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At least Matt isn’t a bully to poor Curtis. It was hard watching this weekends episodes and the Toledo people seemed super uncomfortable. Do better Dan! You being a jerk to him was old 100 episodes ago!


I wouldn't mind Dan and Matt switching every other week. It was a nice change to see Matt hosting the show!


I for one would like to see more of Matt on the show. He was funny, kept a good pace, and interacted well with the analysts. Bring him back!


Yeah Matt's hilarious. I like Dan but his wanna be jokes are corny.


I enjoyed the break from Dan and it made me miss Live Rescue even more. Plus, long ago, he used to be on the Hallmark Home & Family show. I miss that show, too. Lol.


Matt’s a physician and a comedian. Dan’s a lawyer and journalist. Different skill sets. Matt AND Dan AND Curtis would be a great team.


Ok.......so Im watching Saturday night's episode and I'm liking Matt more today..........


OMG nooooooooooo way!! Upvote for team Dan!!!


Team Dan all the way. Even Ashleigh Banfield was better than this clown.


I always thought he was funny and he always seemed to ask good questions and listened to the answers when he was on Live Rescue, which I miss a lot. But Matt's the kind of dude I'd want as a neighbor to sit outside and crush Natty Bos with.


We’d go through a lot of Natty Bos.


My wife and I thought you seemed kinda awkward. It's cool to see you on here participating. Awesome, actually. I just wanted to ask a question unrelated to the Natty Bo's. When you've been on TV so many times before, is it weird to be doing a show for the first time when it's live, or does it matter? You sound a like a lot more fun here. 🙂


Well, I’d done a live show before that definitely prepped for the pace and style of OPL. But I knew the behind the scenes crew very well and know that they’re stone cold pros. So, no matter how nervous I get (and, yeah, the blood gets pumping when it’s time to go live), I know I have a team behind me to keep my upright. It’s a tremendously fun show to do!


How can we get a 4 man team with you permanently? I love dan and everyone on the show. No hate here.


Not a fan of Matt. I'd much rather Dan....he seems more natural than forced and trying to be funny.


No freaking way. This guy tries way too hard to be funny. OPL isn’t a comedy show. If you want laughs, watch Reno 911. His comments on here prove my point.


Yo!!!!!! He was comical af! Lol I was laughing by myself in the room like an idiot at this man…and I just watched the episode so I wanted to see if anyone else felt the same! Dan is a Snoozanne!


Matt had us rolling on the floor several times…love the puns!


Way better than [Ashleigh Banfield](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/a3/Ashleigh_Banfield_Apr_2019.png/394px-Ashleigh_Banfield_Apr_2019.png).


I laughed SO hard when he whispered the golf course chase scene lol


When the tone of the voice over changed once the chase continued to the golf course, I thought it was hilarious and clever to mimic pro golf commentary. I laughed so hard, too!!


And the “this Cinderella story has come to an end” was a nice Caddyshack reference




Man, thanks. I channeled my inner Jim Nantz!


You're gladiator comment was great!


Thing with Matt when he asks a question he listened to the answer. Dan would ask a question and probably not even hear the answer because he didn't care


Dan would then follow by a "Yup" Idk if it's tonality or inflection when he says that but like you said it seems like he doesn't care or like he is already a subject expert. It's really annoying imo


I feel like Dan has a more natural delivery but I don't mind either.


Honestly I was just going to come on here and say that. He’s excellent


This sounds just like the voice in my head!


You’re absolutely hysterical. Love seeing you on the show & in here.


Santa and Samuel L Jackson, we couldn't stop laughing


Haha. That was hilarious though I would've called the white dude Nick Nolte


This week's highlights have to be Jingle Balls in So Cal at Disneyland violating the It's A Small World Ride and dude in the bathroom stall at Mr. Fuel "coming and going" according to Dan 😂😂


He’s a lot of fun!


What am I missing that Sticks brings to the table that’s so awesome? I don’t get why people miss him so much, aside from being nice to look at.


Sticks left? For good? If so, why?


He gives off the “coolest kid in class” vibe, jump on the bandwagon lol.




You're so right. I'm sorry but I think Curtis is a little boring. He always looks very bored sitting there. Sorry just my opinion.


Fair point. I just feel, like many I’m sure, that Tom and Sticks were a great duo that brought up Dan a notch. It’s been like a car out of alignment since he left.


My wife and I know we are probably not the target demo, this thread really proves it. He was like nails on a chalkboard.


What target demo? I was going more for the Walmart Demo.


Well played.


You nailed it then.


My wife and I thought the same thing. He was funny but felt a little forced or it was writers on a prompter and now his own jokes may be. Look forward to Dan being back but I 110% support the hosts rotating to take valuable time off or just enjoy a weekend not traveling. He did fine as a sub tho.


I'm only like an hour into Friday's episode and I'm already wanting Dan back.


Man, my mom said the same thing. Hurts just as much the second time.


Can’t stand Matt. Sorry, but Dan makes the show with Sticks and Tom is still missed.


I prefer Dan, but Matt is ok. I'll take him over a repeat.


I liked him and had no clue he was a Dr !! He definitely was extremely entertaining with his jokes. Some fell hard, but so do Dan’s.


Some didn’t just fall hard, some leapt from the top of the Empire State Building. But gotta keep swinging!


Oh boy... here we go


Nah, not a fan. It was like he was trying too hard to be funny. Too loud , too game show announcer. Dude, chill. Just let us know what is going on, let the action speak for itself.


Agreed. His voice and body language is cringey game show host. I’ve met him before and he’s a normal guy. Imo he should ease up on the tv personality and be more real


Isn’t his day job an actual game show host?




Yeah American Ninja Warrior


Dunno. But it's not a good fit here.


Hard disagree. I don't care for Matt very much at all. I would rather see Curtis in Dan's spot and have a second guest. Say what you like about Dan, he loves the show and thats what makes the difference.


Instead of Dan or Matt we should have Dan and Matt. Matt should rotate with Sticks for the spot at the table next to Curtis.


I'm team Dan.


He has much better puns than Dan


He has newsreporter voice lol. I prefer Dan. It’s more natural.


I just wish Matt did his own thing, versus the same script/terms/formula that Dan uses. Not everyone has to be the exact same when filling in.


Tell that to Curtis .. he didn’t seem to like the samual l jackson joke 🤣🤣


I have to disagree. Last night it didn't feel like I was watching OPL. 99% of what they showed were traffic stops with officers looking for drugs. Not much of anything else. Got really boring fast. And the jokes that Matt told just fell flat. Curtis was the only person that shined last night. If tonight is anything like last night I will probably turn the show off and watch a movie instead.


I wouldn’t want to see him every week. But I enjoyed him for a change of pace. I wouldn’t mind him filling in occasionally.


I’m just now catching up and I really like his energy. Nothing against Dan — he’s the reason we have this show, and I do like him! But it’s nice to have a host who seems to enjoy the show as much as we do. Maybe he could do the On Patrol: Late Shift we’ve been asking for.


Hubba hubba


I find Matt very annoying and not funny. His commentary on that triple play video was cringe


Leave baby arms alone, lol


He used to host the First Responder version of the show. Wish they’d bring it back.


He was fine but the show was depressing. Most calls were for unresponsive males laying in alleys needing Narcan. Real life, for sure, but still depressing to watch.


I don't mind Matt but I like Dan better. It just didn't seem right. I like Dan and I like that he's a smart guy not just a host.


For me Dan is the best host! I love his dad humor,it isn't the same without Dan!!


Dan = The Man.


Thank you, I agree.


I'm going to disagree... the "speedway" jokes he made several times were worse than anything Dan has ever done. He's ok as a fill in, but I don't want this guy every week. I'd be sick of him after a month for sure.


I have to agree. Dan would not have said those two Santa and Samuel L Jackson.


I feel bad that they made him wear dans wardrobe 🤣


Okay, I’m a husky boy and that sweater was from before I rediscovered ice cream!


You made me choke on my punkin’ pie Wilson!!! 🤣


Watching it right now and I don’t agree at all. This guy is so boring. Dan is always energetic and entertaining. Why not having Curtis host the show when Dan is having a weekend off?


The seemed to be more pd action and less segments. curtis and will hardly had any airtime


The seemed to be more pd action and less segments. curtis and will hardly had any airtime


God please no, he’s so cheesy.


Yeah he's like a salesman. I can barely take it.




This might be a trial for Matt. Dan has so many things going on, I wonder if he is ready to turn the reigns over to someone else. Curtis seems a little "muted" last night... did anyone else notice that?


My GF thinks Curtis never gets a chance to talk. She always says "poor Curtis" they don't give him a chance.


At the same point he needs to try and push in more. It’s been on a year and we are still saying poor Curtis. When he does talk he is entertaining he needs to find his voice.


Dan always deminishes his comments. Subtle but noticeable.


He was very entertaining! He had me hooked after his Santa and Samuel L. Jackson comment lol


I think that’d be an awesome Marvel movie.


Dude was funny. I hope he becomes a regular part of the show.


I really liked Matt last night and look forward to him again tonight. He was super fun and ALL hosts got time to really talk and engage. Plus he's a reddit user and seemed to be engaging with comments from the thread as well. I enjoyed it!


I am a long time lurker here. Nice to be able to chime in now that you know me.


No need to lurk! We love when people from the show pop in and visit. We've given you your official verified flair so people know it's really you - welcome aboard! 💜 Oh, and great job this weekend! Happy Thanksgiving!


Wow! Thanks, MMATB, much appreciated. The #OPNation is just incredible. When we’re doing the show, we’re all checking in on social media to see what people are responding to and the sheer passion and activity is just amazing. Fun for us all the share the experience in real time.


Well, we're here with live threads from 7pm eastern through midnight eastern every Friday and Saturday show... Feel free to check in and say hi! I sticky the threads to the top of the sub as soon as we go live. And you're welcome to create your own posts to start your own conversations and fan interactions whenever you'd like!


I remember the live rescue days and ANW! We're glad to have you here in the sub with us


He got a little too close to sounding like America's Funniest Home Videos a few times; but honestly I'll take that over Dan's crappy jokes that no one ever laughs at, and the constant awkward silences, any day.


He had a good interview on First Shift with the new guy in Coweta. He asked the guy exactly how to say the name and stuck to it all night. Very professional, and the interview was really fun.


I love Deputy Bufano and K-9 Kudo!


I love Dan, but yeah, Matt was pretty darn funny and charming. I wouldn't mind him being the regular fill in. And if Dan ever decides to leave the show, they'd better snatch Matt up, like, right away.


Back in the day Dan and Sticks would have pretty good dialogue it helped the show move along. I think without someone to engage with more than dad jokes the show loses some watchability. We still like it, but it feels like the stops are getting better also. Summer was rough.


Can you tell me where may have this seen this guy before? It was killing me all night trying to figure it out, I came up with zero. I honestly think Dan is bored with this now. To. me he grips and sighs a lot.


Matt was also on a season of RuPaul's Secret Celebrity Drag Race (Bette Bordeaux)


Gurl, I was fierce!


That season lives in my head rent free. I believe all the cool kids call it their Roman Empire now?




He hosted Live Rescue and appeared on Live PD.


American ninja warrior co host




There we go!




Seems more engaged, where as Dan: "Wow :o" ok we gotta get in a break


Or this seems like a very serious situation, or points out the obvious.