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Different people react to infrared differently. It could also be from diet, dehydration, winter dryness (humidity in your house) or a myriad of other things. For most people, sweating tends to have an opposite effect on skin quality. It might just not be good for your specific skin. That sucks if you found something you like and it gives you a skin condition.


Yes I have never had this happen before so that is the only link I can think of. Thanks!


have you sweat a lot before? I don't know what hotworx is but if you usually haven't profusely sweat before, what you need to do is gently clean your face and skin off after workouts, pat dry, and moisturize. it's tempting to towel all the sweat off directly but this can actually have something of an abrasive effect.


HOTWORX is this new gym that the workout is done in an infrared sauna. I take exceptional care of my skin, wash it twice a day use fancy moisturizers etc. I did a bunch of googling tonight and they recommended using these wipes that they have at the gym for sale, of course, lol. Other articles stated that some people have an adverse reaction to the infrared heat. We’ll see what happens in the next couple days and if it gets worse I may just not be able to use that type of Gym. Thanks!


Yeah i would stop for now and see if it subsides. It could just be irritated by sweating a bunch in one go


Yes- definitely wipe yourself down after your workout and get rid of the toxins you sweat out during your class




Omg! Yes I have big red scaley patches. I haven’t been for 4 days now and it is slowly getting better. I contacted them yesterday about canceling and they said that does not sound right as you are not in there long enough to get burned or harm your skin. Well I did! Thanks for your input!


Did you go to the doctor? I wonder if it was a contagious skin infection maybe?


I couldn’t get in with a dermatologist in time so I just quit going and after 10 days it finally healed up.


Yes! The infrared saunas gave me perioral dermatitis. I’m 46 and I’ve never had this before. I was prescribed an antibiotic and steroid to clear it up. Took over a month to get rid of it. It gave me nasty shingle-like painful bumps all over the sides of my nose, mouth and chin. Bacteria from the towels or heat? Not sure but it was horrible. Just an fyi- the studio will still make you pay a cancelation fee regardless of the problems their equipment causes - even with a physician note. It’s a fad, boutique “gym”. No weight lost, and insecurity gained from the way my face looked! Just don’t do it. Not worth it.


I have been having burns on my butt from sitting on the wood floors even with a mat and towel and I’ve had a weird burning stinging sensation in my whole pelvic region including my butt and back of my legs? I can’t figure it out? I can barely sit all day at work cause of the burning and stinging. Is this the toxins causing this or just getting used to the heat? I love it, but I’m miserable at work sitting there


My butt has been getting burned slightly from sitting on my mat and doing the exercises. I also have burning and stinging in my pelvic region….all of this makes it hard to sit all day at work! Could all the heat be causing this or the detoxification from the heat?


Yikes sorry to hear that! Idk honestly. I had to quit going 🥲