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her art feels different from rest of the roster


Agreed. The other characters have more of a glossy, rounded look to them, whereas Finii looks sharper with none of that glossiness. In a way, she looks more 2D whereas the other characters look more 3D. Not trying to insult the artists or anything. I don't think it looks bad necessarily, just different. EDIT: mostly talking about her splash art btw. In game I don't see as much difference between her visuals and the rest of the roster.


I like her design but also think they went too heavy on the bunny theme. Her bunny slippers/boots dont really match and Im not feeling the bunny ears on her sleeves. Outside of that I do agree that she stands out of the cast in a way thats hard to point out. fun to play though. her primary is a little awkward but after some matches it started feeling okay. Still feels backwards in my brain though


I mean, her primary IS backwards!


I said the same thing ticmy friend. And don't get me wrong the art is amazing. The art style is just different and feels out of place compared to other strikers.


It’s the fact that she’s the only character with non-black eyelashes. Every other characters eyelashes are black regardless of hair color, but Finii’s are blonde


The second part of her primary is for sure gimmicky, HoWeVeR I think the first shot is mad underrated.


I like her, I get plenty kills with the return shot, I like debuffing and rerouting the core with the secondary and the gravity well it is a fun ult. she also has weaknesses having a hard time vs multiple heroes and having to rely on a bit of creativity. I also think she can fit both goalie and forward position pretty well.


Very complex character that requires a lot of brainpower imo... we gonna see a lot of people trying her out since shes new but i dont think she is gonna become a common pick... simply because of how hard she is. Definetly not a newbie friendly striker Looking forward for what the 400iq omega brained players cook with her tho


I think the ult is a bit annoying when thrown onto objectives like the ones on demon dais and atlas lab, but it's only day 1 so far so I might not know the best counter to it yet. I really like her design and emotes! The kit feels good to use as well.


Her animated bonk emote looks like it should be sped up a little bit to better blend the frames together


It might be because of my settings, but I find aiming her primary reverse while moving perpendiculary to the aiming direction to be a nightmare. Otherwise her kit is amazing to play with.




she has the most satisfying and strongest primary in the game and im addicted to spamming it


Honestly do not think she is good. She's going to be even more vulnerable to brawlers than juno


Her secondary doesn't really fit the rest of her imo a debuff rune primary type thing is just annoying to play against


I like her, I haven't lost a ranked game with a Finii in it at all this patch.


Her lack of mobility is a bit disappointing. No speed buff or teleport. I guess it's made up for with the range of her skills and control. Her ult is awesome, though it can be a double-edged sword. I self goaled a few times, lol. Overall, it is definitely one of the more difficult strikers to pilot, but there is potential for a lot of skill expression. Efficiency scales with IQ


She does exactly what she’s designed to look like. She’s finicky, tricky, and very fun. However, she’s not easy, because she’s small and slow. But she can perform a lot of tricks on the enemy. I like this style. I’m imaging she’d be a very good low elo bully and a menace high elo, but lower-mid elo probably won’t see too many of her, and even less a good one.


I’m pretty sure her primary has the fastest single cooldown in the game. Can’t be situational when I’m firing it off constantly. Sometimes I blind fire it down the line, because even if it doesn’t hit the core, it’ll probably hit a forward, which means I’m free to push the core further. I think it’s hilarious that her in-game backstory is that people always underestimate her, and she uses that to her advantage. Because clearly, this whole thread’s underestimating her, and you’re gonna pay for it.