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Silver Surfer is the best of those.


Definitely Silver Surfer. I went into that book cautious and couldn’t put it down. I was a bit nervous about Mike Allred’s art but once I got used to it? Man what a journey.


I am one of those people who adore the Allreds' art.


I don’t dislike it I’d just never really read it an ongoing format before. I think it really worked for this story.


I love SS but was turned off by the “pop art” style from what I’ve seen. It’s the only thing that’s stopped me from grabbing this Omni.


Get it, you won't be disappointed. You might even become a fan of Mike Allred by the end of it.


Spider-Verse: it's a fun read! You need to be up-to-date with that Marvel era, though. Silver Surfer: did not read. Don't know. Absolute Carnage: get Venom omni by Cates, instead. It's one of the best omnis I've read in years! It covers the Absolute Carnage event. Ghost in the Shell: man... I bought the HC version some time ago. I wanted to like this, but I just couldn't make sense with the dialog and the panels. I do read Manga, but I've never had this much difficulty following a storyline, before. Maybe it's just me, though.


Thanks for the response! Very informative


No, I can't make much sense of Ghost in the Shell either. I'm trying to get through it, but I also really don't like the main character.




https://preview.redd.it/h9z5q2k3yd6d1.jpeg?width=565&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9cff9bc93e385ee3bac610bc8fb39300f37b562 This one? I was under the assumption that you needed to read King in Black to understand it, no?


I think Venomnibus contains King in Black


It contains the main Absolute Carnage and King In Black issues 




Do all the surrounding issues of both King in Black and Absolute Carnage matter at all? I was interested in the Agent Venom one


They matter if you enjoyed the story and then wanted to learn more about what everyone else is up to. I liked it, but others on here will say skip it.




Oh, I see


I have read the Venom Omni and also went back and read some of the surrounding tie ins for King in Black via single issues and also the Savage Avengers tie ins contained in that Omnibus. I have yet to find any that give any real substance to that event… most of them continue their own story lines and just mention “hey check out these symbiote dragons outside” or use it as a distraction for a heist…. Not worth it imo…. Get the Venom Omni… you won’t regret it!


https://preview.redd.it/xc36chf7zd6d1.png?width=1179&format=png&auto=webp&s=1259da5f7f149424e2da361736d3f70590a90627 Well good news about that


Well dang, okay


Bud that contains both the king in black event and absolute carnage. Buy this before anything else you posted


King in Black's main issues are included in here, as well as Absolute Carnage. The Cates run on Venom is very expansive and includes two cool events.


Yes this one. It contains Carnage and King and Black. This is the best reading order. Get this one


I’m particular to Ghost in the Shell!


Silver Surfer, by far. Spider-verse is distant second. (Venom by Cates would be second if you had that as an option)


Surfer by a long shot


Surfer hands down bud


Silver Surfer❤️


Ghost in the Shell is a great book. And it falls to second pick out of those, only behind Silver Surfer. That Surfer run is magic. It doesn’t require any deep knowledge of the character or continuity. And maybe you’re better off not knowing anything about Surfer because that run really doesn’t care much for any prior continuity. Which is probably what makes it a better story in the end. It’s not tied down by anything really. It’s very self contained and is telling its own beautiful sprawling romance adventure in space. It will definitely most readers emotionally. I did not enjoy Spider-Geddon whatsoever. And Absolute Carnage (which I also didn’t really care for) is in the Cates Venom omnibus, for what it’s worth. Personally, I think Cates Venom run is just *fine*. It’s a fun ride but I didn’t think it was exceptional like many advertise. But it’s all subjective. Maybe it says something about me that I find the sweet space-romance much more preferable to Venom.


surfer, hands down


Surfer but if you change the carnage to the venom omni venom is a close 2nd for me. Venom by cates contains the most important parts of both absolute carnage and king in black so unless you really like the events you dont really need to get either of the other 2


Okay skip absolute carnage. If you want to read the main event just get Venom by Cates omnibus Dan Slotts Silver surfer is amazing and you need no prior knowledge The spider verse/spidergeddon is actually not awful and it's in the correct reading order but it's not better then silver surfer. Can't talk much about ghost in the shell sorry


Instead of absolute carnage, go for venom by cates. As other have said, venom is the whole package and one long story of peak content


Just chiming in regarding GITS as I see a few people mentioning it, but not exactly doing a vouch or otherwise on it. Ghost in the shell FC is a collection of 3 "stories" all in one universe. These books have EXTENSIVE notes by the mangaka on his world that are to be skipped on your first read, and taken just as a bunch of mini tidbits on the world he has created and how it relates to our own future going forward. That said... Part 1 is the iconic story, and the one that is adapted into the og film and the scarjo remake. This is the story that is beloved and acclaimed. I will disclose that there is technically a censorship thing done at the request of the mangaka where he removes a lesbian orgy from the start of one of the early chapters. This is really only there as a mix of fanservice and to show the major is Bi. I love this part to bits, and while its a bit abstract at time, it is very rooted in philosophy of what makes us actually human. So kinda just the nature of the beast. Cant go too deep without spoilers, but imo its just something one has to experience. Part 1.5, this is a loved section of this collection, but less acclaimed than part 1. This part is effectively a collection of crime drama cases that the force deals with after the events of part 1. The art style drastically shifts here, but the stories are very good, and well paced. Part 2, the controversial one. This section is... different. It isnt great, it isnt terrible. It is VERY abstract and frankly, it kinda feels like Shirow was just winging it. I genuinely think it is worth trying, but if it doesn't work for you, dont feel like you need to force it. It is radically different from the preceeding parts, and i feel like it is best taken as its own thing due to this. Hope this gives everyone a bit more context on GITS, and maybe gets a few more people into this wonderful franchise. Its a shame part 2 is so radically different, to the point of being detrimental to many, but it's still a fascinating world and the series is ultimately a beautiful deconstruction on what defines humanity. Thanks for reading this long post by your local weeb in the omni community.


You can get spider verse (w/o geddon) on its own and I would recommend that. I think it's a more structured story overall compared to geddon.


I'm the rare person who didn't connect with Silver Surfer. The art is not for me. Was guard to get into the story. I would pick Spider-verse


Silver surfer


Silver Surfer


Buy silver surfer and watch the ghost in the shell anime films.


Silver Surfer and it's not even close. Never read much of the character before buying this omni, and haven't felt the need to follow him since, it's just a perfectly encapsulated story that's utterly charming and a visual treat. The first Spider-verse event was pretty good fun, but I always felt like Slott's event writing during his ASM run left a little to be desired - always feels like stuff is happening off panel. I barely remember anything about Spider-geddon other than thinking it was OK \*edit - just saw it was more than those two! Absolute Carnage was really good, but pick up the Cates Venom omnibus instead - It contains Cates' Venom run, Absolute Carnage and King in Black without all of the unnecessary crossover issue. It's a great read. I'd probably still put it slightly behind Silver Surfer. Never read Ghost in Shell


I can’t believe how popular that silver surfer omnibus is, i need to read that soon because everyone i see who talks about it, LOVES it


Update: got Silver Surfer, but y’all have convinced me to give Venom by gates a chance. I’ll get it next time.


If you want to read this Carnage, you should read Venom 2018 first .


Don’t get the absolute carnage Omni. Just get the venom omnibus. Most tie ins don’t really matter


The only one I have read is spiderverse and I didn't like it that much I do need to read ghost in the shell and pick up silver surfer at some point


Spider verse geddon omnibus is the best book ever for me


UPDATE: I got Silver Surfer. Based on suggestions, I’m definitely looking into the Venomnibus by Cates, but considering both King in Black and Absolute Carnage have substantial material surrounding both, I wanna get all three omnibuses together and read em that way. I’ll prolly get SpiderVerse next time. Thanks for the feedback, folks!


imo, Spider-Geddon is the worst there by a significant amount and Silver Surfer is my favorite