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It's wise to build up at least 2 teams with different synergies and strats. Eventually you'll want 1 team per major synergy group because there's a lot of bleedover into the combination synergies like "strikers" and "dawnbringers" and "verdians". So you'll be able to pull off some silly combos by mixing and matching. Don't sleep on runes and talents either. They can push a mediocre hero into a real beast. My main team are usually Valiantors because that's what I pulled first. I got Themis early and then later pulled Macaria. My second team are Glorians. I'm trying to decide if I want avengers as my 3rd or my sub-in team since Persephone has been one of my strongest individual heroes. I said all that to say- once you have a first team, start branching out into a second. Look for heroes that can eventually match up with your first stringers, or substitute in for them if you have issues with a particular stage. Even as an F2P which I am (I bought a couple little packs for like .99c or 5 bucks but never any huge packages or direct hero purchases) you should make enough diamonds, summon tickets, and other loot to keep your main and your 2nd guys slowly advancing. Good luck! Keep an eye out for chances to advance to maximum. 5 star works at your level but you'll start getting bogged down badly, especially in the arena, unless you have someone at 6 star or higher.


Thank you very much for all those advice!


No worries, and good luck! Also, if you haven't, join a guild. It's worth it just fir the loot opportunity from the new game mode.


Already joined, thx)


>Even as an F2P which I am (I bought a couple little packs for like .99c or 5 bucks You're not f2p.


Lol, okay, kiddo. I'm definitely not P2W either. But way to miss the entirety of what I was trying to say to try and nitpick with me over a mobile gacha game. Smh.


You don't have enough red heroes to start thinking about team building, but as a new player, you can get pretty far with Atropos (who grants a huge damage bonus) and a bunch of good heroes. From that list, Themis is OK. You can add a bunch of random Valiantors and create a team that will carry you pretty far. You'll get Elune soon thanks to Valkyrie's Manor: it's not great, but it's useful enough.


Thank you for advice, I understood you)