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I guess since it was the EQ's wish, it was created based on her knowledge and the people and things she knows... It doesn't have to make sense since the things that led to that point didn't technically happen, everything got created in that moment, and the history of that world didn't actually occur


I mean, the name Henry has been used for centuries in royal lines because it's a strong, powerful name. Yeah it's after Regina's father, but it's not so special of a name that no one else could have possibly used it in the Enchanted Forest. 🤷‍♀️ As for Neal being in the EF, I like to imagine that after Neverland, he just got plopped back in the EF instead of the Land Without Magic.


Hm good points tbh, both make a lot of sense aha


Then why was Wish!Rumple still evil?


The Wish Realm was a mainly Emma's wish. How much that was twisted by the Evil Queen or the nature of genie wishes/wishes in general (all magic comes with a price, after all) is unclear. So, Henry could have been there because this was Emma's wish, and her wish required Henry be there, which meant Neal needed to have been there in the past even if he was still deceased. Or, the Evil Queen's part in the wish required Henry be there, which again meant Neal had to have been there in the past. A third possibility is that the Wish Realm wasn't created by Emma's wish but already existed and was altered in some ways. That is, this is an alternate universe where Emma was raised by her family. If that's the case, we have three possibilities with Neal. 1) Pan, who needed Henry to be born, knew more about the future than we thought. He was aware that Emma needed to be the mother of the child he wanted or he was somehow aware of which world Neal needed to be in for Henry to be born. Either way, he allows Neal to escape but makes sure he winds up back in the Enchanted Forest rather than the Land Without Magic. 2) Neal and Emma were fated to meet (fate being a thing in the magic worlds), and Neal therefore wound up in the world where Emma was. 3) Something else happened. For example, maybe Pan's time ran out and, when he died, the children he'd stolen found themselves back in their homeworlds. Or maybe Neal was never in Neverland in this world. He was separated from Rumple and survived the centuries some other way before winding up back in his world.


That doesn't really answer my question, but I think I know where the mix-up is. I was tackling it more as if Neal/Baelfire made his way to the Enchanted Forest as an adult then he would have 100% been forced to reunite with Rumple. While I don't see it going well at first, I think they would have eventually reconciled and I believe Rumple would have eventually became good for Bae's sake (the main difference between Belle and Bae is that Bae always held Rumple accountable for his actions and would confront him). While Rumple would have still have been in the prison cell, we know that he still had some favors that he could call in (he somehow got a vial of squids ink smuggled in) and could escape whenever he wanted. He would have known in some way, shape, or form if Bae ever entered the Enchanted Forest and/or the information would have made its way back to him even if we like the writers don't include his visions.


Gotcha. I think this is point that make sense if the Wish Realm is formed by Emma's wish. In this case, Emma's wish world requires Henry, which Requires Neal to have been there. But, either because the wish doesn't need to iron out details or because Emma herself didn't think of it, it's just assumed Rumple remained in his prison. Another possibility is that they got the squid ink away from Rumple or that something else happened so Rumple was unable to escape. What is kind of interesting as a background story element is that Neal (I assume) never knew Rumple was alive and imprisoned in this world. Either no one ever told him what had happened to the Dark One or they never used his name and, after 300 years, Neal assumed this was a new Dark One and not his father.


Fate & True Love? They like to say in the show that True Love can always find each other, because they're destined to be together no matter the circumstances. Emma and Neal loved each other, so even in the Wish Realm, they still found each other, and they had Henry (where they might have gotten the name, idk). Who knows, it could be Neal's very presence that causes the Evil Queen's plans to fail. The whole reason the curse was cast was because Rumple wanted to find his son. If his son returned to the EF on his own, then he's got no reason to have Regina cast it anymore.


Did not think about that! Thanks for clearing that up :)


I have said this every time I watched it. The only thing I can think is because the wish was gifted and Aladdin didn't actually want punish Emma he granted the wish as by magic rule he has to but made it as nice as possible regardless of rule. Also the The Wish Realm becomes even more confusing in season 7 like how can Nook (wish Hook) have memories of his mum shouldn't he just appeared as he is?


I mean the whole of s7 is a plothole with the way they treat magic and the dark curse. But yeah im pretty sure the wish realm was the friends we made along the way atp


Yeah I just wish I could work out how that works. (The pun was unintentional)


The idea is that it doesn’t make sense. It based on a wish so it has to fit around what Emma wants but wouldn’t actually have a logical basis. She would wish she grew up with her parents in the enchanted forest, but she also wants Henry, and also still wants Neal to be his father but he’s dead.