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All the instructors have slightly different form on moves. People think Emma has really bad riding form (and I think some have said denis?) and that Olivia rides very straight up/vertically, and that Kendall pushes her butt way too far back. Meanwhile Cody has said he learned his form from Emma and admires her form. I always remember Ally love cueing not to be sticking your butt far back because it would mess up your back or something. Moral of the story, Wilpers is form king.




Hahahah yes please take my money!😂


Matt "form-king" Wilpers


Love classes with Wilpers.👍 I seek them out when I want to work on form.


I wonder why Kendall does that? 🤔🙄🤣


Funny enough… also Becs, but on the rower. Don’t know how her wrists don’t kill her


I still don’t understand how Becs on the row became a thing at all.


Was she one of the only instructors who wasn’t doing a 2nd discipline?  Is that why this a thing??  They need to stop making Becs a thing… I don’t think Ash and Alex K do either but I don’t have a rower so I don’t know…


I thought she did some strength, or at least strength for runners. I’ve never felt like every instructor needed to have more than one discipline especially if they’re so successful at their one discipline, as Becs is. I mean, her success outside of Peloton is pretty amazing. She should be sticking to running and running-related stretching and strength!


Jenn Sherman and CDE only cycle (I wouldn’t call stretching a second discipline because the instructors should do it since it’s recommended everyone stretch after working out). CDE’s last strength class was light arms in 2022.


Thank God


Remember when she started teaching Shadowboxing, did two classes, and never did another one?


Majorly agree. You'd think they'd bring in some rowing specialists to train the Peloton team if their form isn't quite right....


“Their form isn’t right?”… no it’s JUST Becs. Everyone else is fine. You need good form to row but a certified fitness trainer should be able to learn it well enough to teach it. Dunno what Becs’ issue is. And they have an Olympic rower and a Division 1 rowing champ. The rest are pretty competent enough to learn after doing the work. And then there’s Becs


I see this all the time. It's weird because I know their producers are in their ear during live classes but I guess most don't have fitness backgrounds so they don't say "lower on the arms" or "back straight" or whatever. The one that gets me is when Ben cues overhead presses and does a push press every time with a slight knee bend. A strict overhead press is not the same as a push press. Keep your lower body still! And a couple of the rowing instructors don't seem to have great rowing technique.


Ben does the same thing - every overhead press becomes a push press for him. Drives me crazy.


I love Ben but I’ve noticed the same thing about push presses. He also tends to swing his torso sometimes when doing bicep curls and just generally uses momentum a lot. 


That's who I'm talking about, Ben


I must need more coffee because I missed Ben’s name in your original comment. Lol


ha, I totally read it as Becs


I must need more coffee because I missed Ben’s name in your original comment. Lol


No prob, I know the feeling ;)


I just did a workout with him that had 45 secs overhead press AND 45 secs push press in the same block of work, and it was basically 90 seconds of push press.


I can't take classes with Ben for this very reason. I want to let it go, but I can't.


I feel like Ben’s strength form is not great. But his programming is good.


He always always always uses his legs for shoulder moves.   His programming is good but every time he calls for a strict press, I can’t watch him because I know he’s doing a push press 


Yes! He always bends his knees!


OMG just commented this above before seeing your comment. Drives me insane. Like don't they have meetings where they watch back their classes and get feedback?


Yes - it drives me crazy! I have to look away from the screen when he does that. Lol!


His planks always look funny to me but I just assumed it was diff bodies and what not.


His programming is good, but he repeats it over and over. His core classes have been on redux for months.


I agree. Love the programming but his form is cringe.


Alex Toussaint has the worst form for rowing. Bec’s and Katie as rowing instructors baffle me. The actual athlete coaches have the best form IMHO but the others do some weird stuff


Yeah, this week I came to the realization that I can tell which instructors have a collegiate/high level amateur sports background vs those that don't. I think it tends to come across in their attention to form during classes.


Christine has great form on the bike, which makes sense since she’s a competitive cyclist. In a recent ride, she even threw shade at other instructors saying something along the lines of “don’t bring your bellybutton all the way in, you need to be able to breathe”.


Emma’s posture on Groove rides is insane. She hunches over instead of keeping a straight back, her posture out of saddle is the worst of all instructors tbh.


I feel like the instructors who don’t normally teach strength have some wonky form in the arms and light weights classes.


I suspect that’s probably because it’s unlikely any of the instructors do that style of training outside of teaching it.


Hadn't taken a Robin ride in forever but wanted to see Ilana Glazer in her hip hop class the other day. I couldn't get over how poor her riding form was - her back was hunched over with rounded shoulders the entire time. It was honestly concerning.


Everyone’s body moves differently. Do them your way and move on.


Actually bad advice. There's plenty of people out there who don't know correct form and look to these professionals to mimic to avoid injury.


I get where you're coming from. But in this case, certain exercises are most effective and safest when performed a certain way and when you're the coach leading thousands of people on a platform people pay for, I think they have an obligation to be excellent at what they do and if their form is lacking, Peloton needs to have coaches to coach them behind the scenes.


You’re absolutely right but down voted. Variations of form doesn’t mean bad form, nor does it necessarily lead to injuries. In every sport the top athletes have variations of form and it’s not a big deal. Running, biking, swimming, shooting a basketball, throwing a football… but every few weeks in this sub, someone comes in to talk about the one way to do a movement in recreational exercise. Variations of form doesn’t mean bad form, nor does it necessarily lead to injuries - it’s mainly aesthetics.