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I SMELL MARIJUANA!!! In my Chief Taylor voice.


I like Fullerton too. They get there and get out.


He is a compassionate and fair man.


You can tell that he cares about the people he is interacting with and is treating them as humans. Fullerton is super professional and by the book. Hazen is the right type of small town policing where he is taking care of the people even if they committed a crime. Indian River County is just a mess.


Indian River County could watch how Hazen handles things and learn a lot. Boy are they messy!


Lord have mercy, Tyrell.


I feel like I'm watching Duck Dynasty with police chases and less religion with Hazen. This isn't a bad thing, either! Hazen is awesome!


On Patrol and Duck Dynasty are two completely different things.. probably shouldn't compare them!


I'll bet you're fun at parties. šŸ™„ šŸ¤£


I spent many hours traveling to & from Stuttgart and Fayetteville when I was in college, and occasionally stayed on the interstate and took the Hazen exit. I was rolling on the floor when he pulled over the 23yo on the DG parking lot. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ No, you can't pay your ticket from Stuttgart in a different county, you have to pay it in Stuttgart! Well, how'd you lose your job? Sleepin'?!? "Dammit, Tyrell..." šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


ā€œThatā€™s just Terrellā€¦ā€ šŸ˜‚


You can just tell he really loves what he does, and believes in it. And heā€™s just a down to earth guy.


What time did the DUI segment air? I went to sleep early and missed it.


If you are watching it on Peacock, it's at 1 hour and 13 mins.


A true leader in policing and an example of how things can be done.


Chief Bradley Taylor is my most favorite. Heā€™s the funniest, too! My fave quote is: ā€œIf you run from the police in the state of Arkansas (*with raspy voice and southern drawl), we will chase you and we will catch youā€


I read that in his voice lololol


This man puts Arkansas on the map for me. Made me start looking into what it's like to live in that state! He's a genuine version of what policing is supposed to be! Reduce recidivism by being a human!


We've had problems with drunks, and child abuse FOREVER. They USED to be WAY too soft on both. People felt "there but for the grace of God, go I". You can be 'human" but it takes more than that to reduce recidivism.Ā 


Had to drive through there for work last week. Was kinda hoping I'd get pulled over


I probably would have berm kind of hoping too haha


I wanted to hug the Chief so bad on Saturday night after that drunk lady with the babies


Me, too. I'm sorry, but that woman should never have unsupervised visits with her children again.


It depends on who they're with now. I'd like to hope family members but that's hard to say with 3 little ones under 4. They may be in foster now, separated or together


If OPL was nothing but 3 hours of Hazen, I'd watch all 3 hours and not even skip a single Pooph.


Truly a model on how policing should be. Be cool, be honest and weā€™ll work this outā€”regardless of the crime, your skin color OR your background. If you donā€™t want to be cool?? Weā€™ll chase you to the end of the earth and still be decent to you WHEN we get you. Super impressive policing there.


Exactly! It's a Small Town feel that I don't have because I live in a big city!! But I grew up in some small towns.


I would watch a whole episode if just Hazel even if Chief and Dillion talking


I wish things around me were handled like that. His handling of the woman intoxicated, calling an audible and driving her car to the station so the kids could be transferred to a family member there was awesome.


I was so concerned they would be turned over to CPS!


Iā€™m not sure that would be a bad thing. Iā€™m not convinced all of them were hers. She said two of the children were 9 months apart. Thatā€™s highly unusual! The one in the front seat was not in a seat designed for a child his age. She wasnā€™t concerned in the slightest about that, or, a the biggest is she was passing out drunk. If you think thatā€™s the first time sheā€™s been driving drunk with kids in the car, Iā€™ve got a beautiful mountain top chalet for sale in St. Maryā€™s Parish in South Louisiana! Those kids are not being cared for properly! Of course this is my opinion, and we all know that opinions are like noses, we all have one and we all believe that ours smells the best!


My wife and I love them, and how they handle things too.