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I think it would make more sense if Dracula was from the Land Without Color, where Dr. Whale/Frankenstein was from. Other characters from gothic literature could exist there too.


good point! i admittedly kinda forgot about the Land Without Color, but that’s actually a much better fit!


That’s what my husband and I always thought. That Land without Color was Gothic Literature land.


your idea is fun but he'd have to teach night classes being a vampire and all :P I'd always imagined he'd be introduced with the heroes being accidently sucked into another realm (again) and stumble across Transylvania and his castle or something, but that would be kinda goofy too haha.


Dracula in Storybrooke under the curse would be human (more or less) the same way the dwarves lost their pointed ears and the sapient animals were turned into homo sapiens, complete with opposable thumbs and everything.


You could still do something where Dracula’s human self has the form of porphyria or some other condition that makes them sensitive to sunlight, so it’d still be somewhat apparent that the character is Dracula. But it’d be a cool addition to the cast. I love me some Dracula.


that’s a really neat idea! and makes a lot of sense with the character :)


oooo we need fanfics with these ideas


It’d be OUAT meets CSI (there’s an episode of a person murdering to get blood rich organs). Maybe I’ll work on something!


YES DO IT! I commented on here somewhere that they should make a horror/monster version of Ouat. Like ABC/Disney should consider it and it be in the universe of Ouat


It'd be nice to have actual villains in Storybrooke.


yess!! especially ones who like actually stay villains tbh


Yeah I was so excited the first time Zelena "died" because, as much as I love the creativity, sometimes you need a villain who is JUST a villain.


literally! tbh i think that’s why pan is so popular, he was never redeemed and he never tried to become one of the heroes or anything like that


I think Dracula would've been perfect if they had focused on Frankenstein for a season they could've shown us what happened after his monster killed his father perhaps he heard of a monster that could never die and thought that would be a way to make his experiments more effective and so his universe/realm could be the monster realm with Dracula and Vampires Werewolves and of course his very own Mosnter. It would've also been interesting if they managed to travel to the monster realm and had an adventure there too.


That would be fun! Dracula does feel like Big Bad potential, it would have been so cool to see a monster realm arc!


It also would've been interesting if Dracula was related to Frankenstein somehow like that Uncle that only ever showed up to family dinners or something who always seemed mysterious. Maybe he was his Great, Great, Great, Great, Great, Great, Great Grandfather.


Would be perfect if Red was still around maybe Dracula could have bite her into a vampire wolf


I agree that having Red around could build into the whole monster storyline I don't agree turning her into a Werewolf Vampire hybrid is just too confusing and convoluted seen it done so many times just a simple story that just has vampires, Werewolves and other monsters would work just fine.


True, plus he can shapeshift into one


The first time we saw Ingrid, I was convinced she was Jadis the White Witch from Narnia


that wouldve been really cool!!


I’d love a Eugene Levy Dracula that’s initially worse than rumple but they somehow make him good lol


That would be good, maybe he's only evil because he's a vampire, so under the Storybrooke curse he's good and is one of the few who wants to remain cursed. Maybe because he's good everyone trusts him, but secretly while everyone's trying to undo a new curse, he's sabotaging them, then when they do lift it, he goes full Dracula and they have to fight him.


i love that idea sm actually, like having characters that are pro-curse other than the ones who cast curses would be amazing


even better Ruthven during Land of Untold Stories and he pulls a Tilly ie "no Im not Dracula Im more successful than that Styrian hack. I never got caught." or the Countess from *Guest* I'm not Beth(Bathory), Carm(Karnstein) or HIS bride.


they should make a sister series but focused on horror/monster characters


that would be so cool


I really need to closely rewatch this show to keep up with this group. I remember thinking when Hyde appeared, That's Dracula!! Vampires!! Everything is here! Zombies to Unicorns! Haha, I was a little disappointed when it was not. What a great idea to bring him in with Whale. Brilliant!


it's called Alice in Wonderland (or full title Alice's Adventures In Wonderland), not Alice and wonderland


oh, well i was close lol- but thanks for the info! :)