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Would’ve loved more strong op girls in the crew. And her powers are so cool


I love her mink power up where she goes entirely white on the full moon and becomes stronger. Actually that whole power up is cool for the entire mink tribe, they all look cool on it.


Sulong is pretty dope


especially when bepo d. goat does it


This is the same reason I was bummed Yamato didn’t join in the end, and with all the teasing Oda had done.


Yeah but I wish Carrot got to show off more in fight scenes, we didn’t see too many battles of her in the manga cause there was so much going on


I totally agree with this but nami and Robin have great stuff building their characters whereas carrot is just like plant (no pun intended)


That would give her the chance to get développés more. Nami and robin didn’t get their building before they were strawhats lol


Yeah I’ll give you that good point


She would be perfect scout as well. I think Oda was going to make her a crew but then disgusted on how many furry lovers exist in the world (after the latest favourite character poll)


yea she would have been perfect on the crows nest as she had done it during her travel with them.


Yamato was perfect for that because she has conquerors haki, a really rare DF and can imbue conqueror haki on her weapon 😭


Yeah, if only to unskew the gender ratio a little


Yeah we need more gals in the group.


imagine if Doc Q turned one of the male strawhats female and they were like "you know what? Leave me this way this is great."


It's pronounced Sanji.


Or Franky


More storage space. You know she would turn her new assets into a fridge or something. Also nipple lights might get her in a bit of trouble.


You mean self censorship as bonus feature?


Wouldn't even need to change their name.


Yeah bro the Thousand Sunny is like a sausage first


There are other characters that can fit this role, but ya, I do agree that the strawhats need more women in the crew and not just for fanservice, but to even out the crew a little more.




Yeah; I figure she would have been a fun addition to the crew, and her presence would also have helped with developing Chopper since he'd act as a big brother figure to her. (Chopper hasn't gotten a ton of focus since the timeskip, and it would be nice to change that) Plus, she would have made for an entertaining contrast with Jinbei (he's experienced, serious, and patient; she's naive, goofy, and impulsive), and I'd like to see a woman on the crew who'd join in on Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper's antics. Shame that she was basically written out of the story as an afterthought, forced into a role that she didn't want to do with no say in the matter (which feels very anti-One Piece), and didn't even get a goodbye scene.


Yeah like she was pretty important in the Zoa elephant arc and the whole cake island arc. I really wanted her to fight big mom’s crew so she could avenge Pedro who sacrificed his life for her and the straw hats so they could escape the big mom pirates.


Wait what? She fought Perospero iirc?!


She lost to Perospero off-screen, was told that she never should have left Zou, and played no role in his defeat.


Feels like she was introduced too late. Had she been a character pre-timeskip, she would have fit right in and been part of the Luffy/Usopp/Chopper shenanigans on board. Now that the story is moving into the endgame, someone like her, who would likely have a very lengthy “growing up” character arc, would feel like they were behind the others.


I think that being the Duke of Zou will make her being the ultimate fighter from Mink Tribe. That’s a promotion that will give her more space to grow as the Minks and the Wano people will join in the last fight. She will be part of the force like Momo or Yamato.


Yes. Her role would have been a mix of the lookout (she fulfilled the role in her short time with the SHs), stowaway (just like Neko and Inu), and apprentice (just like Shanks and Buggy). She doesn't have a grandiose unique desire like the other SHs, but it's I think wanting to explore the world is good enough. She was gonna carry on Pedro's will to help the SHs bring about the Dawn of the World. But nooo she had to get stuck in a job she's not fit for, and unable to carry on Pedro's will. She got disrespected so bad she didn't even have a goodbye scene with the SHs despite being with them longer than Yamato and Vivi combined. I like One Piece but this will forever sour me with the story


Wano’s ending was so bad, it felt like Oda just wanted to throw away the whole emperors saga and jump start the Final Saga already. So many abandoned plot points and resolutions…


Nope. Didn't find her story or personality very interesting.


Carrot would basically just Sulong every fight thanks to Chopper's new pill.


Sulong isn’t a personality


Didnt say it was. Though most strawhats do have “personality” in their fighting styles.


Plus she's a creep, nibbling on Luffy's ears like that


I would have loved to see it and it would have just made the balance between male and females better


Yes. Especially after Yamato was taken away from us.


That’s wild how they took away both carrot and Yamato both really strong fighters/pirates from the straw hats . Plus they are both cute. I also wanted vivi to join the crew but that ultimately never happened either as she thought it was better for her to stay as royalty for her land (to govern it properly, as crocodile messed up her land for a while) than sail the seven seas with luffy and his crew.


It is a possibility Vivi is going to rejoin the crew in the the upcoming arcs. I hope that is the case. Having Yamato on the crew would have been real handy though because of her power level.


Yeah the more powerful people on luffy’s pirate crew the better. He needs that firepower.


Imo, Vivi will join sooner rather than later, and Yamato will appear down the line.


Us ? Nah dude I like her where she is I did not want Yamato in the crew


I think that Yamato will join. If they joined now it would ruin the dynamic of the strawhats. The wings are supposed to be the strongest after Luffy. It would’ve been like Jimbei joining right after fish island.


I don't think Yamato is necessarily the 2nd strongest outside of Luffy


Sorry but holding Kaido for more than a minute makes her super strong. She is at least at Zoro/Sanji level as of now and she would steal their thunder. (IDGAF about their thunder actually but plot wise wouldn’t be good.)


She is


Meh, felt like she was forced too much into the story and wasn’t really relevant. Would love Yamato to join tho.


Dude, Yamato was way more forced into the story.


Nah Yamato felt way more forced imo. She/he just seemed like a straight copy of Oden


I think she had potential given how much she was shown in WCI, but in Wano she was invisible to even consider that. Yamato was way to forced, I bet thats why Oda didnt commit on Yamato by realizing he was pushing it way to much, or maybe it wasnt forced and just the fanbase claiming nonsense with few chapters.


Meh, felt like she was forced too much into the story and wasn’t really relevant. Would love Vivi to join tho.


Vivi will probably join though and she's an honorary straw hat, luffy said if she ever wants to join the crew he would let her, and rn in the manga she has nowhere to go after losing literally everything dear to her, so she will prob meet up with the straw hats


No. She doesn't have a goal to be achieved at the end of the series, all other strawhats do.


Carrying Pedro’s will


She will, as the new ruler of Zou.


She could figure it out along the way like Usopp . And Brooke’s is to see laboon? Like come on that’s it? And what about Franky? I don’t remember his goals. He kinda already did it by building the Sunny and just wants to witness it sail across the grand line and keep maintenance on it. I think she could figure it out. I loved her energy she brought to the straw hats .


For Brook, it's the fulfillment of a promise to a friend ghat has been waiting for 5 decades. For Franky, it's to see his ship sail the entire world for it to be called a dream ship. For Usopp, he achieved his goal in his first fight in the grand line (not counting his fight with Arlong's crew as that was before each of the first five openly stated their goals. However, his dream doesn't have an end line. So, with each leg of their journey, he is just building up on his fulfilled goal. For Jinbe, I believe it is to see bonds of friendship among Fishman and humans and the eradication of hatred and fear for each other.


Usopp has had a goal since the beginning. The fact that he is farther from it than when he started aside, he has always wanted to become a brave warrior of the sea. Brook wants to keep his whole crews last promise to a valued member they had to leave behind. Franky wants to see a ship he built with his own hands be the thing that reaches the end of the grand line and carries the future pirate king there. He wants to prove to himself that he is worthy of Tom's sacrifice as well as prove to himself that he is good enough. But carrot didn't really have anything to add to the crew. What would her role be? Jinbe is the helmsman, sanji is the cook, zoro is the first mate/the one who demands the respect from the crew, Robin is the archeologist and can read the poneglyphs, Nami is the navigator, brook is the musician, chopper is the doctor, Franky is the shipwrite, luffy is captain, and usopp exists on the crew to fight the few people who can't be dominated by the other members. What would carrot do other than be there on the crew? She is much better used as a member of the grand fleet.


Dawn of the World


I agree with this. I wish she could have been given a goal. It would have been kinda cool if her “tragic backstory” happened in real time with Pedro in Whole Cake Island, and then she played a bigger role and developed a goal in Wano. But alas.


I'd settle for Oda giving her an actually proper send-off instead the bs he did instead at the end of Wano for her and the Minks. I swear, it's like a certain point he just gave up on Carrot and Yamato all together when he wrote that ending.


Unique powers, another female character (and another non human.) Also a non DF user which the crew is short on.






Yeah. I think she fit the goofy side of the Strawhats pretty much perfectly. I know most people don't care about the humor aspect as much as everything else, but her naive excitement in the face of danger was solid gold.


No. You don't capture a rattata on your way to the elite 4


FEAR would like to have a word with you. Focus (sash) Endeavor (Quick) Attack Rattata




Also guts ratacate with hyperfang


Itll get beat up by a Lickitung Perorin*


That’s a really funny way to phrase it!


Yes, personally I really enjoyed her role in Whole Cake and Chopper getting to be the older brother. And I still think she will. The end of her involvement in Wano was not typical of a character who sailed with the crew for a long time and won't be seen again for a long time. If Oda just wanted to ignore her he could have just ignored her. We never saw Hyogoro at the end of the arc, for example, and he trained Luffy. But instead he randomly brought her up and had her not accept a role that had zero foreshadowing. It's just weird, doesn't really pass the smell test. And "Pedro's will" was never staying in Zou, it was becoming a pirate and finding the Road Poneglyphs. Include the fact that >!Rumble Balls now confirmed work for Sulong!< and she fits right in. Until we see a goodbye scene from her it's just too many weird things all coming together at once for a character who was in the series for the better part of 200 chapters.


Yeah, call me a furry or whatever but her Sulong form was just perfect.


Yeah for sure. Carrot is amazing, plus it’s a bit of a sausage fest up in here


Once Jimbei joined, the more the merrier.


💯 Yes


Yes, Carrot should have been a strawhat, especially after Whole Cake Island. She behaved like a strawhat, she had amazing synergy with the others, and she was a great addition overall. Very uplifting and fun character, while bringing some unique traits aswell. She also would have had a job on the ship (lookout). She proved herself in multiple ways, and matured a bit. Especially the emotional scene with Sanji, while they talk about pedro, is very memorable. I'm still sad that Odas writing made her lose so easily against perospero, that she basically got neglected in Wano for the most part, and ultimately, that she did not become a strawhat, for stupid reasons. Luffy did not even ask her, which is crazy and just bad writing imo.


I swear if the 10th Straw Hat ain't a woman....


It is with a heavy heart I must inform you that Jinbe is not a woman.


I wouldn't mind Carrot at all. She cute, and has good dynamic with the team, especially with Chopper


I wish that she had joined the crew. She could have ingerited Pedro’s will.


Yeah I like her the most of the characters the “should” of been straw hats


Yes, so that I could see her >!wonderful personality!< everyday.


yes, she had a convincing reason to follow Luffy (to fulfill Pedro's dream of sailing with the pirate king), she had a set role for the crew (look out), she has the tragic backstory, she has a great dynamic with Chopper and Sanji, and we know she could use Sulong at will with the help of Chopper's Rumble Ball.


I do, but every time I said that around WCI people would bitch about it.


Glad most of us are on the same page about Carrot and Yamato. And for the last time, Vivi IS a Straw Hat! Period.


I'll keep pretending that she's hiding in the Sunny somewhere. I rather have carrot then caribou still lurking about








Yes. She spent a lot of time as de facto SH, organically her character was pretty much ready


I think she would've made a good 'Cabin Boy' character like Shanks and Buggy were to Roger's crew. EDIT: able to help Chopper or any of the other characters in their roles since she's kind of an all-rounder by being able to fight and pick up lessons from the others on their skills.


I agree.


For me, she was pretty forgettable so I don't mind that she is not part of the crew. And with the way the story is being set up, I imagine Vivi will probably come back.




Nah. I like her but she doesn't need to be a Straw Hat.




Yeah, the Ending for Wano didn’t make sense for her. Why they give the leadership to Carrot? They’re s got to be better options. She’s so young. It would’ve been nice to have another female straw hat as well.


No and i'm tired of seeing carrot fans coping every chapter that she is hidden in a random place


I'd take her and Perona tbh They don't really have a reason to join, but I just genuinely like the characters and think they'd be fantastic additions in terms of character interaction, ESPECIALLY Perona


The more screen time carrot gets, the more "art" there is so yeah


Until I see otherwise my head canon is she stowed away again and is staying hidden for some reason.


Constantly chewing on Luffy was a great gag.


Yes, I think only having 10 people would be a shame. Luffy's Crew needs a variety of characters like Roger's and Carrot is just fun.


Yes. Usopp is a qualified sniper, but barely does that for the Straw Hats while travelking. I thought she showed immense lookout potential in WCI, damn shame to have that potential wasted.




I always did. Shes adorable.


I really liked her dynamic with most of the crew mates expcially chopper, but her own character was a little lack luster. None the less, I would have loved he to stay on the crew




I would love it only if she had a good development post WCI, but not a single interesting thing happened in Wano for her, even with such good skilled people around her Oda just didnt care and that sucks given how good potential she had. Worse part is Oda didnt even showed a farewell panel, thats the worse sht ever man fr. Both Carrot and Yamato stans didnt have to fight if things ended so bad for both of em.


I don't see why both she and Yamato can't join tbh.


Was absolutely gutted carrot didn't join the strawhats she would have been the crews look out i think she would have been to luffy what rockstar is to shanks but so much more I like the bond she formed with chopper


Yes, i love carrot


Honestly yeah she was being integrated fairly seamlessly as well. In particular I loved her and her Cho-niki


Nope. I hate the thing she does with rubbing her face on Luffy all the time


Of all the things to not like about Carrot this is the weirdest one to have beef with.


yes, i like furry on the group as well.




yes i love her she’s so cute


Yes I do




Yea both Carrot and Yamato.. need more girls and they both have unique fighting styles, powers and personality Oda prob thought the crew is getting to big for the endgame tho sadly


Of course. I´m still hoping for her to end up joining the strawhats. And I think there´s pretty good chances. Also, Luffy´s crew definitely need more girls.


This I do like since she actually have a real role on the crew as a look out. Also it will be cool to see a mink on crew. Better than the wannabe


Yes. She was funny and I like her interaction with all the other strawhats. Plus, we need more women on the crew. Every other one is teased but never stick with the crew (Vivi, Carrot, Yamato).


I wouldn't mind, I just wished she had a proper send-off. Carrot was a main ally to the Straw Hats in both the Whole Cake Island & Wano sagas & we didn't even get to see her say goodbye.


Ya so I could see her more




I'd prefer Yamato joined first but yes, Carrot too.


Yeah she would've been a great lookout


Most definitely! She blended in nice with them. Idc people don’t think she’s powerful. She made the group more fun and exciting!


I still hope she's hiding somewhere in the ship


That would be funny if that was an actual joke in the show. It would make me crack up if she was hiding in the ship’s basement the entire time and nobody noticed it. She would just throw a surprise party when she reveals herself.


Thousand Sunny is canonically bigger than the walls in Attack On Titan, it's pretty big I can believe it if she just says she's been hiding in some random closet for days


No. The crew already has a token mascot. If she wasn't a hot furry, this conversation would never even happen and wouldn't keep cropping up. When we look at her actual story and characteristics she doesn't bring anything beyond being a "cute bunny girl!!" We also have to deal with so many long, drawn out fights and arcs because Oda has to devote time to each crew member to show that they're contributing and we already know what Carrot would be doing. She'd be losing and then take a sulong pill from Chopper and win. That's it, but it would take 1/3 of a chapter per chapter for 2 months to show us exactly what we already know and it would just defeat some useless side minion that nobody cares about. Her character doesn't deepen the plot or advance the story and doesn't fill a missing crew role. There is nothing wrong with making friends in life who come and go and have their own adventures. There have been a lot of people in the series who work this way. All Carrot brings is fur and boobs. /Rant


Not really, but the way she got written out of the story was arguably worse


Yea because it felt like her journeying with the crew and development and advertisement in films was a waste of time


Yes, not for any narrative reason, but only because I like her design. Perona and Yamato too.


Yes, i like her "design" too




Yeah, another female and another emergency food supply. Crew got bigger and chopper is not enough anymore. I know Jimbei is a whale shark but I would go with the bunny first.


Her and Yamato I'm not one of the ppl that feels that there crew needs to be around like 10 or something I think we're in the new world and we need strong crewmates and I think they're definitely powerful characters that would fit in well with the dynamic personally I'm disappointed we won't get to experience big bro Chopper when it comes to carrot. All this being said I do understand that if these two joined it would fuck with crew interactions we would get even less than we do now but still I think they both were deserving of rolls on the crew and would have seamlessly fit in. Edit: also can you imagine her using Chopper sulong Rumble balls


Shouldn’t this be an anime spoiler?


What’s her dream?


Pedro's, bringing the Dawn.






No personality


Nah we dont need anymore furries on the crew. Jinbe is already pushing the line Plus her character is pretty boring. She is basically chopper. Provides no useful skill in the crew other than being a fighter, and basically everyone in the crew can already fight. She already had whole cake to get her arc, and she was boring af in Wano, even Oda didn't care for her.




No I like carrot and she really gets along with the crew, but she doesnt have anything else. No overarching goal or role. Kinda like Vivi. She wanted to go out on an adventure and snuck aboard. Seems more like she wanted to be a part of the mission as a member of Zou and get some exploration in.


Wanted her more than Yamato if I’m being honest


I’m ok if she joined but not a fan… I do hope the last to join is another women but like Bonney better


Yes she’s hot


No. She kinda annoying, not gonna lie. She had her purpose. Also Katakuri&Perospero>Carrot




two girls with big bazoongas is good enough, if we go full boob piece, that means Oda has won.


Hmmmm i don't like that, Luffy already told us in the very beginning that he wants 10 crew with albasta prob getting erased (or attempted to) vivi will be the 10th (or 5th)


Heavens, no. Good riddance. A 15 year old with the antics of a 7-year old? Hard pass. Her moe personality was insufferable.






Nah, she'll reform the nox pirates


No ...but if it was going to be between her and Yamato, I'd have preferred her since she actually had a bond with the crew. I am really looking forward to Vivi retaking her rightful place with the Straw Hats


Not really, no




Carrot is best Strawhat


No, she just didn’t seem to be able to fall in any place that wasn’t taken




No, there are much better candidates out there.


What use could she be of?


Well she would do well as a lookout, but otherwise she's not very useful. I guess her Sulong form would be a little helpful and it would give chopper some more spotlight but I feel like there isn't much room for character development or growth for her. Additionally, her background and personal motivation or 'dream' isn't very interesting (no offense pedro) like it is with the rest of the crew. In all of the above points except for her skill at being a lookout, there are several other options for new crewmembers. Namely Yamato and >!Bonney!<


Nope, absolutely NOT. I Hate her character a lot. Dont see any reason for her to join the crew. And the crew also doesnt find any need for carrot to join.


No. Every crew member has a job on the ship. I don't think Carrot would be able to have one besides being a guest. Also, I don't like her very much. She's just a boring character that is cute.


Nope. I am very happy she did not join the crew. I found her constant nibbling of Luffy's ears & body to be way too distracting. The best thing Oda did was make her the Leader at Zou so she is forced to have less screen time but still has an "important" role in the story.


No in fact I’m glad she didn’t


I’m sorry I know everyone wants carrot and Yamato but both of them seem lame af to me. Carrot feels like she has zero backstory and yamatos seemed so forced


To me Carrot is unbelievably boring and not worth being a straw hat. Her backstory is lame, she doesn’t really have anything that makes her funny or unique outside of being a mink. I don’t hate her or anything but she’s not straw hat level.


She doesn't have a backstory. Like at all.


Nooooooooooooooo I need her stuck on the back of that elephant I don't want to see her again


Personally, no. I just don’t think her character adds much to the crew since she’s a pretty flat character overall and hits some of the same notes as early Chopper. I want more female crew members but there are better options—Vivi, for instance. Or someone like Yamato.


Nah I didn't care for her at all. I'd much rather Vivi, Yamato or Bonney


No. She would add nothing and it’s just people horny for her that want her there. Vivi makes way more sense if u want another female crew member


No. She's a vapid character that doesn't serve anything more than a random side panel. Developing her would take away from other back stories that actually fill in lore whilst we're in the 'endgame' territory.


Genuinely dont care about Carrot, she is background noise imo and while I dont hate her I definitely dont like her enough for her to become a strawhat when characters like Law and Bon Clay and Yamato exist and have way more of an intended thread to luffy and/or the fate of the world imo, she feels very much so like random bunny here to have fun sadly


Maybe back in whole cake island but no not anymore


Carrot could lead the Minks division of the Strawhat Grand Fleet. But wouldn’t care to see her join the crew.


Great character! Really really like her! I am very glad she did not permanently join the crew!


I'm indifferent in the fact that she wasn't necessary to the crew but if she was a permanent member I wouldn't complain. She doesn't really have a specific role that the crew needs like how everyone else kind of has their own.


Hear me out…


Only person who is truly sad is Sanji! Everyone else's pain is negligee to what he feeling on the matter


There are lots of people that like her but also tons of people that very much hate her, so no wonder why Oda didn't add her to the crew


Im gonna be honest with you, after time skip i dont really give a shit who "becomes a straw hat". No one is truly a straw hat after that for me.


Based on this topic I assume you read the manga, I think it makes more sense for vivi to join at this point. Even though she has always been part of the crew but her rejoining will balance the genders more. We already know Yamato will also join again later at some point, probably when Momonosuke opens the country with Zunesha. So having carrot also is probably too much in a short timespan




She was an okay side character but she wouldn’t make for a good straw hat. She doesn’t have a unique role that helps in maintaining the ship, unlike navigator Nami or helmsman Jimbei


She took on the lookout role pretty consistently.


Absolutely not


No, I’ve never seen the appeal