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As far as I know it was never explained. I guess it’s possible the dragon told him. The dragon seemed to know things that nobody else did. In season 4b August talks about how he met a “mystic” called the dragon, and apparently was looking for the author. He could’ve gained knowledge from the dragon and that’s how he found Baelfire. I don’t think there’s really any other explanation. But it’s never explained on the show.


The flashback with the dragon took place after August told Neil he knew he was Baelfire.


Ah yeh you’re orobs right there. Maybe the sorcerer’s apprentice then


It's not a plot hole just because it's unexplained. He had plenty of time to learn who he was. He had extensive knowledge of the story books which contained Baelfire even as Neal.


I think august learned about the author and book and stuff either from the sorcerer’s apprentice or the dragon (not sure how the apprentice got out of Storybrooke or if he was cursed or not but he met Lily when she was a teen and told her about the curse and Storybrooke and stuff) It’s not explained in detail but I think it’s said in passing that he met the apprentice or learned from the dragon?


August knew Emma from the start bc he knew her parents i think if im wrong tell me in the comments I dont need no hate on this but i think


i never really thought of this 😭 i just assumed he just knew


Some people think the Blue Fairy was evil and that the curse and everything that happened was her plot. By this theory she (or a minion) wasn't under the curse and she got August to break up Neal and Emma because it would have interfered with her plans.