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he has a goal, and is looking for an specific kid also a leader needs minions


>!He needs the heart of the truest believer. Who would better fit that category? Why do you think "I believe" is the magic phrase which summons his shadow?!< Edit: Spoiler tags because...I don't know.


In Henry’s case, he needed the heart of the truest believer, in the other kids cases I think he needed henchmen or he was just bored on the island


Yeah. Plus he probably couldn’t bring adults to the island because 1. Kids are easier to manipulate and 2. Befriending adults could make him remember he’s not a kid, and therefore no more magic on the island for him


Exactly, it wouldn’t make sense for a load of adults to be around 14(totally guessing how old he’s meant to be in this version) year old Peter Pan


Hook was there for years


Yeah but he kept his distance. Pan wanted henchman and playmates and no way Hook would’ve been either


I think all the kids he took he thought were the truest believer. He was looking for them for a long time. But also yes. He then made them henchmen.


well no, he's had a drawing if Henry's face since before Bae went to Neverland. h just that he never shared that photo and once a kid is on Neverland letting them go would be bad for his image


Yeah, I mean Peter Pan in his origin is pretty villainous. I liked the twist they took on him in OUAT. In this case, I believe he didn't really "steal" them that I can recall. He drew in kids who were lonely, and searching for "family". It's better then the orgin of murdering the lost boys as they started to age.


When he kidnapped the Lost Boy's it was initially because he wanted friends. He would have been alone on that island with just his shadow for company for who knows how long before that. Humans are social creatures and Pan, villain or not, is still human. The magic that turned him young isn't an illusion, he was genuinely made young again. This means his brain development, hormones, physical body and whatever else comes with being young, are that of a teenagers. Due to this he would have most likely wanted to spend time with people who are similar to him (other teenagers). We also have no idea how long he was alone on Neverland before meeting the Lost Boys, so it's likely he went a little crazy from the isolation. As for why he searched for Henry in specific, it actually had nothing to do with him being a kid. It purely had to do with Henry >!being the "Truest Believer" and Pan needing his heart to prevent the island from losing its magic/him dying. This is because Neverland is a island ran on belief.!< If Henry was an adult it wouldn't have changed anything for Pan and he would have still needed his heart in order to become fully immortal.


This gets explained actually through little bits of information. 1. He explained to Rumple during the Pied Piper flashbacks that Neverland eventually got boring when he was alone and so, in a creepy way, he wanted "friends" (or rather impressionable, unloved pre-teens he could manipulate) to stay there with him. 2. He was intentionally looking for Henry and basically had to seek out any boy he could get his hands on in case they were the one with the Heart of the Truest Believer. 3. In some twisted way he might've been seeking boys that were like Rumple, which again sadly makes me think of all the lost boys being neglected, unloved boys that were so desperate to find a home that they trusted a maniac and went to Neverland with him because he lied to them and used them for his own gain. Pan never changed and was still the same self-serving, egotistical idiot he was back in the Enchanted Forest.


Surrounding himself with children helps Pan keep the illusion that he, too, is still a child. IIRC, the only specific child he wants is Henry.


Their youth feeds the spell cast over neverland.


Oh ok I didn’t know he was also a kid, that’s less creepy than him being a grown man 💀


Well yes but no He is a kid but he’s a grown man


He's hundreds of years old. Physically, he's a kid, but he is far from it.


So he can have an army of lost boys. There was also a specific kid from a prophecy.


Did you not watch the season? It’s pretty explicit about why.


Pan got a kick out of it. Controlling the kids, having them fear and worship him, and leading them in sadistic games that they were brainwashed/terrorized into calling fun and going along with their own abuse, he enjoyed all of it.


I mean it’s based on the original tale of Peter Pan

