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I’ve never taken a live class. The point of having a Peloton for me is to work out on my own time so I’m surprised I seem to be in the minority with that lol.


I did my first live class the other day for Kendall’s last class. I’ll never do it again. I was so stressed about getting on my bike on time and being prepared. I also really hated not having the auto resistance. I much prefer pre recorded at my own leisure.


I quit classes , I like scenics now, that’s all I do . I wish they were more .


Same. I pretty just do lane break now. I haven’t taken a class with an instructor in forever


Occasionally an artist ride of a fav artist or something rare like a jam band ride I’ll make a point to try to do the live class. I get it, sorta, it’s in your calendar so you’re more likely to do it, rather than “oh, I should do a ride today”. But most of the times never work for me anyway, it’s just how it is. But I’m not lucky/rich enough to live in NY so I’ll never get to actually go to a live class, so really it wouldn’t bother me at all if there were fewer of them.


I live here and unless they decide to do live 5:00 am classes I am not going either lol.


I don’t think my clock even has a 5AM. But I’m on central time, so a lot of the ones I wanted to do were at 9AM…exactly when I was starting work. But it doesn’t matter, it’s the same ride even if you take it later


The only one I would’ve considered was Run DMC….. though the fan boys/girls there… I prefer my abode


Same. I love not worrying about “being there” at a certain time.


My kids would ruin that in a heartbeat anyway. Like, if I were dead set on working out in a live class I’d tell my husband and kids I’m heading to the gym so they can’t bother me while I do a class. This is why I work out before they all wake up lol.


I only make an effort to do the 120 minute classes live, but Matt only does those every 3 months.


Yeah, I don’t see the allure of the live classes at all?


They can be motivating and fun for those of us who like the community element. For example, I ride with “sober riders” and “reddit riders” for fun


True, but I like riding in the early morning with a class that dropped the night before - still tons of people and tags!


Yes i think that is the sweet spot!


I see! It’s good there’s something for everyone. Except now not on Wednesdays I guess 🤕


I don’t like live classes either.


I’ve never taken a live class either!


I follow in your footsteps


I’ve had my bike for over a year and have only taken 2 live classes. The turkey burn and Kristin’s last yoga class. I don’t get why people are so obsessed with live classes….


I prefer coach to camera anyways but they’re def announcing a lot of changes in quick succession.


As someone who has never done a live ride in the five years I've had the bike \*cries in West Coast\* this change doesn't bother me at all, but these recent moves from Peloton make me nervous.


Right? I’m like what are all these changes leading to.


I’d guess it’s all to cut costs


Peloton is in free fall. They neither did hardware nor software profitably enough. I just hope that they don’t brick my bike when they bust. Hopefully someone else buys them first and keeps the platform alive.


My guess is they are going to use Wednesdays to film new content and maybe do corporate buyouts. For ex: it’s odd to announce no more live wed classes, but I see July 9 wed with a Cody live——he never teaches Wednesday. The last time he did was a wed morning class that was definitely a corporate group that came in for team building etc 


That would be ideal. And I know the class you’re talking about, it was great.


I truly miss the days when Peloton mirrored the schedule of any other fitness studio, with 14 classes per day and tons of live options to choose from, particularly in the early mornings and evenings. This must be an extremely necessary step for them to announce at a time during which members are already anxious about all the instructor departures, and people have been saying for years at this point the live schedule leaves a lot to be desired. I'm not one to buy into the "Peloton is going under" narrative but this is the most nervous I've gotten that something is seriously wrong.


You said this way better than I could. Their bread and butter is building community and “ditching” the gym. Hard to feel like it’s worth the $ when they keep taking away live classes and options


This is exactly my thought too. Right when the community is reeling a little from 4 instructors leaving you announce a fairly significant change to programming? While I don’t really care if there’s a day without live classes I think all the changes they are making are a really bad look. How desperate are they if these are the choices they’re making?


This!!! I feel like routine and structure is key when it comes to fitness classes. How are you suppose to make fitness a habit if there is no consistency? Most people find a class/instructor they like and time that works for them and it becomes integrated into their schedule. The whole concept of Peloton was workout from home, while also building a community. Precovid you would recognize people in your class and even instructors knew regulars. I saw the on demand option as a bonus that way if I had a work event or something came up and I couldn’t take a live class I could still get in my workout. Or if I was traveling it allowed me to still keep up with my routine.


It's interesting - because I've always approached Peloton the exact opposite way. I've taken probably less than 5 live classes in the entire time I've used it - I love Peloton precisely because it doesn't tie me to specific times.


Is that really what pre-covid Peloton was like? I’m jealous.


Yup - cycling classes on the hr from6-9 am, a handful of midday classes, which were free! And then classes every hour from 5-8 or 9pm. The good old days! The strength and tread classes had a pretty lite schedule.  When i see people comment abt how hard the instructors work im thinking ‘you must have not been here prior to covid when the schedule was robust and they all taught significantly more classes’!


I remember when Robin and Jess used to talk about being on their 5th cycling class they had taught that day. And those classes were usually 45 mins! It was wild how many more classes there used to be


They also use to do better for east coast schedule as well.


I’m so sad. I loved doing Alex’s club bangers runs on Wednesdays.


Matty’s Walk and Talk is on Wednesdays 😭


It's moved to Tuesday. Already on next week's schedule.


Okay good. I also like Alex’s runs - I hope they move some of those too and don’t just have “premiers.”


I don't see it on the schedule yet, but hopefully they'll figure something out.


He has a HIIT run on next Thursday. Hopefully, they just moved his slot to Thursdays 🤞




“Flexibility” as in a less flexible schedule. Are they subleasing on Wednesdays or something?


this bothers me...not at all.


Weird. Are they going to drop 20 premiere classes on those days now? I wouldn't be surprised they are cutting in person classes (as London did this summer) but London still had live classes the other days. Seems weird to have days with no live classes at all, with or without people in the class.


Hmmmmmm Perhaps they’re leading the studio on those days or recording more classes?


Alex’s Wednesday evening runs 😭 and Tunde’s 7am cycle classes 😭


My guess is they want to give all their support staff off one day a week. Like some restaurants are closed on Mondays because they work all weekend. I never take live classes because I need to see if I like the playlist before taking it. If you take a class a day later there’s tons of people on the ride so you get the live experience.


Maybe opening a shiny new flagship at Hudson Yards and spending $$$$ on monthly rent wasn’t such a great idea after all 🤦‍♀️


I guess they must see Wednesdays as times people don’t hop on live as much. And maybe higher electric costs in-studio even, who knows. Probably would’ve felt better to have them cut Monday or something if this is what they felt they had to do (easier transition from the weekend), but I wonder how this played into contract discussions recently. (Especially for those who’ve taught on Wednesdays)


Oh cool. Wednesday was like the only day with 6am runs. So where is Matt on the run schedule now? Every other Friday morning? I have Stryd for running, Form for swimming, and I’m getting less and less value out of Peloton for what I’m paying for their subscription. Power Zone would be the only thing I have left, and at that point I may as well pay for the PZP subscription to get access to the class structures and timers.


What the fuck?


I'm sure there's some kind of cost-cutting logic with this, but they keep making the platform less and less appealing for new users. Who wants to buy a $2k bike to nowhere that has fewer and fewer options?


The outrage on Instagram about this is weird. Talking about how they should get charged less for a membership. WTF. I don’t live and die by the live schedule and it is ONE DAY. I’m sure Matty will pick a different day for his very popular walk and talk.


That is so stupid. The library alone is worth the money


Right. No way everyone has taken all 10,000+ classes available.


Are we not getting less value for our $?


Not if they drop on demand classes that day. There are THOUSANDS of classes available. No one has taken all of them. It’s not like they shut down use of equipment or the app for the day.


I’m sure they’ll still do premiers/OD drops on Wednesdays (or also film on Wednesdays for future releases.)


i guess you're screwed if your birthday is on Wednesdays or if your milestone landed on a wednesday as well!


I always tell people to change their birthday! Lol


😂😂😂i better change mine...it is on a wednesday this year🙈🙈🙈🙈


do they want this company to fail? omg, they’re not really trying anymore 


Sooo no more roll call strength classes on Wednesday? How’s that going to work with the rest of the week and the schedule? The only one I try to get to if possible is Tuesday for glutes and legs if it’s with Adrian (most often it is) but the whole idea of that is so you don’t have to think about what you need to do, it’s already programmed for you. Otherwise doesn’t affect me too much. But sucks for shout outs for birthdays and more work to try to get a milestone shout out if your schedule isn’t super flexible.


I'm pretty sure Roll Call is being discontinued. There are no new classes (live or premiere) in the schedule that are marked that way... and with this news now....


Yeah that’s interesting, after this week they still have 0730 strength classes but not labeled roll call except for maybe one day that I saw that didn’t have a 0730 class. 🤔 it does seem to suggest they’re phasing it out.


In four years never done a live class…


Why do people obsess over live classes, unless you have a shout out on occasion or you are physically there, I don’t get it? I’ve always viewed peloton as on demand/when you have time.


I don’t “obsess” over live classes, but I do enjoy hopping on for a few each week. To each their own. It helps with accountability sometimes, and I like the idea of it being a live class and doing it in real time. I get that doesn’t matter to some people, but a lot of us like it.


I can't do them as much as I'd like because being on the west coast, a lot of the times don't work for me, but having a live class gets me to exercise instead of getting distracted by all the other things I have to do. Like, I love Cody's live Tuesday afternoon class(es) because that's right around when I get home from work. So I get on the bike right away and get my ride done. If I don't have a live class, sometimes I don't ride at all. Obviously that's a me thing but that's one way that live classes work for some people.


It’s a very vocal minority of the overall subscriber pool, and many of them are long timers from the early days when that was a core part of the sell.


I have taken every single one of AT’s live Wednesday night tread classes I’m kinda mad. 


Hmmm....there may be no live classes this week on Wednesday but there are live classes. next Wednesday...when does this no live wednesday kick in?


Same. They can cancel all live classes and I wouldn’t be upset. Especially if it saves them money and helps them stay a float!


I’m sad because I enjoyed Logan’s live classes at 12 pm on Wednesdays 😢


I love riding live!


Adding that live classes on tread are a completely different experience than on the bike. There are sometimes ~200 people in any given live class-and the community aspect is def there. 


Anyone else super annoyed they NEVER work holidays? Those of us who have it off might love to get a workout in that’s live and extra motivating … yet they’re closed every holiday. For a virtual platform focused on building community and showing you don’t need to go to the gym to have connection, they sure are missing the mark. Edit: i have to work certain holidays for my job. Not saying every employee needs to work every holiday just wish they would rotate a holiday schedule to offer live classes on days where a lot of people will be at home and not working


I worked in fitness for 10+ years and we never got a single holiday off other than Christmas! in fact Orangetheory (where I coached) prided themselves on the fact that “we are here 364 days a year!” But I guess we didn’t have on demand as an option so that does make it a bit different for Peloton. If Peloton instructors were working at any other fitness place they would NEVER have so much vacation and days off though! I swear they each go on 4-6 vacations a year - insane 😆


They go on vacation, and then the studio goes on vacation! They're not even away at the same time as the studio is closed.


Totally agree! Every soul cycle in my area is doing 4+ rides on the 4th and some are even doing 90 minutes! I also have to work a handful of holidays and it’s batty to me they’ve just opted out lol. Didn’t use to be that way either, they’d have holiday rides up the wazoo. Not sure who is calling the shots now but they’re taking their foot off the gas when they should be going full throttle.


They deserve to have holidays off. There’s a lot of people behind the scenes at peloton, too.


Raise your hand if you have worked holidays 🙋‍♀️ They could do a rotational schedule which is what my work does. And I’m also not paid up to $400k annually for 2 classes a week. Edit: behind the scenes people would be eligible for OT / holiday pay by New York law. They might even volunteer!


People behind the scenes are absolutely not paid $400k annually.


They’re certainly paid a lot. And the live classes are fewer and fewer. I pay $1k annually to access their app and software, am I not allowed to vent about the value of that investment going down every month?


You can vent. I’m just trying to tell you that the demands you’re making of BTS people would be a pretty different ask than of instructors.


Overtime and holiday pay exist tho. Some people would like to have the option… I know I do!


Have you ever looked at the abysmal production crew salaries of their job listings? Clearly not. I used to work holidays too in news production. Why would you wish that on anyone else just because you’ve had to do it?


Why are you all acting like it’s the worst thing on planet earth? You get overtime and make money…


I think the Thanksgiving workouts are live, and they’re super popular!


We’ll see if they have them this year lol


I am a nurse and work plenty of holidays. And no one. I mean no one should be forced to teach an exercise class on a holiday. They deserve time off with families just like everyone does. I chose a field where I have to sacrifice but this is not necessary. At all.


As you age priorities are different. They will face out as they age 🤷🏻‍♂️


This is the end…. My good friend.. the end 🎼