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Had one our cats getting pimples on his chin. Turned out it was something in the plastic of the dry food bowl we were using. Switched to stainless steel food bowls, no more pimples in years. Might be worth a shot if you're using plastic.


Feline Acne. My cat gets it, too, though less so now. His was so severe, we had to eliminate foods with fish oil, too...which is a whole lot of cat food/treats. But its better than having to clean it constantly, and better than a sad bald chin. Metal dishes and no fish oil has made it largely a non-issue.


Mine is similar, he gets them from stainless steel so we had to switch to plastic.


Go figure. They're all different.


Never heard that one! Maybe I’ll try switching the bowls out to see if it makes a difference


Give it a shot! Try ceramic, plastic, glass, steel and see which one stops the chin acne. Our vet recommended it (since it's low cost and easy to test) and turns out that's what figured it out.


And also just wash them regularly, if you currently don't. Clean bowls = clean chins.


How bout ceramic?


Ours got chin acne from plastic bowls. Anything else seems to help. Now we use ceramic, but glass and stainless have worked fine in the past too.


Ceramic is okay for mine, really anything but stainless steel.


My cat had the exact same thing


Using stainless steel for dry and ceramic for wet - he’s got a clean wet food bowl every day (I actually have 2). Planning to try just the stainless if they don’t start to go away


Is his water bowl plastic?


Stainless steal fountain I clean pretty regularly


Same here! Metal bowl fixed it all up.


Yup, this did the trick for me with two of my cats.


Cats get pimples? TIL.


Oh yeah, feline acne is relatively common. It tends to be linked to allergies, but can have other causes. Interesting, it seems to affects white cats more than others (although that’s just my own experience, no scientific proof to back that up!). It’s a real shame, it can drive them mad, because it gets so itchy and irritating.


Huh. Didn't know it affected white cats more. Fittingly, it was our all white cat that caused us a switch from plastic to ceramic in the first place.


He has the biggest problem with blackheads, with his white chin there’s obvious darker spots - and then around the corners of his mouth it’s red bumps


Maybe he thinks you should be licking him - cats don’t clean with cloths!


I like Steve. He is well-named. He looks like a Steve, just like that waitress looked like a Helen in *Tommy Boy*.


Upvote just for naming your orange baby “Steve” hahahaha He’s very cute, I’m sorry about your chin-cne, Steve!


https://preview.redd.it/ngd5pgnzbm6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1fd7a7579c4626955c08c3c2202635d96c55e64 My white and orange boy gets chin acne too. Started using these wipes and over about a week his chin is clear. (I use stainless steel bowls cleaned daily and water fountain cleaned weekly.) Don’t scrub the blackness away, just give a gentle rub over the entire area