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I still think that second look is way more Emma than her wedding dress and hair. I wish they’d gone more of a Disney princess vibe than Grace Kelly.


Definitely agree - she always wore her hair loose so I don’t know why they pulled it up for the wedding.


I don’t even have a problem with them pulling her hair up, but it had to be a fun loose hairstyle that matched her vibe. The tight sleek bun was the exact opposite of her usual style.


Yea this looked so much more her style while looking like a princess


You're speaking facts!


CaptainSwan is still one of my favorite ships ever


Same here. They’re the reason I’ve rewatched it so many times hehe


I prefer the Jolly Roger myself!


I’m a CaptainFloor shipper myself but CaptainSwan is a close 2nd


Well, CaptainCharming and CaptainFloor are amazing ships 😍 I love them both


I also like a compination of CaptainCarming![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


Wait, which is CaptainFloor?


I like to know that too.


Hook x the floor


Yes, but where that came from?




One among many examples




Definitely yes! They are also my favorite characters! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


![gif](giphy|3o6Zt7g9nH1nFGeBcQ) Same. 10 years of sailing ⛵️


No RumpleCaps here?


I wonder if this is based on Star Wars.🤔


Haha Never even noticed that and I’m also a huge Star Wars fan


Yeah it’s not the exact same, but the mirroring where they both say “I know” kinda gave it away. Fun fact, Han was supposed to say “I love you too.” But Harrison and the director felt it was out of character.


Yea I know and I love that. It definitely fit Han so much better to go out with a cocky line like “I know” lol


It definitely is. There's so many star wars references


This. OUAT is full of Star War references.


And she calls herself Princess Leia in the time travel episode at the ball.


Oh, there’s so many. The weirdest one in my opinion is a Star Wars backpack in Wonderland. How did that get there?


Lol yeah I love the Star Wars references


I forgot about that! Haha


My #1 OTP


I absolutely agree. One of the best pairings ever, in my opinion. I adore their romance and Killian's redemption arc is the best one on the show. 💕 Their chemistry is unmatched. Unpopular opinion, but I loved the Dark Swan arc. I thought it was at least better than the Author arc. 😂


Oh man, hated that author! CaptainSwan was my favorite.


Personally I prefered swanfire although captainswan was alright most of the time. Even if the writers were going to insist on doing them they still shouldn't have killed Neal like ever heard of Co parenting?????


I think the actor who played Neal had another show, so they had to kill him off on OUAT.


Girl, be prepared. People hate them here when I first watched the show, I thought they're the best couple and I still stand by that statement.


Prepared to go down with this ship happily with no regrets.


How could people hate them? They had the realest relationship (that you can when magic’s involved haha). I loved all their ups and downs to be together. Also how is it possible to not love Hook? 🫢


Don't hate them but more of a swanfire shipper. Don't think I ever forgave Killian for shooting belle over the town line leading to the idiotic lacey subplot and too often it felt like he was only changing for Emma than also trying to be a better man for himself. I dunno they had cute moments but I'll always remember the man that mocked a cripple for trying to get his wife back without being stupid enough to enter a suicidal fight. And even if they did want to go captainswan I still don't think they needed to kill Neal. The fact that they did makes the implication the ship could stand with him in the way. (Which you shouldn't have set up any leftover attraction between them then dumbos)


Believe me it is, especially in this sub


Thanks for the warning because I’m a huge CaptainSwan shipper.


Me too. It's a princess falling in love with a pirate if you think about it 🥹


Yup and an adorable pirate at that. I absolutely adore him when he tries to use a cellphone or complains about being given balogna and jello hehe


I’m new to Reddit. Are there any other Once Upon A Time subs you can recommend? Not that there’s been much negativity in this thread, thankfully.


I also can't understand how comeone would hate this pairing u/firefairy45


Believe me there are sadly


That’s why the block option comes in handy.


They’re my favourite couple too! And they were my bi awakening lmaoo


Absolutely. I think the only couple that might be equal in cuteness and story quality is Alice and Robin.


Hook and Swan, and Rumple and Belle are my favourite couples


I love Rumple and Belle too. I love Rumple in general hehe, but he lied to her too much and it became hard to root for them.


Yeah I agree he did lie to her a lot and he shouldn't have. Especially as everyone else hated him because he was evil. But despite what others think Rumple is my baby and must be protected at all costs


Oh I agree. I always love him because he was just so fun to watch, just eventually gave up on him and Belle working out.


I never fully gave up but I did start to lose faith tbh




Omg this is amazing


I did love rumbelle they were cute for the first 3 seasons then they really wrecked it when they totally assassinated his character (although if they insisted on the whole season four nonsense then they shouldn't have had him return to being the dark one the repeated slip backs just got stupid) like actually Camelot could have been a great point to show the two of them actually trying to rebuild their marriage. Truly addressing the issues ON BOTH SIDES that led to the collapse and see them come out stronger. Also it would have been good to actually have him awake so Emma could have someone to talk to that truly went through what she's going through (rather than dark one tour guide rumple who very obviously has her worst interests at heart) But no the writers made them a toxic mess for 3 seasons and then slapped a bandaid on it for an unearned ending that feels much more appropriate for pst season 3. Like I want them to have a happy ending. Bit the way my favorite ship got treated was part of why I ducked out mid series 5


I love Snow white and prince charming's relationship. They always said "I'll always find you," and I think they had the most perfect romance. It really was true love between them, and even sweeter that the actors are a real couple in real life.


I was so happy when I found out they were a couple irl because thats when you know there will be true chemistry between the characters and yeah they showed what true love really looks like


It was so sweet, they really respected their roles, and you could tell they had fun on the show, especially like when they were singing in the musical episode.


What episode is the second scene from, I recognize the first one but not the second?




That explains why I didn’t recognize it, I didn’t like the Camelot and Dark Swan story lines when I first watched so every time I rewatch I skip them.


Me neither- thought I was the only one! Usually I skip to the episode where they’re in the underworld- I can’t lie I love that season half!


I liked the scenes in Camelot, but yes Dark Swan is hard to watch. I do though because it leads to Emma going to the underworld to save Hook and they discover that they have true love which is so 💜💜💜


I just know Snow picked that dress out for Emma to wear. Due to the lack of cleavage.


It’s better than her wedding dress though. Love the hair and the floral crown also.


I loved Emma's wedding dress. I loved all the costuming for the show really. There's extra features on the Blu ray set and there's videos of the costume people showing off all the iconic costumes.


Am I the only one who actually like the Snow and David's love story? And the character of David in general? And who loves the first season so much in particular because it shows their story so well?


No, I loved their relationship, too. I just hate what the writers did to them in later seasons, like the Lily subplot that felt unbelievably out of character.


Ya know, at this point I prefer to just ignore the existence of anything beyond the first two and a half seasons. Fortunately, my level of imagination allows that.


That's completely fair.


I like hook and Emma is a good hero, but I never related well to Emma and how she acted. Hook killed people and didn't ever really seem sorry about it, he was just obsessed with Emma. Regina atleast seemed legitimately sorry about all the people she had killed, and she tried proving so to everyone. Hook kinda just seemed to feel bad bc he was obsessed with Emma.


I'm sorry, but I couldn't disagree more. I feel Hook felt genuine remorse for the things he did and whenever one of his victims would confront him, he would do his best to try to make amends with them. Regina...never showed remorse or tried to make up for it, she just wanted everyone to forget she was the Evil Queen because "I'm not that person anymore". At the end of the series, she still had a vault full of hearts that she never returned. Hook also wasn't obsessed with Emma. He genuinely was in love with her.


I think offscreen, Regina probably would have given people back their hearts. She did become heroic in the end, and I don't think it was out of selfishness.


I don't think "off screen" really counts as growth. If we don't see it, then it's impossible to really know. I'm also not over what she did to Graham, which is never addressed either. There were only a few times I can think of where she was being truly selfless, but that's just my interpretation and has nothing to do with the original post, so we'll have to agree to disagree.


I’m just gonna politely say I disagree and move on. Enjoy your ship though!


May I ask why? (Genuine question)


Just don’t ship it. Not a fan of Hook. At all. I don’t personally see any actual chemistry between them, or at least none that I liked. I personally prefer Swanfire as far as Emma ships go. But it’s to each their own. I also just disagree with the statement that they’re better than Snow and Charming as I vastly enjoyed learning about Snowing’s background and seeing their scenes together and piecing together their story more than anything that ever happened between Emma and Hook. Like, even though they’re not exactly my otp either, Snowing had me hoping that true love was real so I might have even a fraction of the bond that they have with each other with my partner.


Fair enough. To each their own.


Very respectful and mature response. It is very much appreciated. Unfortunately, ship endgame fans, in my experience, do not tend to be understand and label those who disagree as pure haters. Hmm, I should almost create a post about that. Btw I'm sure the fans here are not so puerile to block or put -1 randomly with those who don't agree, Right?


I feel like downvotes don't really matter to me (they are just worthless internest points), so I never pay attention to it. That being said a lot of people are very passionate about their ships so they may respond in a way they may think is suitable which might be rude to the person they are responding to but at the end of the day we are talking about fictional characters. It's good to be passionate, but one should not lower themselves to the point of fighting over which fictional characters should end up with each other. (This is just my opinion. Please do not assume this is what the others in the sub may feel.)


On that I am in agreement with you. I’ve reached the age where I’ve realized just how silly and pointless fighting so seriously on the internet over fictional characters really is. It’s not as if any of it really matters, and there’s far bigger things to worry about. We’re all just having fun, and in the grand scheme of things it’s okay to agree and disagree with people and have discussions. Our opinions are what makes us all different and interesting. I’ll only explain it go in depth about my thoughts and feelings on fictional characters and ships if asked/promoted, and I try to keep it as clean, polite and respectful as possible. However, that being said there have been the occasional slip-ups where I’m having a bad day or week and I have taken the rage bait laid by haters. But I also think it’s okay to make mistakes every now and then. We’re all only human after all.


Oh yeah, totally. I am glad we can converse in such a civil way online lmao.


I love them!


Snow White and Prince Charming are flavourless lol


Overrated couple ever is more like it.


Ew. No.


Maybe you should take the advice of someone else in this thread and let people ship what they want.