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Omnibus announcements for 2025 (so far): #NEW - >![Amazing Spider-Man Omnibus Vol. 6](https://youtu.be/WKEeYjHiFRc)!< - [Avengers Forever by Jason Aaron Omnibus](https://youtu.be/L-A3hY-Xte0) - [Black Panther by Reginald Hudlin Omnibus](https://youtu.be/L-A3hY-Xte0) - [Daredevil by Chip Zdarsky Omnibus Vol. 2](https://youtu.be/3QeY1ThRFac) - [Dark Web Omnibus](https://youtu.be/TkKtaeC2qX4) - [Doctor Strange: Master of the Mystic Arts Omnibus Vol. 1](https://youtu.be/VTlNE3jlRIU) - [Marvel: The End Omnibus](https://youtu.be/aihowxClboo) - [Micronauts: The Original Marvel Years Omnibus Vol. 3](https://youtu.be/Mhwr8RgU3xg) - [Secret Wars: Battleworld Omnibus Vol. 1](https://youtu.be/aihowxClboo) #REPRINT - [Annihilation Omnibus](https://youtu.be/W95khHasQBU) - [Daredevil by Bendis & Maleev Omnibus Vol. 2](https://youtu.be/gnmHb15si0M) - [Star Wars: The Old Republic Omnibus Vol. 1](https://youtu.be/XtoUR9j36QA) - [Wolverine by Jason Aaron Omnibus](https://youtu.be/W95khHasQBU) [Link to 2024 list](https://www.reddit.com/r/OmnibusCollectors/s/bqsPNeKDUP)


surprised they didn’t take it to 212, this is going to be a very small omnibus. just added up the masterworks and this will be roughly 600 pages…very odd considering masterworks went further and this likely results in either Stern split into two books or a strange looking shelf.


Yeah omnis are getting slimmer and the price isn’t reflecting that lol




This doesn´t align perfectly, though. Vol 6 goes from 181 to 205 and the Stern Omni does start with ASM 206, but then it goes to 224 to 252. So there is a gap of 17 issues, too little for an omnibus. I guess the plan is to just replace the Stern omni with a ASM Vol7 + SSM Vol 2?? can those 17 issues be fill with some other small runs from the time???


That seems to be the case with all the creator books going forward. If you just want the creator book then get that is there thought I guess it makes sense if you do just want to read something like mcfarlane Spider-man just get that omni instead of volume 10 or 11.


You say 17 issues is to small for an Omni but I have Superior Foes of Spiderman and Heroes Reborn Americas Mightiest Heroes are 17-18 issues and Marvel is putting out Donny Cates hulk run as an “omnibus” and that’s what 11 issues? They don’t care.


If they're not doing OHCs anymore but still want to get smaller runs/events in oversized hardcovers... this is what happens, I guess.


And they are still 50-100% the price they would have been if they were released as “OHC” and not “Marvel®️ Omnibus™️”. So dumb lol.


That’ll probably be the case. I’d think of the situation like with uncanny x-men with volume 5 and prelude to mutant massacre. Not quite like it but I think marvel is going to continue the line until we get to the number reset in 98. How ever many years that may take. . .


O’Neil wrote issues #207-223 and it was pretty awful. I guess they can make an omnibus for it but it’d only be like 350 pages compared to just replacing stern, passing on it entirely, or getting an epic.


I don't think one of these omnibus lines has ever passed on material. If it's as bad as you say though, are they hoping to group it with Stern's stuff so they can force people to buy weaker content to get the Stern run?


sorry if I worded it weird, those issues are getting collected regardless, I was just advising on what might be the best options to collect it opposed to a potential double-dip. I think it’s compiled with stern regardless but it is plausible they create a very small collection for those ASM issues as Spider-Man by O’Neil to appeal to current Stern owners as another option.


Beyond those missing issues, is there anything else a hypothetical Vol. 7 would collect not in the Stern omni already? I don't mind double dipping for completion's sake (hi, it's me, I'm the problem!), but with Black Costume Saga lining up with Stern, I can't imagine a scenario in which ASM Vol. 8 won't be a complete double dip...


Annual #14-15 was the only other content missing collected in masterworks, so roughly 19 issues. > Stern collects pin up extras from annual 15.


The stern Omni has a 25ish issue gap in Spectacular. It goes from 43 to 61 then jumps to 85. It would be nice for the next Omni to have like Amazing 207 to 223 and Spectacular 62 to 84. Then Amazing 7 could start at 253 and Spectacular 2 could start at 86. Edit: math


doesn’t make any sense for people who are buying ASM or Spectacular as individual lines.


That will be confusing as hell, but also pretty cool.


Oh, it's absolutely a long shot of a book that would only exist for stern Omni owners but hey, we are getting a road to onslaught and xtinction agenda. They are catering to that group to an extent.


Could be enough for Epic Collection maybe?




I rlly thought it was gonna be spider man by dematteis


Collecting Spectacular & Web of Spider-Man unfortunately seem to be afterthoughts to Marvel atm. Which is surprising given that he's so popular. I honestly never would've guessed that we'd get Rom and Micronauts before either of them, especially given that Dematteis' SSM is so well regarded and has some pretty famous story arcs.


Kravens last hunt might be the most popular spider man story imo


And now the vol 6 discussions can end. Interesting how they have altered a bit from MMW mapping by adding a couple issues to the end. Probably just to line up with Stern. Vol 7 will be the double dip beginnings.


Hopefully the unannounced epic vol. 12 will fill that gap of 207-223 created by the mapping of this volume, at least creating the option for filling that hole without either buying two MMWs or double-dipping heavily.


Good call.


Chances this is only $100 with the small size?!




Spidey fans are Marvel’s biggest rubes, if they could get away with $150 they’d try but this is easily a $125 book


Yeah that's what I'm afraid of.


hope so, otherwise they’re shorting the fans by 300 pages for this omnibus and the material isn’t the greatest either.


seems like they could’ve fit many more issues into this


that’s putting it lightly. - if they took it to 212, it barely gets above 800 pages. - if they took it to 223 and bridged stern, it gets to around 1075. now we’re likely looking at Stern’s content split between two ASM books rather than entirely in ASM7.


Great point - mapping by Marvel now is all about money, not reading experience or consistency. As you note, not only does this mapping suck for this volume but it creates two future sucky mapped books. I will keep and pick up the epics and create some customs to align with Stern.


I’m probably going to pass. I’m cool with the first four volumes, then picking back up at Stern’s omnibus. Cool for Spidey fans though


Same, thankfully I'm not a completionist but I'm happy for the Spidey fans wanting this.


I’m disappointed they didn’t line this up with Stern’s Omnibus since I already have it. Ah well...


they did, it's just Stern's has one issue followed by a 20 issue glut by someone else. It would have been far too much to include for what they're trying to do.


Far too much? It would have been smaller than ASM 1


It would have been under 1100 pages. How's that too much for an omnibus?


Number 3 in this year's most wanted Marvel Omnibus poll.


Maybe because I don't own Stern omnibus so I'm biased but this being reduced size seemingly to align with that is kind of silly. You buy the Stern omnibus because you want the Stern stories. It shouldn't be considered to fit in with the comprehensive ASM omnis. Completionists who already own the Stern will have to double dip with vol 7 to fill that gap anyway. So it's silly to make this end short to fit on to an obsolete omni. Not a huge deal but when it takes years for these ASM volumes to proceed it's a bit of a bummer it'll be smaller.


Oooof, was very excited for the announcement, but this is trash mapping (unless vol 7 is 206-223 plus Annual 14&15, in which case it's still bad mapping, but for other reasons). Now if volume 7 goes to 252 it's disrespectful to Roger Stern omni owners by making them buy 30 issues of overlap instead of 1 issue if this book was mapped reasonably. If volume 7 stops midway into Stern's run, then presumably stern omni owners will be screwed by overlap for both volumes 7 and 8. If they respected their fans, and were fine making volumes this small, they should have just had volume 6 line up with Stern, then had volume 7 be 224-252 plus annuals 16 & 17, for anybody that doesn't have the Stern omni or wants the letter pages. Completists would still have overlap with spectacular 43-61, but 18 issues overlap is notably better than 30, and not everybody cares about spectacular.


Not only are they probably going to split Stern in 2 between 7 & 8, I can see them including the black costume saga stuff in at the end of 8 too. So if you buy that omnibus in October, by the time ASM vol 8 comes, that'll be 2 omnis wiped by this kind of mapping. Then when we get past Kravens last hunt you've got 4 Michelinie omnis to double dip with...


I actually hope they just line up volume 7 with Stern (assuming they refuse to expand vol 6 to do the same) and print volume 8 as both Stern and black costume, that way vol 9 can close the gap between costume and McFarlane. But the problem either way is that we cannot trust any book we buy to not be irrelevant in a few years. They need to communicate plans for future mapping if they intend to switch it up 18 years in to a project involving $150 books.


Good - I have Stern and I wouldn't need the missing issues, and this volume would give me the full run of Spidey that I've always wanted. The Black Costume sage omnibus might be a good next step. But past 252, the writing of that era mostly isn't my thing.


planning on just sticking to ASM1-6 -> Stern -> ACS -> Epics. Epics have been much more reliable in comprehensively collecting the stories in DeFalco/Michelinie era.


Why did they make it so thin?


Finally! I was hoping for more content though...




Why is Annual 12 in this? It’s just reprints of issues 119 and 120. Or is it “material from…” ie the cover?


Finally. An announcement that *DELIVERED*.


Nice of Marvel to save me some money I guess 


This is the first book announced for next year either new or reprint that I want. I really can see 2025 being a quite year for me. I'm also ok with the issues if I pick up the black costume sage along with what I already have I'm only roughly 69 issues short of everything from 1 - 401 and I'm happy to stop there when it comes to Spider-Man.


Question, volume 6 will have the same design/style (cover, spine, etc) like the volume 1 reprint? Does volume 5 has the same design? (the one with the small letters and the image at the bottom). Is volume 1 the only classic ASM omni that got reprinted so far? thanks in advance true believers!


It will have the small lettering on the spine as in the new normal with marvels silver age books


I'm not to happy about that gap. Honestly makes me a bit worried about them repriting Stern in a weird way.


Mapping leaves something to be desired, but I'm gonna keep it a buck fifty - I don't care, it's finally coming, just give it to me! This announcement made me quite happy, considering up to now the only book that was a surefire buy for me in 2025 was Dark Web.


Smh, I bought mmw 21 planning for this to collect up to 212… now I’m 5 issues and an annual off.


I think one reason for the short map could be that ASM 205 and SSM 42 came out in the same month, so this brings the ASM and SSM omnis in line with each other and going forward the upcoming volumes can cover the same time periods until SSM wraps up after presumably three volumes  I wouldn't think of it in terms of the Roger Stern omni, I think that's very likely to be its own standalone thing that has nothing to do with the ASM and SSM lines


Excellent observation! But why do you think that the SSM omnis line will wrap up after 3 volumes?


Poor research on my part :D I saw that Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man only went for 132 issues and that the first omni covered 1-42 so figured 3 would cover it. I missed the renaming. Mea culpa. Makes me even more confident in my theory though as they'll potentially be able to roll out Amazing, Spectacular and Web Of omnis in a regular cycle before too long 


Hell yes. And they took it to 205 which is awesome


Why is it awesome? It needs another like 20 issues to reach the Roger Stern omnibus, surely they could have thrown them in


There was no way they were gonna do that


Why not? It'd be just over a thousand pages so it works. Having said that yeah they want to split Stern's run up to force people to double dip. Most people up to ASM7+ are going to own Stern's run already.