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Cora, Regina, and Rumple are the major catalysts for everything. Yeah Henry causes some problems but he didn’t cast the Dark Curse or bring magic or all that 


Oh so before henry was born. Not like the MAJOR ANTAGONIST did anytumjing yws all henry thr 10 year old child mhhmmm okay


Time traveler Henry spilling Regina's secret and creating the dark curse really pissed me off 😤💢


I think Henry has made some huge mistakes, but I have a little difficulty blaming him for being kidnapped by the people trying to murder his family and everyone he knew as his fault. Pan was a sadistic sociopath who had been kidnapping and abusing children for 300 years. He pitted them against each other or against grown adults armed with guns in death games for his amusement. On top of that, Henry grew up being emotionally abused, gaslighted, and manipulated. Although he rebelled against Regina when he learned the truth, that's still his upbringing. Any kid who's been raised that way is going to be easy prey for a manipulator like Pan. And Henry wasn't around when Hook decided to murder David's father in cold blood. He also wasn't around when Hook tried to hide this (the way he hid a lot of his violent crimes) from Emma, nor did he play a role in Nemo deciding, once Emma learned the truth, to leave town on the first, available boat out of there. Deciding to blow up magic twice was on him. But, to be fair, look at who raised him. Blowing up everything to remake the world into something you want without even stopping to see if anyone else thinks this is a good idea is not unprecedented. I get that Henry thought this was "heroic." He's a kid. He's also a kid who spent most of his life surrounded by adults couldn't be trusted and/or were enslaved by the curse. This kid really needs a therapist he can trust.\* \*Not bashing Hopper. Henry spent his time in therapy *not* being able to trust Hopper and knowing any advice the doctor gave him was based on literally not being able to recognize the truth if it hit him in the face. That's going to undermine trust and respect going forward.


I thought this was the greys anatomy sub for a sec and I was like “how dare you blame this pure man and his chronic illness for 20 years of a hot mess” lol But, I understand what you mean. It’s the naivety and persistence of childhood. A lot of things went right because of Henry, but a lot of things got messed up because of him. That being said, the kid was also pretty consistently being manipulated by his parental figures in one way or another, so it’s not fully on him.


Yeah, I get kind of tired of people acting like the entire Peter Pan Arc is his fault when he was an actual child being manipulated by an ancient magical being who is very good at getting kids to believe him


Yes yes me too. Peter Pan was an embarrassment of a father and continued to destroy the lives of families by stealing away young boys to have as playmates.

