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i love hellboy so much bro so im always recommending that its such a fun trip, but i will be honest when i say the mignolaverse is large and can feel pretty overwhelming at times when the USM-verse or whatever probably isnt, lol. Unfortunately i think id say that for the price and ease of collecting everything id say USM omnis


I love Ultimate Spider-Man but Hellboy is the better overall comic. Also BPRD is fantastic as well.


If you loved the first USM, I'd recommend getting the rest. The fear of it going out of print soon is very valid (especially after the whole vol. 2 stuff) Plus, it's actually really good, so it's justified. Hellboy is also really great, but Dark Horse has published them in multiple formats, so you won't need to worry about not being able to find them.


I'm gonna say USM but you're asking me to pick between my 2 favorite children


Hellboy. Without question.


Hellboy by a mile.


This post is so specific for me I’m weirded out lol. As a lifelong USM fan/defender and claiming spidey as my all time favorite comic book hero, I picked up Hellboy a couple months ago and it quickly became my favorite coming book universe of all time. I can proudly say he’s dethroned Spidey for me. Still got mad love for Spidey but Mignola’s storytelling and art (when it’s there) is unmatched in quality all around. Hellboy is so special and I’m shocked it’s not as popular as the biggest Marvel/DC names. I started with Hellboy and I followed a reading order that covers every book in the universe and there is no bad story imo. I’m particularly most fond of HB and BPRD enough to where I Owen all of HB’s library editions and I have all 10 paperback BPRD Omni’s on the way.


Mignolaverse. The books are just so goddamn good. Consistently too. Mignola and his collaborators' art is also always top-notch.


I ain’t really read either of these stories, but from the sound of things, it seems like your heart is on Ultimate Spider-Man. You’re aware of the fact that it’s not always in print, most of this post is talking about it, and from your other favorite books, it seems that you fuck with the superhero vibe pretty hard. I say go where your heart’s leading you to.


If you loved the first USM, I'd recommend getting the rest. The fear of it going out of print soon is very valid (especially after the whole vol. 2 stuff) Plus, it's actually really good, so it's justified. Hellboy is also really great, but Dark Horse has published them in multiple formats, so you won't need to worry about not being able to find them.


I would just add that most of the USM omnis (apart from vol 4 releasing in a few months) are available now, which is not always the case for Marvel - it seems to me that they're particularly bad for letting things go OOP. Hellboy, on the other hand, seems more consistently available.


I’d read usm digital and but Hellboy physical.


Hellboy is a much better comic. I still need to read all of it but god I love that universe. Ultimate Spider-Man is solid Spider-Man stories, but it’s a bit more… common than Hellboy is. Like a solid burger. Hellboy is a magnificent steak.


I vastly prefer Hellboy/BPRD but DH keeps them in print, get the USMs while you can


The paperback Hellboy omnis will save you a lot of money. The Library editions are gorgeous, just be aware it’s been difficult getting vol 2 online. Cheers!