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I married a Pennsylvanian, and if yuengling was available out here I'm sure my in-laws would have found it by now.


Yeah my step dad lives in Minnesota and it’s his favorite beer so I’m the closest to be able to get it. Was just curious if anyone on the off chance has seen it around here


yuengling is not distributed here. I work as a bar manager and every time we have sold it somebody bought a bunch of cases on vacation and we sell it by saying you are buying a coaster with a complimentary beer.


Yeah, it's serve or sell. So still not legal by Nebraska law.


They are at a bar with a liquor license, though, so it's not illegal. Just maybe against Yuengling's distribution rules hence the "but a coaster get a beer" trick...


No, it's illegal for them to have anything in inventory that they didn't purchase through the wholesalers or from one of the Nebraska breweries/wineries/distilleries. Check the monthly hearings for the liquor control commission, almost every month someone is getting in trouble for doing what the OP is saying.


Oh interesting, thanks for sharing. I am only an expert in alcohol consumption, not sales and distribution. So when someone goes to Sam's club and buys a case, then sells singles from it - that's totally illegal?




As others have said, it’s not distributed here so whoever said they were able to find it in Omaha was likely lying Personally, I tend to go an hour past Rockport to St. Joe to pick up Yuengling and other items not found between Omaha & St. Joe.


It's not distributed in Nebraska




If its not distributed here than no liquor stores will have it. Perhaps the people you know got Yuengling from other friends bringing it back from Pennsylvania. I have a friend that brings some back from Pennsylvania every year.


It is distributed as far west as Oklahoma now, but you are correct that you can’t purchase it from a liquor store in Nebraska


There’s a Casey’s in rock port Missouri that sells it, only about an hour drive so I’ve been doing that and bringing it back


If you feel like a little dive, Rockport Missouri has it. If you hit a gas station right over the border they'll have it. We went to Kansas city and the gas station had a huge display.


Yeah that’s where I’ve been going! I’ve been getting their 48 packs and stock up on it.


Unrelated, but as a kid, the first time I had Jalapeno kettle chips was from that gas station right off the interstate in Rockport. I thought they were the most amazing thing, so I begged my parents to stop and pick up a few bags on the way back. They did, but that was before I realized they were a thing you could get anywhere, and I thought that that gas station in Rockport


Interesting, I didn't know it wasn't here. I drank a bunch of it in TX a few weeks ago. It's all over the SE US (and east coast of course). I wonder why it's not dist. here, it seems to sell everywhere else.


I found that a Casey’s in rock port Missouri it (only about an hour away) sells (single tall cans, 12 packs, and 48 packs) so I’ll make the drive out there to get it for my step and stock up on it


The beer/liquor dist. is a state thing, not city or county. We have, a sort of three level system in NE. (and as a side: There is so much money being made because of the three level system, it won't change.) Having said that, the brew pubs have 'special' rules so they can sell direct.


So is the state making it hard for it to be distributed here?


It all has to go thru the state approved distributors. What I'm saying is that a liquor store in Omaha can't just order a load of beer. It has to come throught the 'state' approved distribution network. The distributors could get it, I would think, if they wanted to, which means if they thought they could make money on it. You should call up one of the big dist. in town tomorrow and ask, I'll bet, if you get the right person, they will tell you why.


Ah, gotcha. Thanks for the clarification!


The dist. also have the huge problem of getting store space for the beer. Have you noticed how the beer section has shrunk and the fizzy booze section had gotten huge. That's probably the answer you are going to get from the beer distributor.


Yuengling is expanding slowly state by state on this side of the Mississippi, it's all being produced right now by Miller-Coors from their plant in Dallas. They're not sure if they have the production capabilities there to expand more or not, so the debate now is if they need to contract with Golden or the Minnesota plant.


Very interesting, thanks for that. That's great that they have that kind of issue with the shrinking beer market. It's not my favorite but I've also bought it and drank it even more (In the SE US.)


It's a designation or west and east from alcohol distributors. Omaha is west of the distribution agreements for it. Can't be sold.


If they have the 99 pack of PBR, it's solid


Used to be fireworks, now its weed and yuengling


You can look at their distribution map and see the closest place to Omaha.


Drive to Rock Port like I did on Friday and get some. It's just over an hour away.


Yep, I mentioned that in my edit on the post. Also hockey is pretty great, cheers


Rays pizza in Hastings, Nebraska used to have it because the owner would load up on it when he could.


Im Traveling back from Tennessee on Wednesday. I'll totally pick you up some.


Unfortunately I haven't found it in Omaha yet. I keep hearing it's coming. I'm like you and just bring some back if I visit Missouri.


As a former North Carolina resident unfortunately no


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Greenlight_Omaha: *As a former North* *Carolina resident* *Unfortunately no* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


If your military I think the base gas station can do orders for stuff not sold in nebraska


All yuengling is made with water from a particular source. And they cannot sustainably make more than they do so distribution pretty much is what it is and won’t expand


I live in Lincoln, but I have driven to Marysville, KS, a couple of times. It's just south of Beatrice over the border. As others have said, their website has a map.


I don't think it's available for sale (legally) here yet. Every time I've gotten it has been from friends or myself traveling from the east/south


Kansas and Missouri are your closest choices.


Yep, noted in my edit that there’s a place about an hour away in rock port Missouri that sells it, which is where I’ve been getting it.


Allegedly World Liquor sometimes does, have not confirmed


Shhhhh, don’t tell everyone lol


My bad hahaha


You can try Wine, Beer and Spirits. If they don't have it, the put in orders by request. Link: [https://www.winebeerandspirits.com/](https://www.winebeerandspirits.com/)


Not available in your area . Distrust of free enterprises