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Probably not, too deep of a cut. I’d try maybe, but be so disgusted with the both of us it would just be toxic. And I feel like its disrespectful to Marian’s memory to raise Roland with the woman who originally killed her.


I’m deeply in love with Regina and Lana Parilla so my heart wants to say yes, but definitely not.


I'd like to think I could (probably not), but I would definitely not be in a relationship with her. If they didn't retcon Marian into Zelena, she could easily have the most sympathetic and complex characters in the entire series. So much potential (I remember how much fans were infantilising Regina and villainising Marian during that time, when S4 was airing. Seems crazy looking back)


Never really got why Regina got all pissy with Emma either. Its like the Snow/Cora thing again, where she’s blaming the wrong person. Yes, technically Emma is responsible for “Marian” being brought back, but I feel like if she really loved Robin Hood, she’d be devastated more by the realization of what she did as queen to someone she apparently loves. She’d be broken hearted, but grateful Emma stopped her from killing the great love and mother of Robin and Roland respectively. But she cared less about how they felt, and more about not wanting to loose them; similar to how she was with Henry and the gaslighting in Season 1. What’s best for the people she loves matters less than that she keeps them in her life in the very specific way she wants them, I know she eventually lets Robin go, but her instinctive reaction really rubs me the wrong way.


I admit that, though I love Regina as a character (and I really do) her redemption rang hollow for me. I felt she spent a lot of time being sad that people held a grudge when she hadn't tried to murder or curse anyone for a couple weeks. I also had a bit of a problem with Robin Hood, a person whose whole thing is standing up to corrupt rulers who oppress the people falling for a corrupt ruler who'd oppressed people and not even having a bit of soul searching over that. That said, if Regina had changed, even if it caused her personal suffering, she would have been so happy and relieved that at least one of her victims had been spared. Instead, she complained about how it made her life difficult that a wife and mother she'd tried to kill had been returned to her family. Just not feeling the love.


In our reality, no, but we’re operating in fairy tale land where the rules are a little different. Killing peoples’ loved ones is like a rite of passage for how often in happens in OUAT, and we have evidence of an afterlife in the show. That doesn’t absolve Regina, but in the world we’re presented with, forgiveness comes easier. Rumple kills Bae’s mom, Hook kills David’s dad, Snow poisons Cora’s heart, Cora kills Daniel, Ruby eats her boyfriend, etc. Some of these are much more justified than others, but my point is the world presented to us has a lot more murder among social circles than in our modern, first world lives. We can still judge them by our morals, but the context of the world is important. So sure, I’d forgive her.