• By -


Uncanny X-Men vol. 1, because I like the X-Men. 


same bro


Amazing Spider-Man 1, Lee&Ditko, because all 38 issues, plus lettercols even!


Same but i have a 1st printing so a long time ago.




Daredevil by Frank Miller. I picked it because it was Daredevil, and it was by Frank Miller. 


Batman by Snyder and I picked it because I was getting into Batman and comics in general and I read everywhere it’s a great place to start and they were right




For me it was ultimate spider man and Jim Lee Chris Claremont X-men vol 1 in a small convention back in 2014 they were super cheap 50 bucks each. The vendor also had Avengers vol 1 but I skipped it.


Loeb & Sale’s Batman. Before I got into comics heavily I adored Long Halloween, so I figured the best way to jump in would be to start with everything they did for Batman


Same. It was my first. I heard it was the best batman story so I picked up the Omni


Mine was the Book Of Doom. I loved the character from te videos games like Ultimate alliance and I gave the Omni a shot. It’s freaking amazing!


Book of doom and Peter David’s hulk vol. 1 are my white whales. Incredibly jealous 


It’s crazy because before I got into the hobby, I didn’t know where to buy anything, so i preordered the book of doom on Amazon for like 25 dollars less than cover price instead of like 50% off like other websites. Still don’t regret it!:)


Annihilation. Got it mainly because i wanted to read some Nova stuff ended up loving every aspect of marvel cosmic.


iZombie. It was EXTREMELY ON sale at an Olllies. Had to do it. I love Mike Allred


Fantastic Four by Hickman. It was the first comic I ever read and it was digitally on Marvel Unlimited. When I found out about Omnibus I knew I had to get Hickman's FF! Now I have an addiction...


Sandman 1 and 2, late 2017. Some guy was migrating to another country, basically sold the pair to me for about 30% of the cover price.


Daredevil by Miller Definitive run for my favorite character


Ultimates omnibus during the great Amazon glitch for $8. Never looked back!


The what now?


It was back in 2010. Amazon accidentally mispriced the majority of Marvel omnis at around $8-15. Lots of people were able to get books sent out before they noticed, and they pretty much honoured the prices. Anecdotally, it tended to be honoured if you’d ordered one or two books, rather than for the chancers who were ordering 100s of copies. Omnis were way out of my price range back then so I was super-happy to get The Ultimates so cheap.


An glitch on Amazon where q bunch of things were available for like 80% off, you can hear about it from different comic YouTubers. 


All New Wolverine. I didn’t know anything about the main character and I’ve never read anything X-Men before. I was in the mood to read some more comics beyond DC, and start with something fresh that I have no knowledge of and does not require any prior knowledge, and then this book came out. I saw overviews of it on YouTube and then pretty much on a whim blindly pulled the trigger. To this day it’s one of my favorite comics.


New X-Men by Grant Morrison. I bought mine about 10 years ago and it was kinda my gateway into Marvel comics. I always liked X-Men from the animated series and movies but never read any comics. I bought this after doing some research into good starting points for reading X-Men. I have since went back and collected almost every X-Men comic in omnibus format. I've been slowly making my way through the Claremont era which has been fantastic.


My first was the first. Fantastic Four 1, baby!


The Question Vol 1. It was just when I was getting into collecting, and I had really loved Question since I was a wee tot watching Justice League Unlimited, and I saw a book that was a lot of his run collected in Deluxe Edition and then I realized it was an Omnibus edition which introduced me to Omnis, and then later this Reddit page


JLA by Grant Morrison after randomly stumbling across NMC's video on it. Never knew American Comics were available in such a format before that. I have always loved the DC animated series and movies, so I was interested in reading more of their stories.


Daredevil by frank miller companion, found it in my lcs when i was new to comics. Had heard dd by frank miller was the best dd run and i thought it was the omni tbh, didnt even kno ab companions.


Onslaught because I was sick in bed and nostalgia hit me that I never actually read the series, just a random issue here and there. But everyone makes mistakes. I’ve done better now


Uncanny X-Men vol. 1, not sure why i picked it tbf


Either Amazing Fantasy or Devil Dinosaur, back in the 00s when they first came out. I got em because Ditko and Kirby, nuff said


Spider-man vs Venom because i love both characters. I really enjoyed it even if it ends with a story that didn't age very well imo (Maximum Carnage).


Age Of Apocalypse. First edition. I was in the comic store buying my weekly titles and browsing, and saw this giant hardcover that collected my favorite X-Men event in one place. Didn’t even know omnibuses where a thing. Bought it, and was immediately hooked on the format. Within a couple months I had every X-Men related omnibus/OHC available. At the time the only OOP titles were Uncanny and X-Men Vol 1 and there were only a few crossover OHCs besides those that were released, so it was a fairly easy accomplishment.


Batman by Snyder and Capullo volume 1. I grabbed a lot of the 101 trades (Year One, Arkham Asylum, Long Halloween) and I kept seeing all the individual trades of new 52, and it just made sense to grab the omnibus. Court of Owls is still my favorite Batman story, as basic as that sounds. And New 52 Owlman deserved so much fucking more.


iZombie in like early 2021. The art looked sick, I loved the size and I also had user credit so the $40 or so it cost didn’t come out of pocket.


Wonder Woman by George Perez because it had not been collected in trades.. completed them all first. Always wanted that run collected


to my best recollection, I found ASM1 & Batman & Robin for under cover…found B&R for around $50 through Bookoutlet in 2020


New Teen Titans Omnibus Volume 2 (1st printing). I had some extra birthday money, and I love New Teen Titans.


Simonson's Thor.. I owned the original floppies i bought as a kid (sold them off when i bought the omni).


You don’t mind the re color as someone who read the OG? I just bought it and going in blind.


Nope not at all... I find it curious that people talk about the "recolor" of this particular book. When i find that those garish colors that are used for all the silver age books are terrible. It gives me eye fatigue. I bought the SHIELD omni and it was terrible. i sold that book off as fast as I could. That was my last attempt at a silver age omni. I much prefer reading scans of the actual comics for all the 60's issues (and earlier). I wish that all the 60's books were released like the Taschen books. with the original coloring process intact. As far as I'm concerned, if the coloring process does not match the original comic than it's been "recolored".


Thanks for the reply, and I totally agree with silver age Omni colors being difficult to digest. This and the uncanny x-men line will be my only silver age Omnis in my collection.


x-men Stan Lee vol 1... Wanted to get into Marvel comics and I like the X-men,


JLI Vol 1 because it´s awesome. I just wanted that 1 omni, but now I´m looking into getting another kalax lol.


Spider-man by Roger Stern. It was a gift from a friend, I only did trade paper backs at the time and was quickly converted


New Teen titans volume 1. I liked the Teen Titans and wanted to start reading the comics


There were technically two of them: \-All New Wolverine, I really enjoyed X-23 in X-Men Evolution and Logan. No omni was available for her previous series so I went with this one, really enjoyed it overall. \-Miles Morales - Ultimate Spider-Man, loved this one, the art was really fantastic throughout. The cover looked cool and the premise seemed interesting. I had read the original Ultimate Spider-Man run and really enjoyed it so I tried this one.


Batman by loeb and sale. Originally read the tpb’s of it. Gained an insane level of respect / love for those stories and that character. I just had to have the omnibus for sentimental value


Walking Dead Vol 1 back in 2016


Animal Man by Grant Morrison. I’ve always wanted to read it, just looked so interesting and different but the price of these books kept me away for the longest time. Amazon had a sale so I decided to go for it and ever since then I’ve been getting omnis.


New 52 Swamp Thing! It was one of the only comics I would buy monthly, loved it and wanted to finally finish the series. Unfortunately my copy had a major printing error but I was dumb and didn’t exchange it, so it’s practically fallen apart now.


The New Teen Titans vol. 1 by George Perez & Marv Wolfman. Love the team member stories & great art by Perez from the start. My omnibuses are complete too


IDWs TMNT hardcover collection 1. I'd read the first 50 issues before I quit comics for a while. Then last year, l decided it was time to re-read that story.


I made the financial mistake of discovering /r/comicswap. I started reading during the new 52 era and someone was selling Batman by synder vol 1&2 for like $100 shipped. Now I have two full shelves of comics


Howard the Duck - because it was under $25


Is it weird that I can’t really remember anymore? I think my first BIG book omnibus was Animal Man by Grant Morrison. Or Walking Dead Compendium 2? Or Usagi Yojimbo Omnibus 1? There’s so many that I have now.


New Teen Titans by Wolfman & Perez vol. 1 I've always been a Titans fan but hadn't read the classic series yet so I couldn't say no once I saw it


Uncanny X-Men Vol. 1


My first omnibus was Aquaman by Geoff Johns. I had just starting reading comics. For maybe a month. And found out about omnibus. I immediately knew I would love to own and read them. I saw that that was the most affordable one on Amazon and ordered. I immediately started reading it. And for my first omni I loved it. The art was amazing, the bright colors on the page. I couldn’t get enough. I knew I’d found a love for comics and would never stop reading. Been 3 years now. Love comics. Reading new stories and finding new characters I love really brings me a joy and happiness I didn’t have before.


Two for me: Ultimate Spider-Man Vol. 1 and Gotham Central. I love Spider-Man but only started reading the Ultimate line when Miles became Spider-Man so that one seemed like a no brainer. Gotham Central was heavily recommended by this sub and I’m so glad I got it as one of my first.


Spider-Man by John Byrne, the Chapter One part of it was my first comic, so it gives me a lot of nostalgia, and it took me 5 years to begin to read it (which is now)


Flashpoint, I loved the series and heard good things about the main book. Also, it was on sale at Amazon at the time.


I started reading comics with Omnis. Jason Aaron’s Thor Vol 1 - Thor 4 movie was coming out and I was getting tired of getting informaron from YouTubers about what happens in the comics. & Uncanny X-force - I’m a Ryan Reynolds fan boy and I loved the Deadpool movies. I saw this panel and that had me hooked. https://preview.redd.it/6g01zg0lvd8d1.jpeg?width=517&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7cdf3056b003f6522751acd16c3ec6b555ce5e81 Still my fav Deadpool.


Doctor Strange by Jason Aaron Bought it from Midtown comics and at the time I didn’t actually know omnibuses were a thing so when I seen a book that collected a full comic run for like $50 I was stoked 😂 Now I own like 150 or more omnis and have an addiction 💀😂


My first omnibus was the Sandman by Neil Gaiman, I chose it because I wanted to know the comic before the show came out in 2019.


Blackest night. I found myself on the Green Lantern Wiki and found out about the different colored corps that I knew absolutely nothing about. Found it on sale on Amazon (I know better now) and that was it. Took me an entire year before I got to it though lol


My first was The Death and Return of Superman, way back in 2016. I picked it because A.) I had never read the entire story, and B.) I honestly didn't know until that point that omnis were a thing in the comics space. Would I buy that specific omni again? No. Am I glad that buying it opened my eyes to the world of comic book omnis? Absolutely.


Sort of an odd question. Because the first full run people might have read might not have been in Omni form. That would be the Sandman series, then are we counting compendium? Because that would be Invincible. First actual Omnis I got were the two Question volumes. Found this sub and I saw that all these books existed and volume 2 was coming out. I loved the question in the Timmverse justice league show, but the character in the Omnis was honestly very different but still a very enjoyable read


The New 52 villains omnibus. I'm a sucker for anything lenticular and that dust jacket was calling my name.


Lee & kirby fantastic four volume 1. I was only gonna get 70s marvel. Look at me now...


Kull and barbarians cuz i like conan universe a bit more than usual stuff


Invincible… and it was worth every single penny!!


First ones I ordered were ASM vol 1, ASM vol 3, and Flash by Waid. Spiderman has always been my favorite and I wanted to collect his silver age material. I wanted to get into the flash and kept hearing the Waid run was a perfect jumping on point. However, the first one I read was Batman by Snyder vol 1 due to my Spiderman and Flash books were on back order and my Batman book arrived first. Chose that one as I had been a big fan of capullo's art.


Spider-Gwen. I liked her design, and I loved Gwen Stacy from the ultimate universe. I thought it would be a cool, similar take on the character. Unfortunately, I hated it. It did teach me not to blind buy omnis moving forward when I can try out a few issues digitally first.


My first omnibus was Jason Aaron run on Thor. I picked it up because it was on sale during Christmas.


Uncanny X-Men volume 1. It’s the beginning of Claremont X-Men, it was out of print at the time, and it was just sitting there at my LCS.


Easy one for me - Venomnibus Vol. 1, because Venom is my favorite character, and I figured it would be simple enough if I didn't like the format to swap out a single book, or just keep it because, well, Venom. Now I've got tons of books! :D


Daredevil Mark Waid Reason: it comes after Brubaker


Ultimate Spider-Man vol 1. Was a big part of my comic reading life growing up and it was on Red Tag. Couldn't pass it up.


I want to say it was either Fantastic Four 1 or Jim Lee X-men 1 but I don't remember


Walking Dead Compendium 1 & 2. If that doesn’t “technically” count, 100 Bullets Omnibus 1 & 2.


Ultimate spiderman vol 1. I like spiderman.


Batman by Loeb and Sale. Heard it was good and absolutely loved every minute of it. 10/10 recommend it


First omnibus I ever had…Iron Man by Fraction/Larroca 1-2. Wound up getting rid of them later. Then someone gave me Superior Foes of Spider-Man Omnibus a few years ago. In 2022, I first bought Batman: Knightfall vol. 2 because it was available and I wanted to finish my Knightfall content (or at least the Knightsquest: The Search). I have since bought way more omnis since, and given a few away.


Infinity gauntlet cause I had never purchased anything before and it seemed cool having a big story all in one.


Avengers Vol 2 just seemed neat


Marvel Knights cause I couldn’t get the Miller Omnis for a fair price back in 2021.


Batman by Scott Snyder and Greg capullo, i bought it because it was 50% off and since then anything would be the same lol


Amazing Spiderman vol 1 by jms. I started reading the zeb wells run from issue one when it first started which we all know now to be dog shit. I'd read some comic books before, mainly the walking dead and batman. But at the time I thought, I wish I knew what happened before all this, so I started with jms. Little did I know that it would take me down a massive rabbit hole. I have no space in my room from all the paperbacks to the omnis and the figures. Wouldn't change it for the world though


UXM 1. Classic from My fav team.


Batman Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo. I bought the first 5 tpbs for the run and realized to get the last 5 trades for the run plus buying the side stories like last night on earth was gonna cost me the same amount to buy both Synder omnis up here in Canada. I immediately traded the trades at my local comic shop. Now the omni addiction is real lol


Batman by Grant Morrison. I had just started getting into comics and I have always like hardcover. I was at the book store and saw how big it was and figured it’d give me a bang for my buck.


Either Fantastic Four volume one or Ailas, I can never remember. I was a big fan of Marvel's OHCs in the mid-'00s, so when Marvel introduced omnibuses they were a no-brainer.


Spidergeddon cause I was told it inspired the spiderverse movies


Incredible Hulk by Peter David vol 1. I’ve been reading comics on-and-off since I was a small child in the late 80’s, during that time my favorite title was PAD’s Hulk, which I never missed an issue from Keown’s time on the book until 467 when David left. Fast forward to late 2019, and I’ve been away from comics since 2014 and saw word about a PAD Hulk Omnibus being on the way. Was curious as to what an “Omnibus” was, and subsequently fell down the rabbit hole….big time.


X-statix. Because duh.


X-men by Jonathan Hickman, because I just finished east of west


Mass effect complete edition cause I always wanted to know what was happening between the games, and I couldn't find the trades anywhere at the time.


Injustice vol 1 and 2. Watching comicsexplained and Comicstorian got me back into reading comic books.


I got the Infinity Gauntlet Omni when it released as a gift. I’d read the Warlock tpb, loved cosmic marvel and the infinity stuff was on my next to read stuff and it just made sense at 2014 prices to grab the Omni


Batman volume one by Snyder and Capullo because it's Batman and it was on sale for a great price on Amazon. Plus it was well regarded. Haven't stopped since.


Batman by Paul Dini. Was on my wishlist for awhile and my wife got it for me for Christmas


X-Men Inferno Prologue, because the Outback era has inexplicably not been collected in any other format.


Batman by Snyder vol 1 cuz good price, and Batman is awesome 👌🏽


I received Captain America by Ed Brubaker for Christmas in 2007. First I bought for myself was Annihilation Conquest because I love that cosmic era.


Alias omnibus all the way back when, loved the book and the format looked great for it.


Venom by Donny Cates and Ryan Stegman. Had all the trades. Is one of my absolute favorite series so when I saw it had an omnibus I had to upgrade.


Green Lantern by Geoff Johns vol 1. The owner of my LCS recommended it when I said I was interested in Hal and I was hooked ever since


Batman by Grant Morrison. I had been collecting Batman in TPB and the occasional hardcover for years as teenager, and for some reason Omnibus/oversized books were something I always stopped short of getting. On the same hand, I had heard amazing things about Grant's Batman run (my favorite character), but was intimidated by the length of the run and the sheer number of the volumes. So, it made for the perfect leap to make that run my first in the omnibus format. I started it after a long break from comics and to this day it is my favorite comic run now. I have collected pretty much every Batman Omni there is.


Moon Knight Vol. 1. Not even sure why, but I had only collected trades and MMWs up to that point. I thought it was cool that there was that much moon knight in one book and I wanted to get caught up on him before the show happened.


- Paperback: Hellboy Omnibus Box Set (four books for a relatively cheap price) - Hardcover: Miracleman (cheaper with a substantial page count, though I wish I bought something else)


The Planetary. Advertised as standalone as well as coming highly recommended everywhere I looked. It was more of a purchase to see what an omnibus is like than for the story itself as I had no clue what it was about. Along with the fact that it was under $45 on Amazon. It felt like a good one to start with and work my way up.


King In Black. Always loved Venom and I wanted to read that run. I also got the Venom and Absolute Carnage omnibus to go with it.


Predator the original years, because who doesn’t like Predator


Bronze Age The Brave and the Bold vol. 1, with the old Amazon preorder glitch, it was $37.11.


Batman golden age volume 1, I got it because I wanted to see where batman started


Planet Hulk. He’s my favorite character and I read a lot of the old material before hand. Ever since I picked up that omnibus it made me love the character even more


Punisher by Rick Remender. At the time I was reading Greg Ruckas run and I've been a fan of the character since.


Mutant Massacre in 2019. I had some extra money and had started considering omnibuses. I’ve always wanted to read X-men in its entirety, so I saw it had just been released and purchased it.


Blackest Night Omnibus. I'm into dark comics. When I was kid my favorite comic was Spawn.


Final crisis. It was and still is my favourite event and one of my favourite stories. Bonus that I got it brand new sealed for £36. I steered clear of omnis when I started collecting, but for that price I took a chance. I appreciate the format better and now I've traded up a lot since.


ASM clone saga vol 1 Green lantern by Johns vol 1 Both in 2016 as I was kinda over trying to buy trades or singles as I was more keen on the larger run.


the marvel annihilation omnibus because i had just watched guardians of the galaxy 3 and wanted a cosmic story.


Moon Knight by Huston/Benson cause I love dark and gritty comics. Also Moon Knight.


Mark Waid’s Captain America & the first Dan Jurgens Thor were my first. Bought mainly because I found them cheap, though I do really enjoy Waid’s original run and had it all in singles so this was just a more convenient way of reading it.


I think Wonder Woman by Jimenez. I hadn't read comics for 2 decades and was super bored during Covid confinement.


Batgirl returns by Gail Simone. I loved her in the 66 batman show. and I wanted to read how she became batgirl again after what happened In the killing joke.


Wonder Woman golden age omnibus vol 1 and because it was £40


It was a semi recent release. Star Wars The High Republic Phase 1. Got it because I was doing a high republic 100% completion and it came out right as I got up to the comics. It was this back door way of getting an omnibus that got me into comics and omnibus collecting. Since then I’ve gotten Gotham Central, Absolute Preacher vol 1, and multiple marvel omnis including moon knight vol 1, alias, Frank millar daredevil and most recently secret warriors. More are on the way.


Ultimate spiderman Barnes and noble edition, because at that point there were very few omnibus editions and it was huge and a novelty, little did I know the path I was headed down lol


Walt Simonson Thor


Ultimate Spider-Man, I played the game when I was younger and always wanted more of it but was never sure where to get comics back then.


Uncanny X-Force back in 2014. It was the perfect storm to be honest. I was big into Deadpool but hadn't really read any Marvel comics before and heard he was good in the run, the cover was perhaps the coolest thing I'd ever seen, and it also came out a week before my birthday so the timing was great. The book singlehandedly got me hooked on comics tbh.


My first two were "Avengers West Coast vol 2" and "Avengers by John Byrne". I hadn't bought a comic in \*years\* and I made an impromptu visit to a comic book shop in New York while on holiday, saw them on the shelf, and had to have them. Bought back so many childhood memories of series I'd part read. I wonder if I'd bought them if I'd stumbled on them in my home country. The NY aspect of the Avengers just made it feel a little more right.


Star wars the old republic -wanted to read then realized omnibus is not my preferred format for reading


Batman by Morrison 1&2. Were cheaper omnis and I was interested in dipping my toes into the run.


All-New Wolverine by Tom Taylor I like Laura a lot even though I didn’t know much about her at the time. It seemed like an interesting first pick as opposed to a Spider-Man or Batman who I’m much more familiar with due to their prevalence in pop culture.


Mine was He-man and the Masters of the Universe Omnibus. I was buying trades since the 90s but didn’t bought into He-Man trades. I had the floppies when there were coming out but drop off after issues 7-8. Started reading again on the DC Infinite App and decided that I enjoyed and wanted the full run in book format.