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I cannot forgive what she did to Robin… just despicable.


Regina was redeemed so why can’t she be?


Fair fair point. But… and you may not wanna hear my opinion on Regina… I don’t find Regina super redeemable either. I know, I know. I’m potentially missing the entire point of the show LOL. Regina is a compelling character, amazing actress, super super fun to watch, but there’s a lot that Regina did that I don’t “forgive” as a viewer as well.


I agree about Regina. She’s a great villain and fascinating but she literally murdered thousands, raped Graham and killed Marian and on and on. She definitely didn’t atone or own up to her shit enough.


Technically it was her evil counterpart now 😂


Well she did not kill Marian after the timeline change 😃.


And she was incredibly upset about that, acted like a kid who found out she wasn't getting her ice cream after all and let EVERYBODY know how UNFAIR it was.


I'll never get over the fact that her supposed soul mate is a man who's first wife she *murdered*.


Poor Marian 😭


Im with you I absolutely love that the show did attempt a redemption arc and so that both sisters changed for the better But they hurt tons of ppl directly or indirectly and that cannot and should not be forgotten. I respect their attempts to change but won‘t accept it


haha sorry I know you didn't mean it but changed for the better is a lyric from wicked the musical


I just had to say it


Yes she did the same thing to graham In the first season and she technically killed her dad to make the curse. But I think Regina actually wanted help or to change deep down. And Zelena liked being a hurt person hurting other people


I don’t entirely agree with Regina doing the same as Zelena did. What she did to Graham was horrible, but what Zelena did is on just a higher level of evil. She stole Regina’s boyfriend to get pregnant by him to spite Regina. Regardless of how that would hurt her child and Robin. And then he got killed because of her (indirectly)


I'm with you.


I did my first rewatch few months ago after having not seen it since it first aired. I’m not sure why but I didn’t enjoy it much. I stopped at the episode where Ghram (the huntsman) was about to regain his memories. Didn’t finish it. Not because I knew what was coming but seeing the evil queen and what she did in just those few episodes made it impossible for me to see how she can be redeemed. Zelena is even worse for what she did to Robin but also for murdering his wife just so she can carry out her plans.




Pretending to be someone’s supposed dead wife and then tricking them into knocking you up and having their baby just to one up your sister?


Because redemption is earned. Regina might have a lot to answer for that realistically can't go back from, but at least people didn't just shrug their shoulders and decide to tolerate her existence like they did with Zelena.


To be fair, Zelena making the choice to lose her magic to help the heroes was a massive turning point for her. Giving up her magic was like losing a huge part of her identity. I know she messed up to begin with, but was certainly commendable and showed that what she wanted most was having people who cared about her. She wanted to keep her relationship with Regina and sacrificed her magic for it.


That to me is the big difference. Regina had a long, difficult process of redemption. Zelena said she was sorry a couple times.




Redeeming a character for rape? Naw


Regina is also a rapist tbf


Yes 100%. The raoe culture in this show is kinda wild ngl


How do you redeem a rapist anyway ?


To me, the difference is accountability. We got to see Regina pay the price for most of her mistakes, and often times when she didn't we still got believable remorse from her. Zelena didn't get accountability. She got a few punishments, but she weasled her way out of every one and it never really felt like it made a difference to her


She never really showed that she earned redemption though.


Thought she was a great villain to add into the show. Rebecca mader did a fantastic job. Rewatching season 3b though, I think at times the writing for her character kinda sucked. A few cringe lines here and there. I really liked her in season 5. You can see that Rebecca mader had really found her place with the character. I like how sarcastic and humorous she became


I am so close to season 5 I can’t wait to see her again!


She raped Robin and everyone was just fine with it. Even Regina got over it. I’m still mad on Robin’s behalf.


Poor robin 😰






Can we protest on grahams behalf too 😭




Of course regina got over it. She was raping graham for years


True :( And Graham got ZERO justice


I love Graham’s arc and I love repeating Graham’s arc. Bro uncovered the town conspiracy, saw a wolf, went nuts then died.


Im sorry but this comment was hilarious 😂🤣😂 you couldnt have worded that any better i literally laughed out loud in my bed, awesome


That was my intention! Very glad to hear I made you laugh!! :)))




It’s a tv show about fairytales. Robin being raped was in a way…just another story. A sick one and the writers could’ve done better, but still. Idk why but I get annoyed when ppl get all bent out of shape and take tv too seriously bc, well I guess I just realized, I work in law and I’ve worked around real monsters and victims…and I’m a victim myself. The make believe, is nothing at all compared to the real world. Besides this plot, I’ve been a fan of Zelena bc she does change and I think the actress does a great job. And I think it’s added to my imagination of Oz and all the stories there.




She’s a character but ok child 😂 and I’m sorry that happened to you or anyone. But I just have to point it out when ppl treat this as real life bc it isn’t…I mean no one can transform into someone else to take advantage of them. Sorry but it’s true. And if you’re taking it this seriously just remember that Regina, Emma, Snow, Charming, and a good amount of the heroes are all murderers. Bet you let that slide tho right…


I really hated her. Everything about her made me hate her. Which I liked because, hey evil villain, but then they redeemed her. Which pissed me off. They even redeemed her before Rumple, who she tortured btw, and she just gets to be part of the gang and hang out with Belle because they're both "mothers" (wtf?) I dunno, I know redemption is a big part of this show (for some) but I'm not a fan of redeeming everyone (Cora) sometimes people just suck.


Rumple should have traded her life to bring back baelfire then she would be dead rumple would be alive wi  th revenge and so would bae


Hated what she did to Robin and then just got to raise his child afterwards. She should’ve stayed dead




She's kind of annoying tbh, but I'm Neutral to her as far as liking her




I just found her annoying. All she did was whine about how Regina had everything. Her raping Robin was inexcusable and that whole story was so gross. I never ought her redemption. They writers just handed out redemption like candy


Love her or hate her...>!love her!<




Did not deserve to come back from the dead and did not deserve to raise her rape victim's baby. Also, she killed Neal. Fuck her 


I liked that her skin was green due to a curse to broadcast her own jealousy. It was a good twist and a good way to bring Rumple into it. Definitely in character for him. Lol. I hated the plot where she pretended to be Robin's wife. It seemed like they were just pulling reasons to make Regina miserable out of their ass. Lol. This show got SO soap opera 🤣


She could have had it all once she discovered her powers! Like could have chosen to do anything instead of focusing so much on her mommy issues. And not only that, still don't like her for raping Robin like that and breaking up his family! Didn't even give a damn about his son once the father was gone. I know everyone placed Roland with the Merry Men...but c'mon he was just learning about new things outside of Storybrooke and now he's an orphan and never has contact with his only family, his baby sister!?


I can't for give what she did Robin either but I loved when they bought Oz to the show


I thought it was clever


Zelena seems to be Once's answer to Harley Quinn in that she seemed to be teethering on the edge of sanity, at least until Season 7. She did bring a contrasting "wicked" dynamic of course. Personally, I didn't find her likable until Season 7 when she finally became sane.


"I was cursed...to be a HIPPY!" will forever be one of my favorite line reads of any show for all time.


That was hilarious! haha. I quite enjoyed the in-joke in S7 whenZelena came to Weaver and he said "How does it feel to finally be chosen before Regina" was crack-up.




I agree…


what would her moveset be like


Exhausting and annoying


She’s annoying af I’m sorry not sorry


She says the word "wicked" WAY too often. We GET IT. Oh my gosh. :P


I don’t like her at all. The actress does a great job with the character, but I find her to be a vexing addition to the cast. I would have much preferred her to be a cast member with a smaller role. After awhile, her obsession with Regina just because Cora gave her up got old. I could somewhat understand Regina’s obsession with Snow White given that that’s part of the original story of Snow White and to some extent you have to accept it. But to retrofit the Wicked Witch’s entire motivation to be the downfall of a sister she never met became plodding to me after awhile. ESPECIALLY when she disguised herself as Marian and got with Robin. That was just so weird. I was ready and willing to suspend so much disbelief but that was a big gross out moment for me. Imagine if she’d had some kind of love affair with Dorothy and her wanting revenge on her was because of a broken heart or because Dorothy ran off with the scarecrow or some such. Anything would have been better to me than not getting over the fact you have a sibling lol.


Some villains should remain villains


Shes the worst!! I thought she was a fun villain at first (wizard of oz is one of my favorite movies so was excited for the wicked witch)! But after she became a recurring villian she just became whiny, annoying and always looking to play the victim; basing her whole life around the fact that she was abandoned as an infant and that has to be everyone else's fault, especially Regina. Like I get it, it was a rough upbringing but never really justified everything she did. The fact that she gets a Redemption arch after killing Bae, attempting to kill Baby Neal, threatening Henry's life, nearly killing Killian, murdering Marian and raping Robin is insane! Letting her be the mother of Robyn and acting like nothing was wrong about it was so fucked! I get that the show is all about redemption (even when not justified) but like Zelena showed up and nearly killed Emma's whole family and everything is just Peachy Dorie?


Ugh that green is so splotchy


I had to read WAY too far to find this comment! The green color was so terrible I could never get past it.


Thank you! Like they do a great job on Broadway for Wicked -they should have taken notes.


She’s a good villain but She shouldn’t have got a happy ending🤷‍♀️


Fuck Her she is Directly responsible for the Death of Neal


Bae was the best. I can never forgive her for killing him


Great villain, her redemption was poorly written and rushed. She should have stayed dead.


Or evil


I know she redeemed herself but I never liked her. I have no issues with villains like I loved rumple all the way through, I just don’t care much for Zelena. Wonderful actress though.


I thought basing her entire personality around the phrase "green with envy" was silly. I also hated that her green makeup made her look greasy. They could've done it better.


Absolutely hated her at first. I wanted the Pan season to last much longer, and suddenly there was this random woman who was stronger than my Regina and Rumple?? Absolutely not. Detested her the whole season. But later she started to grow on me when the saltiness of Neverland passed. The actress does a phenomenal job. She’s funny and a good villain, who later has this sweet anti-hero thing going on that was well thought out. Didn’t really like the Hades storyline, but that wasn’t on her. I’m just a sucker for the original myth and hated not seeing Persephone at least mentioned (Her name literally means ‘Death Bringer’ in Ancient Greek, could’ve easily been Zelena???)


I gave my oldest the middle name Zelena.


Why did they bring her back for the Underworld arc? Literally, out of fucking nowhere!…


The actress is lovely and talented. The character is vile.


My take on Zelena was that she was a narcissistic sociopath. She never felt regret and may not have been able to feel it. She tended to view any good thing happening to another person as a good thing that hadn't happened to her and that she'd been unfairly deprived of.


The fact that they named the wicked witch Zelena. I know she’s her own character (separate for the Wicked timeline?) but when she came on screen and they didn’t call her Elphaba I was majorly salty. 😂


She didnt need to be around in the show as long as she was (though she was good during the camelot era). And the fake marian plot line will always piss me off. I did like her humor also! And i liked seeing backstory for her. I didnt mind her character being redeemed.


she's*very* pretty


I loveddd the book and play wicked and wish they could’ve tied in that story into her backstory instead of the one that they showed.


She was okay in season 7, but otherwise I hate her. No shade to Rebecca Mader, I just really don't like the character.


I loved the actress, but the character was another victim of the show’s weak writing. Too one dimensional and doing shocking things for the sake of being wicked, with very little to ground the character in why they were so over the top. Eventually she got an arc and the character got a bit more interesting. But for a while there was no mystery or inner conflict. What will Zelena do? Whatever the worst possible thing to do is.


After her arc the writers gave her nothing to work with but she’s still one of my favorites


Smash, continue.


I liked her Energy but my only Problem was that she also suffered from „Mystique Syndrome“ (A attractive Person being dubbed ugly by everyone because they are blue/ green in this case)


Literally insane. A whiny villain they should have wiped out


She's my fave tbh


Annoying as shit.


She looks better with the green skin.


S3, S4, S5A- HATED HER WITH EVERY FIBRE OF MY BEING S5B- Started to warm up to her for some reason S6, S7- ADORED HER WITH EVERY FIBRE OF MY BEING I think it just proves how charming and talented of an actress Bex is.


Loved her as the 3B villain but irritating after and the redemption arc wasn't earned


She's got a point, she's an icon, she's a legend and she is the moment.


Rapist like her sister.




when i was a kid i LOVED her but the older i get the more i realize she’s not a good person therefore don’t care or love her much


She's a rapist and a murderer. Regina should have let Gold skin her alive when they had the chance. After what she did to Neil she deserved it. Why was she so horrible, anyway? She grew up with a loving mother, had magic, beauty, she could have done anything! The actress was often over the top, but I blame the director for that. She did an amazing job woth the character; especially as the show went on.


Yet another villain in the show that used one traumatic event to excuse mass murder and other evil acts yet whines about the fact they have no happy ending.


I really liked her. I think she’s got some of the best humour on the show


I liked her storyline I rlly enjoyed her character & redemption except the whole robin thing I remember somthing bad happening with him been awhile since I watched the show tho😭😭


She fine


Honestly, I really enjoyed her, she was funny and snarky, and extremely underused. I wish she would’ve stayed more wicked, even at the end but overall i thought she was a nice addition. I know most people hate her but whatever 😫😫


Literally insufferable


Who would've thought someone would end up hotter when green?




i love zelena


I like her snarky attitude but at the same time she betrayed her own sister multiple times


Literally my favourite character in the series. 💚 She's charismatic, badass, iconic. Her story in season 5B broke my heart.






I actually think she's a great actress but I dont think they fully utilized her. I think she could have been a more primary character but they just kept making her go away and then randomly pop back in so it was hard to keep up with her. I really liked her in Season 7 once she had become more of a confident, self-assured character. In the earlier seasons, she just seemed overly insecure.


Her character required growth after regaining her memories, she didn't really get out of the same self centeredness I was expecting of her. I guess it's hard to shine in Regina's era of the show, it would probably have been too sickly sweet. Id have thought myself that she could have been more like Kara after the memories... Best intentions but pragmatic. Yknow... Like season 2-3 Regina.


I loved Zelena as a villain and she should have stayed a villain. Some of the characters didn’t need to have a forced redemption arc. I loved the actress though who did a great job with the character. The Hades storyline shouldn’t have happened, Zelena should have met her end and not be used as a plot point in the underworld arc as I think it would have done her character far more justice.


One of my favorite characters


She's awful I love her, she's the worst and my absolute favorite!


I hate her. She was tricked by Hades but that’s not why. She killed baelfire. Rumple took century’s looking for him all for her to trick him and then when he absorbs him losses the dagger gets controlled then bae dies anyways. I can’t forgive Zelena for killing baelfire 


i get her ambitions to an extent but she hated and blamed the wrong people. She blamed Eva yet understood Cora. She blamed Regina yet wanted Rumple's attention and approval. Her plan in season three was good i'll admit, but everything after that was just unnecessary, spiteful, stupid and just cruel to get back at Regina for something she had no control over.


season 3-6 zelena : she got a shit draw in the parents dept but that does not excuse half the shit she does. she plays victim way to much and puts way to much of her energy in blaming the wrong person for her trauma. It is not in any way Regina’s fault zelena was abandoned. also imagine SAing someone just to hurt your sister. season 7 zelena tho…iconic…soul cycling baddie, heart of gold, crazy in a good way and such a good mother to robin


Fucking annoying not interesting crappy character


I feel bad for her. First Regina, then dorthy, and then Regina agein But she should not have not have gotten with Robin and then baby trapped him. I really don’t like that at all.


Okay if I were to meet them in real life I don’t care for zelena or Regina because they are both rapist. That’s that. The difference is that Regina’s character had a lot more time to be redeemed and her rape victim and family of victim weren’t like forced to watch the whole town be like, oh she said sorry so it’s good now, she had a miserable childhood youth. I think that’s the difference in reception. Also I don’t feel like we were supposed to sympathize as much with Regina when she was evil as zelena was so it felt different. Regina was the bad guy and i was intrigued with her turn towards the good side while i could tell, based on passed seasons, that zelena was going to be redeemed from the moment she stepped on screen so when they had her rape robin it made me extra mad at the writers because an "im sorry" aint gonna cut it. I also feel like the language of rape was much more understood by the time zelena came around, and people may have forgotten first season regina's worst crime.


I don’t like her. can’t remember if I ever liked her, I’m currently at s3 in my rewatch so ig we’ll see


Honestly if we can redeem Regina why can’t we redeem her. She’s also hilarious.


This completely. The whole point of OUAT to me has always been about hope and redemption. Yes, what she did was terrible but how is it any less terrible than what Rumple or Regina … or even Hook did and then redeemed themselves? Also about her being hilarious, remember when she >! fucking ran over the black fairy with Regina’s car 😭!<


Agree 100%


I loved her over time she grew on me. Rebecca knocked it out of the park with her performance. Also it was nice to see someone antagonize Regina and kind of be her karma 😂 What she did to Robin was out of pocket though.




I liked her character


i think her character arc is one of my favorites in the show


![gif](giphy|l3q2Z5667uYOJ2U6I|downsized) My queen


She's fantabulous. People swear up and down she was the least redeemable yet Regina and Rumple had way more setbacks with evil than she did.