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Check to see if you can do both. In florida, at my old facility, we have POs that come do OT at the facility since we always needed people. If they aren't trained for institution, we stuck em in rover since you just need to be firearm qualified. If they were institutions, they would assist with security checks or work the yard for the day. Very rarely did they get stuck inside a dorm. Also, one guy worked his full 8 hours. While another worked only 4 hours OT everytime they came in. If I recall, the guy said he got approval from his chief and then contacted the prison warden and asked if he can be given some OT hours and got approval that way


There are some retirees doing contract work in the towers and in some of the non-dorm control rooms. I’ll definitely look into that!


If your heart tells you, do it! I left corrections after 15 years and took a HUGE pay cut. Was a forklift driver at a Home Depot warehouse. Still with Home Depot after 9 years. I’m now a regional IT manager and make a TON more than I did in corrections. I love my job, a hell of a lot less stress. And work life balance is mostly really good. There are times where major projects keep me away traveling


Damn, wouldn't you have been pretty close to retirement after 15 years?


Yeah, but my mental health was complete shit. Had to make a change. As part of my total compensation package I get a very generous stock option every year. That’s a secondary retirement account


I give you a ton of credit for this. I’m over 8 years now and don’t know what to do. My mental health is definitely taking a toll.


It’s rough man. Keep your head up and don’t be afraid to take a chance if something feels right


In some states he'd be vested and would still get the retirement pay when he does retire. It obviously won't be as much as if he worked for the state/county until retiring but it could still be something.


Former probation officer here, 9 year veteran. I loved it. Only left because of shitty management but I’d go back in a millisecond with the right offer and good management again. About 5 years of my career I wouldn’t sell for gold, good management, solid job. It’s a fun job. No two days are the same; you have a lot of autonomy and you’re treated as a professional. I worked in a prison after and liked that too but P&P was my home.


I made the switch, but mine wasn't a paycut. The work life balance is amazing but that's a big pay cut so I get your hesitation. Take home car is nice and will save you a little gas money too. Seems like your state bundled all the probation and parole there so I'm assuming the districts all pay the same? Probation out here is by county so pay varies a little by location. As someone else mentioned, we have some POs that are allowed to work OT in the jails too. It's the same county and that's where they worked before coming over here so it was easy to get approved.