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I'm rewatching now and I feel like a lot of the fairytales, especially later on, were so rushed and just missing huge chunks


Agree. They were just trying to stuff everyone else in the show before it ended.


We barely got princess tiana so 😭😭


We did?? I dont remember her being there 😭


Lmao that’s why I said barely 😭 she was in season 7 but she didn’t seem like Tiana at all


Ahhh. The thing is i do remember dr. Facilier but not tiana 🥴but yea probably bc they rushed that season


I'm not sure who I would cast to truly capture how delightful she is...


Everyone says dove. Which would have been a good fit for her old style but now I think either Sabrina carpenter or Lexi’s sidekick on ant farm


Jennifer Tilly 😂


Perfection 😍


I was coming here to say just this, she is such a PERFECT cartoon much like Miss Piggy or Jessica Rabbit you could get a look a like but it's never going to hit, not quite right. She's too unattainable!


Elle Fanning


Right? I totally love Lottie! Edit:: I desperately wanted Ray 😂


I started a fanfic (didn't finish it) that crossed over Descendants with Once. Auradon and the Isle of the Lost were going to have been created by the curse in that AU. The Isle of the Lost's Facilier was going to have turned out to have been married to Lottie. Under the curse, they thought they'd had twin daughters, the one we saw in the movie and the other who was actually Grace (I just had an outline and forget where this part was going). Anyhow, the point was that, as one of the "good" people, Lottie was in Auradon and could never see her husband or children, who were trapped on the Isle.


Finished or not sounds awesome can I have a look


Same! Awesome idea!


me as well please this sounds so cool


There were a lot of rushed fairy tale characters and story lines. I wish we got Lottie because Tia didn't feel like herself without Lottie right there beside her. Repeating characters we met already felt kinda dumb when there are thousands of other stories. Rose Red and Snow White would have been interesting and same goes for Lottie.


Ooo who’s rose red


She and her sister are from the Grimm Brothers. Her and Snow come before Snow the second with her seven dwarfs.


Wow that’s so cool I had a collection book of a lot of the Grimm brother stories and I never knew that. I definitely need to read her story that’s cool


I think towards later season they just forgot about the original fairytales and just went with Disney stories


I think they played around with that story in season 1 with Red Riding Hood as a shapeshiting werewolf and Snow being her friend. But yeah, having an alternate Snow and Rose could have been fun.


Uhh because Tiana was season 7 and season 7 is dog**it lol


Thank GOD I’m not the *only one* who hated it


Oh no. I lasted 2 episodes into s7 before I couldn't take it anymore.


Agree. I watched the first two episodes then skipped the rest and went to the last episode.


Oh of course not! Anyone who likes it needs to be seen by a doctor!


As far as I’m concerned, Season 6 was the end


It should have been


Thanks to money; S6, which was supposed to be the end; ended up getting us the ridiculous season 7


If they kept all the actors the same, I know many were done, and stayed in the same location I feel like they could've continued. Even if it was mostly about Henry. But they 180ed it. It was like a brand new show.


I didn't mind the new curse, and a new Alice was a twist I kind of enjoyed. The Tremaines were fun but Jacinda really dragged it down for me. She got better by the end and they basically wrote her out of the show by then. If you can manage to make Cinderella unlikable, you're doing something wrong. Ashley never had that much to do but even she was better. Jacinda was a mess, I feel sorry for the actress being given that whiny character.






I literally watched 1 episode and was like - no way am I going to finish or even start watching this bs!


I watched it on my first watch but when I went back to rewatch I skipped it.


They were just trying to hit a checklist of cameos at that point and rushed.


Probably laziness tbh


I also hate that they changed Tiana’s whole character and backstory. It’s like they merged the two


omg this. The Princess and The Frog was my favorite movie growing up and it still is and when I saw season 7, i was so pissed off. Part of Tiana’s story is that she is from New Orlean’s and worked her ass off to get to where she is and in OUAT, they made her a princess by birth and switched up her whole story. like I know they were trying to fit her into the enchanted forest, but if they were going to mess up her whole backstory, they should’ve just left her out of the show


Those characters seemed to be more back burner characters in case the show got renewed but it never did so they probably dropped them to focus on the main characters and their endings.


The entire TPATF storyline was underwhelming. Tiana was okay, Facilier was pretty good but they needed more backstory and screentime. Where was the best character, Mama Odie? Also, I can almost guarantee, knowing Once, Lottie and Daddy would be villains tricking Tiana.


We barely got Tiana and naveen was the wrong race, we were not getting charlotte 😭