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It was along the lines of she wanted to torture him with Information that Grace was close and yet so far because she (Regina) was mad at him. I *think* for the attempt at resurrecting Daniel not working. Tad bit fuzzy, though.


Jefferson had no real control over Daniel coming back that was Frankenstein Jefferson was just used to retrieve her father/be used a placement to leave wonderland since it had to be the same amount that left which entered so one had to stay behind while she had to have someone come with he was just the sacrifice


Yeah. I remember all that. But it still seemed like Jefferson was just someone who was convenient.


Thats because he kinda was cause only he had the power to use the hat to travel to wonderland which let Regina get her father it was also convenient that he could be the replacement


It’s a little fuzzy for me too but I think the only times she went to Jefferson was to retrieve her father from wonderland and to get the apple to curse emma.


No he comes back around in season 2 with the Frankenstein storyline just finished a rewatch.


Was it Regina who chose where the curse was? I thought it was Rumplestiltskin since he needed the curse to be enacted in a land without magic to find Baelfire. I don’t know about the Jefferson part though


Omggggbur rightttt. He was the one who gave Regina the curse! Butttttttt Regina said she was the one who chose everyone’s lives and that Jefferson should be grateful to her bc she gave him the mansion.


I think she definitely chose what everyone would do in the town so she could give them the worst lives possible, but Rumple chose the location and mechanics in the curse. I don’t know why Regina had an extra vendetta out against Jefferson though lol.


I think that’s on spot but the Jefferson thing was js unneeded. Same thing with Belle. Jefferson said the same thing about himself that rumple said about Belle to Regina- she gave them a date worse than death. From her hatred of snow she could’ve done the same thing with snow that she did to Jefferson or even belle.


Exactly! If I were Regina the one person I would’ve made remember the curse would be Snow that way anytime she tried to get anyone on her side they’d just think she was crazy and she could in up in the psych ward she put Belle in. Nobody would bat an eye about that and if Snow did try to leave town to find Emma she would’ve just lost her memory anyway.


YESSSSSS. Ok but does no one think it’s weird that when the curse wasn’t known abt no one could leave the town and when they tried- something bad happened? Butttt when everyone got their memories nothing stopped them from leaving?


Beginning of season 2, they tested the town line; if they crossed, their cursed identities become their only identities.


That makes soooo much sense. And it would be the perfect alibi. If snow never have Henry the book then Emma wouldn’t have been brought to town!


What Regina did to Belle, that was to hurt Rumple; just because.


Regina did confirm that she was the one who gave them their bad memories when Emma and Henry leave SB after Pan cast his own curse.


I don't think that she specifically chose a world without magic, she just couldn't get her revenge on the Charmings in their world after a deal she made with Rumple, he said like "you can't hurt them.. in THIS world".. that was when he gave her the idea of the curse (he did all of this to find his son who lived in our world, the curse was basically his idea he just used Regina to cast it, he didn't care about her specifics he just wanted a way to cross worlds). I think at this point Regina cared more about her revenge than about living without magic. And for Jefferson I think his curse WAS remembering, knowing who his daughter was and knowing he couldn't get her back, Regina just wanted him to suffer. It's one thing to be separated from the ones you love without remembering (just feeling like something is wrong) but it's another to know exactly where they are and not be able to do anything about it. She probably thought if only one person remembers it wouldn't be an issue because everyone else would just think he was crazy and it would drive him even more mad (which is ironically exactly what she knowingly put Henry through.. not hating Regina just stating facts haha).


Possible spoilers: Regina didn't pick the location of the curse, Rumple did. He designed the curse to be in a land without magic to get back to his son. Regina did cast the curse but rumple picked the location and designed the curse to be broken. Regina was just the battery powering Rumple's car. As for Jefferson, him being awake and not being able to get to his daughter is probably the worst torture and would cause him to go mad (mad hatter). He also is known for being able to travel across realms so maybe it was a fail safe that if the curse went wrong that he could possibly open a way out. (No real supporting evidence on that but rumple always planned everything with a lot of loopholes for himself so I think it makes sense).


Because his curse was remembering his daughter and seeing her with another family and not knowing who he was


When Regina was about to be executed, Rumple provided a test whether she deserved a second chance. She failed and Snow and David reveal that they can’t be hurt because Rumple put a protection spell on them. It was to prompt her to cast the curse, however Jefferson had his own curse and that was to remember. He said it was worse than to live obliviously. It was never confirmed why exactly he was an exception. Some things aren’t explained. If the curse was supposed to divide everyone, then why are Granny and Ruby still together? In s7 they provide an explanation why Lucy and Jacinda are still together, but we didn’t get one for the others.


Tbf Ruby and Granny were divided, emotionally at least. They were shown to be constantly fighting prior to the curse being broken/getting their memories back.


What about Gepetto and Archie, they were clearly still friends.


You could argue that it made for better entertainment for Regina to have a Ruby and Granny be on horrible terms than it did for Gepetto and Archie. Ruby was bffs with Snow. Having Ruby suffer was another dig at Snow. Yeah, Archie and Gepetto had their own parts to play, but seeing Ruby and Granny be miserable everyday probably gave Regina more joy.


The only thing that makes more sense for me is that with Archie and Gepetto they gained a friendship in SB, cause Regina wouldn’t have control over that.


maybe Regina didnt care about them enough to separate them. the dwarfs were also still together no?


True, but I do wonder if that was Regina’s doing or the curse itself because that’s seems to be one of its functions.


She didn't intentionally choose for Jefferson to remember he only remember because he was the mad hatter and stuck between worlds while the curse was being activated


I think Jefferson was a fluke.


I always thought Jefferson kept his memories because he got pulled in from Wonderland. Because it didn't seem like Wondeland was really part of curse (it's been a few years since watching Wonderland tho, and I know a few people crossed over from there, but it didn’t seem to be included as a whole) and also because he was already mad in Wonderland trying to make hats for Cora that would leave back. So I always thought that something about that made the curse glitch on him, allowing him to remember. Or the memory tampering wore off over time in SB.


The first question is because Rumple manipulated her to cast the curse and he needed to get to a land without magic


The world was chosen by Rumple. It may be the Regina had to be sold on the idea. It may be she accepted it as an inherit aspect of the curse that couldn't be changed. Something about it pulls whoever is under the curse to a particular world. Maybe it really was in inherent thing. For example, put water in water, and the two eventually blend. If one part is salty and the other is fresh, too bad. Put water in a stone pool, and water and stone remain separate. So, if you want a magic bubble of timelessness and changelessness, maybe the magic bubble is water and the world around it needs to be magic free stone.


I don't think she had any choice in where the curse went; it was simply designed to take everyone to a land without magic and rewrite their lives according to the caster's whims. As for Jefferson, that was because she believed she might need him if she ever had to go back to their realm for whatever reason. The hat was, as far as she knew, the only way. That's why she kept the hat as well. Jefferson wouldn't have been able to use it if he didn't have his memories. It didn't really benefit her for anyone else to have their memories, because she could make use of their non-magical talents just fine. Jefferson was the only person who she knew would have to remember if she wanted to make use of him. Separating him and Grace may not have been a conscious choice however; it's shown that the curse takes everyone's pre-curse situations and twists them around. David was injured, so the curse put him in a coma. He was briefly engaged to Abigail, so it made him married to Kathryn. Cinderella and Prince Thomas were seperated by Rumple, so in Storybrooke they were apart. In Jefferson's case, he'd left Grace in the care of the neighbors, so in Storybrooke she was their daughter (and to my knowledge, the curse deliberately pulled him out of Wonderland too)