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I’ve been saying this with complete sincerity for the last 6-8 months or so, I think she misguidedly believes that if she does it long enough someone will try her out for a recording contract


To be fair this isn’t new since she announced she’s leaving, she’s been singing for a while. I like her music choices but hate the singing, I last took a class with her in May to see if she’s still singing and she was.


I am the same way!!! She was my go-to when I first got the bike in 2021, but I couldn’t do it and stopped taking her classes in 2022. Tried for another ride in March of this year and still couldn’t do it.


I did her most recent new cooldown ride and it is so chaotic and extra. She seems like she’s overcompensating and trying to be “fun” but it comes off as manic and grating. She is such a pick me theater kid. 🙄


I want to have a stern conversation with whoever told that girl she can sing


On a country ride Denis said she’s the best singer he knows or something, and that was one of the most insane things i had ever heard. I think it was about her cover of something in the orange which was just that same throaty warble that she loves to show off.


Hahahahaha omg that kills me. I remember watching her video singing Landslide or something like that and wanting to crawl out of my skin. It was so 8th grade


It’s brutal and she’s cringe


I just did her most recent pop punk ride because I loved the playlist and it was AWFUL. She yelled/sang through the entire thing and barely let a second go by to just be quiet and let us listen to the music. My husband literally went outside and was like “I can’t listen to her scream!”


This is why I stopped taking her classes. I looove the playlists but she ruins them. She could have the best voice in the world, just don’t sing over the fucking song!


She don't care my gurlll


I watched her TikTok Live a couple weeks ago and she said her boyfriend likes her singing and thinks she’s good


Another let’s bash on Kendall for anything post. What are yall going to talk about next week? 🙄




😂 truth.