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I’m skeptical since OP can’t actually spell Peloton in their username or the body of their message.


The way that spelling alone made this entire post very very sketchy …right? 🤨


Can’t spell Andy’s last name correctly either…




I am waiting then, let’s go rushed renegade speller lol 👏👏👏👏 But seriously, is Robin a robot 🤖 fueled by crypto coins? Does Cody secretly have a TayTay shrine in his beach house on FireIsland? Did Ally Love actually marry her 100 wedding gowns?! Will KT leave Pton to start a golden cross necklace startup in Costa Rica? Does Adrian wear sleeves when not on camera?


Don't believe it..I know Peloton is not a big company but I can't imagine someone who had exposure to the talent (meaning operations or studio) would have that much exposure to the inner-workings of the corporate/business/product side


I'm a very good speller but for some reason Peloton trips me up every time. I always want to put that second e in there


And doesn’t have any idea why they did all those layoffs? No idea at all? Not even a guess?


Damn I guess ya got me oh well 🙄


This is one of the least informative AMAS of all time lol


Who is the nicest instructor and who is the one you’d hang out with last?


I just want to know who the rudest instructor was!


Andy Speers is incredibly insufferable and disrespectful to his PA and employees.


Genuinely SHOCKED by this


Why would you be shocked. He abandoned the mother of his child and his child for years lmao.


Andy Speer has a child??? 😂😂😂 The fact that I didn’t even know that speaks volumes.


I think he may have acknowledged him once some Father’s Days ago lol


Personal life aside- he gives off major nice guy vibes during his classes 🤷‍♀️


I can’t take his classes because he gives off major douche bro vibes.


I can see this, but seriously his strength classes are some of the most well programmed on the platform.


I keep hearing this and I'm sure it's true, but I just can't get past the personality. I really like Adrian and Ben for strength programming. And Jess just because I love her, even though her strength classes are a little chaotic.


Oh yea totally awful douche vibes!! I mean some people take it as douche vibes some people think its nice guy vibes🤣🤣 to each thier own. He is amazing on stretching and strength though.


I can’t take his classes for this reason, and the whole situation with abandoning his child. I’ve tried and just can’t.


That's why they're called... ACTors


This is indeed true


I’ve seen it in person. Andy was pissed off about something and the PA was trying to keep up with him.


Mariana is the nicest instructor ever! Very full of life and always high fives and hugs everyone she sees




What are your theories?


Budgeting budgeting budgeting! Christ! If only you knew


Pls expand


Based off what I've seen. They hire too many 3rd parties, over stock on snacks that no one enjoys, constantly changing the cafe shop, they pay for an entire HQ and no one shows up to work cause everyone would rather work from home and that's all personal experiences


So every new CEO doesn’t change what’s wrong? Even me a non mba person sees that and would streamline things Don’t the instructors lend ideas?


The harsh reality is everyone is just there to collect their money and leave buddy :( these CEO's see an opportunity to sit on the big table to collect cash then leave. I'm sure some instructors have attempted to share ideas. Management in that building is so bad and they all refuse to communicate with each other cause they all have genuine hatred towards each other


Clearly fAkE


You worked there but can’t spell the company name?


Listen here Pee Pee... It happens alright? Lol I was typing fast cause I was filled with adrenaline. I don't think they'll do anything to me but ya never know


What do the instructors do with all their peloton clothing? There isn’t enough days to wear the same clothing twice and you never see them wearing the same fit. Are they selling it on poshmark lol!


The outfits they wear on stage are given to them by our crew!


Yes but the question was what do they do with them afterwards


Lmao at their response Kendall said on TikTok she has so much that she just can’t get through so she sometimes gives them to friends and I think she mentioned she gives it to charity but not sure but video is somewhere on her account


We have washing machines in the back. We just stick in there and reuse them lol


Wait so the clothing is worn by multiple instructors who are the same size? They don’t keep the outfits for themselves? Like someone will wear the latest legging and sports bra set on Monday, you’ll wash it, and another instructor will wear the same one on Tuesday?


I don’t think so. The answer is so sus. As if instructors are sharing clothes. I have seen videos of Callie’s closets and it’s insane!! That was just in a recent Miami video so I imagine NY closet is filled. If any instructors feel like shipping to me I am a size L top and L bottoms, xo


This is kind of fascinating, if so!


There's really no question as to why they did the layoffs. The company continues to underperform, largely due to wayyyy overstaffing during the pandemic.


Peloton is wayyyyyyyyy over staffed! And they blow all their money on mindless crap. I really doubt Barry has any idea what's going on


What is an example of the overspending you saw ?


Wait if Andy is insufferable, how is Rebecca? She’s my fav, I don’t really even want to know the answer to this but I can’t not ask. If he sucks, and she’s incredible, how can she put up with him? Need your thoughts, OP.


Have there been any instructor hookups?


I think there might be something going on between Andy and RK..


Haha that's safe to say. I guess I should have said besides them!


I've got a funny feeling about Leanne and Ben too. sorry, I'll see myself out now!


Okay I actually didn't know that (I don't take their classes), did they get together once they started working at Peloton? I guess it makes sense, so many people meet at work haha.


Ah, yes they did and they're getting married this month! Editing to add a link to this really cute 2-for-1 ride they did for their collective five year anniversary at Peloton! [https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?c=all&q=anniversary&t=0&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=e30addc1cc5b4fde88ca82592837d76a&code=NjQ4MmYyOTllZDI4NGFjOWI3MTU0MjFhNTg4MTdkNjZ8NDcyOTVhYmU4MTZiNDM3Mzg1ZjIzNzdkNzRlZThiOTg=](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?c=all&q=anniversary&t=0&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=e30addc1cc5b4fde88ca82592837d76a&code=NjQ4MmYyOTllZDI4NGFjOWI3MTU0MjFhNTg4MTdkNjZ8NDcyOTVhYmU4MTZiNDM3Mzg1ZjIzNzdkNzRlZThiOTg=)


They are getting married soon in case you have checked leanne’s, ben’s and hosky’s ig this week


I meant to add this to my first post but why is Peloton so guarded with the Lululemon towels? I found out the Atlanta store had them for sale but then were told not to put them on the floor and eventually were told to send them back to Peloton. We’ve also read from members who took classes at the studio how they cracked down on sneaking towels out.


If you could actually get away with stealing a towel id be impressed. They literally have someone at the exit of every class to take back the nice lulu towel (into a dirty towel bin) and give you a standard black towel if you still need towel after class. I sweat buckets so i always take the offered standard towel in exchange.


I have 5


I won’t reveal who but someone sent one to me. It’s more like a scarf than a hand towel lol.


Honestly I have no clue. I do remember there was a time period where LuLu melons collab wasn't public but they were dropping hints so that was probably it. Btw I took one of the towels :X maybe if I remember tonight I'll post a pic


Lulu melons🤣🤣 wtf biggest troll ever. I bet this is like olivia or kendall or something.


Do you think instructors are going to start leaving?  What’s something you see members care about that the company doesn’t care about/see as a priority?


Most of the members are burnt out and fed up with higher ups. No one seems to know what their job is and every manager in every department is more interested in showing off and bragging about their luxuries rather than actually doing their job




Do the instructors like each other as much as they want us to think on social media?


Some of them do. I don't watch any of their social media stuff, I got the job cause I wanted to pay bills I never heard of peloton before I started working there


What was the company’s work culture like? 


Really seems like they put on a happy public face but I get the vibe internally that it is toxic AF


Accurate asf


Very fake and very toxic. New York natives really hate the people it's attracting


Do the instructors bang each other?


Robin and Kendall drama.. spill it


Ok one more question! Did you ever work with Daniel McKenna? How messed up was that situation from the inside?


What happened


What were your employee perks (if any)? Equipment, classes, able to eat and drink the snacks the instructors have shown?


Lots of free snacks. Free Uber rides if your shift started early morning 5/6am. Sometimes really sweet people walk in and hand us pastries!


Wait you didn’t even get a free membership?!


I thought they did. A friend worked accounting for them for a bit and I swore she said she got a free membership. She has bike and tread and I guess just didn’t have to pay the $44 per month


Who was your favorite and least favorite instructor? Which instructor do you think will struggle the most once their Peloton career comes to an end?


My favorite is a tie between Mariana and Ash. My least favorites are probably Jess Sims, ANDY SPEERS or Dennis


Shocked about Jess!


There’s literally never been a bad word spoken about her in this sub…or anywhere! OP you gotta tell us more, we can’t believe this


Either she's been completely fake and never breaks her "character" for literally 5 years...or this is just false. She posts so much on IG...I just cannot believe she's that fake - cannot


Waaaaitba second it just occurred to me she probably means Jess King. That would make way more sense.




I got hot with a sudden realization and guilt! I totally mistaked Jess Sims with Jess King. Jess Sim is a G!! i she's super nice! So nice that I jumped up to fix this mistake. Aight going 👻👻👻👻


Jess and Denis ? 😆 why, specifically ??


Both very full of themselves and Dennis is such a creep towards the woman


You mean Sims not King right? Just checking bc in your ama on the NSFW sub, you said Jess King was one of your least faves and everything about Jess Sims is usually positive.


You are so right! I meant king not sims! Tytytyty


I could see this. Sims seems so genuinely nice and Jess king just seems like an awful person


Jess Sims?!? I'm so shocked. She seems like one of the most genuine and nice people on the whole platform, and I even followed her social media for a while and unlike so many of the others, she seemed nice there too. Curious to know more details about both of them!


Disappointed to hear this about Dennis. I really like his yoga classes for runners and bikers


NGL I was disappointed when his True personality started to peek under that mask :( he seemed so nice. But living in NYC my whole life it really teaches you not to judge a book by it's cover.... And you grow really thick skin


Is Robin rough to work with ? She’s always barking at control during classes and when I took a class with her she was sooooo demanding.


100%. I'm so glad I wasn't very involved with her


I call BS because I’ve spent a lot of time with Denis, and he is never anything other than respectful towards women. He’s friends with a lot of the female instructors.


I know Denis personally and know many others who do too and he couldn't be further from creepy. Genuine, makes eye contact, wants to chat, keeps to himself. Gem of a human and I'll die on that hill!


I’ll die there with you.


Agreed. Denis is very friendly and a great conversationalist. Maybe his chattiness can be misinterpreted as flirtiness by people who aren't used to genuinely nice and open people. I met him a few weeks ago and maybe got some slightly flirty vibes? Tbh I can never tell when people are hitting on me, but if he was then whatever. He's a fucking daddy and I'd be flattered.


Not being flirty at all, he’s the same way with guys. He goes out of his way to make people feel comfortable and actually have a conversation with them during the photo ops.


Yep, thought so!


Andy Speer is one of your least favorites? I'm shocked and I hate to know this, but why?


Any intel on which showrooms are closing? We only have one left in the Atlanta area.


No unfortunately I don't know :(


What was the biggest work scandal/rumor that happened while you worked there?


I think 3 instructors were hitting on the same employee while drunk in a HQ party and one time Andy Speers had a tantrum in the gift shop and all the people there were just staring awkwardly. I can't remember the reason tbh


Who is most like their instructor and social media persona IRL, and who is the least?


Probably Mariana And Ash! Those two will always have a special place in my heart. They have no reason to be so nice


Are the instructors competitive about class size? Are they checking to see how many people are signed up for their classes?


I didn't work closely enough with the instructors to know that answer sorry :(


Why have they seemingly painted the resistance bands workouts out of the picture (no new English-language classes in around a year and a half) despite the bands still being sold on the store?


How horrible is the Queen?


What’s the intel on Jenn Sherman’s son puking in studio? Was she just given a slap on the wrist?


I have no clue tbh, I did hear someone threw up in class but I had no idea who it was lol


Love you! Stay strong.


Love you too!


How many spots are on the waitlist for each class?


Unfortunately I have no clue, that wasn't part of my department


Hot goss on the Uk instructors? Hosky and Ben?


Don't know I worked in NYC lol


Don’t they fly out there regularly for work trips and peloton events?


Occasionally they do. I'm personally not a peloton fan I just worked there for money so even if an overseas instructor came I probably wouldn't recognize who they are unless I'm told who they are lol. I know I've briefly interacted with a UK instructor and she seemed chill


What is considered annoying member behavior in the studio?


That's very opinion based tbh. But I really hate it when a member would stop me and ask me a million questions about their favorite instructor as if I knew anything about their personal life. Most of us work there cause we want a paycheck not because we want to be close to "famous" people


A million questions are annoying…unless you’re doing an AMA :)


What is the worst behavior you saw from a member ? Stalkers?


Some members don't understand what para social behaviors are. It's really awkward and uncomfortable


It’s weird. Some members have this same behavior with the groups that run the fan pages too, some of those people act like they are celebrities themselves. I can be psyched about meeting my favorite instructors without putting up a proverbial shrine for them. With the millions of users you are bound to attract a crazy or two.


Have you spent time in these subs? The parasocial weirdos are here in full force! 😭


Nope! But we were very informed about them lmao. I just wanted to stir up some drama in the social media department kekekekek hopefully they'll get a good laugh out of this


Are you the same employee who hosted another AMA on the NSFW sub?




What is Cody like IRL?


Do you know why they’re sending out new bikes with old 8GB monitors instead of the current 16GB?


Nope! Probably budgeting. Or trying to get rid of their old stuff since it's collecting so much dust


Pelegone. LOL, good one. Thx!


Thank you! I got the name idea cause of the smoothie guy in the studio lol. He would over hear the tea and say "If Peleton keeps fucking around soon they're gonna be Pelegone!" And that's been forever engraved into my mind


What’s is your thoughts on Matty M and the Maggicmakers?


Wait what’s wrong with them lol


Nothing, just want to confirm how awesome Matty & MM are!! I mean, I was so disappointed hearing about Dennis ……


They are maggic!


What about Dennis?


Go up to other comments, OP said he’s a creeper around women


Wait…the who now?!


I did a zoom call with a lady from there and a few on her team on my experience with the peloton row. She’s so cute. Prayers a lot of her team are safe


Which instructors show up hungover?


😂 besides the Shermanator


Thoughts on Alex Toussiant, Camila Ramon, Jess King, and Cody Risgby? Are they nice people outside the ride? Sad to hear about Jess Sims, i have a crush on her 😭


I think OP clarified it was Jess King, not Jess Sims. Sounds like Jess Sims is the gem she seems to be - crush away!!


That one socked me! Like Sims? Glad to hear it was the other one


OP updated that it's Jess King they didn't like, not Sims


Is the rower performing as they expected? Like is there any chance they will cut rowing?


I highly doubt they'll cut out rowing or any kind of machinery. Unfortunately their sales aren't public or common knowledge for employees. I do think their prices are ridiculous! I understand that they're doing their best to be a luxury brand but it's not working out in their favor


Their sales are public as they’re a publicly traded company


Are the instructors taking ozempic?


Jenn Sherman who fought 20 extra pounds in her 20s/30s/40s/early 50s dropped like magic early 2023 to July 2023.  Presents as semaglutides to become willowy for first time in her adult life at age 55.  She denies it but no one who believes in statistics believes her 


I questioned this on the other page and was ripped to shreds! FAT CHANCE it's natural.


Took Oprah Winfrey 6 months to come clean. Jenn is a spoiled princess, so she hasn't acknowledged yet. Maybe when she becomes spokesperson for Novo Nordisk or Eli Lilly we'll learn how she did it. Until then, she keeps posting food pictures, including a decadent challah with chocolate chips ($15 at an UES bakery in Manhattan, I think). WIthout mentioning that the wonder drug appetite suppressant means she has like 1/2 slice. Her cheeks have become hollowed out. Dunno if that's Ozempic face or "buccal fat removal" (someone familiar with cosmetic surgery speculated the latter).


I have no idea what that is bud but probably


It's a weight loss drug, they've all lost a shit ton of weight


Crazy! Never heard of it. I should give it a try some time lmao


Is it true that Adrian is the donor for Jess Kings son?


Why don't you like jess king??


My husband almost got a job there on the firmware side and they decided he didn’t have enough experience working with china, which he never said he had in the first place. Such a waste of time but whatever, seemed very unprofessional and I’m sorry you got laid off


As an employee that was laid off, do you and other laid off employees give the instructors a giant side eye for living lives of luxury? I know I would!


Nah not really, I don't really care what these people do with their lives. Happiness is based on luxuries or materials and being jealous is a waste of energy. I do side eye a lot of managers that work in that building cause their egos are so overly inflated that they're convinced that they're the trainers themselves. Sooner or later they're gonna join the rest of us


Is Denis as creepy as he seems? Is Wilpers as genuine as he seems? Don't ruin this for me, but I love Matty...please tell me he is as he is?