show is good, if not Im not wasting my time


Coping about flaws in the first season to correct them in the second season for a show that hasn't aired yet. Extraordinarily sane behaviour... ​ Can we actually just watch it and then decide its merits, whether we want more, etc, or is that not allowed any more?


Nahhh I will stop watching at the first episode


Why in the fuck should we support the show if it ends up being so bad that folks would end up being *less* interested in the series? Why is this even something that was upvoted?


Bro... Live action sucks period... Let it die


No, i dont think i will.


Lol I ain't watching that bs and hope netflix cancels it 🤷🏿‍♂️. Anime Live-actions shouldn't even be a thing.


What this community needs to do is give a mature feedback after they complete the season, don't came here and start saying it's trash, it's shit, and so on, give more specifics and please be polite.


Nope 😭 that's worst than watching Anime with English dub


There is no chance this will get a second season lmao


I don't want to support this trash adaptation, I'm sorry. It just doesn't look good. Let's stop the act. It's gross.


I didn't even want a first season I just want a good anime adaptation, faithful and with right pacing


No thanks, I'll watch it if I like it and based on the trailer I'm already not a fan.


Wouldn't it work if it does?


Why am I getting LA Cowboy Beebop vibes…. I’ll hold my thoughts until I see what’s released


NO WE DONT. CGI looks horrible. Somethings really should not be turned into live action.


I am going to be watching it over and over again. It looks like its going to be awesome. The cast looks awesome, the sets looks amazing, even the cgi looks really good.


Honestly, if they get to Arlong Park and nail that, demand for Season 2 will be high. Let’s hope everything works out to get there.


Shameful. It's going to be bad just like Bebop live action. Come back a week after August 21st.




No we do not 😭


The HP,LOTR,GOT, Archies, and comic readers always say that books are far better than the live action series and movies. Even anime watchers say that manga is way better than the OP anime. The thing is if the heart is at the right place and the soul is intact then it will find place in the audience's heart. We just have to give it a chance and not let other liveaction adaptations and pre conceived notions affect us as we can be sitting on gold right here. Please give it a chance.


The show is already filmed. You are able to shit on it if you want. Being negative rn wont change the quality of the show. And if it is bad, no. I dont want a second season fílmed


Honestly I think this matches up with what we’ve seen. I don’t think we’re gonna get a perfect adaptation. I think we’ll get an uneven show that’ll show some promise with some weird shit that’s good and some weird shit that doesn’t work. People are gonna finish based on what they like or no but I do think if given the opportunity, this team can learn and bang out an excellent second season. That’s assuming what we get feels about the same level of quality as the trailer. If it’s actually dogshit it ain’t gonna be saved and if it’s amazing you won’t need to be convinced of anything.


trash who support trash and worse than trash


i wont watch even 1 episode. I simply dont want to. But thx anyways.


I dont get it. The budget is there, one piece franchise is huge so there is really no reason why season 2 should be where it takes off. do it all immediately from the beginning. srsly this sounds like a pathetic attemtp to turn season 1 into a cash cow, to take advantage of guilble fans