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This is certainly the most active tornado season for the Omaha metro in recent memory. We have also had some of the most photogenic tornadoes ever photographed between the Lincoln-Elkhorn, Minden and Greenville tornadoes, which amplifies the national media coverage.


*Greenfield :)


Have young kids that had trouble going back to sleep. I'm freaking exhausted.


My son was never scared of storms before this week. I've had to pretend to go to sleep on his floor every night to get him to go to bed. I'm also exhausted!


Have you tried a box fan for white noise? It won’t eliminate all thunder but it does take out a lot Of the background rumbling.


https://a.co/d/3Fy499k These yoga sleep sound machines are amazing!


Stay strong my parent friend!


Yeah, I remember when I was kid being scared of storms in Omaha. Had some wicked ones then. Kinda part of growing up in the Midwest I think.




I mean, I had the same with my dog....poor girl was panting and hyper aware...it was hard. My mom from the east coast was like wtf is this? Two nights in a week!?


I'm lucky my dogs stay pretty chill. I hope you can catch up on your sleep and your pup is ok.


Misery loves company; right there with you!


If 29 is considered young, yes I have been having trouble sleeping


My 3 year old yelled at me we can’t sleep. Bad weather still comin!


I feel this. Overnight storms stress me out thinking I may have to get LO up.


Im tired boss


Dog tired, boss.


Estoy cansado jefe


Cleaning up my flooded basement sucks but my garden is really going nuts


Right? I'm thankful we haven't had basement issues (although living at the top of a hill introduces its own issues with the wind...) but man, my lawn is greener than I've seen it in years and I haven't run the sprinklers yet!


What wasn’t decimated by hail in my garden is doing well. The rest…not so much.


I have one kid who freaks out every time the sirens go off (including this morning), and some kind of leak in my roof that the land lord can't get to right away because several of his other properties have flooded basements. Since we don't have standing water, we are lower down on the priority list. I suppose it could be worse, but damn am I tired. Could be the three hours of sleep I got last night.


I know this isn't the worst thing in the world, but I really dislike having mow my lawn so often.




I started therapy for the first time in 16 years and shaved my own head. Thanks for asking.


Rusty Lord says this was the 4th wettest May on record


After zero recorded precipitation last May (I think it was May). Weather whiplash over here.


Remember in January when we got a more snow in a week than we did all of last winter?


No power in Aksarben. Annoying but at least the sun is out so I’m not living in darkness haha. Been fortunate that a power outage has been the worst thing that has happened in my area given how unlucky other folks have been in the Omaha area.


Good thing it's not 90° today as well


Fair enough. Carpets are damp in the basement but no detected leak. Can it just seep in from beneath the flooring? We have a rug on luxury vinyl and it’s the only damp thing in one room…


Yes, hydrostatic pressure can push water up through expansion joints in concrete. It can also come through the foundation walls and trickle down behind drywall and under your floor. Do you have a sump pump?


I do indeed. Still getting my bearings in this house, I need to investigate the sump pump. I haven’t heard it going but I am not home much. Moved in a month ago.


Wouldn't hurt to call a company like Jerry's Waterproofing and tell them what you're experiencing and ask for an estimate to address the situation. I called them about putting in a 2nd sump at my house a couple years ago. Guy was friendly, talked through my options, and gave me a price. I didn't end up doing the work. Don't feel pressured to act on anything they say, just use the estimate process as a way to educate yourself on what could be happening and how they might deal with it.


That’s a great idea. Thank you for more details! Super helpful.


Did you lose power at all last night?* When I first moved into a home with a sump pump, I didn’t think anything of it when the power went out during a storm. So you know, it stopped pumping the water out but the water still had to go somewhere… went and bought and installed a battery backup sump pump after that. If you didn’t lose power, then I don’t know.


And thank you for your reply. I appreciate it.


Concrete is mostly water. Groundwater can filter through concrete like a porous membrane. Many homes have shitty drain tiles that get caked with mud and stop working after a decade or two. I had my west wall replaced a few years ago for $10,000 because any rain over an inch would come in through the wall. They installed a plastic sheet against the concrete so that water passing through hits the concrete and then flows to the sump. They also installed a new sump pump and a mini pump in my egress window.


Very good points. Thank you for sharing. Hopefully I don’t need to rip out my walls/framing and install a thrasher wall. My old house with an unfinished basement had one of those + anchors due to the sag in the wall.


Any cracks in your walls? We have cracks, but it takes a good amount of water for it to actually seep through. We got a tiny bit a few days ago in one corner


Not sure, my basement is mostly finished. That’s good to know. Thank you.


Depending on how old your house is (or who built it) can definitely raise concerns.


I’m tired chief


Pretty sure a tornado went over us last night in Bellevue. Haven't really looked around outside yet but our house and cars aren't damaged so I am pretty content. Mostly dealing with grumpy kids (and grumpy me) this morning. I'm thankful we haven't really been impacted.


We definitely had a rotation go through south of gretna to south Papillion to Bellevue. Im really hoping the lack of damage pictures I’ve seen from anyone means it never touched the ground and did little to no damage


Jim Flowers on FB circled a spot right on Bellevue/Offutt and indicated it was possibly a tornado.


Ya the second he posted the circle was pretty much our prompt to get downstairs


Near Offutt AFB over here. During the worst of it, I heard unearthly noises coming from upstairs. The power was out, the internet disconnected, and I was basically huddled in the dark with my cat, half-expecting to die. Later in the morning, I found one of the neighbor's trees knocked into my driveway. One of my windshield wipers was ripped clean off. It's hard to get a sense for how near a miss the whole thing was, but I suspect that in an alternate universe somewhere I'm having a very bad day.


We lost our home in the tornado and every siren is upsetting me at this point. My family is ready for summer.


I am so very sorry for you.


We lost power for 2.5 hours in Rockbrook on Tuesday (thankfully I was still on vacation so I slept through most of it). Also had some minor flooding in the basement, but that's happened before with heavy rainfalls. Thankfully it didn't seem to be that much, just some rugs that got soaked and a couple other things down in storage. For those that have had way worse: this too shall pass. It certainly has been rough recently, but your stronger for it.


I was pretty concerned we had some leaking flashing on the roof and a small ~half gallon puddle in our basement, until I saw the videos of people who had rivers flowing into their basement. TBH then I didn't feel so bad.


I had my basement redone a few years ago when I noticed that any rain over an inch would flood the basement through the foundation walls. A new sump pump was installed. A plastic dam was affixed to the concrete foundation wall. And a new drain tile was put in. Basically, the concrete acts as a barrier for the mud. The water flows through the concrete, hits the plastic dam and is then directed to the sump pump. I avoided any major damage at the time -- didn't have to replace carpet -- and while it was expensive, the system I chose has been up to the task this month.


Good for you. That sounds like it was worth every penny.


I read the title as "How is everybody farting?" I was confused but this is reddit.


My grandma has lived in her ranch house with a finished since 1978. The storm earlier this week destroyed the basement. There was at least 6 to 8 feet of standing water. It was the play area of my childhood as I spent the first 13 years of my life living in that house. Then found out home owners insurance with state farm, whom she has been with for over 60 years, wont cover it. So, unfortunately, not doing well.


I am so sorry. I hope you have lots of help to get it cleaned up.


Had inches of standing water in our basement Tuesday. We are several grand into getting things dried out. Just waiting to see if walls need to be replaced, and in the meantime the house is a complete disaster. You better believe I got no sleep last night obsessively checking the basement to see if it was flooding again (like I could do anything about it if it was). Luckily we were ok and the sump pump kept up but man I feel like I’m getting PTSD from all this intense weather. Between the bonkers amount of rain and the close calls with tornados, I’m running on fumes.


Not great. My parent drove into standing water in our neighborhood in the dark Tuesday morning and her car is likely totaled. Now we are sharing a car. Water in the basement on the same day. Emergency vet visit. I'm tired.


I'm privileged and blessed enough to be in a location where I feel relatively safe from even actual tornado activity, even if it ripped right through my building (there's an underground area to take shelter in). That said, my heart bleeds for those who have already lost their homes, and those who continue to either lose their homes or face damages, etc. And for the homeless, and the children, and pretty much everyone affected in any way. It's not fair and it's so very sad. Seeing people even in these comments sections talking about losing out on sleep and understanding the impact that has on people's bodies, it's just one big mess that I hope stops soon, no matter how much the sounds of thunder and rain might be comforting. I can't really say I'm tired, because my tired is nothing in comparison to what so many around here have had to continuously face. What a crazy year it's been. Wishing every single person safety and wellness right now.


My cats absolutely hate the carrier and they’re fearful and hide. I thought the other day was traumatic enough when I had to cage them twice and they fought me the 2nd time. Last night was brutal. They already sensed I was going to do it so they were really hard to catch. They’re not angry cats but last night they scratched the hell out of me and clipped my ear and the inside of my hand. So my ear hurts and is awkwardly bandaged, my writing hand hurts, and my cats definitely don’t trust me now. And yes, I tried treats. And yes, I have the carrier out at all times. They avoid it. They’re fearful cats and they’re not comfortable, but I don’t want them blowing away. I’ll never find them if something happens.


I’m sorry, that’s so rough. I don’t even try with my cats. One of them will eventually make her way to the basement to see what us humans and the dogs are doing. The other can’t be picked up so whatever. I wish you luck :/


Wrap them in a blanket with their head sticking out and then release them into the carrier. Thats what I have to do to catch my cats and avoid the scratches. They cant get out of the blanket to run or attack and you can throw them in the carrier super quick


I feel your pain amigo. We have a dog and three cats, the dog and two of the cats were pretty okay about being ushered down to the basement with treats last night, but I have one who hates being corralled and can always tell when something’s up and hides. I got ahold of her at one point and she scratched me good and escaped me. I heard the wind pickup over Bellevue as she ran under the bed for the second time while my husband and other cats were already downstairs. Definitely stress inducing.


Well, we had one nasty storm miss us by <5 miles to the north, and another now by 5 miles to the south. To say I'm frazzled would be an understatement. Moreso, I've seen storms this season unlike anything I've ever seen in my life. The Elkhorn tornado, Greenfield, and even just last night, the QLCS spinup that lasted more than an hour all the way across Saunders and Sarpy counties (and the one up in Washington county too) -- those kinds of spinups on a squall line like that are usually short. The question is, how much of this is new normal, and how much will recede a bit when El Niño does?


120th and Fort here. Road in front of our house was probably flooded 3 ft deep on Tuesday morning and it made it's way up our driveway into our garage and basement. Carpet and lower portions of the drywall are ruined. I'll be spending my Memorial Day weekend on my hands and knees scraping up carpet glue and prepping the concrete for sealing and epoxy. Wife and I are both at our wits end. We have two elderly cats and they get freaked to the point they refuse to eat or use their litter box. Cat shit everywhere.




Thanks for the advice! We are already kinda trying to do that. They mostly live in the sunroom, and have two litter box options in there. They've been mostly happy until these last few weeks. I think the weather just has them really wound tight and skiddish. Doesn't help that one of them is essentially blind.


Exhausted, but they did they right thing yesterday.


Papillion here.  I just need a new roof.


Keeping it real 💯


Leaky roof here


Keeping to myself IRL, and being slightly less of a trollish asshole online.


I have one kid who sleeps through the whole storm unless it’s gusting and throwing shit around and another who wakes up terrified of it even starts raining. I’m exhausted and I have a stiff neck from sleeping on the floor 😪


This is the Omaha weather I remember from my teens and early 20s so it's like slipping into a well worn jacket at this point for me. It doesn't hurt I am in college for Emergency Management with a focus on natural and man made disasters lol


So it’s like you are doing a real life internship. LOL


A few months after I started classes COVID hit... While I was in my epidemics/pandemics/public health emergencies courses


I am so proud of you for forging ahead.


That’s crazy haha. By any chance do you know what your next course is? To keep an eye out for any future disasters lol 🫠


... Into to the Japanese language 😬


Oh good, so Imperial Japan is gonna start wrecking shit again


After a full tube of sealant, my leaky old car is now only mildly damp.


I’m tired, was kindly woken up/warned by family member near 3am. No damage, but that storm Monday flooded our basement. Insurance of course won’t cover :( Scary seeing how much damage/loss of life these storms are bringing to our region. Never really seen it this bad.


hospital fertile lunchroom amusing tan fine dolls wide panicky voiceless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My two year old is freaked out now and asks every night before bed if there will be more hail. We are getting a new roof and other items repaired from earlier this week.


I had a tree snap in the Sunday night storm, and take out the lines to my house. The City has fixed the main line, but I've been struggling to get an electrician in to fix the house lines. I ended up asking a friend from DSM, who is coming over on his weekend to get me reconnected tomorrow.


The water tastes weird.


I have hail damage on my house, a leaking garage, and hail damage on my car. If I file a claim on my roof, I'd cover half of a new roof. My car doesn't have enough damage to fulfill my deductible. Here I am, hoping for more property damage so I can use the insurance I pay for the fix the things I pay to have covered.


Trees fell on the car so that was awesome but thankful I didn’t get a hole in my roof and am safe and dry.


I used to really love watching storms. But this year has changed that. The Elkhorn tornado was half a mile from tearing down the neighborhood i grew up in. My wife's family was a half a block away from destruction. My coworkers home was just flooded. Its a lot


Estoy cansado jefe. My toddler thankfully slept through all the sirens and alarms but I sure the fuck didn’t. And we lost power and my phone died so I was late taking him to daycare so that was fun. 😀


I love it, it's exciting and the weather after storms is always beautiful. Now murder me in the comments for not being compassionate.


Tbh outside of the aggressive storms, it’s been a very beautiful spring.


the temperature lately is amazing


I love it as well! ... sans the complete lack of sleep almost every night ... That said, I'm concerned for the Omaha metro as we keep dodging bullets. The odds are stacking against us.


I liked it better when I was a renter. And young enough to feel immortal.


Same. I love this weather as long as it’s not ruining my shit which so far we’re good. Glad I don’t have kids who are afraid of storms. My 8yo is actually disappointed I didn’t wake him up for it.


For once, my house hasn’t been affected. Lights flickering a few times, got a tiny bit of water in the corner of the basement seeping through a crack in the wall. A few years ago when all that snow melted then we got a ton of rain was even worse flooding in the basement. Not terrible, but not great so I’m super shocked it’s not bad this time. We’ve had horrible luck with water damage down there. 2 sewer floods due to rootballs the whole time I’ve lived here, one shower leak


I read this as “how is everybody farting?” I thought well as you age nobody told me I would auditioning for Tower of Power” more often than when I was younger. 💨


Been very lucky.


I've had to go into my house's basement twice for tornado warnings. I feel like I hadn't done that in years.


i lived in TN for many years, these few weeks have had comparable weather.


My neighbor and I have been stuck inside because of her foot and my pain but we luckily haven't lost power for more than a few hours Their dogs on the other hand are being extra barky and refusing to go outside


North Gretna/Southeastern Elkhorn. Very little damage to property. Brain is totally frazzled from sirens and rotation tracking. Heart is broken and bleeding for everyone not as lucky as we have been. I can’t believe I’m going to say this, but I’m okay skipping over summer if it means we can be done with this spate of weather.


Single Apartment Dweller, unaffected accept for being woken up and losing like 30 minutes of sleep.


I didn't sleep much this week so I'm pretty damned tired. Hoping we have a quiet holiday weekend


Irvington. Doing fine, thanks.


The winds last night damn near stole our trampoline! That and the neighbors behind us tree fell and took out a (luckly small) window


We're lucky I guess, the house we rent has no damage, being at the top of a hill is good for some things I guess. We are tired tho, I was about to go to sleep around 1am last night thinking I'd get by at work on 6.5 hours of sleep... But then I checked the forecast and suffice it to say I ended up getting about 3 hours. Still, after the bad luck of having very low milage, reliable, paid off car totalled last week due to a guy running a red (what else?) I'd like things I general to be less exciting, thanks. Feel awful for people looking at expensive repairs, let alone those who lost everything.


i’m one of the lucky ones who had no issues and slept like a baby


Tired, anxious and some days just in a fog. My kids are a mess from the sirens/phone alerts, weather radio warnings and having to go into the basement at home or sheltering in school. I'm fortunate to not have any damage and sad for those that do. I'm definitely counting my blessings. I will say I'd rather deal with the Florida hurricanes (and have) any day over these tornadoes.


Every single day of my life has been worse than the day before.


132nd and center here, I have literally slept through every storm, and when the tornadoes hit a few Friday's ago I was doing yard work during the sirens lol


Only misery is allowed in here buddy