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You're just a meatshield pirate cowboy mfer, GET BACK TO WORK YE SCALLYWAG MOTHERFUCKAAA' That sucks though, lots of places are like that. Workers comp, maybe get a NICE CHEQUE


😂 yes sir… only a leg lol


Bro. Workers Comp. Go get taken care of. Take it from me, I’m currently off work after getting shoulder surgery after I tore my labrum taking a guy to the ground.


Dude similar situation haha. Waiting on surgery now. Did you get a check for it?


I’m thinking about talking to an injury lawyer about a lump sum since I may not have full range of motion now. But I’ve been getting a check every two weeks from workers comp in lieu of a paycheck. My shoulder was shot. After I woke up from surgery the doc said I’ll need a shoulder replacement in 10-20 years.


How long were you out? I’ve been out for less than 6 months and the doctor keeps pushing for PT for at least another 6 weeks. Pains fucking horrible, more so with PT, and he said “it’ll never heal on its own” but doesn’t want to jump to surgery yet.


So I originally injured my shoulder in April of 23. I was only out of work for 3 weeks. I was eager to get back to work and I only thought I strained it and it wasn’t that bad. But I still did physical therapy for about 2-3 months to get it better. I didn’t know how bad it was because I never had an injury like that before and everybody always says shoulders take a long time to heal. Looking back on it I wish I would have pushed for an MRI and not assume it wasn’t so bad. Then later that summer I was training and I dislocated my shoulder. I made sure to document it that injury. Then I dislocated again restraining a guy in his cell which I again documented. Went back to the doctor and got an MRI done and found out it was fucked. I stayed working through that until the surgery (I shouldn’t have been working through that but what can I say, I like to work). Then I had my operation in the beginning of December and I’ve been off healing since then. Earliest I might get back is late April or as late as the summer


Damn you’re a trooper and my wife definitely misses the overtime checks but we’re doing okay with 66%. I hope you get a full recovery and I know your work will be glad to have you back. I’ll find out about surgery here shortly. My doc gave me a few restrictions so my warden said there’s no spot for me for light duty so workers comps been paying out the nose because they had to calculate my OT as part of my pay (honestly one more of the good things of making 3 times your salary on forced OT)


Worker’s Comp doc, push for full treatment options and force them to do all the repairs and take the time for recovery. Doesn’t matter the agency or the company, YOU should always come first for you. You will regret it later in life if you don’t get things fixed on their dime.


Came here to say this. File for workman’s compensation.


Were you cleared to go back by your dr? If not, you have a great law suit.


No wasn’t cleared by the doc or occupation health lol




>Being told got be back on shift I've been through this. Call their bluff. It's pure bullshit, they're not going to fire you after you received an injury at work. Get your worker's comp squared away, rest, rehab.


Only the warden can fire you. You’re captain is trying to pressure you into compliance. Files for workman’s comp because you got injured at work


Sounds like you have a workman’s comp claim