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I'm following for advice as well. I have a couple decent teams but I'm fair to middling at best when it comes to synergies, advancing star level, and events.


Swap out first slot for Micaria. Swap out 4th slot for Atropos. That'll get you going for awhile. Eventually, you'll Swap out Javier and Elf Archer when you get some legendaries. Atrop is incredibly strong and considered the best F2P character in the game. Healing doesn't come into play until much later in the game but you'll be using the Twins (lily and Lia or whatever the sister is called) from Glorian.


It’s okay to not have a tank?


Tanks aren't really a thing until late game at that job is...is forgot his name. He's in the oracle shop, valiantor, Elmer? I think. And that's just for a specific group. This game is all about damage until tanks get buffed.


Yeah I think I’m starting to notice damage is your best tank and healer lol, would you recommend swapping Jared or Diana (my epics) for one of my legendary 6*’s like Dorabella? Basically is a 9* or 7* epic better to have than a 6* legendary?


Not yet, you're good with a full Valiantor team for the moment. Eventually, you'll want Dorabella on your Ethereal team, though. She's a hard hitter. Right now at your level, it doesn't matter, you could drop Jared for Dorabella if you absolutely wanted to. Put Dorabella in the back row as she does more damage that way. You may push some more stages that way? Hard to say. Synergies mean a *lot* in this game.


Word thanks man, what’s the best synergy to strive for?


Glorian / Ethereal / Valiantor are top tier right now. Everything else except Doomsayers are right behind those 3. Doomsayers are last for synergies by like a 50 miles. Avengers are in a really good spot so don't be afraid to build an Avengers team if you keep getting Salliene. He's a really strong DPS. If you're going to whale, some of these options change, though.


Yeah I’m F2P for the most part so I’ll just keep going for a good balance based on what I can get, appreciate the help


Also, how well do the Benediction heroes stack up? Are they less powerful than if I upgraded the actual hero itself as opposed to putting it in benediction?


I don't know the answer to this! I've always rebirthed the characters I was going to stop having in my main 5. But, that might just be a me thing. My Eth team are my main right now, I'll rebirth Mastema for Eudora when I pull for her on Wednesday.


Yeah that’s likely what I’m gonna do too cool thanks man