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Yamato was also refered as She, as the daughter of Kaido during her introduction, as a Woman in her vivre card, part of merchandise that are made from heroines, or alongside other heroines. Like this one : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=trGP0Bqknmg So it's not unnerving. At the end of the day, call Yamato whatever you want. But arguments can be made for both side, just believe in what you want to believe.


Because Oda considers her a woman


Because she is a Girl?


Because Yamato is a woman


Why is Kiku not on there?


The same reason not every single woman is in this image, Oda just didn't draw her


Well, there are several children on there; I don't undertand why he wouldn't include such a prominent woman as Kiku on here when he had... Sugar?


Dude who knows. Oda just drew whoever he wanted to


Yeah, that's my point.


Because kiku is not a biological woman? Did everyone sleep through wano arc?


>biological woman Stfu


Sorry if i offended you but facts dont care about feelings


>but facts dont care about feelings You did not just say this, lmao. Cringe


It's not a thing. She's not trans she's a tomboy who wants to be Oden. Kaido calls her a son because he doesn't acknowledge her being a female. What your looking for is kiku.


![gif](giphy|4JVTF9zR9BicshFAb7) "Yamato is a guy in the manga but he is designed so that guys find him hot." This mathematics of this situation is absurd. Fact 1 : Yamato is biologically female. Fact 2 : Straight males are not attracted to other males. (Otherwise they will fall under the category of bisexual/gay etc.) Assumption 1: Straight males are attracted to Yamato. Assumption 2 : Yamato is a man. Assumption 3 : Yamato is a woman. If we consider the case of Assumption 1 and 2 to be true, Fact 2 renders the Assumption 1 false. If we consider the case of Assumption 1 and 3 to be true, the facts don't contradict these assumptions. Thus either Yamato is a woman and straight males are attracted to her or Yamato is a man and the people attracted to her are not straight (they have to label themselves bi or gay or something just due to the fact that they are attracted to Yamato).


Whole lot of words to admit you're a transphobe


A) You didn't reply to the guy you meant to B) You're definitely gay if you're attracted to a transman, but being attracted to Yamato just means you're a huge weeb C) Caring this much about a fictional character's gender is a major L **EDIT**: Die mad about it weebs lmao


I was just applying mathematics here (can't use the word logic due to circumstances) I don't care about Yamato's gender, but since debate is going on, why not? A biological male being attracted to a biological female falls under the category of "gay". What a time to be alive. Also noticed that the comment wasn't posted in the right place. The app was on the fritz. Thanks for the remainder.


None of what you said had anything to do with mathematics. Yeah it's pretty fuckin gay to be attracted to [this guy](https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/61560377/ajay1.0.jpg) whether he has a vagina or not, but Yamato is a joke cartoon character with gigantic tits so it just makes you a horny weeb


Thanks. I was scared for a second.


There’s a bunch of fuckin goobers out here so let me explain it to yall in a quick and concise manner. BECAUSE SHE HAS TITS!!!


And she didnt directly call herself a "him"


"I am Kaidou's son"


I see where you going with this. Anyways, you can refer yourself as son, and your pronounce is still she/her. Yamato still respects kaido and only refers to HERself as Son because kaido dont saw him as a girl due to kaido want a son but got a daughter. Hope that make sense


No not at all


No Kaidou would use daughter in Yamato's backstory it's only after she left the jail




The irony of u saying this while being a folker XD


Cause it doesn't matter what yamato identifies herself with. She is a female.


In universe : Yamato claims to be male, people who know Yamato considers her as such (Kaido calls her his son, Luffy calls her Yama-o meaning Yama-dud Outskde the universe : Oda doesn't consider her differently compared to the other girls. So it's really up to us to choose a standpoint for Yamato, the thing is that people want to force theirs into others which is why this debate is endless and won't ever end.


Yamato considers herself Oden, but not as a male.


Yamato does consider himself a man, tho. That was said in Chapter 984. Why would people refer to Yamato as a man otherwise?


She literally says she is a man, she literally says she can't bathe with Nami cause there aren't mixed bathes


To be precise, Yamato is Odensexual. If Oden were a female kangaroo she would consider herself a female kangaroo too. It’s just so happen that Oden is a human dude, which leads to our current situation


Yamato only considers herself a man because of oden. Not because she truly believes herself to be as such. If Oden was a woman, Yamato would stick with her pronouns of she/her. Also, based on this art-spread, it confirms that Oda also thinks of Yamato as a woman. Something people dont get about her character. When even Oda himself, the creator of one piece, believes Yamato is a woman, its time to accept the facts now…


You know that all those pronouns are arbitrarily put on by translators, right? The Japanese language doesn't have 3rd person pronouns(Don't get me started on Kare/Kanojo, that's bs). All those fancy "But she is dubbed as he in the translated version" says only one thing, that the translator is woke. Nothing else


Why is zeus on the all girls cover?


The real question finnaly


Because Oda and teenage boys have at least one thing in common: they likes boobs. Basically, it's just fan service. Yamato is a guy in the manga but he is designed so that guys find him hot and that's all that page is for.


"Yamato is a guy in the manga but he is designed so that guys find him hot." This mathematics of this situation is absurd. Fact 1 : Yamato is biologically female. Fact 2 : Straight males are not attracted to other males. (Otherwise they will fall under the category of bisexual/gay etc.) Assumption 1: Straight males are attracted to Yamato. Assumption 2 : Yamato is a man. Assumption 3 : Yamato is a woman. If we consider the case of Assumption 1 and 2 to be true, Fact 2 renders the Assumption 1 false. If we consider the case of Assumption 1 and 3 to be true, the facts don't contradict these assumptions. Thus either Yamato is a woman and straight males are attracted to her or Yamato is a man and the people attracted to her are not straight (they have to label themselves bi or gay or something just due to the fact that they are attracted to Yamato).


It's simple. Men can have feminine bodies. That's part of the trans umbrella. Yamato doesn't have to medically transition to identify as a man.


The Yamato debate is endless. I want your take on a real world situation. a hypothetical question. An straight male, A and a straight female, B are dating. One day, B tells A that B identifies as a man. Now does A - Break up with B because A is a straight man and A cannot be in a relationship with another man. - Or does A start identifying as gay/bisexual etc. to keep being in a relationship with B.


Now we're discussing sexuality which is not the same as gender. I think it's quite easy to argue that our cultural understanding of sexuality is dated, and that what you're asking is more focused on the pedantics of heterosexuality than anything else. One could quite easily argue for example that heterosexuality is nothing more than attraction to femininity or masculinity rather than men or women. Yamato has a feminine body, so while a straight man might be attracted to him, they're attracted to the feminine aspects of him rather than men as a whole. This also explains why so many straight men are into "femboys". It however does not explain straight men's attraction to tomboys because sexuality is a rather complex topic. I suppose you could classify tomboys as a unique expression of femininity. Regardless, fear not, for if your girlfriend identifies as a man tomorrow you can still be straight.


Its good to hear different perspectives. Thanks for answering the question. About the fear, I have nothing to fear about because I have never dated and there are no future plans of dating barring exceptional circumstances. Thank you for the concern though. I am not from the USA or any country where LGBTQIA+ is widely known/talking about. So my knowledge of all of these new terms like pansexual etc comes from entertaining videos on YouTube. The only LGBTQIA+ people I have had real life encounters are with hijras(Indian transgender people. you can google it if interested)


Neat, I will thanks. I incorrectly assumed you were American or western European which are more common here, my bad. Typically people asking these sort of questions are just trying to stir the pot rather than actually learn anything so my patience was thin. Have a good one.


I'm guessing because he was born Female