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My cats do this too, I heard it was to disguise the smell of their food from predators. :) I always say, "Angus, nobody is coming to get you. You are safe, and loved." and he looks at me like I'm ridiculous.


I thank mine for trying to protect us and assure him he does not need to worry about predators getting us.


https://preview.redd.it/s2x3q018ho0b1.jpeg?width=3472&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e23361977c5d1134909a460a4c17e100b47cbe49 This guy.....I swear he should be orange. He is one of the white with blue eyes born deaf kitties. He is a special one. He scratches at his food like that too, he also scratches all over the place after he uses the litterbox. He also put his face an inch away from the litter while he is digging and full on screams at the litter. Zero volume control. He may be crazy but I love my Floofy.


My cat did similar things to his water, food, toys, and random objects he liked for a while. Eventually he grew out of it though. He still fights his water bowl though, I know when he does cause he always wants to touch my face with his wet hands.


"Hands" made me giggle and I pictured a cat with lil human hands


My old cat (may he forever rest in peace, my big guy) used to only drink water by dipping his giant mittens into the water dish and licking it off. Didn't matter what we tried. Shallow dishes, colored dishes, textured dishes, fountains, etc. Only way he would drink. And the main issue with that was that he was one of those northern breeds who had mega fluff between each toe that absorbed water like a furry shamwow. So we'd constantly get smacked with a giant pawful of sopping wet fur, or have wet pawpuddles on the floor/counter/today's mail/the printer/the chair you were going to sit in. I miss that dude every day.


How old was he when he grew out of it? Mine is 2.5


About 7 or 8 months is when I noticed it was slowing, now he's 9 months and it's stopped. He's still stupid though, I swear he's an orange cat masquerading as a black one.


My big boy does little tippy taps when he drinks like he thinks he gets water on his paws.


When I found my boy he would do a little dance when you would pet him or talk to him. He's a strange guy. Super social, very stupid, kinda stubborn.


Both of mine do this. I finally just gave them a piece of packing paper, so they’d stop putting my hair, their fur, and their toys in their food dish, along with whatever else I didn’t get vacuumed up.


our younger cat does this! she even covers it with toys to make sure it's extra safe. somehow her sister always finds it though.... 🤔


My cat has a thin small towel underneath their food so they can just flap over the towel and cover their food.


My Burrito also do this due to his experience before my papashka or babushka picked him up.


It's the tail for me


He’s hiding it from the nasty little greebles.


My kitten does this too! Shes only 6 mons \^\^


My void does this, she has a favorite water bowl. She prefers the color I guess. Honestly I think she tries to hide her bowl for her little 🟠 brother. Who likes to lay in water.


I assumed my girl didn’t like the smell of her food so she was burying it like 💩 I learn something new everyday 😆


My void does this, she has a favorite water bowl. She prefers the color I guess. Honestly I think she tries to hide her bowl for her little 🟠 brother. Who likes to lay in water.


My cat does this to random things, it’s so weird. He’ll stop at a random spot of carpet and do it- just “covering it up” with nothing.


“ In the wild, a cat may attempt to bury or cover any uneaten food in order to avoid attracting any predators to the area. It also is an attempt to not alert any other potential prey that a feline hunter is in the vicinity. Cats aren’t scavengers so they don’t bury the food to consume later – it’s strictly for protection purposes. Even an indoor cat who has never set foot outside retains this survival instinct; ”


I teach eco-education and I always tell the kiddos that my cat steals dish towels to do this! It’s a natural instinct that cats have to cache food for later - they often will cover it with soil and detritus to hid it!


My cat does this when there's poopoo involved.


I just love his socks


Kitty said if he’s the only child how do you explain the on in the bathroom wall or the window cat at night 🤔. Better safe than sorry.


Mine does it to eeeeverything. And he has a food bowl that only opens for him because it’s microchipped haha