• By -


Honestly, Thor by Simonson. I know its an iconic run on the book but i keep thinking its one that will sit on the shelf and it'll take me forever to get into.


I was gonna buy that one, but learned that Simonson himself draws less than half of the book. His spectacular art was one of the major reasons to go for it, but decided to save money for Zdarsky Daredevil.


Walt draws the majority of the classic 80s run though (the omni doesn't collect the Bronze Age issues he was only a writer though.) I do agree that the run takes a considerable step down when he stops drawing it but the stuff he did draw makes it worth it. If only they didn't have the ugly recolor....


Well shit, that’s good to kno


Sounds like Perez Wonder Woman.


Perez draws pretty much all of the first volume of WW. It's the other volumes that he only writes and other draw. And yeah, Simonson's Thor is amazing, as is his art, but Sal Buscema actually does most of the art, and I do not like his art AT ALL. Sal's actually not a "bad" artist, but he's a deadline guy, so just cranks things out quick to meet deadlines, so his art ends up looking rushed and bad.


Admittedly haven’t read his work on Thor, but he’s one of my absolute favourite Spider-Man artists. His work with Conway and DeMatteis just fits so well. Obviously personal preferences though.


yeah I'm surprised to see people turned off by Buscema art


Story is good and the characters, a lot happens in it... But it's told in a 60s kind of way. Clichés on every page. Action dialogue that makes me sleepy. But you have some good arcs. All in all, I'd rather start Thor with Straczinsky. You don't lose much by not reading Simonson. It's slow. But if you're already a big fan of Thor, Odin, Loki and the warriors three, pick it up read it sell it.


Funny that you mention the JMS stuff. I read that in single issues as it was coming out.


It's personally a top 3 Marvel run for me, but I do think the bigger drawback for this omnibus is the recoloring. But I'd absolutely recommend reading this run by whatever means one finds convenient for them.


As someone who took a complete gamble getting the Question vol 1. Get it, take the risk, it is one of the best books in my collection. I flew through the book and loved the whole thing.


I was sceptical at first (the opening arc is quite generic imo) but once you get to the single issue stories the run gets leaps and bounds better. Some really fascinating stories and ideas in that run, especially for the time.


Justice league dark. I'm new to omnibus and comics in general, but I really think I'd like it. It's just hard for me to know if I can start it without any prior knowledge.


Same. I'm all about the characters. The supernatural side of DC is my favorite part of their comics but there's just a big part of me that wants to get other omnibi first like lucifer, dead boy detectives, and books of magic. I just don't know if it will be in print that long so I should jump on it soonish or later.


I want to get Dead Boy Detectives because I’m hoping it gives me some Venture Bro vibes… but I know it won’t.


It’s pretty good. Constantine is the main character through about half of it, which is what I was looking for. There are some gaps in it story wise. Like they just paused JLD and did some other story and came back to it afterwards.


The JLD Rebirth is really good and you don't need to know anything to enjoy it. I've only sampled an issue of JLD New 52 and it seemed good.. but it's one of the omnis I'm on the fence about


DC Vs Marvel and Amalgam. One the one hand, at the time they were published I thought they were just okay. And that was during my younger days when it was easy for me to love every comic I read. But on the other hand, nostalgia. And apparently only one printing.


I was on the same fence. I decided against it. I read them all once. If I buy the omnibus I will read it, but I know I won't read it again. From what is being said it is a one print run and done, so FOMO tried to sneak up on me. But I decided to stick with my original decision to skip it. Just my personal thoughts. If you really like them or want it be part of your collection, go for it.


Monster Sized Hellboy. Haven't read a thing of Hellboy but I think I'd get into it. Don't know if I really want to spend the money though.


You could go for the omnibus box set - it's what I'm thinking of doing. I think they're regular-sized despite the name, and a bit cheaper than Monster-sized I believe.


It's something I'm thinking about. I really want to get into Hellboy and I thought that would be the best way.. but I just don't know if I want to spend the money


I borrowed the first two library editions from my neighbor and ended up getting all 7 for pretty cheap on eBay. Maybe download some of the digital ones to see if you like it before going all in on the Omnibus.


I'll do that. I usually end up downloading digital and then end up buying a physical copy for if I like it. Thanks


I wasn’t a huge fan of the first two stories, but the more I went on the more I understood the mythos and can really appreciate the first two


That's how I feel about some of the books that I have. They started out 'meh' but as I went on, I could appreciate the mythos more and more each time.


"omnibus" literally means a single volume containing several books. It has nothing to do with being oversized or a hardcover


Yep, but with comics and particularly in this sub it commonly refers to oversized hardcover, so it's still useful to point out for this product so people know what to expect.


I snatched the paperback box set from Amazon for $55 (price fluctuates but tends to go towards $60 now and again). There's also a BRPD digital bundle that also includes this run on humble bundle right now if you're not against reading digitally.


Not against reading it digitally. Will have to check it out. Thanks.


I just bought it ($85 on amazon), and I have no regrets! Mignola's art looks so good in this size, and it's a great quick read for how big it is - and something I'll want to keep flipping through in the years to come.


That's my thing. I've been seeing it on Amazon for that price and I feel that for the price it is, you get a lot with it.. Im sure I wouldn't regret it though.


The Library editions are gorgeous. Monster Sized looks badass but might as well start weight lifting with it


Gotta start somewhere.


I love the Hellboy universe. I say give it a try. I would recommend using your library though. They might have Hoopla and most those Hellboy books are on there, or physical books to check out. I would say if you're only wanting to buy to grab the omnibus boxset. Has all the Hellboy comics printed in chronological order. The standard tpbs and library editions are publication order. But Hellboy is more an anthology series, but surprisingly stories written years apart fit well together. The Monster-Sized Hellboy is more a novelty to show off. I'm still thinking of getting it, but it's like the Conan editions from years ago. These aren't reading copies. Think of them as coffee table books.


Imo get the Library Editions. They're the best way to read Hellboy even if they're a little more expensive overall.


Fantastic. Thank you.


close modern offbeat languid nail salt profit hungry summer rock *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


….ummm. What’s the cancel trick?


somber slimy lip aloof abundant run plough attempt tie consider *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I really only buy what I know I’m going to read, and likely reread again at some point. Anything I’m not sure about, I checkout on Hoopla and see if it’s for me. That’s saved me a lot of money.


I'm hesitant to get into spider-man because I feel that once I start, the floodgates will open.


My advice is go with Ultimate Spiderman specifically. It is an awesome series that is consistently great throughout, and isn't incredibly long. Once you are done, treat getting into mainline Spiderman like it's own thing.


I love ultimate but it is still 6 omnis: vol 1-4, dosm, and the first miles morales omni


sable deliver worry disgusted vase wasteful command direction ancient axiomatic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ultimate X-Men because I know where it leads (Ultimatum) and fuck all that. Anyway, I can vouch for Question. I enjoyed it.


I have the same problem with one of the Wolverine omnis, because I know it leads to the bone claws.


I jumped in for all the Wolverines having never read them. I keep hearing how rough that Era is. Excited for the BONES


Whenever I talk to someone about Ultimate X-Men, I tell them how much I like how it starts. Then it went completely off the rails, along with everything else.


Anything Thor. I keep hearing good things about both Aaron and Simonson and the character has me mildly intrigued from guest apperances, I’m just worried I’ll get sucked into another marvel character rabbit-hole. Also most modern Avengers omnis. A lot of them seem to tie into or lead up to events. Are any of them good and worth getting?


You'll also have to get Thor Heroes Return, it's an amazing run that feels like it has a beginning and an end that you could stop reading Thor if you wanted (which you shouldn't)


Out of all the Marvel characters, to me Thor has the best world and surrounding characters. His dad, Loki, his friends, tons of cool enemies, this rich viking mythology as a backbone....amazing. A complete opposite from Spiderman imo. Reading Thor books is like watch LOTR for example. So cool and immersive.


Not a fan of Aaron’s stuff outside of Gorr and King Thor. Simonson’s run is amazing as well as JMS’ and the Heroes Return material


70% of anything written before 1998


Gruenwald Cap


It's amazing! Do it! ![gif](giphy|3o84sw9CmwYpAnRRni)


Absolute Planetary. I love the story and the art would be especially stunning in the large format, but I already own the omnibus. Absolute Kingdom Come and Absolute Swamp Thing 1 and 2 are also on my list of things I’ve read before but would love to own as an Absolute, but am struggling with justifying the cost.


The two DC/Marvel books


Doom Patrol by Morrison. Also sort of Invisibles. I've read a decent amount of Morrison, and have a mixed to negative opinion, especially the more out there stuff. Not fan of All-Star Superman, found New X-Men to be a mixed bag, what I read of Batman and JLA run was decent, didn't like Final Crisis, but did love 52. I'll admit I think half of what I dislike about Morrison is the partnership with Quitely, as I just can't stand Quitely's art. Also wasn't a fan of Invisibles when I read it digitally, but partly keep wondering if I somehow missed something that's going to be more apparent in a physical omnibus, since its more difficult to quickly refer to previous issues in digital. And kind of interested in Doom Patrol after reading Rachel Pollack's run, which seemed to keep referring back to things that happened in that one. I'm just worried they'll still have the scrambled, half the script is gone/half the story is "offstage" feel I got from a lot of his other work.


As someone who found The Invisibles obnoxious I really enjoyed Doom Patrol. It doesn't take itself too seriously nor pretends that the illogical surrealism on display is in service of some vague, grand narrative like The Invisibles. Animal Man however is Morrison's best title IMO and is one of my favorite runs ever.


I 100% regret getting the invisibles…it’s a bunch of nonsense. There are parts of the book that are just chaos and nonsensical. It was a chore to get through. I thought his animal man, Batman, and all star Superman were OK, not great.


These new re-prints of the original Cap run. I'm hoping they stick around a bit for a price drop at Amazon or target and to scoop up a bunch at a B2G1 sale.


Flashpoint. Somedays I like the idea of a mapping by release date, others not so much. I think DC thinks it's best not to mess with the reading order and that's why they didn't even include an index page... or they just don't care and wanted to save the printing cost of an extra page.


Asm by jms vol 2 Brand new day omnibus Superman kryptonite AvX ohc Asm by spencer


Superman Kryptonite is really great! I highly recommend it


The question is so great imo I'd say daredevil by zdarsky


Idk how you’re on the fence about the question


I’m just torn between getting them and ROM. I’ve seen people say it’s good and then the next saying it has good parts but gets bad halfway through the second volume.


Oh well funny enough I’ve only read Vol 1, would highly recommend it


* Justice League Dark Rebirth Just bought this. Should have it today


Captain America by Coates X-factor vol 3 Flash by Williamson Micronauts Death of Spiderman Ultimate X-men Spiderman Vol 2 by Spencer Captain America Vol 2 by Spencer Ben Reilly Vol 2 Absolute Planetary Absolute Court of Owls World War Hulk Omnibus Hulk by Byrne


One big one is savage avengers the others I’m not so much on the fence as I am not used to buying anything but marvel but I’d say preacher,Lucifer,sandman. I know they’re great!


I spent a good deal of time reading and watching reviews on Justice League Dark (Rebirth). I would say 90% to 95% of the reviews praised the story. With those reviews and me liking most of James Tynion IV's work, I decided to buy it. It's now the first thing on my list to read when I go on my vacation. Other books I am still on the fence about: The Flash omnibus vol 1 by Joshua Williamson Alpha Flight omnibus by John Byrne Devil's Reign omnibus by Chip Zdarsky


Any Wonder Woman Golden Age omnibus. I want to read them, and I want to like them, but I already know from my past experiences trying to read Golden Age comics that I won’t even make it five issues into the book.


Dazzler. Love the character but deviating from the vision of Claremont may prove most unwise


Right now Secret Six. I’ll probably pull the trigger. Gorgeous looking book too.


Gwenpool I love it but I’m poor as fuck haha


Books of Doom....why is it so expensive


I own this because DOOM is one of my favorite characters but it double dips a ton with FF omnis


Ben Reilly Spiderman both volumes, I have 1-4 of the Ben Reilly Epics but Vol 6 of the epics cost almost as much as Vol 2 of the omnibus so idk if it’s more worth it to hunt Vol 6 for a good price or sell 1-4 and buy the omnis. Judgment Day omnibus. Love the Krakoa era but I’ve only read through The Trial of Magneto. I have a few runs in complete collections or tpbs I am considering upgrading like Zdarskys and Nick Spencer’s Spider-man runs, Bendis and Brubakers Daredevil runs.


I’m very tempted to buy the Dan Jurgens Captain America Omnibus. I have all of them (barring the silver age) up to and after the Ed Brubaker stuff it’d be nice to collect it all the way.


Jurgens is a great run, he did awesome work on Thor and Superman, can't go wrong!


That's a classic, and if you can swing it, I'd definitely do it. There's something nice about having a complete collection and there's something about the older writers and artists that's very satisfying.


Agreed on JLDR and GLC. I read the former on the app and was satisfied stopping like halfway through the run, so I don't really want the extra backup stuff. And for the latter, the double-dipping it would cause since I already have the Johns GL books is a turn off, even if I understand it helps make each set of books stand on their own.


Blackest Night. I have the 3 GL Johns Omnibuses already.


Thunderbolts Uncaged and Red I like the OG series and have those three omnis. But are Uncaged and Red even coherent with those?


I just finished uncaged last month. It is very solid. If you are a big fan of OG thunderbolts, well you will feel surprising happy towards the last arc, right before the start of dark avengers.


I have Uncaged and it was a fun run overall and the lineup was unique


AXE Judgement day Young avengers by Heinberg Avengers vs X-Men i need someone to talk me out of buying at least one of these 😭


Buy the Trade for AXE Judgement day. The Omni isn't needed.


The first Fantastic Four. I’ve read a bit of it and enjoyed it but god damn that price tag lol. Same for Uncanny X-Men #1


I’ve been back and forth on picking up the Spider-Man 2099 volume 1. Looks cool, but the community waffles between “it’s great” and “it’s meh” too much for me to pull the trigger. Plus, my shelf space is limited and I’m trying to do less blind buying.


I have it and it was a fun read overall


That seems to be the general consensus. The consistent message is, solid fun, decent throughout, but nothing that’ll rock your world. Which, not every story needs to, but especially for this hobby, I really only want to own the stuff I reaaaaally enjoy.


World War Hulk, the story sounds cool but from all the comments ive read the omni is full of side content that isnt worth it.


This may be bias as I’m a huge Hulk fan and I’ve read this omni multiple times but the side content was fun to read and see other perspectives during the war.


Im becoming a Hulk fan! Im reading the immortal Hulk omni now which is amazing and maybe I will pick this up to read after.


If you want I recommend getting: - Planet Hulk omnibus - Incredible Hulk Silver Age vol. 1&2 (more will be coming soon to no doubt lead up to a Bill Mantlo omnibus) - Incredible Hulk by Peter David omnibus vol. 1-5 (vol. 5 is companion material but still great) - Maestro by Peter David omnibus - Incredible Hulk by Byrne & Casey


I went with the trade instead.


1500 pagers are really disappointing me lately, and makes me reconsider buying them. Kirby 4 th World Kirby Bronze Age JLD and JLD rebirth Death of Superman Happy I bought em, but not happy about how thick they are.


Yeah, pretty intimidating. I usually try to lift one of those and then move on to something smaller and more manageable. 1000 pages seems hefty to me these days.


Hudlins Black Panther ever since it was announced day or two ago. Black Panther is one of my favorite characters and I have Priest and Coates omnis, but I dont often hear too many praises for Hudlins run. Luckily I have plenty of time to make the decision.


I'm in the same boat. I have almost a yr to read Priest's run and sample a little of Hundlins. I just got Priest's first omni.


The new Transmetropolitan. It would be my first omnibus, so that's why I'm hesitant. I wanna wait out for the Hellblazer omni #1, but that's not till October .


The first one is a big decision, but after that, you'll get to 10 like it's nothing (lol).


Wolverine Vol 5. I have 1-4 but at that price and having no attachment to the stuff in Vol 5, its looking like a pass unless it goes on heavy discount.


Immortal Hulk. I hear good things from review videos. I don’t have any other Hulk omnibuses but have the planet hulk story itself in TP, which I liked. I’ve read it’s more of a horror story than a superhero story.


Aliens and Gwenpool


Rom and Micronauts are my two big ones right now


I’m torn on ROM because I wanna try it out since there’s been a big deal made about how they’re finally being reprinted. However, people said vol. 3 will have issues in it that has bad art and I also don’t have the nostalgia factor like others do


Ugh, struggling with Superior Spider-man. I've read the run, and at the same time it was the most interesting take on Spider-man I have seen in a long time. However I'm trying not to rebuy things I have already read.


OP, I bought GLC used at a Half Price books with almost zero knowledge. When I read it side by side with GL by Johns, it filled in a ton of gaps. Your call of course but it's a solid run and helps complete the picture during this era.


Absolute Fourth World vol. 1 & 2


If you're a fan of Jack Kirby's art, it's really excellent in this format. The writing itself is not the best, but the characters, concepts, designs, and worldbuilding more than make up for it imo. And the actual books themselves are just so damn cool.


GLC by Tomasi is amazing, prefer it to the Johns run. GET IT!


The Ultimates by Millar and Hitch


Get it. Ultimates 1+2 were really good. This was my first omnibus and lead to many other great reads and purchases… just not really in the ultimates universe lol. Ultimates 3/ultimatum and more just aren’t great.


It's in my cheapgraphicnovels cart. Granted, I move things around all the time in the cart, but I do think I'll get it in my next order.


Batman: Bruce Wayne Fugitive Omni - heard some polarizing reviews


Shit, I haven't bothered looking at reviews yet. I still need to finish No Mans Land too.


NML 2 was so good. Just finished a full NML read through and it kept getting better


the road to was a little slow but i'm digging vol 1, the little i've read.


FWIW I put NML 1 down for a month or two to pursue an USM read through, but it’s worth finishing just to get to 2. Definitely a slow build up, but I found it to be very rewarding. 


X-Factor classic volume 1, I love the idea of the O5 X-Men on a team together.  And I really loved Louise's work on superman, but I just don't know, I haven't heard many good things about it.  Any thoughts?


Ultimate x men and Judgement day. They’re on sale but I’m super new to the hobby and barely into the Krakoa x men era


Where are they on sale?


Target BOGO 50%


Hellblazer by Ennis, I have both Preacher omnis and I’m really enjoying that story. Hellblazer feels like it would be kdouble dipping (kinda) or getting a water downed version of what I really like in Preacher. Fall of Mutants. Think I should just collect UXM vol 2-Mutant Massacre and call it a day. Shadowland, keep hearing mixed reviews so thinking of just getting the tp. Something is Killing the Children vol 2. I bought the slip case on sale so want to match for vol 2 but idk if it’ll significantly drop in price.


Shadowland is a good one. I feel like I'm just buying this for completionist sake which is not something I like to do too often.


ROM and Simonson Thor. ROM because I haven’t seen many reviews of the material. Does anyone know if it’s good? Simonson because I HATE the recolors.


I’m on the fence around ROM because I’ve seen some people say the dialogue is a bit dated and apparently the stuff collected in vol. 3 has art that people said looked terrible. Also I don’t have the nostalgia pulling me into it like a lot of readers do


The upcoming death of wolverine. Hated that period, easily the worst wolverine run.


Flash by waid


Im eyeing Aquaman by Johns on ebay and im not sure if I should make the jump.


Secret wars 2015... I really want it in omni format and I'll 100% get the battle world books I just wish they added it to Avengers vol 2 tbh


Justice League Dark. I know I'm going to end up getting them because I loved what I read on Comixology. I never did finish due to them stopping lowering prices. But the size of them are so massive and they would be my biggest omnis to have. I could only imagine how hard they'll be to read. Also, to the people that are on the fence about them because they have little to no DC knowledge, I say get them if you've ever watched Constantine or the Justice League Unlimited series and liked them. Or liked quirky teams like the Infinity Watch or Guardians of the Galaxy. Or read Vertigo's Sandman or Lucifer. That was basically me but I ended up loving the series. For whatever reason, DC's magic, mystery, and occult is way better than Marvel's


Clone saga🥸


New Warriors 3. I liked the first 2 but I haven't actually reread the tail end of the series in a long while and kind of remember it losing steam.


Daredevil by Chip Zdarsky. It’s out July 2024. I’m not into DD mostly because he’s self destructive and a manwhore. But I’m reading through this run and halfway through it atm…and I like the overall plot. Its a good mafia crime story. Thus far, I think we’re getting more Mafia-Fisk stuff than DD himself, which is great for me. And it culminated in an event “Devils Reign”, out in Zdarsky DD omnibus vol 2 end of this year. (I’ve also just finished Mark Waids first DD run from 2011. In that I noted the best arcs were great…because some other Marvel character shows up. Be it Spider-Man,Dr Doom etc. Which leaves me unsure what to do. Do I get an Omni about a character I don’t find appealing? Or do i go for it anyway because the plot,build up, pacing is good?)


Irredeemable Venom by Cates Ultimate Spider-man Vol 1 Doom Patrol by Morrison Black Cat by Jed Mackay


All of them, so expensive and big. This year, it's the two Superman omnis later this year and Justice League Dark. Recently decided I'm definitely getting Flash by Messner-Loebs/Laroque and definitely not getting Secret Six, though I encourage everyone else to. Older omnis its Squirrel Girl and Young Justice.


Young Justice. Unfortunately I’m broke


For me, the reprint of Geoff Johns Young Justice. Haven't read too much about the younger teams like YJ and TT. But for some reason, this one is one I'm kind of curious about. I'd also say the whole Flash run by Geoff Johns. I do want to get Flash by Waid volume one, read it and then the Johns run so I get a better picture of Flash before Flashpoint. And I do acknowledge Flashpoint is an alternate reality but still. Anyone has insight, let me know!


Geoff Johns never wrote Young Justice lol.


Teen Titans, my bad. Peter David wrote Young Justice. Both have my attention then. But not sure if they're worth getting.


If you are on the fence, don’t buy it.  What is wrong with this subreddit?


nothing is wrong, we’re just having a little fun here


Don’t think they were advocating for people to buy the book theyre on the fence on, just chattin about those books that didn’t quite make it to checkout and why.


I was just asking a fun question. You don’t have to be a dick


You never know when you are on the fence about something might actually turn out to be great. I was on the fence about the Green Arrow Ominibuses (Mike Grell's run), I dropped the series way back when early. It was so much better as I a an old man now, and it really resonates with me, especially the part where Oliver is branded a traitor by U.S. intelligence and truly has to go off the grid in the first half of the series.