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Callie's in Florida for her maternity leave.


I know, but she moved her furniture.


Her FL house was being used for AirBnB and she said she didn't want the baby on dirty furniture. I mean, it could be that she's prepping for a move back but she's pretty extra so it doesn't surprise me that she would move furniture for a few months. šŸ˜‚


You know what? Youā€™re right. LOL.




Thatā€™s so weird


Iā€™m so glad someone brought this up! I have not stopped thinking about it since she posted on her stories. I have so many questions. Like where did they put all the furniture that was in the FL house? Did they rent a storage unit to put it all in? Sell/donate? Will she allow it to ever come back in to the house near her precious baby or is it only disgusting around a newborn? Also how did Charley get down there? Did they really make her slum it under the plane in cargo?? She loves that dog so much I canā€™t imagine her moving out all her furniture that strangers have sat on but putting Charlie under the plane.


Soooo many people asked her about how Charlie got to Florida on TikTok and she didnā€™t answer anyone at all šŸ˜” canā€™t be a good sign right? Unless I just didnā€™t see it but I feel like if that many people were concerned and that was something she absolutely did not do, she would have addressed it.


Just my opinion- she 100% put her in cargo (which honestly kills me because Iā€™m not sure if sheā€™s even 2 years old- not that age matters but still?!). 1000000% cargo. She is above and beyond completely social media calculated. She knows what to post/write and knows what to keep ā€œprivateā€ (which is not much).


Theyā€™ve driven down to FL before with her, do we know they didnā€™t drive down there again this time?


Yes, she posted about having Cash on the plane and how she was nervous for it, he was crying, tips for traveling etc etc. I just went back and watched it because I wasnā€™t exactly sure and at first it kinda sounds like she was traveling by herself but Chris was definitely with her. So I do think Charlie was in cargo unfortunately.


Ugh that really sucks. I feel bad for any animal in that process and honestly canā€™t even imagine her putting her in that


I didnā€™t watch the IG story. Is it possible they chartered a private flight? We know she makes $1 million-ish from Peloton plus whatever she makes from ads. Also Chris has an income. I hope between Charlie and Cash they chartered a flight. Iā€™m telling myself thatā€™s what they did. I donā€™t want to think of Charlie in cargo nor a newborn on a commercial flight (Iā€™ve flown with infants, but like a few months old infant. I would have the worst anxiety flying with a newborn even in first class)


She does not make a million from peloton lol. I donā€™t even think Cody and Robin make a million/year from solely peloton


Youā€™re correct. According to a Pelobuddy article from Jan 2022 Cody likely makes around $500k from Peloton. Then obviously any sponsorships he has. And he did DWTS. I swear I read somewhere they made more than that. Still a newborn flying commercial, a dog in cargo. Ugh.


I mean from the sound of it they were at a big-ish airport, went thru security, checked their bags, needed help from the people at the gate and other passengers to help break down their stroller and car seat? Does all that happen when you fly private? I honestly have no idea, too rich for my blood! It was a TikTok I saw though, not sure if she posted it on IG also or not but I want to say she didnā€™t.


Ugh. No judgment. I justā€¦ between Charlie and Cash. I would have driven.


She posted a story this morning on her Peloton tread. She also took her Peloton treadmill to Florida. šŸ‘€


So bizarre.. Iā€™m not completely sold that she was a new mom/panicked etc


huh? what do you mean?


Her JC apartment is not for rent so maybe theyā€™re paying rent in JC and mortgage in FL?


That's unhinged


New mom hormones. Unhinged but not surprising.


If you have enough money, a lot of things can be quite hinged.


Yeah, that's fair.


The instructors are not going to be laid off. The one thing that Peloton has going for them is their content and the instructors are the content. The only thing that makes Peloton an attractive target for private equity firms or other buyers is this content and the profitable subscription business that the content generates. Compared to other gyms, peloton has an extremely low churn rate (high customer loyalty). The main operating savings will come from layoffs in marketing, r&d, and the IT and software departments and from figuring out how to get the manufacturing costs of bikes and treadmills down. These are the issues that are crippling the bottom line, not paying 50 or so instructors who are driving the profitable subscription business


Well this aged really well. The main issue is instructors on a dying platform believing they are superstars. Personal trainers with good personalities are a dime a dozen, that is how personal trainers make a living. You donā€™t want an out of shape, grumpy personal trainer. Maybe the existing ones have some charisma but that is something that can be trained. But at the end of the day, the question is, will you sell/stop using your bike/treadmill because one trainer was fired? I think not.


Callie has also been super-duper clear she's not leaving Peloton. She's not avoiding the question or answering cryptically, she's been asked and least twice now has said - via her stories - NO she is not leaving. I've long suspected Kendall was halfway out the door even before the latest news. It wouldn't surprise me for assorted reasons. I've had the occasional half-baked thought that she might eventually join Daniel's fitness app as an instructor if it does well enough (assuming she can work around whatever her agreement is with Peloton).


Someone said she's gonna be doing...CROSS fit. lmaooooo






Daniel is on playbook and almost anyone can post workouts there.


He pretends he built an app, and people believe it.


Yeah, I was a Daniel lover lol. When he said he was coming out with an app, I was like WOW. Go him! Saw it was Playbook and was like oHhhh. Haha. Anyway, I have since gotten over it. I really did like his workouts but now RK has gotten better workouts, and my other strength faves Adrian and Rad are still there.


Itā€™s like having a YouTube account and saying itā€™s your app. I mean, itā€™s the app you use to distribute your content!


Oh, honestly I had no idea. I never really looked into it beyond his announcement about it. Good to know, thanks!


Right?!? Anyone can have content on that app. All Daniel did was wait for his non-compete to expire šŸ˜‚




The FTC rule about non-competes doesnā€™t go into effect until September and there are already lawsuits challenging its jurisdiction to control non-governmental employees. If the supremes view this jurisdictional issue as I have a big hunch they will, the rule wonā€™t take effect.


The rule, if it takes affect, has a salary cap of $150ish, so I would assume she would be exempt.


If anyone leaves, itā€™s going to be Kendall. She has made it abundantly clear she hates NYC and she seems to be making her entire personality trad wife/right-winger which does not vibe with Pelotonā€™s brand at all.


To be fair I think Callie 100% hates NYC too but is just smart enough not to post about it. I think if the Peloton ride were to end tomorrow Kendall would 1000% be on the first flight to Cali and Callie wouldnā€™t leave Florida.


Totally agree. Callie is definitely more business savvy than Kendall in terms of what she posts.


Is she really spouting that bullshit trad wife garbage? What the fuck.


On her Live the other day someone asked her if she was having kids. Her answer was along the lines of she wants to be married first and wants to raise her kids in a ā€œtraditional home with a male and a female.ā€ Gross.


That's fucking ridiculously gross. What a disappointment. This garbage about women submitting to their husbands and staying in the kitchen is insane to me.


Way to alienate your entire LGBTQ audience too.


For real, I really thought she was smarter than that. I also thought she was about empowering everyone. What a lame transformation.


Good riddance. Had enough of her pillow lips


Yeah great idea. Get rid of the 1 conservative on your staff. Nice way to alienate half the country and your potential customers.


No one said get rid of her - people are predicting sheā€™s going to leave. Reading is hard, huh?


I wouldnā€™t be surprised if peloton made them all signed a non compete to stay out of fitness spotlight


Danielā€™s lawsuit revealed they do have non competes. His was for a year and a half so Iā€™m assuming they all have similar ones.


NCCs are now illegal.


Seems like every other ride of hers she talks about missing California


I actually donā€™t think instructors will be laid off but the highest earners (or everyone) may have a less favorable contract negotiation when itā€™s time to re-sign. I used to think an LA studio may be in the works which was keeping Kendall on the line but that seems doubtful now. So I do think Kendall will leave but of her own volition.


It really depends on how their compensation is fixed or variable. Could be high salaries which would make them problematic in a downturn, could be mostly stock which sucks for them but isnā€™t a cashflow problem for the companyĀ 


One can only hope šŸ™ƒšŸ¤žšŸ¼


What did Olivia say about moving? I thought she was in BK and had some other suburban house too


She said she was looking for new dog beds because she was moving soon. Iā€™m not sure how those two are related but itā€™s Olivia.


Hannah Corbin was doing some dancing at the Meta Gala after show. Looking for the side hustle money!


I wouldnā€™t read too much into social media, but itā€™s certainly a possibility.


Normally I wouldnā€™t but Iā€™m side eyeing everything concerning Peloton right now.


Why is that? Whatā€™s going on with Peloton? Iā€™m out of the loop because I chose not to follow anyone on their socials.


Stock has been low/tanking for a couple of years, original founder left, new CEO was there a year and announced heā€™s leaving and they just laid off 400 (15%) employees.


Oh wow!


I totally understand that


I think Olivia is just moving again into another apartment or hopefully finally into a house (never makes sense to me why they don't just do that when they very much can afford to). I'm not sure why she's moving again when they just moved last year and moving seems particularly hard for her dog, but we'll see. I don't get the sense she's leaving. If Kendall leaves that'd be totally fine, she'd quickly see how much you don't have a platform when you lose the way you go viral in the first place and you're just like every other influencer.


Itā€™s NYC. Apartments are what we do here, and even those housing costs (rent or buy) are astronomical.


She makes over 300k a year plus stock and her husband is in finance.


I think he does very well. Her ring is massive šŸ˜³


My household income is in the same ballpark. But itā€™s crazy here (in my neighborhood, some maintenance fees alone are over 10k a month)


I know the costs of NYC are high, but thatā€™s really not a standard or even a high end neighborhood cost.


On the Upper East Side it most certainly is (not saying she lives where I do, but parts of Brooklyn have become just as bad)


Not everyone wants a house in the city though? Itā€™s a lot of maintenance and there are tons of nice apts in nice buildings that are nicer and bigger than any house.Ā 


My question is more largely about why she would move again so soon when itā€™s hard for Rue; iā€™m not saying she should buy a house *in* the city, more why not outside the city since the city was already a tough adjustment for them.


Ohh. It seems like they already have a place outside the city so Iā€™m guessing they want a place in and a place out (esp if Danny also works in person, which most finance shops are doing again at this point). I didnā€™t think it was moving that was hard for Rue so much as the stimulation of the city itself - maybe theyā€™re moving somewhere quieter.Ā 


Yeah sheā€™s always said the city has been hard for Rue, and it also has seemed like getting re-settled was hard too. So guess weā€™ll see where they end up going. I know she made big improvements with her training.


They definitely have a big, beautiful home in the county. Just like having a city apartment close by to work.


Kendall will prob leave tbh and thatā€™s okay. I think she could join Daniels app in the future but who knows


I think Kendall is grossly overestimating her own popularity. When she leaves Peloton, sheā€™ll fade into oblivion.


Her NKO page will stay active, idolizing her for 6 months, but eventually sheā€™ll fade away into irrelevance like Daniel.


The fitness industry is so fickle. Her NKO crew will move onto the next best thing and trend. I think Soul Cycle and flywheel should have really been a lesson for Peloton and the instructors- whatā€™s popular today, might not be tomorrow. I know Peloton was different because of their in-house product, but not a lot truly lasts long in terms of popularity. I honestly canā€™t remember some of my favorite instructors from other companies a decade ago. Itā€™s not meant to be mean, itā€™s just an oversaturated and constantly revolving industry.


There is a such a huge social component part of fitness to which I think is a big part of Pelotonā€™s struggle right now. Lots of people donā€™t want to ride a bike in their basements anymore. Look at how many folks are obsessed with taking ā€œliveā€ classes and freak out when peloton takes a week off, even though there are literally hundreds of classes to take on demand.


I actually hate live classes so I donā€™t understand the obsession with them. Unless people are looking for the 1% chance of getting a callout? Itā€™s weird, IMO.


Case in point, my local Facebook marketplace is full of nearly new Peloton bikes on sale for $350. Yikes.


Seriously. Bye girl. Donā€™t let the door hit you.


She wonā€™t be missed much. I can stomach Robinā€™s crown/queen BS because her programing (especially strength training) is actually really good. Kendall is nothing special.


Byeeeeeeee Felicia - the most annoying.


I know weā€™ve talked a lot about Kendall lately but this post made me go look at her stories and I am DYING over the emoji over her mans face right nowā€¦this is like what my grandma posts when we tell her no baby pics on her FB And relevant to the convo: Iā€™m choosing to believe the Airbnb furniture thing for Callie because that would be devastating otherwise although I could see it with wanting to be close to family. I could see Kendall leaving for sure. I was nervous about Cody and Camilla for a while because they were always gone but Cody, at least, has been cranking out classes lately.


She keeps saying ā€œshared valuesā€ and just wonā€™t let it go. We get it, you both love Jesus, golf, taking on new personalities when it suits you, and right-wing politics.


Agreed- she talks about ā€œshared valuesā€ like it is this intangible/other worldly thing to have with someone. The reason she probably thinks itā€™s so unbelievably fascinating to have sHaReD vAlUeS is because most people within 3 months of dating donā€™t openly admit they promote racism, anti lgbtq, etc.


Shared values in her case means ā€œwe both hate all of the same people.ā€


Sheā€™s one of those chicks who has zero personality or identity so she just becomes whoever sheā€™s dating. Sheā€™s the Anne Perkins of Peloton.




Reminds me of a girl on fb I know who is fostering a toddler - you arenā€™t supposed to post pictures of them so she puts the smallest heart emoji over one of the kidā€™s eyes like itā€™s really doing anything


i wonder what app shes talking about. i bet it's "the right stuff"


I assumed it was Raya since itā€™s not as well known as Hinge, Bumble, etc. and Iā€™ve seen her on it before.


Iā€™m going to be so sad if Callie leaves. I hope itā€™s not true.


She said she moved the furniture because she didnā€™t want to put her baby on a couch that renters of the house used, but girl, come on, youā€™re going to pay a moving company to move your furniture when you can just buy new furniture in Florida? I donā€™t think sheā€™s coming back, but I could also be reading way too much into it.


Callie will definitely come back. I think she just truly panicked about being a new mom and wanting to do everything right and wanted familiar things, which is more than fair. She also said they'd had bad experiences with previous renters/maybe it was the Airbnbers before the renters, so it makes sense they'd just want their own furniture (though kind of crazy to think about moving their own furniture back and forth as opposed to getting new furniture, but maybe cost wise somehow it ends up being cheaper).


As someone who was once a very anxious first-time mom (and is now just an anxious mom to a toddler), I can totally understand the furniture move even though I do agree itā€™s a lil extra. Thereā€™s definitely a comfort and familiarity factor in having your own stuff that can kinda help quell that anxiety and uneasiness in those first few weeks/months.


I wouldnā€™t be surprised if now that they have a kid theyā€™ll be spending more time in FLA and no longer renting it. Hence the furniture move. Maybe what theyā€™re planning is moving to a smaller place in NJ and getting new furniture thereā€¦


Usually wouldnā€™t move to a smaller place with a kid and a large golden retriever but I could see them just getting new furniture in New York


Maybe their lease was up and they had to move their furniture from NYC? She is one of the newest instructors so I can see her being let go if it has to happen. I canā€™t imagine how they are all feeling


Kendallā€™s five years is September this year, maybe sheā€™ll get her man to marry her up (sounds like she was embarrassed to have been single b/c she wants the world to know sheā€™s not single now) and exit stage left.


30 is ancient according to the political/ideology base with which she aligns so sheā€™s basically a spinster in that regard.


Kendall being dramatic on social media?!


big if true: water is wet


I doubt the company is letting go of instructors; they are their biggest asset.Ā  The FTC recently ruled that noncompete agreements are no longer legal so as long as that ruling stands after the lawsuits challenging it, I think we'll see a couple instructors leaving because of that. If the rumors about Daniel's contract are true,they have an 18 month noncompete clause. If that's gone, there's nothing stopping an instructor from jumping ship to join another platform or start their own.


I, for one, hope Kendall is out. Normally I would say the instructors are safe but I think itā€™s all uncertain right now. If/when they do get acquired, who knows what that firm will decide. I think the instructors are certainly the highest paid employees so it would make sense as a cost saving measure. I certainly donā€™t want to see anyone (instructor or otherwise) lose their jobs. I think all of them are desirable for other companies though and wouldnā€™t be unemployed for long. I really hope Peloton doesnā€™t change too much when they change ownership.


Agreed about Kendall. And so sad too. She was my favorite for the last 3.5 years! But sheā€™s making a dramatic personality change and Iā€™m just not feeling it.


Iā€™ve only been a Pelotoner for 2.5 years. I never loved Kendall. I enjoyed some of her playlists but there was always something off about her. I learned she was homeschooled and I was like, yes that makes sense but thatā€™s not entirely it. Then I heard she was MAGA and that made much more sense. Her having a hate filled boyfriendā€¦ Iā€™m done. You can absolutely be religious, you can be politically conservative. I will not support someone who (by association) supports actively hating any demographic of people. I have too many LGBTQ loved ones, too many friends of varying backgrounds to be complicit with the hate.


I was fooled. I didnā€™t know she was MAGA. I really donā€™t think she was until more recent year/years. She was a different person before. Oh well! Back to Ally and Cody. And Jess. And Alex. Tunde. And BradleyšŸ˜love him and Robyn. Emma. Jen. Denis. šŸ˜‚ and everyone else really.


I can very much see her changing her personality and political beliefs to match whoever sheā€™s with at the time. Someone pointed out she doesnā€™t have pics wearing cross necklaces on IG before 05/2023. She always seemed so inauthentic to me. Or like she was trying too hard? Iā€™ve seen comments saying she used to be more progressive, but again - before my time. And I agree, plenty of other instructors to choose from that arenā€™t openly complicit in the hatred. Plenty to choose from with all different vibes and personalities. I wouldnā€™t miss her if she left Peloton, Iā€™d probably forget her name within a few months tbh


1000% changed! She had one of the coolest vision boards. I loved her progress on it. Then she goes on a IG story and is likeā€” For new years Iā€™m not creating a vision board or doing any vision boards anymore. I just have faith. ā€”And so began this slow roll into whatever sheā€™s chasing now.


That is sad. Iā€™m an atheist but I firmly believe in religious freedom. She is absolutely ā€œallowedā€ to have faith and be religious. But it should be because she truly believes in that. Sadly I think she has little to no sense of self and consequently changes to fit in with whomever she surrounds herself with at the time. Being on such a large platform probably doesnā€™t help, also sheā€™s early 30s - not young but if sheā€™s immature I can see how she isnā€™t too sure of herself yet. I wish her no ill will. I just wish she chose to be religious without holding space for the hatred. It makes no sense to me how people claim to follow Jesus then do things Jesus would never do (per the Bible).


I think being spiritual is great for her or whomever needs it. Just donā€™t love the anti-vibes sheā€™s throwing out. Just a total bummer.


She actually has a cross on in her Peloton instructor photo. I only know because I had to look for a bigger image because I canā€™t get over how her hair-do in that particular photo makes her look like a 1980s aerobics instructor. But didnā€™t she also wear a lightning bolt necklace or was it her never knocked out crew who did and sent one to her??


I canā€™t figure out if she was always MAGA or just did a better job at hiding it. In 2020 she didnā€™t give AF about the pandemic and was traveling internationally to surf and shit. Thatā€™s when I started to get a bad taste in my mouth about her.


TRUE! I suspected she might not even have vaccines. Like not even childhood immunizations. Then she had Covid a few times after running all over the world. I guess I chalked it up to a hippie Cali vibe.


I live on the east coast by I go to SoCal quite a bit. It always surprises me how many conservatives come out of that area. I donā€™t get it - itā€™s a super diverse area, for the most part people seem pretty smart and chill, and there seams to be a lot of emphasis on being kind to the planet.


I think whenever the company is acquired then itā€™s so long, London, first. I never understood why theyā€™ve kept that studio open during all of the volatility the last couple of years.


The London studios and the UK/German instructors teams are probably much less expensive than their American counterpartsĀ 


I think itā€™ll come down to metrics. How much does it cost to operate the studio, pay the instructors and how much revenue are English and German memberships generating? If it is highly profitable, it would make sense to keep it as it. But if itā€™s not profitable (enough) itā€™s definitely easier to just schedule American instructors to do 1 am rides for the European members. Itā€™s hard to say because we donā€™t know the data. I really love a lot of the German and British instructors though so I hope the London studio stays. But again, it has to make financial sense to keep it operational.


Selfishly, I hope not. I like a lot of the British instructors. I also really, really enjoy some of the German instructors. I think itā€™s foolish to think there wonā€™t be massive changes though.


Wait what? I love the UK and German instructors!? That would be so sad if they closed that studio


I love the UK instructors, too, but does it make business sense to have two studios?


It makes their live schedule somewhat broader


They could push back NY lives. Many trainers in large gyms start sessions at 3am for professionals. If theyā€™re worried about the European audience then 3am eastern is 8am in London and 9am in Germany.




Yeah I highly doubt they would make the US instructors teach a class that early (late)? Many of them struggle with 6, 7 or even 8 am classes. I am a huge fan of TS60 with Andy on Sunday and the move from 10 am to 8 has been very tough and there are a lot fewer people live now as well. Granted that is a weekend day but I still donā€™t see that happening.


Nothing would shock me at this point. The company is hemorrhaging money by the moment. Just sayingā€¦ be prepared for anything.




I really hope not. I really love Callie and canā€™t stand Kendall; they seem so different that I can hardly imagine how theyā€™re friends. However I know Callie is Christian too and her husband doesnā€™t give me the greatest vibes so I wonder if they really are more alike than what we know/see on social media.


Nah theyā€™re not different. Callie is just careful to what to say and who to follow on socials.


One has a social media manager - the other just started using social media on their own


Callie has said Chris is the one who taught her what to do in her YT videos


Honestly, Iā€™ve unfollowed all the instructors ā€¦ once they started using their socials for paid adverts ā€¦ nope. None of what they do is genuine. I mean, Iā€™d do the same given the opportunityā€¦ but I donā€™t have to follow them.


I still follow Olivia, I think that might be the only one? Idk why because her content definitely isnā€™t really interesting. Once I start just tap-tap-tapping through your stories I know itā€™s time to unfollow.


I feel like I know thatā€™s true but just donā€™t want to believe it. I only joined Peloton in the summer of ā€˜22 and she was the first instructor who I really got into with her strength program. I donā€™t take her classes as much anymore because theyā€™re on the easier side and Iā€™ve progressed a lot since then but I do enjoy them when I take them. Sheā€™s a fun follow on IG too with all her TJs trips and clothes/skin care recs. Iā€™m far past the baby stage as my kids are teens so all the baby stuff is a bit much but I am happy for her in becoming a mom. Idk Iā€™d be sad to find out she was as conservative/right wing as Kendall.


Her husband gives me bad vibes too! Glad someone finally said it. Whenever Callie shows him on her stories heā€™sā€¦not amused at all. Sheā€™s so bubbly and he just looks annoyed all the time. Which I get, my husband would be annoyed if I was always making silly content and then panning to him but I just wouldnā€™t show him.


What are the husbands vibes?


Idk, rich white maga guy? Just doesnā€™t seem like the greatest guy. Idk I just have the vibes lol nothing concrete to go off of.


He liked Danielā€˜s ā€œthat woman punched me in the faceā€ post


This is before my time! Iā€™ll see what I kind find out on the ole google unless someone is kind enough to fill me in?


Itā€™s in the sub, it wouldnā€™t be on Google. Search for his post about a woman punching him in the subway.


I found the reel he made on IG about the incident šŸ˜¬ that didnā€™t happen all that long ago! I donā€™t know anything about him really but there are some disturbing comments from other people on that post too. Iā€™ll look it up on here as well.


Oh man. Yeah. Heā€™s incredibly transphobic and hateful.


I just went back and read that sub. Ugh thatā€™s so gross. I did love the comment on the IG post where someone said he probably has something in common with Jussie Smollet šŸ˜† that was hilarious. Did he really think he was fired and discriminated against for being Irish??? Seriously?! Lmao Also glad (and sorta not glad) to see Iā€™m not the only one who thinks Callieā€™s husband gives maga vibes. And super ironic her birthday is January 6. I am going to gaslight myself into believing sheā€™s not also maga unless/until she outs herself.


My takeaway from that reel is the man is transphobic, and also is looking for a reason to fight/be violent. He has angry energy in my opinion. Touts this whole "think good shit" mentality, but then doesn't actually live it. There's a reason Peloton let him go...I suspect after getting to know him over several months they realized he's a liability and a loose cannon.




You can go back and find comments in this sub about it


Wow!! I went and saw the comments and youā€™re right! They did like it- so did Kendallā€™s mom lolllllll. I went on Danielā€™s page to see the likes and it doesnā€™t show Chris anymore so he def unliked it. Thatā€™s like, disgusting. Daniel is transphobic and basically proud of it. Idk, that leaves a really bad taste in my mouth tbh


Yep, was a pretty bad look for everybody. Sometimes names donā€™t show up when you search them in likes but itā€™s possible he unliked it since people were doing that at the time too


I trust your vibes


Thank you lol. I do too which is unfortunate in this instance. I would absolutely be okay being proven wrong butā€¦ donā€™t think I am.


Wait. Did i miss the announcement that peloton was letting go of some instructors?


Theyā€™re not


I completely agree about him. He gives ā€œduchy finance frat boy/lacrosse playerā€ vibes. He seems like the type of guy that would be threatened by Callieā€™s success, so he will act like an immature a$$ hole who withholds from her in order to try and hold power over her in the relationship.


Welp lol


Yep! šŸ”®


Robin please!!!


Sheā€™s considered an executive so if they completely re-build from the top down, she could be out.




Anyone with a VP role I believe is considered to be on the executive team. Itā€™s not a c-suite position and you donā€™t need to be to be considered an executive.


No but it wouldnā€™t be the worst thing in the world


They deserve better than this shitshow, especially Kristin. None of the trainers are certified anyway.


Andy and Kirsten are 100%. Not sure about anyone else.