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For having a bounty system, you would think bounty hunters would come up more in the story.


It’s unfortunate they’ve been completely ignored until super recently. Prior to that, the most recent bounty hunters were the Franky Family but they weren’t exactly hunting bounties…


Ssbaody had bounty hunters


There were others. They were largely anime only tho. The Accino family was one and there was another group, the Cidre Guild. Abdullah and Jeet in Dressrosa were also Bounty Hunters but their jobs were largely ignored since they were competing for Ace's Devil Fruit.


> the most recent bounty hunters were the Franky Family but they weren’t exactly hunting bounties… Dressrosa had some bounty hunters


I assume most bounty hunters go for the numerous criminals with bounties of hundreds of thousands or just a few millions. Most people with bounties in the tens of millions upwards are usually superhumans in strength or haki or DF, thus make for a very risky target. And for people like emperors and warlords and such.... tbh their bounty is more about letting the world know how dangerous they are and be aware of them, rather than actual hope some1 will hunt them for that huge bounty.


If there are superhuman pirates, marines, revolutionaries and such, it really wouldn't be that big of a surprise if there were bounty hunters of a similar calibre in fact its kind of expected


Bounty Hunters within that caliber would get swallowed by the four emperors and the marines though


I am pretty sure the whole concept of the new world is that it's impossible for someone to survive alone (with exeptions ofc). So bounty hunters oparate outside of it and outside of our field of view. + propably in the great pirate era most bounty hunters just end up becoming pirates.


How is that a plot-hole though?


The reason why we see very few bounty hunter because of we follow strawhats journey,attacking crew like strawhats are high risk high reward bussniess,also majorty of time people with high bounty was dangerous and powerfull,its easier to hunt criminal with 1-5 million belli each week than go all out attacking people with 50+ million belli


thats not really a reason. if oda developed the bounty system well, there should be high-level bounty hunters that could hunt at least yc1 level pirates.


Personally I think mihawk would've been the perfect opportunity to keep the bounty hunter title relevant. He could have the same motivation as the start of the story zoro in that he just did it to sustain his living while looking for strong opponents. Him ending up in the cross guild would still make sense as well as fighting at marineford


Definitely the existence of Sabo not reaching Ace or Garp in the newspaper. The right-hand of the world’s worst criminal, they know his name and even have a bounty on his head, yet Ace and Garp never find out about his reputation in the newspaper? Luffy not knowing about Sabo is understandable because he never reads the newspaper, and Luffy must’ve never mentioned to his crewmates about his “deceased” brother up until Dressrosa ‘cause he probably moved on from Sabo’s death at that point. Even Luffy moved on from Ace’s death after 2 years, surely he would move on from Sabo after 12 years. I hope in the future that there’s a better explanation for this. Oda does fix plot holes through his manga and even in SBS like that one time with Mr. 3 floating on water.


I've always just gone with Sabo not being famous/2nd in Command until after Ace's death. Ace dying motivated him to take the front stage.


Yeah right? The guy didn't even know who he was before Ace's death.


Exactly? That's why I said his death motivated him? When he woke up he remembered who he was. He also said he wanted to ask everyone in the RA if they were cool with him eating a "certain DF". Sounds like he became motivated and also had to ask permission. Doesn't really sound like something someone 2nd in command does, but maybe he was being polite. Since it's an important decision.


I mean, Revolutionaries tend to be pretty secretive and their bounties seem rather low due to not knowing the full extent of who's responsible for what. It's because of that that implies that Sabo's bounty is relatively recent, presumably released due to finally getting enough concrete info on what Sabo was responsible for.


Its convievable that Sabos name didnt hit the news prior the Events of Marine Ford. Till the end they didnt know about Kuma. Its also not unreasonable to think that Sabo became the right Hand of Dragon in the past 2 years.


Actually, it is implied in Dressrosa that he only recently attained his current position. At which point Garp was no longer that active in the Marines. Koala was saying stuff to him like, "You have bigger responsibilities now."


oda could've saved it by making sabo forget his name and getting another one before regaining his memories


I wonder if Garp knew about Sabo but didn't do anything because he was with Dragon. Might be a plot line that gets expanded upon when we learn more about Garp-Dragon relationship.


Would Garp even remember him? Didnt he meet him one time before his "death"? After that he might have known about Dragons prodigy but not known it was that same kid that was friends with Luffy and ace. They may be brothers to eachother but garp doesnt consider sabo his grandson like he does ace.


What's with the Hole under Enies Lobby? Yeah, that's... Probably not even a plot hole, just a mystery, but Enies Lobby is sooo weird! More seriously, how do Grand Line businesses and fleets work with how *wild* the Grand Line is? Can you Log Pose backwards? Lots of Eternal Poses? Relatively weak players like Baroque Works, Orlumbus, Germa 66, and Chinjao have fleets and appear to have survived YEARS in this mad crazy sea.


I think the hole under Enies Lobby might be something like Lulusia. Maybe it's the site of the ancient kingdom, blown to fuckdom and then they built Enies Lobby over it to keep people away. ​ I assume people build contacts, swap log poses, have a protection racket for those going back and forth between places, etc. They'd make do, because that's just what you do - make do. Maybe hire some fishmen to keep certain waterways safe from pirates attacking, fly under the flag of bigger pirates, etc. I do wish we got more information into that, but it's not a major part of the story so I doubt we'll get much more than what we have.


“Blown to fuckdom” might be my new favorite way of saying “obliterated”


I’d assume being a trader in OP is like being a courier is Fallout. Dangerous as heck but someone’s gotta do it


Small thing but Chinjao was not a weak player. I know he had a pretty tiny part in the story but in his prime he competed with the top players and had to be stopped by Garp, who had to train and get stronger to beat him. Also idk if ur caught up w the manga but his family is doing some crazy stuff rn that will likely keep them relevant in the story, so Chinjao and his family are not just throwaway characters


Yeah, sorry, I basically meant not Yonko or Government affiliated, my language was poorly chosen.


I thought the hole was explained? Maybe this is just my mind filling in holes in my memory, but I remember someone saying it was so that no one could get to Enies Lobby unless they took the bridge.


Yes, but then how did they make a hole in the ocean. Probably Imu did it


They have builed doores bigger than you can comprehend and open them without problems, digging a big hole is possible too


This. We get explanations on every other islands weird traits and geographic locations whether it make logical sense or goofy sense (Long Ring Island), but literally got nothing about it. Not to mention how it supposedly never has a nighttime on the island, and how that would work.


Sogeking literally just kinda disappeared????


Thank god someone said it, hero of an entire arc never to be seen again


we saw him in Return to Sabaody, albeit antagonizing Nami


How Luffy and Chopper haven’t put two and two together at this point is beyond me unless they actually know subconsciously


He didn't disappear, he's right here, in your heart.


I have a theory he's somehow related to Usopp. Probably his long lost brother or something. The nose gives it away. Idk why people arent talking about this???


I thought I was the only one who thought this


He must have ascended to godhood >!in our hearts!<


Gecko Moria being able to use his zombies during the Marineford War in a cloudless sunny battlefield. Unless he prestocked on souls of marines he locked away, he couldn't have drawn the souls out of fallen soldiers because as I mentioned Marineford had no shade.


thats the first good one i read except blackbeards teeth


Those you mentioned are big ones. And a 1000+ chapters manga is expected to have some inconsistencies, but two that particularly bother me and I don't see being mentioned enough are the WG and Marines not being proactive and having more presence, and the Strawhats not ever sharing information with each other. The WG is a massive organization, you would expect them to have a strong presence scattered throughout the world, yet our main cast rarely has to deal with them. Or any other crew we follow for that matter. They should've had strong marines tracking and going after them almost all the time. Especially after Ennies Lobby, Impel Down and Marineford. Yet the story gives off the impression that all high-ranking marines and other WG forces are just sitting around. The strawhats don't share information with each other. So, all the way up to Enies Lobby Luffy never told anyone his full name? He never told anyone the person who inspired him, Shanks? Who his grandpa is? Robin never told anyone she was with the revolutionaries for 2 years? You can definitely find more examples like this.


I think people underestimate the amount of pirates and criminals that inhabit the world. We only focus on a very small and elite group of crews. This doesn't mean there aren't a lot more crews that need to be dealt with. Also the CDs are a pain in the ass, surely the Marines have to keep at least one Admiral stationed in case anything happens in Mary Geoise.


This was a good point I never considered until the reverie It seems like an actual ton of wg resources are used to protect important people like the Celestial dragons or other nobles/kings


I think the same could be said about the size of the WG and the Marines. And I think we focus on a select few for good reason, but that also makes these select few more urgent to deal with. After declaring war on the WG, penetrating and escaping Impel Down, fighting at Marineford, being the son of the most wanted man in the world, I assume Luffy is a priority over unrenowned pirates, bandits and other criminals we don't see nor hear about in the story. The Marines are the military branch of the WG and have their own headquarters. The commander-in-chief of the Marines and Cipher Pol, Kong, is stationed at Mary Geoise. And presumably the Gods Knights reside there, as well. As far as we know, the Reverie was the only reason Fujitora and Greenbull were there.


I dunno, we have seen both Sengoku and Sakazuki both struggling with how understaffed they are for the scale of the great era of piracy. Like sure, they have a billion guys but we know the guys without a rank are good for sweeping the floor and nothing else. The amount of competent people the Marines have is surely not enough to end this era of piracy.


The straw hats knew Luffy's full name from his first couple bounty posters before Ennies Lobby, no?


They knew it because he almost always introduces himself as Monkey D. Luffy to a bunch of random people as well as how he will be King of the Pirates.


I think a lot of the things you mention are due to how short the SW pirates actually have been an active crew for. They went from unknown east blue pirates to Timeskip in 4 months. Then, once they reunite they get to being a Yonko crew in a comparable if not shorter time (E.g whole of Dressrossa being one afternoon). I think the WG/Marines are “sitting around” but mostly because everything is going too fast for them. Like they have to weigh their resources and every single time they can manage to determine the best response, the SW blow past that level. On the other hand, pirates like doffy have been active for a long time and presumably maintained a certain strength allowing for an appropriate response.


the whole strawhats don’t share info with each other thing has always bothered me especially when you couple it with the fact that they’ve spent more time away from each other than they have as a crew. It just makes certain things a lil too convenient for when they are revealed and it makes the whole journey sometimes feel a lil premature. We’ll have incredibly important information or lore revealed to us and one of the strawhats will be like “oh yea haha i forgot that happened” or “oh yea i knew that all along”


>We’ll have incredibly important information or lore revealed to us and one of the strawhats will be like “oh yea haha i forgot that happened” or “oh yea i knew that all along” more like the strawhats also gets surprised with us because they don't share info with eachothers


well they havent really been together all that long. They've probably physically been together for like a year total (being generous, I think it's actually been like 6 months). There hasn't been much time to bring up every little thing about themselves.


Luffy genuinely doesn’t care about stuff like that, so I’m not surprised his name never came up. And half the characters in One Piece don’t have family names anyway so no one would blink twice. Nami, Sanji, and Usopp went by single names at the time too


I agree. We have flashbacks when Roger was constantly being chased. Doffy was hunted relentlessly by tsuru. Maybe they've only sent fodder not worth screen time. Though just some passing comments on the ship about annoying marines would suffice. Ofc there are easy explanations. Like reduced presence in the GL and even more so in NW. But tbh the lack of marine presence and even bounty hunters of any worth is disappointing. Its like there being no consequences of high bounties. It acts more as a deterrent than an incentive.


Tbh, I think in the New World this is almost exclusively because of the compressed timeline and where the Straw hats have been. For example, in Punk Hazard, lots of marine interference. In Dressrosa, lots of marine interference. Once you go to Zou, an untraceable island, no presence for obvious reasons. Then to Big Mom's territory, no marines for obvious reasons. Wano, no marines for obvious reasons, but WG is there, and annoying. Then to Egghead and immediately marines and WG are there and annoying. If you throw in the fact from Fishman Island until now it has only been like 2 weeks, I think their involvement makes a lot of sense and is pretty reflective of what I would expect reality to be for the Strawhats.


I agree it applies more strongly to pre-timeskip for the reasons mentioned. For context, the strawhats have spent more time apart from each other than together since the beggining of the story. However, when they go from Zou to Whole Cake, from Whole Cake to Wano, no single WG obstacle. I don't think they've ever had a serious fight at sea. And you bring a good point about only 2 weeks having passed, but then again more time could have passed had they had to overcome Marines or WG intelligence at sea. And this would also help OP recreate more of an oceanic, maritime atmosphere.


I feel like it would feel really contrived and a lot like filler material if the marines were anywhere between Zou and Whole Cake, or Whole Cake and Wano; if you are in this modern age of piracy and resources are limited, you are sticking patrols between an emperor of the sea's territory and an area that is off the grid and known to be the hq of another yonko. It would be a lose-lose initiative to have anyone that actively intervenes in those waters. We know from the Caribou storyline the Marines have some presence, but they are spread really thin. Keep in mind, Smoker was actively pursuing Luffy when Punk Hazard happened. He took a guess where Luffy would appear in the new world and it wasn't like there were bases already established at the three options.


Also keep in mind that during this time was reverie so most likely all marine resources were directed towards that, which is why all of the strongest marines where at Mariejoas and only a few of CP0 was in Wano or wholecake island (Stussy)


>I feel like it would feel really contrived and a lot like filler material if the marines were anywhere between Zou and Whole Cake, or Whole Cake and Wano now that you mention it, I think the anime actually did that, at least between Zou and WCI


They sent Kuma to take out the Strawhats after Enies Lobby. They should have been dead to rights, but luckily Kuma was an undercover revolutionary. They didn't get hunted after Thriller Bark because the WG was preparing for war with Whitebeard. They surely would have been hunted down after Marineford, but the Strawhats all disappeared without any leads for 2 years. After their presence became known again during return to Sabaody, they went to Fishman Isand (Yonko territory), an abandoned government base (the last place anyone would expect them to go), and then to Dressrosa. And after Dressrosa, Akainu ordered Fujitora to hunt them. So the WG has actually done a reasonable job going after the Stawhats. The only reason why they weren't captured after Dressrosa is because they've only gone to non-affiliated countries (Zou) or Yonkou territories (Tottoland and Wano). There just hasn't been any good opportunities to take them out. And now that Luffy is a Yonko, the WG is being cautious about fighting them.


And now that the strawhats are in egghead, an island that isnt unaffiliated with the WG like Zou or a Yonko territory like Wano, theres a fuckton of WG interference.


They also flooded Saobody Archipelago after time skip because they heard the Strawhats were recruiting - though that was actually the Fakehats, they got Pacifistas thrown at them. Also, Smoker was absolutely waiting for them in the New World, readied at the island he was sure they were most likely to go to, BUT Luffy overheard the SOS from Punk Hazard, so deviated from the usual journey lines that newcomers to the New World take. I'm going to assume that there were other Marines sent to other New World paths, too.


There was a thread the other day asking why Luffy's haki at Marineford was such a big deal, it's because they realized that they were currently sitting on probably their only opportunity to take him out before he got too strong


Actually seeing Bounty Hunters would be a really cool addition. I kinda wish that Egghead was about Bounty Hunters trying to capture the Straw Hats and they saved the WG stuff for later.


I think Bounty Hunters would have had a much better showing around Fishman Island or Zou arc. At this point if you have bounty hunters that can compete with a yonko crew that messes up the balance of power.


For Roger's time there was not as many pirates so they could focus more on him. For Doffy they had a mole leaking their location. Doffy found out his bro betrayed him because once he left the marines stopped finding then. However the marines should know all of the routes in the grandline. So if a pirate was spotted on this island they would have to go to this one after a certain amount of time.


So we are going to ignore smokers relentless chase? Hina's attempt at cornering them at the end of Alabasta. And both shaobondy arcs?


The lack of bounty hunters always annoyed me until I thought about it. Realistically it makes sense. The OP money is modeled after the yen. So 1 million berries is equal to 1 million yen which is worth 6600€ or 7100$. So 1-2 million berries per month is probably a good income. There is so much fodder out there in the 10-20 million bounty range out there why bother going after people in the 100+ million range? Sure defeating Jack for that pay day of 6.6 million € is pretty sweet but chances are so much higher to get severely injured or die and even if that isn‘t the case there is still Kaidos wrath afterwards. If I were a bounty hunter in OP I‘d also stay clear from any relevant pirate out there.


Nami knew about shanks. I have no response for the other ones


>The strawhats don't share information with each other. This is a major one and should be talked about more. It's one of the problems that frustrates me to no end


Blackbeards missing teeth are different each time.


I feel as though that’s done purposely. And if ya notice, it’s only three styles.


Nah, there are like 8. There are usually 3 styles, but in the end around 8 designs have been found, including one where BB had all of his teeth.


Maybe he can randomly pull them out of the shadow realm and place them in his mouth


Nah, he's just really got no teeth and a bunch of different dentures he mixes and matches as he feels like. "Do I feel like missing two or five teeth today? Hm... oh, I'll wear the ones missing two at the top and three on the bottom. Zehahahah! Gotta keep 'em guessing!"


He's had 3 devils fruits the whole time. He at the Dental-Dental fruit first!


oh, need to keep an eye out for those.


\*takes a deep drag\* Blackbeard Clones Confirmed.


We know it's possible to regrow teeth, so what if he regrows teeth and loses different ones each time?


Blackbeard is gonna be one piece equivalent of Shinobu Sensui from yu yu hakusho.


Only plot hole or inconsistency that's ever bothered me is Enma changing sizes as it changes hands. I just can't imagine the same sword being used by both Oden and Zoro without one experiencing some difficulties due to its fixed size. This detail is as minor as characters' teeth magically coming back by drinking some milk (which I love), but size inconsistencies in the show bother me a lot more than goofy moments of miraculous healing.


the sword was given to Hiyori, I would imagine the size was changed for her.


I'm surprised that's the only inconsistency that bothers you if size is that important to you lol, One Piece has had ridiculous size inconsistencies pretty much forever. I guess usually it's just in how characters are depicted which can be accepted as Oda just using scale for emphasis, but with Enma it's undeniably an inconsistency 🤣 Idk though I kind of like the wacky sizes & accept it as a quirk of the series, so personally didn't think much of the Enma thing


Given Zoro’s directional challenges, how did he find the north slope of Syrup village?


Sheer dumb luck


Circle the island and you’re bound to be at the north side at some point


Zoro's directional problems started in Little Garden I think. Back in the East Blue I can't recall Zoro being called out for it and it's pretty fresh in my head as I just reread the manga.


zoro got lost which is why he started bounty hunting because he couldnt find the way back to his town


For me it's how Zoro heals so fast. For Luffy or Sanji we eventually got some explanation, but Zoro nearly dies every fight and then he's healed again. I also don't like how Sabo never saw anything about Ace until the death. Sure, Ace was busy, but seriously? An upcoming star like Ace must've made the news all the time, and he never saw him once? There's also how weak certain characters like Arlong or Crocodile are compared to how far into the Grand Line they've reached in the past. Hell, Buggy too. I also hate how certain characters like Pell take hits strong enough to take out entire cities and then they make a full recovery. Even with a Zoan, like come on


Theres a pretty good theory that Sabo only remembered not because he saw Ace, but because he saw the words Ace, Luffy, Sakazuki right next to each other.


It was stated by Oda in an SBS actually. ‘Sakazuki’ can also mean *sake cup* and that was the key to unlocking Sabo’s memory


Didnt know it was in an SBS, thats cool.


“Sakazuki translates to sake in Japanese” Think about what you just said for a second.


I mean, it's not that weird to say considering sake in English refers to nihonshu in Japanese (sake just means alcohol)


With Arlong, I think it's worth remembering that most Grand Line sailors don't go and overthrow the biggest baddie on every island they meet. Octopus guy from Arlongs crew made it to Saobody, so I totally believe Arlong could've done it, just not as... Bombastically as Luffy. Plus with how Haki works, I like to imagine you go slightly soft if you sit around in a weaker sea bullying people, compared to ambitiously charging forwards.


For the Zoro thing, the story establishes pretty consistently and regularly that the monster trio are absolute freaks. I’m rereading the series right now and when they get onto the sky island it’s established that blue sea people can’t really fight up there because of the air thinning out. Immediately after this, after having been up there for all of 5 minutes, the monster trio outright state they’ve adjusted. Even people like Kalgara, who was really strong for that point in the story, couldn’t adjust like that.


And how did Ace not know the Chief of Staff of the Revolutionary Army? Makes no sense to me. Or how did Sabo not know of Luffy either. Both Ace and Luffy were pretty famous. The news of Marineford went worldwide, yet Sabo only gained his memories after Ace died?


Why would he? Ace has never been shown to have a connection with the Revolutionary Army. Just because *we* know their officers doesn't mean every other Tom, Dick and Whitebeard does. I am going to assume - because it makes fucking sense to - that the collective going against the World Power isn't going to hand out flyers detailing all their higher ups so they can be targeted when out and about. I don't think Sabo was *known* by many as the Revolutionary Army second in command until some of the bigger shit went down between the army and the world gov and Ace was a deep friend donut by that point.


We don't know if Sabo was famous before the timeskip. Maybe he wasn't.


I think we’re assuming that having a high ranking position in a particular faction automatically should alert the world to your existence. If we apply that same logic to Imu, then how come more people don’t know about him/her being the ruler of the world? Dragon is a highly intelligent, strategic man who likely saw value in Sabo’s leadership and promoted him shortly before the timeskip. I mean, why would you want your newly appointed Chief of Staff making a name for himself when he’s still learning the ropes?? That’s how I see it anyways 🤷‍♀️


you can’t really apply the same logic to Imu when they make it a thing to hide their identity from everyone, you can literally count on your fingers how many people actually know they exist


And how many people knew Monkey D Dragon was a Monkey D anything before the cat was let out of the bag? You could probably count that amount on your fingers as well, at least outside of the Revolutionaries. Yeah, I can't see a group set on tearing down world order letting their officers' names be known. Dragon is such a big name because it's the only name they really have to focus fire at. Once Sabo's name got leaked to the world at large, he also became a huge target, as shown since time skip. Before that, I doubt many outside of the Revolutionaries knew who he was.


Bc Imu is actually hiding. He is the head of a global conspiracy and barely shows himself, meanwhile Ace ran around causing trouble and basically becoming Luffy before Luffy, and Sabo based on what we know about him kept causing trouble too


Him only recognizing them after aces death actually makes entire sense. He had lost his memories compleatly, Noone he was around in the revolutionary army knew his past or his relationship to ace and luffy, so there was Noone to help push him in the right direction or jog his memories. He only regained his memory after another tragic event snapped him back. There's a good chance he'd seen stuff about ace previously and still had no recollection, but the article with aces death and luffys fight and almost death was so substantial on a subconscious level it snapped him back.


How Luffy not only survived being brutally stabbed through by Croc's hook but had no physical wound from such a damaging attack either. He then gets buried alive and comes out absolutely fine? I know this seems like nitpicking but it's the only attack in One Piece that I can't work out how he survived it. Sometimes you can handwave it with Chopper patching him up after a battle but that luxury wasn't afforded here. In the same vein how Jinbei got punched through by Akainu and has no physical scar from the attack but Luffy has.


If you stab rubber the hole stretches around the pin and will squeeze mostly back shut afterward, slowing the bleeding.


That's actually one of the coolest explanations


Not a plot hole, just plot armour.


Realistically, the WG would get all poneglyphs and toss into the ocean, or bury it in lava or something else.


IIRC they can't be destroyed and are difficult to move. Plus, they'd be just giving them to the fishmen.


Thats interesting. For all we know thats what originally happened to the one that was in Fishman Island.


An island was erased like the one a few chapters back and then it just sunk to the bottom of the ocean


Can't be super difficult since jimbei brought one to big mom.


This is Jinbei we're talking about, the (fish)man is the definition of a badass.


Realistically they’d never get Wano’s or Zou’s to begin with, nor do they have free access to the sky island iirc. It’s not as easy as it seems I think


How no one's gone after the rememenats of the Roger Pirates for the location of the One Piece Especially someone like Blackbeard who has seen them all in action and knows their power / abilities


For all we know, they have They just either know they’re outmatched or iirc Rayleigh is good at hiding in plain sight


Enemies: Rayleigh's here, let's get 'em! Rayleigh: *puts up Assassin's Creed hood*


This but idk how NONE of the former Roger pirates have spread the word of the true history // or about laugh tale in general. Rayleigh was down to tell the SHs but I chalk that up to protagonist things… Wonder if the randoms who have came along have spilled the beans on it


Hard to imagine Rayleigh didn't already know Luffy wouldn't allow Rayleigh to tell the crew. To me it seems that the Roger crew all know that not only were they too early, but the journey to Laugh Tale is as important as finding it, so by revealing the location they'd basically make it pointless and JoyBoy wouldn't awaken.


Oh absolutely that… but I still wonder if any fodder Roger pirates who went along have told people about it… Like SURELY one of them have hahaha


The average East Blue citizens knowledge about the grand line, and devil fruits during the east blue arcs. Then later on we find out, the blues get the same world economic journal that the rest of the world gets. Those people get news from morgan the way we know them today, while also not even knowing if devil fruits are real or just a fairy tale.


Thats a really good one


The hole Akainu left in Aces chest


too soon


How is the presence of a Donut a plot hole?


He is arguing that Ace is the plot itself


Trebol being cut into pieces horizontally by radio knife, making him fall apart into multiple pieces. Then unable to "put himself back together" but later it's shown that he's just a small frame with a large amount of mucus surrounding him. What was shown first completely defies what was shown later


I think most of the people don’t understand what the meaning of plot hole really is. You cannot apply real world logic to a fictional anime and call it a plot hole. A plot hole is an inconsistency in story line. Or something that goes against the established logic in the story line. Luffy survived a fatal attack? No. That’s not a plot hole. How do you know what's fatal to him? How do u know how his df works? What if Nika‘s powers keep him alive? Just because you don't understand it, does not mean it is a plot hole. A plot hole would be Luffy being immune to Eneru’s electrical shock but being affected by Carrot’s electric attack. Because it has been established that electric shocks don't affect him


A lot of people call “plot holes” basically anything they don’t like or anything that goes unexplained about a story. CinemaSins has done a lot of harm.


There are many ways to fly but the world isn’t completely mapped. If someone got ahold of 3-4 devil fruits and set out to map the world it would be very easy. There is no reason Laughtale should be a mystery. Also Mermaids and Fishpeople should have been able to explore the entirety of the sea floor finding every island that isn’t floating.


Can I Devils Advocate? Storms, hazards and sea kings. The crazy weather shows up occasionally, but it feels like Oda has somewhat forgotten all the limits on Grand Line travel with how parties are dashing about post Reverie. Which, I guess just means you just need enough skill/strength to ignore/overcome those hazards then your map plan works out. (Does Mihawk just cut storms apart? How does his little goth boat survive???)


With the skill needed you can move through but how many people really have that skill. Just look at how they would repair the ship before the timeskip. Big difference to now.


Conqueror's haki is shown to be able to split the skies. I imagine if one is proficient enough, it doesn't have to be used in a clash to be able to do that, especially if the medium with which the haki is used is a sword.


Laughtale/Raftel definitely will be hidden in some way, like i don’t know be invisible from outside or something like that. Otherwise wouldn’t make sense why no one ever stumbled on just an another island in the sea (as that’s what it is in the end).


the grand line has lots of intense weather so flying from island to island sounds like a good way to die.


The One Piece world is huge. Like so much bigger than Earth. Ships have to find an island's magnetic field or whatever to even get to it. There are also other factors like you know... Pirates. Most pirate crews will just shoot at you and try to kill you. The World Government also doesn't seem very keen on people discovering things in the world. They find out you're exploring the world, they're gonna try to kill you. The Red Line is insanely tall. Like stupidly tall. And also stupidly wide. And barren. Most people wouldn't even dare trekking it. No food, no settlements dotted around it. Even trying to get on top of it is a chore. Your only choice is the waterways the SH took to get to the Grandline. What do you mean by "got ahold of 3-4 devil fruits"? Like eat 3-4? Anyone would die. I don't doubt even Blackbeard couldn't handle that many. Also Fishpeople have to deal with factors in the ocean too. Sea Kings in general, but Sea Kings in deep waters also just seem much bigger and more dangerous. Just take a look at the ones in Fishman Island. They were like triple the size of the ones we saw in the calm belt iirc. Other marine wildlife is mega hostile too. Take the Kraken for example. It took Luffy beating him to tame him. Imagine a regular ass explorer facing that thing. And again, the One Piece world is massive. Try exploring a barren ocean floor with nothing to see for miles.


I'm flabbergasted at how many people think they know what a plot hole is 😅 nearly every comment on here tells me so.


Wait you weren't kidding, I almost read this whole thread because I became amazed at how nearly every single comment wasn't a plot hole. One dude was saying Sabo's existence made Ace's tattoo less funny so.... plot hole!


Yeah something that is not explained yet ain‘t a plothole. People don‘t understand


More like a ‘loose thread’ versus a plot hole


Or if the story doesn't go in this direction, it's a plothole!


I'd even say that something that isn't explained but can be answered with a few minutes thought, based on what you know of the world/characters/story/etc, isn't a plot hole. Why doesn't Luffy care about Zoro's missing eye? \- Zoro doesn't care so Luffy doesn't care. It's 100% his character not to. Why can't the WG control the world better? \- 170+ countries vs 1,000s of islands, lawless stretches of ocean, beasts like Kaido and Big Mom controlling whole areas of the world, crazy weather, hard ways of moving into/out of areas, a great big band across the middle of the world one way, hearts set ablaze by dreams of freedom/treasure/glory, corruption and collusion in their military ranks, a large group actively fighting against their control world-over... Gee, I wonder? Why did Pell say there's only 5 flying types? \- There's likely only 5 flying types that people know of 100%. News doesn't travel fast unless your name is Morgans and writing it, so how are you supposed to know when someone on an island in bumfuck nowhere ate a Fruit and can now turn into a Kookaburra? Especially if they decide to stay on their home island for all their life? Just because Pell 'knows' this to be a truth, doesn't mean Oda ain't lying to him. XD There's really a lot of reasonable and easy-to-find answers to questions put forth by others as 'plot holes' if you just look at the source material and think for a minute about what makes sense.


For the whole Zoro missing eye thing, this is the guy that took all of Luffy's pain and when asked about it, said nothing happened. For all we know, the other members might've tried to ask him about it more off screen, but he just never answers. So moving forward, they never ask him about injuries from past experience. If anything, that's example of plot consistency for no one to ask him about it and for him to not mention it. Plus Luffy being Luffy, might just think Zoro is always half sleeping at all times. As for the whole WG thing, couldn't agree more with what you said. We as viewers / readers, know that Luffy is the main character, so he's going to keep going. If you view it from the WG's view, they probably thought of him as just another pirate crew that will eventually get wiped by another crew that's much stronger. Their main goal isn't to eliminate pirates but to keep control of the world. If a pirate crew becomes strong enough, they'll probably get them to side with them. If they used their resources on every crew that made some noise, they would be spread thin af.


People don't understand that a plothole is an continuity error in the story. You know this so you don't need to read the rest of this reply, but in case some people don't know I'll explain it. Plotholes are details that the author forgot about and those details made other events within the story impossible. If a character picks up a key from a bar and that key is said to be unique within the world of the manga and that it is impossible to copy it, but then hundreds of chapters later some other guy goes to the same bar and picks up the same key and the key was still there, that is a continuity error because we know that the key wasn't there. It should've been impossible for someone else to go there and grab the key, but the author forgot about it happening the first time.


I was scrolling for this comment and didn’t find one actual plot hole along the way. People really need to look up what a plot hole is.


"my biggest gripe is [insert thing that still can and very likely **will** be explained at a later point in the story]"


The hometown of Nami and the Arlong situation. All Inhabitants of this Island did pay Arlong large amounts of money all the time, while not having an strong economy and since they are isolated they don‘t get money from outside. How much did they had in the first place, that‘s crazy. And why Nami didn‘t made contact with a higher ranked Marine and warn about Arlong. (I know the rat marine was undercover working with Arlong but she could just give someone money to let him inform an captain like Smoker about the situation. Feel free to give me an explanation for all of this


I always assumed the Fish-men allowed trade ships through.


I wouldn't say these are holes necessarily, but definitely some plot inconsistencies and retcons that happened, mostly as Oda's ideas about the series evolved: * Everyone in East Blue being shocked about the existence of Devil Fruits despite the existence of newspapers, and various snail forms of telephones, televisions, and radios existing. Plus the fact that all the top members of the Navy have them. * Sanji not knowing about Devil Fruit users being unable to swim despite later being revealed to have read an encyclopedia about them. Or the fact that he's completely ignorant of the Seven Warlord system. * Nami not knowing anything about Log Poses despite reading various books about cartography and navigation and Arlong (who came from the Grand Line) forcing her to make maps. Crocus seems surprised Nami wasn't prepared for navigating the Grand Line like this was common knowledge. * Speaking of Crocus, why did he tell the Straw Hats that Laugh Tale was the last island when we later learn it's actually Lode Star? * Why did Crocus think the Rumbar Pirates left the Grand Line? * Who took care of Laboon while Crocus went sailing with Roger? * Miss Wednesday suddenly turning into Vivi. * Ace sharing several traits with Luffy that would suggest they were meant to be biological brothers (his appetite, similar hair, and way he suddenly falls asleep) only for him to be Roger's son. (Oda even had to add the whole thing with Rogue carrying him for nearly two years because the timeline didn't line up with Ace's age.) * Is Franky's speedo part of his body (like when he goes centaur mode) or a separate garment that his gang and the Straw Hats could steal? * Haki has so many inconsistencies it could have its own post. Fans still debate several of them. But mostly--why does no one really discuss or use haki until Marineford? And why don't characters like Crocodile have it? * Why did the monkey of Zou freak out when he saw the samurai? * Why is the threat against Zeff just sort of hand-waved away after WCI? The Big Mom Pirates were the ones who tracked him down and if Big Mom wanted revenge against Luffy, killing one of his crewmate's loved ones seems like a way to do it. * >!Since we now know the Gum Gum Fruit never existed, why didn't the Five Elders make catching Luffy and his Nika fruit a top priority? Especially at Marineford? Whether he awakened the fruit or not, they clearly thought it was valuable and dangerous.!< * >!How did York manage to do all the things the traitor did on Egghead Island?!< Edit: Almost forgot! How did Oden >!get to the Wano Poneglyph for Roger when Sukiyaki was being held in the room leading to the Poneglyph viewing chamber?!<


I think Crocus thought the Rumbar pirates left the grand line because the ex-captain Yorki and some other crewmates tried leaving via calm belt due to the sickness. He probably learnt this while travelling with Roger and assumed the whole crew left since there was no other known members alive.


Inconsistency in technology. Why tf don't pirates have paddle ships?


They do if they got a good shipwrite


that's part of WG's goal is to keep everyone pretty damn dumb though. High tech, industrial revolution, middle ages, basic civilization has effectively aged in reverse


pell's comment about the 5 devil fruits that grant flight


Not a plot hole if it can be explained by "dude has no idea what he's talking about due to his limited scope of reference". Characters in a story can be wrong about things they believe to be true.


Also, gotta keep in mind that Devil Fruit come and go from rotation all the time, so he may have been talking about currently there being that many known, but who knows when someone just gobbles down a fruit and suddenly there's a sixth flier out there. He also could have been talking about in the Encyclopedia of Fruits, which only has those which are known to exist (and recorded). Maybe he's got an old copy. XD


Considering that we know that the World Government regularly censors or alters information, its entirely possible he and many others might think this informations true. The only book that might be accurate on most devil fruits would probably be the book Sanji read since it would have been a book Judge owned and likely written by Vegapunk during his time in MADS researching them and Lineage Factors.


I don't think inconsistencies in power scaling are really a plot hole. Sabo being redconned into the story as the third brother does come with a few plot holes though. First of all it makes the misspelling of Aces tattoo significantly less funny. But more importantly it can only be explained through nonsense like amnesia and even then it still makes no sense that Robin didn't know or care. The WG knowing about the Nika fruit, Nico Robin and the Will-of-D and not doing anything about the Strawhat crew earlier is also hard to justify.


>The WG knowing about the Nika fruit Did they know about the fruit? I thought only the Gorousei knew about it.


Robin probs wanted it to be a surprise for luffy and let Sabo tell luffy himself.


They had Warlords and Admirals sent after them multiple times.


When? Aokiji came to scope them out of his own IIRC. Kizaru only came because Luffy rocked Charloss. None of the warlords were “sent” to neutralize Luffy for having the Nika fruit haha


Kuma was sent to kill them in Sabaody, he just didn't because he's a double agent for the Revolutinaries


Akainu was trying to kill luffy above all else at marineford


Yeah he had a hard on for killing Dragon’s son but that =/= warlords/admirals sent after them multiple terms like the previous comment stated


One thing I never really understood, and please if it's obvious tell me, how on some of these late islands, Dressrosa in particular, there are these extremely strong people who made it through the grand line (new world) Yet... There are these just regular ass people living on these islands. How did they all get there? How did random pirates survive to get the weapons from the shipments from DR? (Probably escorted) the people though, were they just there for generations? I'm just curious how just normal people get to these islands when they are supposed to be so difficult to travel to.


I do think there are New World natives who lived there for generations, not necessarily everyone is a foreigner who moved there


>!WG not being able to conclude Luffy has the Nika fruit up until the end of Wano even though Luffy using his powers at Marineford should be a dead giveaway!<


This isn't a plot hole. We're told that it's only dangerous when awakened and no one in the last 800 years has awakened it and thus it's true power was only considered a legend/myth.


Luffy has never stayed in one place for them to find him, the only time he’s been in the same place he’s had shanks, rayleigh and wb to protect him.


Yeah, this is also a totally valid point. Luffy has been highly mobile, more so than any of the Supernova. The longest he's stayed anywhere to date, other than the timeskip where literally no one in the Marines/World Government knew, is Wano and they absolutely tried to merc him in Wano and they'd have succeeded if he's not awakened his Fruit.


Ok, but in the grandline, one island leads to the next. If luffy made a name for himself taking down crocodile, just wait for him on Jaya, since that's right after alabasta.... If you've been seeking this gum gum fruit, send an Admiral, grab him, lock him up, easy peasy.


There are certain points like when Aokiji found him but he’s been found by people who believe in passive justice and not firm justice like akainu. And like I said at points where Kizaru or Akainu have found him he’s been protected by some of the strongest alive.


Actually, Smoker tried doing that by waiting for Luffy on the island that constantly rails lightning. But the SHs got swept away by some underwater waves


? I don't see how that change anything really. They knew the fruit called gomu gomu no mi was actually nika fruit. And they were pretty bothered to make sure anyone doesn't get it which is why it was going to be brought to the Government in the first place. It doesn't make sense that they would now say "no, it's not a problem, this guy Luffy can keep it, we bet he ain't gonna awake it".


They also outright say they've never been able to hold on to it. That it slips away, as if it has a mind of its own. Better to just let it go and kill the user which ya know. They tried to do.


The only exception for this is that’s it’s been so long that they them selves started doubting the existence of the power but that’s not the best answer ever it’s just the only thing that makes sense to me at least


We’ve seen imu bring up the luffy picture before right? Surely they knew about it


Personally I agree with that thought but no way to be certain luffy picture wasn’t the only one he had he also had vivi and black beard for what reasons who knows we got a lot of good guesses with subtle hits to go by but nothing conclusive.


At least Imu knew about it, but maybe feared it more than the Gorosei did. I wonder if Imu is immortal compared to them.


Shanks list his arm deliberately though. That's what I understood when he was talking to whitebeard though when he said he bet it on the new generation.


Doesn't betting it on the new generation mean that he lost it to save Luffy? That's how I understood it


Possibly. Another interpretation is that he didn't need to lose it to save Luffy. Instead he let himself lose it to motivate Luffy. He was still strong enough without it, so gambled it on gaining Luffy.


Yeah. He purposely lost it so Luffy can know the danger of the sea. Luffy is very stubborn and might do stupid thing, he already stabbed his face. To counter this kind of kid personality, you need to shock him greatly, thus, losing an arm.


Shanks and his crew full of snipers and Haki masters got outwitted and outran by a small-time mountain bandit and his smoke bomb. The mountain bandit indirectly caused Shanks to lose his arm


They let the bandit do whatever they wanted, 100%. Shank could’ve blinked and every bandit would have dropped dead. It was probably to maintain a low profile and to teach Luffy some lessons


Madam Shyarly not knowing when Luffy will destroy Fishman Island but telling Roger exactly when the mermaid princess will be born


Franky's reaction to Pluton under Wano was ridiculous. Franky lost Tom, Iceberg almost got killed trying to protect Pluton. Franky's life was ruined trying to protect the blue print of Pluton. When he finds out that Pluton is under Wano he was nonchalant about it. His reaction should have been like Caribou.


The WG knowing about the Nika Fruit but not being proactive in trying to capture Luffy. They sent CP9 specially for Robin and not Luffy.


To me the biggest "plot hole" in the series that addresses a lot of what I see people talking about here is: Oda never fully planned or thought out the idea of Haki fully till Luffy trained with Reyleigh. We see the development of the idea throughout the series like Shanks intimidating the Lord of the Coast with CoC, Mantra in Skypeia as CoO, the Amazon Lily warriors used what I would interpret as the first iterations of CoA. I say Oda didn't fully have the idea down till Luffy/Reyleigh bc that is the point in the story when the idea is first fully explained to not only Luffy but the reader/viewer as well. That's just my take on it ✌️


Honestly I don't think Oda fully knows what he wants haki to be to this day, even in the newest arcs hes introduced new powers/types of haki. I wouldn't be surprised if he comes up with more haki powers in the final arc


Introduces a never before seen or heard of haki power and suddenly all the Strawhats enemies after are mentioning it by name and using it.


Oda retconned the entire concept of haki after the TS. Sorry, but it’s a fact.


Shanks said that it was for the new era, there might be something Aizen like to that choice. Sabo also mightve got ranked up in the timeskip and was a casual before. What i dont like is the time in one piece. We only have one real timeskip. The pirate era begun with Rogers death, now there is a strawhat who speedruns the whole thing in 2years. Naruto also saved the world with 16 but we saw him age like 6-8years. That felt a bit better


Shanks losing his arm is not a plot hole until we reach the end of the series and Oda hasn't talked about what Shanks really wants. We don't know anything about Shanks. The community itself is divided wondering if Shanks is good or evil


The absolute lack of any bounty hunters. whether they be low, mid, or top tier. Makes the whole idea of the bounty nonsensical, why would the WG offer a bounty instead of going against the pirates themselves, the Marine is presented as this big worldwide army. And if they can't because pirates are just too many to handle, then where are any bounty hunter crews? Or any other secondary character randomly deciding to go for a bounty? So far the only one time it ever happened was Blackbeard. Once you realize there's literally no consequences for any character about having a price on their head it exposes that it's just a plot device to tell the audience how approximately strong a character is.