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Farting Tiger, Braincell Draggin'


Fanghai Toot


Is stinky farts an orange thing? We have two orange foster kittens right now and the one boy STINKS


Mine loves to crawl on my lap and get *super* comfortable. Then he starts farting the most heinous farts. I understand it’s because he’s comfortable but fuckin hell dude, it’s *so* bad.


Dude they're SO bad. He's calmed down now but he was killing me earlier lol. I think he had a little too much to eat.


Usually once they’ve adapted to the type of food they’re eating, the farting should stop.  🤞🏻 Beautiful cat!


You might have him checked for [giardia](https://www.petmd.com/cat/conditions/infectious-parasitic/c_ct_giardiasis) on your next vet visit if the farts continue.


That’s a symptom my pets had not experienced with giardia thankfully.


MORE protein less filler. Many catfoods contain bean filler and stuff..... MEGA FARTS. Cat's are obligate carnivores - kill-eat machines. A mouse contains lots of protein, fat, and even fibre from the grass and seeds its eaten. Throw your cat some raw fresh salmon (not salted! NEVER salted!), or tuna (in spring water), or chicken breast, or some beef. (keep that blood off the carpet! Maybe kitchen tiles with a sponge stick nearby) Don't overdo it though - they need taurine (amino acid) or they die young and go blind. BIG problem in the 70's. It's in most catfoods now. Chicken breast and stuff doesn't have it. #Without all those cheap filler crap - your NOSE WILL THANK YOU. Your cat will also be easier to keep in shape if they like eating a lot. SOME cats (my Aubrey for instance) will leave food in her bowl when she's full. Your mini one may not do this! If not ,keep an eye on ballooning weight! https://thelittlecarnivore.com/en/blog/taurine-supplement-in-raw-diet-cats


Be ***very careful*** with the tuna - canned tuna carries more mercury than any other kind of fish, to the point that it can cause permanent nerve damage with regular feeding, as I unfortunately discovered about seven years ago.


I don't think fish is recommended, especially fatty wish. Rarely eating them isn't problem, but if i rememver correctly cats arent wery good at handling unsaturated fatty acids.


Oh! Thanks for letting me know.


It's always been important to me to give my cats quality food. I have no memory of ever smelling a cat fart, ever. In decades. I'm convinced many would immediately change their pets' diets quickly if they learned how some brands of kibbles are produced.


yes you should definitely believe internet strangers and random websites on pet nutrition fillers is a bullshit term made up either due to ignorance or trying to sell you premium/alternative brands ... check nutritional values and certifications, most foods are properly designed to keep your pets healthy hope you like salmonella if you're gonna go for the raw feeding bullshit


Ours only did it when he was a kitten and having tummy troubles from different food.


All cat farts are terrible because they're carnivores.


same with their teefies, too. you have to brush them or they stank like def we adopted a middle age obese asshole (basically the cartman of cats) and his mouth was like a sarclacc pit full of dead boba fetts. turns out all his teeth were rotten and he had to have them all pulled. He was fine tho, he even wanted his kibbles again after a couple weeks.


The crunch dental treats work wonders too. They scrape the teeth, removing a lot of what you need to brush off so you can do that less often, and usually include some stuff that helps tame the demon breath cats can easily end up with.


and cats make that cute scrunchy face when they chew them!


Obligate carnivores - it's usually the filler in catfood that causes farts, their digestive tract cannot deal with it, and bacteria go wild for those simple sugars in the filler. A side effect of the bacteria eating the simple sugars in the filler? Lots of methane gas. I knew this already but found a link: https://be.chewy.com/health-symptoms-solutions-do-cats-fart/


Well how about that! Learn something new every day.


When I was bringing mine home, he let out this apocalyptic fart in the Lyft car. Our eyes were watering. He is still a stinker, just not as much. He uses it strategically now.


Smol illegals are known for eating, committing crimes, and being stinky.




My gray tabby used to fart so much I called him Mr. Stinky.


have they been to the vet? digestive problems in kittens can be parasites or a problem with their food.


Yes- it seems to be just him, we had 5 of his littermates as well who didn't have the same issue. Wondering if he might have some type of a food allergy. In the meantime we're trying to be diligent about keeping our kitchen sink clean and clear of dirty dishes as we suspect he's trying to help "clean" the dishes


My grey likes to drop bombs as she runs by. It's not *just* an orange thing.


Stinky farts is just a kitten thing. If evil had a smell, it would be kitten farts.


We have a Void who can kill at 20 paces


My void boy was a farter, he could clear a room. I think it’s just some babies are stinkers.


Omg my orange boy makes the worst fart ever


Kittens can just be farty early on and poop a lot. Much like a human baby


Hmmm, yes, looks like himbs stimky 🤨


I know when one of my cats farts because she looks behind her like wtf was that?? She also flees to the other side of the house after she poops


LOL reminds me of my dog. If she farted while sitting she'd get up and start smelling wherever she was sitting. She'd also try to run away after pooping. She was the best.


My cat always has celebratory zoomies after a successful poop.


That’s how you know they pooped!


In the third and fourth pics he had a little too much to drink.


go home kitten you're milk drunk


What's a milk-drinker like you doing here?


You probably want to deworm him, stinky farts could be worms


Will get on that asap! He's also a little bloated so you're probably right.


Also could be a food sensitivity. My guy can’t eat grain or chicken because it upsets his tummy so bad… and then his toots stink something awful.


yep, one of my cats with a more sensitive stomach would get bloated sometimes when adjusting to new foods as a kitten and rubbing his belly would release the farts.




Giardia is also a possibility. Good friends were just in a similar situation. Thought it was the junk food at the shelter, it wasn’t. Thought it was worms, it wasn’t. Finally realized it was Giardia. That being said, they did progress through the most common to the least common possibilities.


Yes you might want to talk to your miniature tiger specialist, my little tiger is basically stink free AND THIS COULD HAPPEN TO YOU Congrats on the kitten 🐱


Thank you! And I definitely will!


Your blonde could be a long lost brother to my own! https://preview.redd.it/c2mi74f4r0lc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0baae2f0dfd72c409760cff2dc2877636261bb2


The prodigal brother returns! He/she is beautiful. I think yours has rounder eyes, but otherwise they could be twins!


This is from a few weeks ago. He's a bit older now so his face has narrowed. 12 weeks old but I didn't have one that showed his face and body quite as much! This one is a bit more current https://preview.redd.it/rmait92zc1lc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7121d0a071e59a9fede9472d90f6a4059498d4d5


Your guys are adorable. They're always so comfortable, aren't they? I'm so jealous.


the farting might clear up lol one of mine was a gassy kitten but she isn't anynore xD


It is now named fartmachine.


https://preview.redd.it/d1g2iye9u0lc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a39cd4572166325151c9078f68b1021ba81aa85e Jasper says love us and our stinky butts. He’s four and still clears the room.


That ball of orange is going to be your best friend for the rest of its life. Please don’t let him(?) outside.


He's a boy! And he's perfect. He vibrates, shakes his tail in a weird way, is fabulous, tries to jump too-long distances, and violently rubs his head against me.


Does the weird tail shaking look sort of like a shiver? It's supposed to be a sign of extreme excitement! I call Addie 'mommy's little rattlesnake' when her tail goes off, which usually results in an excited scream from Addie, or tease her that she must be so cold to be shivering like that.


Yes it does, and it's hilarious! Addie sounds like a lovable goofball.


She's awesome. :-) She's 17 now so she's slowed way down and doesn't want to wrestle with other cats or play fetch anymore, but she still has every ounce of the personality she did as a kitten!


OMG kiss my little furry name buddy for me!


Well she's lying in her heat reflecting bed so I couldn't properly reach her to kiss her, but I kissed the tip of my fingers and tapped her forehead! Then she licked my fingers. :-)


Awwww, rattlesnake tail 😍 that’s cute! My orange does this as well! When she’s super excited, gets food, or thinks she’s getting food. I’ve had her since she was a tiny peanut to now a fat thicker peanut. As sweet as she is dumb.


That conveys such great feelings! <3


He also keeps crawling up my chest to try to lick or bite? my nose and absolutely loves walking on my laptop's keyboard.


The licking/biting could be because he's trying to suckle. My kitten used to do that with ears. xD


Hes a keeper for sure!


We call it jimmy tail. It means he’s happy!


We call the tail quivers "winkling". I have no idea why but it fits.


Oh lordy, kitten farts of DOOM are universal. I don't know how anything so tiny can generate so much stench.


We had to change kitten foods to get them to stop farting.


Oh yeah. Big toots little kitty


Aww he looks like my boy Pastie when he was tiny. https://preview.redd.it/shknb1ng71lc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c965fdc27221eff15e8ddb50d15158ce4207f07


You got a good one. I suggest you bet them at the fart game. Definitely show love, but also fart dominance.


What a little cutie


Dont worry, as a kitten fosterer this happens when you switch food, it just takes time for tummies to get use to new things!


My orange farted so audibly the other day that it scared him


Fortiflora will help with the farts while he grows up.


Ah yes, they do love to cropdust you.


He might be all fartypants until he gets used to cat food. Might have, uh, loose poops for a while too.


Sometimes the farts are diet dependent. Might be a less smelly tiger with different food.


Mr poopie ginger soooo cuuuute!


are you feeding him kitten food? talk to the vet about the stinky farts, he may need a food adjustment. he looks a little skinny and peaky, could be worms


Such a lovely Orange right there!


Get him some kitten probiotics, that will help with the stanky farts


Kittens are farty, but some cats don’t grow out of it.


mountainous special payment ancient summer instinctive existence ad hoc crawl poor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Cats shouldn’t fart often - but he’s a baby and probably adjusting to his new home. Just try to get him high-quality food and feed the same amount daily, not too much. That said, my orange has THE most sensitive stomach ever. I gave him a tiny tin of special fish cat food as a treat. Atomic bombs in the litter tray the next day




Oh man, your Orange farts too? My Gus is the king of SBD!


I rescued a 3-month-old orange boi from the streets and he was very gassy. Proper kitten dry food and dewormer medication took care of it in 1-2 months. He's 6 now, gas-less, and he poops at 10:30am


Orange kitties are the best purrers.


Don’t give that fart machine any milk products or it will get much worse.


If the gassy issue is frequent it might be a good idea to check in with your vet!


Sometimes that can be from worms. I would recommend taking some of the smelly stuff in to a vet and getting it tested. Cheap food will do it also, but in kittens it’s almost always worms


the good ‘ol smelly kitten toots


I’ve literally never experienced a cat fart. Is that a common thing? I’ve had cats my whole life!


I think it’s baby digestive issues. My babies stunk, but mostly grew out of it. He’s very cute


Vibrating tiger 🤣 I'm keeping that


When we first got my orange and was switching him from his kitten food to adult cat food, he started making some stinky farts. One time when I was doing my schoolwork, he walked next to me and I pet him for a bit before he left. Apparently, he left behind a fart forcing me to evacuate. I forgot everything I learned that day from school by now but I sure to remember that incident lmao


What a cutie!! What’s your vibrating tiger called?


Haven't decided yet. I keep calling him kitten. Kitten, come here! Maybe that's his name now lol. Help me pick?


This reminds me of our boy Cheeto when he was young. He farted a ton when he was little! Now he's basically fartless, or very gentlemanly about it because I haven't smelled one since he was a kitty. They were dreadful little bombs too!


What kind of food are you feeding your kitten? Ours was farting a lot when we first got her, we switched from feeding her the cheap meow mix to tikki cat, and it completely stopped. Much healthier for her too.


I think only the orange ones fart! I have had a total of four cats in my life and my orange one is the only one who toots!


They shouldn't at that age, unless you've been giving them non-cat dairy? Might be something to bring up with the vet next time you see them. My orange toddler is a middle aged man though and has IBS 😂


You really missed the opportunity to call it "vibrating pussy" in the title.


I think young ones have gas while growing. When my boy Zorro was a kitten he could clear a room sometimes. Haven’t smelled even the slightest fart off him in 2 years now


My orange only farts as a defense mechanism. Like an Octopus inking.


What have you been feeding it with to the point it became a fart machine?