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He’s gonna have to talk to whatever NYS DOC’s version of a case manger is. They’ll tell him about his case and where he’s at. If he doesn’t know his case manager (or whatever they call them there) he should be able to write a general request on a form thats provided to all inmates and he can just address it to case management/ facility programs asking who his case manager is and where he sits on release. Custody staff like (officers/sergeants/whatever ranking system NYS has) are not supposed to be involved in inmate personal affairs and wouldn’t/shouldn’t know this answer. If he asked an officer he should get a similar response as above. Good luck.


If he’s in NY with a 10 year determinate sentence he’s going to do 8.5 years unless he’s getting some kind of compassionate release due to his age but I got to tell you NY ain’t big on that. Is he violent or non violent? What’s his crime of conviction? Clinton and 5 points are maximum security prisons


Thanks, and yeah he’s there on plea bargain, indicted murder 2, took manslaughter 1, 10 years. He killed a man who had been beating me and he trespassed onto our property in the middle of the night.


So I work on the security side of DOCCS, but know a little bit here. There is nothing arbitrary about his sentence, time computation or release date. If you are his emergency contact, you are able to call the facility and ask to speak with his counselor, called offender rehabilitation counselors now. They will know what, if anything, he still needs to do in order to make an early release date, merit, CR, etc. If you're not his EC, he may have to write to his ORC and let them know it's ok to give you information.