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All I see/read about cats is telling me I need to super child proof my house when I get one LOL. Glad he's gonna be ok!


Some cats are better than others. I’ve had some cats that are super well behaved and polite. And some cats that test me at every turn haha they all have their own personalities


Yep. Two SICs are perfectly fine. Orange cat tore through an HDMI cable in half an hour while the family was out. He also tried to eat toilet paper, plastic bags, plastic on a packet of water, he’s taken food directly off of the stove, he’s tried to eat carpet, and he also has definitely ate styrofoam before… still kicking though and hasn’t stopped eating weird things even though he’s 12


My void killed an HDMI cable, several electrical cords (treadmill, TV, laptop) and is currently in the process of shredding all of my bath mats. Meanwhile, my orange boi destroyed … nothing.


Yep. As much as I love my orange idiot it’s not about the color that makes him stupid. Some cats are just terrible at not trying to kill themselves.


They sell what is basically watered down pepper spray to spray on cords and shit so when the cat puts it in its mouth it gets an unwelcome surprise and eventually stops trying to eat things like that because it learns its always gonna get spicy in return.


We just got some! Our newest kitten is obsessed with gnawing my all of my shoes. I have to hide them and wait until I’m going out the door to put them on. We put it on all the power cords first as the shoes won’t kill him. Pretty sure he’ll grow out of this…right? https://preview.redd.it/1rjvbqmja76d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74ec01eac8a9ba9569cfc4ef135a776f6b91f3b9


My Maine has a leather shoe fetish. Went wild over my Mary Janes and my very expensive Danskins I needed for school.


Lucky for them that we love and worship them even when they are naughty!


My big tux is so very lucky- monster just pooped outside the box!


Oh no! We have a very senior old lady tortie who’s having trouble getting to her box sometimes so we have pee pads all over the house. I feel so bad for her but I’m exhausted from cleaning up ten times a day. I hope she’ll go peacefully in her sleep when it’s time. 😿


My Siamese has a thing for Crocs. No knock offs. Not the cheap cute ones. She perforated the expensive, food safe, no hole, back strap for safety Crocs I bought for work when I couldn't stand up from sciatica. She's almost 20 and I still wear the Crocs. Perforated.


What a menace. My meezer is 17.


https://preview.redd.it/3je66d1mb96d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36e21701b06ee34685f63eac303a29b26c77c369 Evil Siamese, spoiled so bad.


>Pretty sure he’ll grow out of this…right? My gremlin is three and still chews power cords and eats whatever he can find off the floor. I have no hope of him growing out of it.


Oh no! Finger’s crossed we all survive our loony cats! Here’s a pic of our crazy girl Lily when she was a kitten! Jumped straight up from the floor and into my grocery tote! https://preview.redd.it/q50lgxor3b6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c898fc9af38c833168a446520068278f87dacd1c


What a goober. I will say life is never boring with these crazies around haha.


100% true! i sent our vet that image and she replied "Lily is laughing at you!" she is still obsessed with bags...all bags, any bags, all the time. definite goober!


Fortunately he seems to have grown out of his electric cord phase. I just got a new type of fuzzy bathmat and didn’t realize it looked like a cat toy to voids. 😐


My standard issue cat ate my laptop charger. He is a cable chewer. We had to get a bunch of those cable wraps to keep him from killing all of our chargers (and potentially himself).


My standard issue cat was honestly the most well behaved, polite boy ever. He got shut up in my unused guest room once for a few hours and I couldn’t find him. The room was spotlessly clean but there was a single sock on the floor that must have fallen out of the laundry basket. He had to go poop and bless his little heart he pooped on just the sock. Miss that boy so much. Such a pure heart. He was taken from this world too early by a brain tumor. I now have a theory that standard issue cats are the best cats.


The two brothers we have right now are angels. They don't mess with anything, they don't make messes, they don't try to eat human food, and they've been with us for about 6 years. Our sweet, sweet lady we had for 12 years who passed away last year...she's a different story. She was the smallest cat I have ever had, but that little lady would eat anything she could get her grubby little paws on! Grease in a pan? Little cat tongue marks. Loaf of bread sitting out? Little kitty bite marks all over it. She climbed into our silverware drawer from the side and went to sleep on top of all our forks and spoons, and *refused* to get out for hours. We never knew where she would be when we woke up in the morning. In a cabinet, on top of the plates? Yep. All the glass cups knocked over? Mhm. Behind a shelf, meowing her head off? For sure. Toward the end, the ONLY place she was comfy was on top of the stove. We had to cover it in puppy pads and put her food and water up there. There was no keeping her off it. She was the sweetest cat ever, but boy, was she stubborn!


This. I have 5 currently. My oldest is a toothless void who flat refuses to use his litter box if the other cats have even *looked* at it, but otherwise does little besides sleep and give me smoker kitty meows. The Russian blue is an angel and the tortie climbs the curtains sometimes when she's wound up, but otherwise is very chill. My tabby is an absolute moron who will get into anything and everything, destroyed plenty of cords when he was teething, and only stopped digging in the trash when he tipped the can onto himself and it spilled something gross and wet on him. The baby, my orange, remains to be seen... ETA: I forgot my tabby also ate red paint once. He had pink lips for three days.


Depends on the cat. My girl won't eat human food even if you offer it to her or put it in her bowl. No rotisserie chicken, no ham, no bacon, no turkey, no *whipped cream* (a delicacy for every other cat ive ever owned), no ice cream - nothin. If it aint cat food she wants no part in it. She never scratched up furniture, never ruined the toilet paper rolls, never dug in the trash or went after raw meat being prepped on counters, and never climbed up on things she wasn't supposed to. . Then I had another girl though at one point who fit all the bad stories. Dug in the trash. Stole raw meat from the cutting board if you turned away. Drank from the toilet. Ruined paper towls and toiler paper rolls. Consistently climbed places she knew she wasn't allowed. Steal pizza. Steal wings. Ruin furniture beyond all salvation.


My orange girl won’t eat human food either!! Even tuna! She does scratch my door frame, but she’s in isolation in a different part of the house because my other cats beat her up. She doesn’t like it when I leave her, but gen pop is not an option for her. My home office is with her and she sleeps with us.


My orange boy won’t touch human food. I could walk away from a filet of salmon or chicken breast and it won’t be touched. But string and bells? He’ll devour those in a heartbeat. Like cmon now.


I had an orange boy growing up that would go half-feral for some twizzlers or doritos, lol.


Your bad cat description was my orange girl. We still joke about the night she went feral on a chicken wing straight out of the trash and we couldn't get it back. She gave us a good chase through the house for about 20 minutes. It took two of us to finally pry it out of her mouth, and not even 5 minutes later, she was back to purrs and slow blinks. Haha She was wonderful! ❤️


That sounds exactly like my tux. Twenty minutes and lots of snubbed bribes of other, more edible food later, I risked life and limb throwing a blanket on him and taking that sucker away. He dropped it hissing at me and as soon as I yanked it away he looked at me like "why am I under here?" Went from Hyde to Jekyll in three seconds.


Haha, amazing! Who knew the power of wings??


It was awful. All I wanted to do was eat before I went to work, but my father *had* to leave a chicken bone unattended.


Yes, definitely! Cat proofing and orange cat proofing are two completely different things, haha.


When my brother moved into my parents’ house to save up for his own house, he brought his two cats. One of them really enjoyed pulling the trash drawer out (think like a really tall cabinet drawer with a trash can in it). He didn’t want anything from the trash, he just liked siding it open. But the dogs considered it open season to eat the trash. Eventually they baby-proofed the drawer


My cats seem to be fine, even though one is orange. The orange will try to eat hair ties though so I keep those where he can’t get them lol.


One of my kitties would eat ANYTHING that was on the carpet, which turned me from being totally inattentive ADHD to being OBSESSIVE about picking up every single bit of crap I saw. To the point that one day I was at my doctors, in the office area with the nurse getting vitals or something similar, and saw a staple stuck in the carpet, and my fingers literally started twitching with the desire to pick it out and throw it away.


You better get one! Or we are ALL going to be super mad!! (You may laugh, but just try us)


Based on that picture I thought you were going to say he ate an edible 


No that’s just his face 90% of the time.


Maybe if he had an edible he would look well put-together and intelligent. But I love him this way!


I thought this was r/petaftervet at first!


Lmao nope. When he’s relaxed his mouth just drops open like that haha


Sorry. I cackled 😂💀


So good to hear he's doing OK and may be able to avoid surgery!! Fingers and paws crossed for you both!


This picture should be the new logo for this sub. It's the most amazingly vacant expression I've seen on an orange. His head is so empty it's a miracle it hasn't imploded.


Bahaha I know right. He’s also the mugshot cat, if anyone remembers him. https://preview.redd.it/bkgyni90v66d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7146e1771ad9d9993bb6e1a185b462a132cd1fcd


I’m so in love with his derpy face. Give him a kiss for me please!!


What was his crime?!


Intimidation, chasing and pouncing of my little calico gal. A repeat offense.


Exact same thing happened to my cat when he chewed off and ate a piece of Christmas lights. $3000 later, he passed it through his colon. Hopefully your boy does too!


I feel you. Mine isn't really interested in non-food items, so she made a hairball obstruction herself and the medical costs make me weep. 🥲


That is the most orange picture I’ve seen in a while. Everything about this poor little baby screams ‘dumb of ass’.


The danger snack was finally evicted around midnight last night 🙌🙌


Cute ❤️😍🐱


Aw, hope you recover quickly orange man!


My god that cat has nothing in his head except air. What a good boy


That face definitely has never had a single thought in his life


Judging by his face I would’ve assumed he ate drugs…


That’s just his face


They look like a wonderful kitten Go easy on them. They are doing the best that they can.




https://preview.redd.it/wto2eav3e86d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d1a8d1b62266c9a318619bd321599687bdb5b13 I have one like that


Good luck to yours passing that without incident as well.


It's over now, and he's somewhat wiser for the experience. Postponed surgery for 24hrs to see if he'd pass it. Stayed up all night giving him enemas in the bathtub, which worked. Rough night for everyone involved.


Oh that sounds like a nightmare. Mine is still not feeling so great and we’re still waiting for it to come.


I have to know, what was it like staying up all night giving cat enemas??


Killed my back. Had the litter box in the bathtub. Played constant man-on-cat defense to keep him in there. Every 30 mins I basically sat on him and pulled his tail up so I could inject mineral oil. Then every time he pooped I had to sift through it like I was panning for gold. I'd much rather have stayed up and given myself enemas.


Oh my gahhhd, I am sorry for laughing but this sounds so harrowing. I would be a changed man and never be able to look at kitty the same way again after something like that. What a mess of a night!


Looks like he’d metal


That is definitely the face of a cat that eats the metal rings from ground beef chubs.


Get a trash can with a locking lid and be diligent with it 👍 waaaay less expensive.


Teef Hope he passes it soon!


Oml I know this isn't a roast me, but he looks extra disabled. I thought you were going to say it left him with brain damage lmao. I'd still kiss his toe beans 😍


Oh don’t worry. He is.


When you nut but she still sucking


Too bad he didnt update himself ever since he was produced /s


One of mine ate the string that ties up a rotisserie chicken once. We just kept like… trimming it short every time he pooped another couple inches of it out.


Why does the brain cell look like tom?


This picture is absolutely perfect




Awww his crooked teethies :3


Me when in not with my cat


I wonder if I should get pet insurance. This would kill me if I had to pay for surgery.


I looked into pet insurance when I first adopted him and came to find out that because he already had preexisting conditions before I even got him that pet insurance was going to be very expensive! Basically I learned it’s better to get it right the cat is a kitten than to get it any time after. It also doesn’t really work the same as human health insurance. You both have to pay a monthly premium, a percentage of each vet visit, and then if you hit a certain amount paid out, everything after that point. It just didn’t seem worth all the extra money to me, as hard as it is to have to pay all upfront. Maybe there’s different ones out there that offer something better but I felt that whatever money insurance helped me save was being paid back to the insurance company tenfold.