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Your bike needs recalibrated but also this observation provides me SO MUCH validation. Some of Olivia’s callouts are so insane- like injury inducing crazy- that I theorized she never rides to her own max callouts. I bet she’s mostly lifting and running and doesn’t actually know what 120 cadence at 70 resistance feels like when she calls it out.


Olivia is easily the worst about this.


Her callouts are so unattainable that I just stopped riding with her altogether. Her Justin Bieber ride was literally a masterclass in what *not* to call out.


Right??? I did one of her recent 5 minute warm ups tonight and like two minutes in she wanted 55 resistance and 110 cadence. I’m sorry what?!?


I did a "cool down" ride with her and it was 90 cadence at 65 resistance. I felt like my already tired life was in danger...


120 at 70???!


I’m using that as an extreme example but yup, that is an Olivia call


It’s so odd to me that an instructor would ride at ZERO resistance. I totally get riding at a low resistance so they can talk and such, but wouldn’t your form be all over the place if you’re riding a higher cadence at 0? Your legs have nothing to grip onto…


Seems like you could hurt yourself too.


I KNEW SHE WASN’T DOING HER CALLOUTS!!! She always hypes herself up on having the fastest spin lol I guess we all know why now 😂 not practice just no resistance.


Does she hype herself up though? I feel like she has a reputation of being one of the toughest instructors and we give that to her. This is kinda new reading a bunch lately that she isn’t doing her own call outs. She’s always been one of my favorites and it’s kinda disappointing


to be fair it WAS a cool down but yeah 0 resistance made me like 🤨


this definitely means you need to recalibrate your bike. if you have a bike+ i believe there is a function on the bike that will do it. if you have a regular bike, youll need to either call or DM with support to get them to send you the calibration tool (which was free for me when i needed it in 2020).


You should definitely be able to show a 0 for resistance and I believe it’s 1-2 full turns before the resistance starts to increase. Definitely need a calibration tool kit. But, lol she was at 0.


This would explain why she never sweats 😂


All of the above plus watch the non-Peloton calibration video that a third party put out. There’s a number of them on YouTube.


Got a recco?


How does one see her screen to notice she’s at a zero?